More on the prom canceling

Nope, you've got it wrong. She is equal so the rule was wrong.


And, I'm pleased to witness the death of School District Sponsored Dances (proms) or whatever the hell stupid crap is leftover from 1955 that has no business being the business of Public Schools.

I only wish Rug Munchers and their Dyke friends would try-out for Football. Then we could eliminate that stupidity also. I wish all Band Members would come out of the fucking closet, so we could eliminate that bullshit too.

YOu obviously didn't know anyone in band, not a lot of gay people from what I have seen. For one we used to buy pot from the band kids, and most of them were a hell of a lot more interesting than the football players. And everyone from my class who has come out has been either on the football team or the track team.


Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.
The bigotted school board, or whoever ruled the prom cancelled, ruined it.


The other choice was a lawsuit by the ACLU, I don't blame them for canceling the prom, given the circumstances I would too. She is responsible for the prom being canceled. Heck she planned it, did you not read that she went to them in December and again in February, she wanted to make darn good and sure they knew she was gonna wear a tux and bring a female date which was against the school rules. Then she's surprised that after getting an ACLU lawyer to sue the school district for her, they cancel the prom?

That's like me not wanting people to come to my barbecue who use foul language and being sued by the ACLU for infringing on their right to free speech. I'd just cancel the barbecue.

no its not you cannot freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want sure people can swere but its impolite, the problem is the judge said the school did voiltion of her first amendment rights

Such a big deal? like an 18 year needs more stress fighiting school getting hate from school for her rights to be know well enough? demands she ask to bring her gf and wear a tux what kind of bank robbery is this? Of course someone like you need to put spin on it and make the girl fault. for some stupid reason.

And her rights will still have been violated.

And public schools will never cancel another prom to prevent gay couples from attending ever again.

oh i am sure they be careuflly and covering there butt's over this the only reason the judge did not order the prom back cause of the fact there a PRIVATE PROM.

Actually, I think that's the end of Proms for this school, and other schools as well. It only takes one to ruin it for everybody, and yes, because all the schools will be carefully covering their butts. The easiest way being to cancel the proms.

The other choice was a lawsuit by the ACLU, I don't blame them for canceling the prom, given the circumstances I would too. She is responsible for the prom being canceled. Heck she planned it, did you not read that she went to them in December and again in February, she wanted to make darn good and sure they knew she was gonna wear a tux and bring a female date which was against the school rules. Then she's surprised that after getting an ACLU lawyer to sue the school district for her, they cancel the prom?

That's like me not wanting people to come to my barbecue who use foul language and being sued by the ACLU for infringing on their right to free speech. I'd just cancel the barbecue.

no its not you cannot freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want sure people can swere but its impolite, the problem is the judge said the school did voiltion of her first amendment rights

Such a big deal? like an 18 year needs more stress fighiting school getting hate from school for her rights to be know well enough? demands she ask to bring her gf and wear a tux what kind of bank robbery is this? Of course someone like you need to put spin on it and make the girl fault. for some stupid reason.

And public schools will never cancel another prom to prevent gay couples from attending ever again.

oh i am sure they be careuflly and covering there butt's over this the only reason the judge did not order the prom back cause of the fact there a PRIVATE PROM.

Actually, I think that's the end of Proms for this school, and other schools as well. It only takes one to ruin it for everybody, and yes, because all the schools will be carefully covering their butts. The easiest way being to cancel the proms.


And, I'm pleased to witness the death of School District Sponsored Dances (proms) or whatever the hell stupid crap is leftover from 1955 that has no business being the business of Public Schools.

I only wish Rug Munchers and their Dyke friends would try-out for Football. Then we could eliminate that stupidity also. I wish all Band Members would come out of the fucking closet, so we could eliminate that bullshit too.

YOu obviously didn't know anyone in band, not a lot of gay people from what I have seen. For one we used to buy pot from the band kids, and most of them were a hell of a lot more interesting than the football players. And everyone from my class who has come out has been either on the football team or the track team.


Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.
Oh, I get it. You don't want the students to have any fun. That's too is so institutionalized now that a lot of them would drop out without the extra curricular activities. Luckily, most school boards know this and the vast majority of them won't do away with the prom.
I don't, never have....why do you think I do?

Uhh, because you don't think closing down an entire prom to keep a couple of lesbians from attending is bigoted. Duh?

No, the prom was closed down to avoid a lawsuit.....different reason entirely.

Who fucking cares?

