More on the prom canceling

What are students going to do with they have no outlet? If you want the answer go to an inner city school with no programs like band or football.
In high school they also do quite a bit of fundraising for those activities, and at football games they charge an admissions fee. At my school if you were student you could buy a pass for the year, and if you are parent you can buy a booster card for cheaper admission. Shit, I haven't been in high school for ten years and my dad still buys a GSL booster card so he can go to football games, and my neices basketball games.
I can't even say how many car washes I worked in high school to raise money for the sport I was playing. We also paid for our prom, and started raising money for it our freshmen year.
But I guess your answer to it all, is just make our kids watch Cable tv. :lol:

And if all that went away because of one student, how would you feel.


Canceling one prom is a little different than canceling it all together. But nice try!
They have proven students involved in programs like band do better in school, and are more likely to go to college. I guess we could be a society where we just stare at the wall all day long.

You are confusing cause and effect:

Better Students Join Band.

Joining Band doesn't cause Better Students. If this was true, we'd by the entire 9th grade a fucking kazoo every year and add it to the curriculum.

"stare at the wall all day long?" What PLANET do you come from? Are you suggesting that human's are so unimaginative that without Marching Bands, the entire Entertainment Industy may be imperiled?

You don't get Cable TV do you?

What are students going to do with they have no outlet? If you want the answer go to an inner city school with no programs like band or football.
In high school they also do quite a bit of fundraising for those activities, and at football games they charge an admissions fee. At my school if you were student you could buy a pass for the year, and if you are parent you can buy a booster card for cheaper admission. Shit, I haven't been in high school for ten years and my dad still buys a GSL booster card so he can go to football games, and my neices basketball games.
I can't even say how many car washes I worked in high school to raise money for the sport I was playing. We also paid for our prom, and started raising money for it our freshmen year.
But I guess your answer to it all, is just make our kids watch Cable tv. :lol:

Um...I'm saying that it's a tad absurd to believe that we will have a "society where we just stare at the wall all day long," if we don't help fund High School Marching Bands, etc.

If a Booster Club, or whatever, wants to buy a bus and fuel, pay the driver, the coaching staff, insurance, security, clean-up crew, and all the other various and sundry expenses that you deem VITAL for the continuance of a society that doesn't "stare at the wall all day long," then they ought go right ahead and do it.
What are students going to do with they have no outlet? If you want the answer go to an inner city school with no programs like band or football.
In high school they also do quite a bit of fundraising for those activities, and at football games they charge an admissions fee. At my school if you were student you could buy a pass for the year, and if you are parent you can buy a booster card for cheaper admission. Shit, I haven't been in high school for ten years and my dad still buys a GSL booster card so he can go to football games, and my neices basketball games.
I can't even say how many car washes I worked in high school to raise money for the sport I was playing. We also paid for our prom, and started raising money for it our freshmen year.
But I guess your answer to it all, is just make our kids watch Cable tv. :lol:

And if all that went away because of one student, how would you feel.

there you go again "never say never".
If I went to that girls high school, I would have been right there beside her fighting for her rights.
Luckly for me, the staff at my high school were not a bunch of bigots and this would have never happened.

There you go again "never say never".
And if all that went away because of one student, how would you feel.

there you go again "never say never".
If I went to that girls high school, I would have been right there beside her fighting for her rights.
Luckly for me, the staff at my high school were not a bunch of bigots and this would have never happened.

There you go again "never say never".

I think I stated before that a lesbian couple attended my prom. You should remember since you responded to the post.
And the one gay kid who was actually out of closet was the one who ran our senior breakfast, and was our councelors aid. Like I said, this would have NEVER happened at my school.
i think very wrong there. I'm Jesus number one fan.

Then you should have gotten her point.

Jesus does not want you to be vindictive.

Like they say "whats good for the gander is good for the goose".

Well it is a good thing I am not a christian, and believe Jesus was either a myth or a normal man who did good things. So I don't have to play by his rules. ;)
Then you should have gotten her point.

Jesus does not want you to be vindictive.

Like they say "whats good for the gander is good for the goose".

Well it is a good thing I am not a christian, and believe Jesus was either a myth or a normal man who did good things. So I don't have to play by his rules. ;)

Well, apparently you and prom girl have alot in common, she thinks she shouldn't have to follow rules either.
Sorry,Ravi just caught me at a bad time.

I'm guessing you'll still squeeze through the eye of the needle.
Not sure...isn't one of the commandments to love your neighbor as you love yourself?

You're is a variation of the NEW Testament "golden rule," which could arguably, be a variation on the Old Testament commandment to "Love Thy Neighbor" (only in the heterosexual way, except, not his wife)."
Like they say "whats good for the gander is good for the goose".

Well it is a good thing I am not a christian, and believe Jesus was either a myth or a normal man who did good things. So I don't have to play by his rules. ;)

Well, apparently you and prom girl have alot in common, she thinks she shouldn't have to follow rules either.

that not the problem the problem was the volition of denying her the right to bring her gf and tux.

god people like you are the reason we can't move on. "but but the rules" tell me you go 30 mph on a road thats a posted speed limit number? i doubt you do.

don't tell me you do jay walk either. i am sure you do this to
[/IMG] Notice the man trying to pull the camel through the hole in the wall. That hole is the eye of a needle.

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