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More on the flotilla

Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Because the Zionists insist on stealing land and depriving the people of Gaza of basic necessities, they should expect rockets and worse.

The purpose of Qassam rockets isn't to cause large numbers of deaths -- they are a psychological weapon. They're also far less than what the Zionists deserve.
Eight years of missiles Kalam.
Which means nothing when we remember that they caused just over 30 deaths.
Good argument in favor of joos, indeed, the latter could've shot Gaza whole up, but didn't,

I know news probably doesn't get around quickly in the insane asylum, but the "joos" perpetrated a massacre of sorts in the Gaza strip 2 years ago.

Very old and unoriginal excuses.
Not to mention legitimate.
Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Because the Zionists insist on stealing land and depriving the people of Gaza of basic necessities, they should expect rockets and worse.

The purpose of Qassam rockets isn't to cause large numbers of deaths -- they are a psychological weapon. They're also far less than what the Zionists deserve.

When the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, they did not immediately impose a blockade. It was only after the rockets (crude or not) started falling constantly, and deprived some Israelis of a normal life. Eight years.
When the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, they did not immediately impose a blockade. It was only after the rockets (crude or not)
The blockade was imposed in 2007 as a response to Hamas taking control of the Gaza strip.

started falling constantly, and deprived some Israelis of a normal life. Eight years.
And, again, they deserve every bit of that and much more.
Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Because the Zionists insist on stealing land and depriving the people of Gaza of basic necessities, they should expect rockets and worse.

The purpose of Qassam rockets isn't to cause large numbers of deaths -- they are a psychological weapon. They're also far less than what the Zionists deserve.

When the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, they did not immediately impose a blockade. It was only after the rockets (crude or not) started falling constantly, and deprived some Israelis of a normal life. Eight years.

Not true.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

JERUSALEM, Nov. 15 -- The final push began Monday night. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice launched a mediation session in her ninth-floor suite at 11 p.m., meeting alternately with Israel and Palestinian delegations and refusing to allow either side to go to bed until they reached the elusive deal.

The issue on the table was access to the Gaza Strip. Israel ended its 38-year presence in Gaza in mid-September, turning it over to the Palestinians, but had maintained tight control over the crossing points. During two months of sporadic violence, Palestinians and Israelis were unable to reach a border agreement, and the strip remained mostly sealed off.

Rice Negotiates Deal to Open Gaza Crossings - washingtonpost.com

Even after the agreement, Israel maintained control of the crossings and shipping.
Epitome of Hutzpah:

"From an unbiased viewpoint, even if it were true that present-day Jews are descended from an ancient people forcibly exiled from Palestine, it would clearly not justify Zionist colonization and the ‘repossession’ of the country after two millennia from its long-standing inhabitants.

"This is the epitome of hutzpah coming from Zionists, who deny the right of return to the Palestinians they evicted and exiled 62 years ago."

Moshe Machover
When the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, they did not immediately impose a blockade. It was only after the rockets (crude or not)
The blockade was imposed in 2007 as a response to Hamas taking control of the Gaza strip.

started falling constantly, and deprived some Israelis of a normal life. Eight years.
And, again, they deserve every bit of that and much more.

It was not much of a blockade in those first years. Palestinians continually came in to work and blow themselves and their young up around Israeli citizenry.

The blockade increased. Act for act, Israel has always (when they chose to) responded with increased severity.

This is why discussion is so hard here. There are two sides unless one side is for the destruction of the other side. If that is the case, then I say.

Israel is ready.

Israel could easily destroy both West Bank and Gaza had they wanted to and the same can not be said of the Palestinians. If they could, there would be no Israel.

So, we wait for the attacks. When they come, Israel will respond. They are ready.

Ah Kalam. So, because the Arabs are not as good at killing the Jews, we should allow them to get more Jews?

Because the Zionists insist on stealing land and depriving the people of Gaza of basic necessities, they should expect rockets and worse.

The purpose of Qassam rockets isn't to cause large numbers of deaths -- they are a psychological weapon. They're also far less than what the Zionists deserve.