It was a family affair, there were children there and their behavior was inappropriate. As a mom, I care. And right now I feel like calling you a perve because you think such behavior is appropriate in front of CHILDREN.

how is kissing french inappropriate don't like don't watch it turn your head close your eyes there nothing wrong this

And by the way, I have gay friends
Of course you do. Its practically a rule that to be a bigot you have to have a few token friends who are from the group that is the object of your bigotry. Everyone who hates blacks, for instance, has a black friend. Its a physical law of nature.

Yes of course, anybody not in favor of suing the school at the first opportunity is a bigot...

when someone rights is volition is right to sue. so now student hopefully won't go through crap like this but people like you need to go away first.

The other choice was a lawsuit by the ACLU, I don't blame them for canceling the prom, given the circumstances I would too. She is responsible for the prom being canceled. Heck she planned it, did you not read that she went to them in December and again in February, she wanted to make darn good and sure they knew she was gonna wear a tux and bring a female date which was against the school rules. Then she's surprised that after getting an ACLU lawyer to sue the school district for her, they cancel the prom?

That's like me not wanting people to come to my barbecue who use foul language and being sued by the ACLU for infringing on their right to free speech. I'd just cancel the barbecue.

no its not you cannot freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want sure people can swere but its impolite, the problem is the judge said the school did voiltion of her first amendment rights

Such a big deal? like an 18 year needs more stress fighiting school getting hate from school for her rights to be know well enough? demands she ask to bring her gf and wear a tux what kind of bank robbery is this? Of course someone like you need to put spin on it and make the girl fault. for some stupid reason.

And public schools will never cancel another prom to prevent gay couples from attending ever again.

oh i am sure they be careuflly and covering there butt's over this the only reason the judge did not order the prom back cause of the fact there a PRIVATE PROM.

Actually, I think that's the end of Proms for this school, and other schools as well. It only takes one to ruin it for everybody, and yes, because all the schools will be carefully covering their butts. The easiest way being to cancel the proms.
The easiest thing to do would be not make rules that violate someone's rights.
YOu obviously didn't know anyone in band, not a lot of gay people from what I have seen. For one we used to buy pot from the band kids, and most of them were a hell of a lot more interesting than the football players. And everyone from my class who has come out has been either on the football team or the track team.

Yeah all the gays do theater, not band. And as a former band member I can attest to this fact - we had good drugs.
It was posted to you in the other thread, but apparently you only believe what you want to believe. The school turned her down before she went to the ACLU.

Judge: Lesbian student's rights violated -

Even though your attitude makes it difficult, I was all prepared to apologize and change my mind on the case, until I got to the following: "Gay Miss. teen gets $30,000 on 'Ellen'"

Yeah, right, it's not about money. It's about money AND fame. She's not dumb.

Because she knew Ellen would give her a scholarship. :lol:

Or maybe she did it to stand up for herself and her beliefs, and not let people get away with treating her like a second class citizen. Would you sit back and let someone violate your constitutionals rights? I doubt it.

No, I would show up at the prom and see what happened, if they wouldn't let me in, THEN I would have sued.

And, I'm pleased to witness the death of School District Sponsored Dances (proms) or whatever the hell stupid crap is leftover from 1955 that has no business being the business of Public Schools.

I only wish Rug Munchers and their Dyke friends would try-out for Football. Then we could eliminate that stupidity also. I wish all Band Members would come out of the fucking closet, so we could eliminate that bullshit too.

YOu obviously didn't know anyone in band, not a lot of gay people from what I have seen. For one we used to buy pot from the band kids, and most of them were a hell of a lot more interesting than the football players. And everyone from my class who has come out has been either on the football team or the track team.


Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.

If it is a school sponsored event they have no right to say who is allowed. And if they have a problem with that they should either get over it, home school their child, or send them to private school.
If I am paying taxes to fund my child's education, the school or parents better not try to tell my child who they can take to prom.
YOu obviously didn't know anyone in band, not a lot of gay people from what I have seen. For one we used to buy pot from the band kids, and most of them were a hell of a lot more interesting than the football players. And everyone from my class who has come out has been either on the football team or the track team.

Yeah all the gays do theater, not band. And as a former band member I can attest to this fact - we had good drugs.

I did both, but you are right about the drugs, them being sold by the band leader and all.....
Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.
Oh, I get it. You don't want the students to have any fun. That's too is so institutionalized now that a lot of them would drop out without the extra curricular activities. Luckily, most school boards know this and the vast majority of them won't do away with the prom.[/QUOTE]

I'd personally like to see money taken from cheerleading squads and spent on female athletics. A lot of the reason people have to bitch about Title IX in college athletics is there is often not enough females who WANT athletic scholarships - prolly has something to do with in h.s. being more encouraged to be cheerleaders and dancing sluts than actual athletes.
I was actually the mascot for half the football games. Me and this other guy in marching band rotated. It was a giant bear suit. Hot as fuck. But as a mascot I got to ride to the game with the cheerleading squad instead of the band, so that was definitley rad. Never got me any, though. Drugs and alcohol did a better job of that.

