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More on the flotilla

I just realized something. Unlike Muslims who have bombed America, the few instances where Americans have died by Israelis is because the Americans have been where they should not have been: in front of a bulldozer (how stupid is that?), in the middle of a war (1967), and this flotilla disaster...

All those took place outside Israel.
I just realized something. Unlike Muslims who have bombed America, the few instances where Americans have died by Israelis is because the Americans have been where they should not have been: in front of a bulldozer (how stupid is that?),
So stupid.


in the middle of a war (1967),
There was a war going on in international waters?


and this flotilla disaster...

How dare they attempt to deliver basic necessities to people who are being deprived of them?


I find it hilarious that American Zionists are willing to blame their own countrymen before even thinking of criticizing their handlers in Israel. :lol:

Surely, America was to blame for these incidents as well:

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How badly did your "founding fathers" want a Jewish State?

Let's ask Yitzhak Shamir of the Stern Gang:

"Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler.

"By 1940-41, the 'Stern Gang,' among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the 'Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany.'"

51 Docs

Shit clumps, huh?
How dare they attempt to deliver basic necessities to people who are being deprived of them?
Photojournalist Tom Gross, who publicized photos from Saturday's event on his website, noted that the opening coincided with a visit to Gaza from European Union foreign policy director Catherine Ashton. "The BBC and other media have featured extensive reports all day long on what they term the dire economic situation in Gaza; why are they not mentioning the new shopping mall that opened there yesterday?” Gross asked.
Pictures of the new mall were featured on the Palestinian Authority Safa website and by the Associated Press. A variety of stores sell cosmetics, clothing, office supplies, toys, shoes, appliances and more. The mall boasts air conditioning and a delivery service. ...
Gross, who has previously posted pictures of fancy restaurants, shops filled with goods, and even an Olympic-size swimming pool during the "Israeli siege", pointed out that Gaza enjoys a higher standard of living than Turkey, ...
Gaza, a nation not so starving with a luxury new mall - Raleigh Christian Living | Examiner.com
"AMY GOODMAN: Well Amira, let me ask you, President Obama praised Netanyahu for the easing of the blockade. Can you talk about what that means?

AMIRA HASS: Perhaps Obama should ask himself if he would set aside in life of just getting chips and ketchup and Coca-Cola and not being allowed to produce, to create, to export, to send his daughters to university, to have visitors from outside—if this is the life that he thinks are suitable for human beings, then maybe all the Americans who voted for him made a mistake.

AMY GOODMAN: Well explain—

AMIRA HASS: Because the blockade here. Look, everybody talks about food when we come to this blockade.

"So now Israel is giving some more items of food, allowing the Palestinian merchants to buy some more items of food to get into Gaza and maybe some other stuff, I don’t know.

"But everything which is connected to raw materials for industry, for producing, anything connected to construction material is very limited. Nothing has changed. So adding ketchup, as somebody told me, does not make people feel that the blockade is over.

"Maybe now there are more types of shampoo that Israel will allow to enter. But anyway, in the past years, Palestinians have managed to bring in shampoo and some other hygiene products from Egypt through the tunnels.

"This is not the blockade.

"The blockade is about being imprisoned in Gaza.

"This is the real closure.

"This is the real siege.

"And this is not going to change.

"Only today there was a court hearing of the petition of a Palestinian lawyer, woman lawyer, female lawyer, from Gaza who wants to complete her M.A. Studies at the University and the state does not allow her because they say when it comes to the passage, the movement of human beings, nothing has changed.

"They still do not allow or they haven’t been allowed anywhere for the past ten or fifteen years but evermore severely, they don’t allow the passage, the movement of people between Gaza and the West Bank except in some rare, very exceptional humanitarian cases.

"So this remains the same.

"This remains the same. also, Palestinians cannot export.

"Israel is talking only about bringing in products, not exporting.