I mean look here. PF wants Israel eliminated. There's no ground for discussion there. George? Well he just has his hate along with Jos to keep them warm. Even the moderates such as Sunni Man and Kalam can only see one side which means they must support everything that Hamas does.

There's no ground for discussion.

Just spewed diatribe....

Well, I am learning to spew in my own way.

It's still spewed diatribe though. But, if that's all there is, that's all there is.

I see much death coming from intractability. I am a military man and the kill ratios I see being inventoried are horrendous.

I see that it comes....
Some World War I Profits:

"The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits – ah! that is another matter – twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent – the sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear.

"Uncle Sam has the money. Let's get it.

"Of course, it isn't put that crudely in war time.

"It is dressed into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and 'we must all put our shoulders to the wheel,' but the profits jump and leap and skyrocket – and are safely pocketed. Let's just take a few examples:

"Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people – didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something? How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation. Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year.

"It wasn't much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it. Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918.

"Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good.

"An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent.

"Take one of our little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside the making of rails and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials.

"Well, their 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $6,000,000.

"Then came the war. And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly turned to munitions making.

"Did their profits jump – or did they let Uncle Sam in for a bargain? Well, their 1914-1918 average was $49,000,000 a year!"

War is a Racket

Get it, yet?

They indoctrinate their young and then use them as their fighting devices as well as turn them into media splashes on the web.


Palestinian Textbooks Preach Hate and Support Terrorism

By Andrew Cochran said:
The Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based organization which examines Palestinian culture, today released an important new report on the content of textbooks introduced at the end of last year into the 12th grade in schools run by the Palestinian Authority. The books lie about the U.S., Israel, and the West in general, and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious. At a press conference today with PMW to announce the report, Sen. Hillary Clinton branded the textbooks as “indoctrination” and part of a campaign which “poisons minds” of Palestinian children against any tolerance of Israel and the West.

Story continues below…

The report took whole sections of the textbooks and translated them into English, and the translations are stunning in their hatred and radicalism. To quote from the report, “The PA schoolbooks teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial, nationalistic conflict, but a religious battle for Islam. The educators define the conflict with Israel as “Ribat”- a concept from Islamic tradition signifying Muslims defending the border areas of Islam.” Israel’s founding is described as “a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history,” and the kids are taught to envision a world in which Israel does not exist. Israel is referred to repeatedly as “the Zionist enemy;” “the enemy of this people;” and “the Zionist gangs.” Hezbollah is described as “Lebanese resistance for its liberation,” and the books teach that any country trying to prevent terrorism is guilty of violating international law. Quoting again, “The PA textbooks teach that everyone participates in Jihad, especially when it becomes necessary, as with the war to fight Israel and liberate ‘Palestine.’”

The U.S. doesn’t fare much better: “Both from what the PA has included about the United States as well as what was omitted, it is clear that the educational goal is to present the US as an enemy of the Arabs and Palestinians.” Terrorist attacks against U.S, and British soldiers are described as “brave resistance,” while U.S. economic aid for the PA is completely omitted, even though we have been among the chief providers of aid to the Palestinian people.

The lies and hatred taught to Palestinian schoolchildren are discussed in detail for pages in this report. You can download it in Acrobat or a Word document from the PMW site.

The question is whether the U.S. should continue funding the PA and the hate-filled textbooks used in indoctrinating Palestinian youth. Last week, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who helped put the 1993 WTC bombers behind bars, proposed a cessation of all funding after another attack by Aqsa Brigades terrorists, who are tied to Abbas, Fatah, and Hezbollah. Obviously, American taxpayers’ funds have already been used to brainwash Palestinian kids into hating America and their own neighbors. Hopefully Congress, when passing foreign aid appropriations for the next fiscal year, will either cut off all aid or condition further aid on a change in the PA educational system to excise the hate.