I was a VP.

During Summer School.

When I also Taught.

Running the Circus gives you a totally different perspective than buying a ticket to get in.

If people knew how much it cost to train, equip, and transport the freaking bands, mascots, and cheerleaders of USA Public High Schools, they'd shit.


I guess we should not provide a well rounded education for our children.

WTF does watching some pimply fucker in a Bear Suit dancing with Scantilly Clad Jail Bait to Tuba's playing the "Theme From StarWars" have to do with a, "well rounded education?"
Even though your attitude makes it difficult, I was all prepared to apologize and change my mind on the case, until I got to the following: "Gay Miss. teen gets $30,000 on 'Ellen'"

Yeah, right, it's not about money. It's about money AND fame. She's not dumb.

Because she knew Ellen would give her a scholarship. :lol:

Or maybe she did it to stand up for herself and her beliefs, and not let people get away with treating her like a second class citizen. Would you sit back and let someone violate your constitutionals rights? I doubt it.

No, I would show up at the prom and see what happened, if they wouldn't let me in, THEN I would have sued.

She knew what their policy was, she asked for permission to attend with her girlfriend, which is the right way to do things. It also doesn't matter the way she did it, her RIGHTS were still violated. You just have a problem with her lifestyle, and cannot admit the school was wrong.
WTF does watching some pimply fucker in a Bear Suit dancing with scantilly clad jail bait to Tuba's playing the "Theme From StarWars" have to do with a, "well rounded education?"


You wouldn't have seen my pimples though, just my bear head.

My HS was the perfect example of missapropriated funds. Its was a private school. They were able to secure $2,000,000 in donations to landscape a fucking courtyard to celebrate the schools centenial, meanwhile, the entire 4 years I was there, the music stands in the band room were falling to shambles - you literally had to screw them back together after every song.

I'd agree, BTW, that more money should be spent teaching kids who want to learn music how to play actual music - like orchestra or jazz or even how to rock a guitar - instead of having them toil away after school every day during football season learning to march in stupid patterns that no one is going to watch anyway.
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Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.
Oh, I get it. You don't want the students to have any fun. That's too is so institutionalized now that a lot of them would drop out without the extra curricular activities. Luckily, most school boards know this and the vast majority of them won't do away with the prom.

I'd personally like to see money taken from cheerleading squads and spent on female athletics. A lot of the reason people have to bitch about Title IX in college athletics is there is often not enough females who WANT athletic scholarships - prolly has something to do with in h.s. being more encouraged to be cheerleaders and dancing sluts than actual athletes.[/QUOTE]

If she wins a lawsuit, the taxpayer will be footing the bill to pay her off, so the tax payer should demand them done away with, because more suit like this will follow.
Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.
Oh, I get it. You don't want the students to have any fun. That's too is so institutionalized now that a lot of them would drop out without the extra curricular activities. Luckily, most school boards know this and the vast majority of them won't do away with the prom.

I'd personally like to see money taken from cheerleading squads and spent on female athletics. A lot of the reason people have to bitch about Title IX in college athletics is there is often not enough females who WANT athletic scholarships - prolly has something to do with in h.s. being more encouraged to be cheerleaders and dancing sluts than actual athletes.[/QUOTE]

When I was in highschool, the only interscholastic sport that girls could be involved in was volleyball. Too bad for me my game was basketball.
Really, I don't care if Queers are in the band, or the football team, or attending a prom, as long as Bible Thumpers can be compelled to ban whatever stupid fucking activity with which they are involved that has nothing to do with Public Education.
Oh, I get it. You don't want the students to have any fun. That's too is so institutionalized now that a lot of them would drop out without the extra curricular activities. Luckily, most school boards know this and the vast majority of them won't do away with the prom.

I'd personally like to see money taken from cheerleading squads and spent on female athletics. A lot of the reason people have to bitch about Title IX in college athletics is there is often not enough females who WANT athletic scholarships - prolly has something to do with in h.s. being more encouraged to be cheerleaders and dancing sluts than actual athletes.[/quote]
Please fix your post, I didn't say what you've quoted me saying.
You know, way back in junior high, when I was told I couldn't take shop, I wish my parents had supported me and I'd sued the school district, life would probably be a lot easier now. Apparently when my rights are denied, I follow the crowd.

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