"So even if Palestinians got raw materials, for example for textiles for furniture, the traditional industry that Gazans excel at, they are not allowed to export them.

"So they won’t earn a living. So Gaza is a huge prison where people are dependent on charity, some sort of charity. This situation is not going to change now, with Israel’s new measures."

Amira Hass
Yep they only made Turkish Fish Food! YUMMIE!!! :eusa_whistle:

No state will allow you to take contraband across borders.

You dis the California trooper when you try to bring an apple across the border, you will not get loving treatment from him either. Unless you are into things like handcuffs.
What contraband?

Cell phones,camcorders, and wallets?

What borders?

The Mavi Marmara was assaulted in international waters on FUCKING MEMORIAL DAY... you know, the day Americans celebrate their heroes who have died in war.

At least Israel didn't send torpedo boats this time, and they only managed to murder a single US citizen.

Maybe you can try harder next July 4th.
Eight years of missiles Kalam. Fault Israel for killing Palestinians better than Palestinians kill Israeli, yes. Do not expect me to believe that they would not have killed more had they been able to do so. I was there when busses and cafes were suicide targets. The desire to do far greater harm is there.

The weapons, often generically referred to as Qassams, were initially crude and short-range, mainly affecting the Israeli city of Sderot and other communities bordering the Gaza Strip. However, in 2006 more sophisticated rockets began to be deployed, reaching the larger coastal city of Ashkelon, and by early 2009 major cities Ashdod and Beersheba had been hit by Katyusha and Grad rockets.

Attacks have been carried out by all Palestinian armed groups,[4] and, prior to the 2008–2009 Gaza War, were consistently supported by most Palestinians,[5][6][7][8] though the stated goals have been mixed. The attacks, widely condemned for targeting civilians, have been designated as terrorism by United Nations, European Union and Israeli officials, and are defined as war crimes by human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Defenses constructed specifically to deal with the weapons include fortifications for schools and bus stops as well as an alarm system named Red Color. A system to intercept short-range rockets is being developed.

The attacks were a stated cause of the Gaza blockade, Operation Cast Lead (Dec 27, 2008 – Jan 21, 2009) and other Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip, including Operation Rainbow (May, 2004) and Operation Days of Penitence (2004), Operation Summer Rains (2006), Operation Autumn Clouds (2006), and Operation Hot Winter (2008).


So, yes. Clearly Israel is far better able to kill. This would seem to suggest to the Palestinians that they would be better off to reform and move to Peace.

Why would they? They are power bases with large incoming funds. The House of Saud pays all of them to get together and talk.

But nothing gets done.

So, this should prove that Israel does not respond with equal force, and why should they? Their pattern is and has been to respond harshly. Symmetrical fighting? If someone attacks me with a knife and I have a gun. I'm not running for a knife. More than one bullet as well.

So, maybe quit the rockets? No?

Then take what comes. Israel will as well.
Eight years of missiles Kalam. Fault Israel for killing Palestinians better than Palestinians kill Israeli, yes. Do not expect me to believe that they would not have killed more had they been able to do so. I was there when busses and cafes were suicide targets. The desire to do far greater harm is there.

The weapons, often generically referred to as Qassams, were initially crude and short-range, mainly affecting the Israeli city of Sderot and other communities bordering the Gaza Strip. However, in 2006 more sophisticated rockets began to be deployed, reaching the larger coastal city of Ashkelon, and by early 2009 major cities Ashdod and Beersheba had been hit by Katyusha and Grad rockets.

Attacks have been carried out by all Palestinian armed groups,[4] and, prior to the 2008–2009 Gaza War, were consistently supported by most Palestinians,[5][6][7][8] though the stated goals have been mixed. The attacks, widely condemned for targeting civilians, have been designated as terrorism by United Nations, European Union and Israeli officials, and are defined as war crimes by human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Defenses constructed specifically to deal with the weapons include fortifications for schools and bus stops as well as an alarm system named Red Color. A system to intercept short-range rockets is being developed.