[...] “We will annihilate the Jews,” says a little girl, prompted by a Hamas terrorist wearing a Mickey Rat costume. This is the Palestinian version of the Mouseketeers, er, ah, “Tomorrow’s Pioneers.” Once again, the hateful, racist brainwashing of Palestinian children has been exposed. Thanks to an outcry by the blogsphere and mainstream media, “Hamas militants have suspended a TV program that featured a Mickey Mouse lookalike urging Palestinian children to fight Israel and work for global Islamic domination.” [...]


They indoctrinate their young and then use them as their fighting devices as well as turn them into media splashes on the web.


Palestinian Textbooks Preach Hate and Support Terrorism

By Andrew Cochran said:
The Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based organization which examines Palestinian culture, today released an important new report on the content of textbooks introduced at the end of last year into the 12th grade in schools run by the Palestinian Authority. The books lie about the U.S., Israel, and the West in general, and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious. At a press conference today with PMW to announce the report, Sen. Hillary Clinton branded the textbooks as “indoctrination” and part of a campaign which “poisons minds” of Palestinian children against any tolerance of Israel and the West.

Story continues below…

The report took whole sections of the textbooks and translated them into English, and the translations are stunning in their hatred and radicalism. To quote from the report, “The PA schoolbooks teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial, nationalistic conflict, but a religious battle for Islam. The educators define the conflict with Israel as “Ribat”- a concept from Islamic tradition signifying Muslims defending the border areas of Islam.” Israel’s founding is described as “a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history,” and the kids are taught to envision a world in which Israel does not exist. Israel is referred to repeatedly as “the Zionist enemy;” “the enemy of this people;” and “the Zionist gangs.” Hezbollah is described as “Lebanese resistance for its liberation,” and the books teach that any country trying to prevent terrorism is guilty of violating international law. Quoting again, “The PA textbooks teach that everyone participates in Jihad, especially when it becomes necessary, as with the war to fight Israel and liberate ‘Palestine.’”

The U.S. doesn’t fare much better: “Both from what the PA has included about the United States as well as what was omitted, it is clear that the educational goal is to present the US as an enemy of the Arabs and Palestinians.” Terrorist attacks against U.S, and British soldiers are described as “brave resistance,” while U.S. economic aid for the PA is completely omitted, even though we have been among the chief providers of aid to the Palestinian people.

The lies and hatred taught to Palestinian schoolchildren are discussed in detail for pages in this report. You can download it in Acrobat or a Word document from the PMW site.

The question is whether the U.S. should continue funding the PA and the hate-filled textbooks used in indoctrinating Palestinian youth. Last week, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who helped put the 1993 WTC bombers behind bars, proposed a cessation of all funding after another attack by Aqsa Brigades terrorists, who are tied to Abbas, Fatah, and Hezbollah. Obviously, American taxpayers’ funds have already been used to brainwash Palestinian kids into hating America and their own neighbors. Hopefully Congress, when passing foreign aid appropriations for the next fiscal year, will either cut off all aid or condition further aid on a change in the PA educational system to excise the hate.

[...] “We will annihilate the Jews,” says a little girl, prompted by a Hamas terrorist wearing a Mickey Rat costume. This is the Palestinian version of the Mouseketeers, er, ah, “Tomorrow’s Pioneers.” Once again, the hateful, racist brainwashing of Palestinian children has been exposed. Thanks to an outcry by the blogsphere and mainstream media, “Hamas militants have suspended a TV program that featured a Mickey Mouse lookalike urging Palestinian children to fight Israel and work for global Islamic domination.” [...]



This is disgusting what they teach their children, these kids should be hidden far from the frontlines.:eek:
They indoctrinate their young and then use them as their fighting devices as well as turn them into media splashes on the web.


Palestinian Textbooks Preach Hate and Support Terrorism

By Andrew Cochran said:
The Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based organization which examines Palestinian culture, today released an important new report on the content of textbooks introduced at the end of last year into the 12th grade in schools run by the Palestinian Authority. The books lie about the U.S., Israel, and the West in general, and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious. At a press conference today with PMW to announce the report, Sen. Hillary Clinton branded the textbooks as “indoctrination” and part of a campaign which “poisons minds” of Palestinian children against any tolerance of Israel and the West.