The attacks were a stated cause of the Gaza blockade, Operation Cast Lead (Dec 27, 2008 – Jan 21, 2009) and other Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip, including Operation Rainbow (May, 2004) and Operation Days of Penitence (2004), Operation Summer Rains (2006), Operation Autumn Clouds (2006), and Operation Hot Winter (2008).


So, yes. Clearly Israel is far better able to kill. This would seem to suggest to the Palestinians that they would be better off to reform and move to Peace.

Why would they? They are power bases with large incoming funds. The House of Saud pays all of them to get together and talk.

But nothing gets done.

So, this should prove that Israel does not respond with equal force, and why should they? Their pattern is and has been to respond harshly. Symmetrical fighting? If someone attacks me with a knife and I have a gun. I'm not running for a knife. More than one bullet as well.

So, maybe quit the rockets? No?

Then take what comes. Israel will as well.

Israel does mooch more money and weapons than the Palestinians. That's a fact.

I hear a lot of "terrorism" from the name callers, but I don't see them hauling anyone into international court for these supposed violations.

Could it be that settlers are not classified as civilians? Could it be that the Palestinians do not attack outside their own borders? Could it be that the Palestinians have the universally recognized right to self determination and self defense?

This blows a hole in that "terrorist" propaganda.
Eight years of missiles Kalam.

Which means nothing when we remember that they caused just over 30 deaths. Hamas, for a while, also put an end to rocket and mortar attacks and attempted to convince other groups to do so in late 2008. They rightfully resumed when the Zionists failed to make any meaningful move toward lifting the blockade.
Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Arabs are simply peace makers and the Jews are simply killers who don't want peace. Is that what you mean?

There is only one side. PF's side? Do you know PF's side?

Eight years of missiles Kalam.

Which means nothing when we remember that they caused just over 30 deaths. Hamas, for a while, also put an end to rocket and mortar attacks and attempted to convince other groups to do so in late 2008.

Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Arabs are simply peace makers and the Jews are simply killers who don't want peace. Is that what you mean?

There is only one side. PF's side? Do you know PF's side?

They rightfully resumed when the Zionists failed to make any meaningful move toward lifting the blockade.

We should just charge the jews market price for the land they stole, that'll make them hightail it outta there.
Eight years of missiles Kalam.
Which means nothing when we remember that they caused just over 30 deaths.
Good argument in favor of joos, indeed, the latter could've shot Gaza whole up, but didn't, having shown a remarkable restraint. Very much humanitarian, of course.
Hamas, for a while, also put an end to rocket and mortar attacks and attempted to convince other groups to do so in late 2008. They rightfully resumed when the Zionists failed to make any meaningful move toward lifting the blockade.
Very old and unoriginal excuses.
Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Arabs are simply peace makers and the Jews are simply killers who don't want peace. Is that what you mean?

There is only one side. PF's side? Do you know PF's side?

Do you know Begin's side?

"Hezbollah is a doomsday movement. You need to understand the Shi'ite faith to understand their ideology.

"They believe in the eventuality of a conflict between good and evil.

"For them, the return of the Madhi (a revered ninth-century imam) and the final victory against the forces of evil is inevitable.

"When Nasrallah talks about 'winning' and 'losing,' he looks at the greater picture."

"So what are we to do, dear friends?

"Follow the ideas of, say, former Israeli Prime Minister and current opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who with good reason decries Hezbollah as terrorists, while in the same month (this July) celebrated a two day commemoration of the Isareli terrorist group Irgun blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946 to get rid of the British mandate?

"Ninety-two people were murdered on that horrific day of terrorism: seventeen Jews, twenty-eight Brits and forty-one Arabs.

"The leader of the group was Menachem Begin, who, as mentioned earlier, would become Prime Minister of Israel.

"In 2005 he was polled as the statesman Israelis most missed."

Chomsky in Lebanon

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