Story continues below…

The report took whole sections of the textbooks and translated them into English, and the translations are stunning in their hatred and radicalism. To quote from the report, “The PA schoolbooks teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial, nationalistic conflict, but a religious battle for Islam. The educators define the conflict with Israel as “Ribat”- a concept from Islamic tradition signifying Muslims defending the border areas of Islam.” Israel’s founding is described as “a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history,” and the kids are taught to envision a world in which Israel does not exist. Israel is referred to repeatedly as “the Zionist enemy;” “the enemy of this people;” and “the Zionist gangs.” Hezbollah is described as “Lebanese resistance for its liberation,” and the books teach that any country trying to prevent terrorism is guilty of violating international law. Quoting again, “The PA textbooks teach that everyone participates in Jihad, especially when it becomes necessary, as with the war to fight Israel and liberate ‘Palestine.’”

The U.S. doesn’t fare much better: “Both from what the PA has included about the United States as well as what was omitted, it is clear that the educational goal is to present the US as an enemy of the Arabs and Palestinians.” Terrorist attacks against U.S, and British soldiers are described as “brave resistance,” while U.S. economic aid for the PA is completely omitted, even though we have been among the chief providers of aid to the Palestinian people.

The lies and hatred taught to Palestinian schoolchildren are discussed in detail for pages in this report. You can download it in Acrobat or a Word document from the PMW site.

The question is whether the U.S. should continue funding the PA and the hate-filled textbooks used in indoctrinating Palestinian youth. Last week, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who helped put the 1993 WTC bombers behind bars, proposed a cessation of all funding after another attack by Aqsa Brigades terrorists, who are tied to Abbas, Fatah, and Hezbollah. Obviously, American taxpayers’ funds have already been used to brainwash Palestinian kids into hating America and their own neighbors. Hopefully Congress, when passing foreign aid appropriations for the next fiscal year, will either cut off all aid or condition further aid on a change in the PA educational system to excise the hate.

[...] “We will annihilate the Jews,” says a little girl, prompted by a Hamas terrorist wearing a Mickey Rat costume. This is the Palestinian version of the Mouseketeers, er, ah, “Tomorrow’s Pioneers.” Once again, the hateful, racist brainwashing of Palestinian children has been exposed. Thanks to an outcry by the blogsphere and mainstream media, “Hamas militants have suspended a TV program that featured a Mickey Mouse lookalike urging Palestinian children to fight Israel and work for global Islamic domination.” [...]



and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious.

Could you post the quote?
They indoctrinate their young and then use them as their fighting devices as well as turn them into media splashes on the web.


Palestinian Textbooks Preach Hate and Support Terrorism

By Andrew Cochran said:
The Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based organization which examines Palestinian culture, today released an important new report on the content of textbooks introduced at the end of last year into the 12th grade in schools run by the Palestinian Authority. The books lie about the U.S., Israel, and the West in general, and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious. At a press conference today with PMW to announce the report, Sen. Hillary Clinton branded the textbooks as “indoctrination” and part of a campaign which “poisons minds” of Palestinian children against any tolerance of Israel and the West.

Story continues below…

The report took whole sections of the textbooks and translated them into English, and the translations are stunning in their hatred and radicalism. To quote from the report, “The PA schoolbooks teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial, nationalistic conflict, but a religious battle for Islam. The educators define the conflict with Israel as “Ribat”- a concept from Islamic tradition signifying Muslims defending the border areas of Islam.” Israel’s founding is described as “a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history,” and the kids are taught to envision a world in which Israel does not exist. Israel is referred to repeatedly as “the Zionist enemy;” “the enemy of this people;” and “the Zionist gangs.” Hezbollah is described as “Lebanese resistance for its liberation,” and the books teach that any country trying to prevent terrorism is guilty of violating international law. Quoting again, “The PA textbooks teach that everyone participates in Jihad, especially when it becomes necessary, as with the war to fight Israel and liberate ‘Palestine.’”

The U.S. doesn’t fare much better: “Both from what the PA has included about the United States as well as what was omitted, it is clear that the educational goal is to present the US as an enemy of the Arabs and Palestinians.” Terrorist attacks against U.S, and British soldiers are described as “brave resistance,” while U.S. economic aid for the PA is completely omitted, even though we have been among the chief providers of aid to the Palestinian people.

The lies and hatred taught to Palestinian schoolchildren are discussed in detail for pages in this report. You can download it in Acrobat or a Word document from the PMW site.



and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious.

Could you post the quote?

They indoctrinate their young and then use them as their fighting devices as well as turn them into media splashes on the web.


Palestinian Textbooks Preach Hate and Support Terrorism

By Andrew Cochran said:
The Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based organization which examines Palestinian culture, today released an important new report on the content of textbooks introduced at the end of last year into the 12th grade in schools run by the Palestinian Authority. The books lie about the U.S., Israel, and the West in general, and brainwash the kids into believing that terrorist attacks against us are appropriate and meritorious. At a press conference today with PMW to announce the report, Sen. Hillary Clinton branded the textbooks as “indoctrination” and part of a campaign which “poisons minds” of Palestinian children against any tolerance of Israel and the West.

Story continues below…

The report took whole sections of the textbooks and translated them into English, and the translations are stunning in their hatred and radicalism. To quote from the report, “The PA schoolbooks teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial, nationalistic conflict, but a religious battle for Islam. The educators define the conflict with Israel as “Ribat”- a concept from Islamic tradition signifying Muslims defending the border areas of Islam.” Israel’s founding is described as “a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history,” and the kids are taught to envision a world in which Israel does not exist. Israel is referred to repeatedly as “the Zionist enemy;” “the enemy of this people;” and “the Zionist gangs.” Hezbollah is described as “Lebanese resistance for its liberation,” and the books teach that any country trying to prevent terrorism is guilty of violating international law. Quoting again, “The PA textbooks teach that everyone participates in Jihad, especially when it becomes necessary, as with the war to fight Israel and liberate ‘Palestine.’”

The U.S. doesn’t fare much better: “Both from what the PA has included about the United States as well as what was omitted, it is clear that the educational goal is to present the US as an enemy of the Arabs and Palestinians.” Terrorist attacks against U.S, and British soldiers are described as “brave resistance,” while U.S. economic aid for the PA is completely omitted, even though we have been among the chief providers of aid to the Palestinian people.

The lies and hatred taught to Palestinian schoolchildren are discussed in detail for pages in this report. You can download it in Acrobat or a Word document from the PMW site.

The question is whether the U.S. should continue funding the PA and the hate-filled textbooks used in indoctrinating Palestinian youth. Last week, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who helped put the 1993 WTC bombers behind bars, proposed a cessation of all funding after another attack by Aqsa Brigades terrorists, who are tied to Abbas, Fatah, and Hezbollah. Obviously, American taxpayers’ funds have already been used to brainwash Palestinian kids into hating America and their own neighbors. Hopefully Congress, when passing foreign aid appropriations for the next fiscal year, will either cut off all aid or condition further aid on a change in the PA educational system to excise the hate.

[...] “We will annihilate the Jews,” says a little girl, prompted by a Hamas terrorist wearing a Mickey Rat costume. This is the Palestinian version of the Mouseketeers, er, ah, “Tomorrow’s Pioneers.” Once again, the hateful, racist brainwashing of Palestinian children has been exposed. Thanks to an outcry by the blogsphere and mainstream media, “Hamas militants have suspended a TV program that featured a Mickey Mouse lookalike urging Palestinian children to fight Israel and work for global Islamic domination.” [...]



The quote is by me. Read above.

I find you very lost to reality PF. You read to simply negate. High_Gravity posted a quote of me forwarding another quote.

This is a quote of me posting a quote ...

Doh! Do I need to repeat it again?


You are truly a lost mind PF.

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