More people blame Bush than Obama for economic mess

The Economy did begin to tank miserably when the Democrats took control of Congress. This is fact. I always find it pretty entertaining watching the loyal Hopey Changeys spinning their guy's awful Unemployment numbers when you think back to when these same people used to whine incessantly about George Bush's 4% Unemployment numbers. So their guy's 10% Unemployment is good but Bush's 4% Unemployment was bad? Huh say whaaa? Hopey Changeys are pretty clueless for the most part. They are pretty fun entertainment through.
The economy was in great shape but once the Dems took control it went into the tank quickly.

All it took was a few changes in banking regulations and wala...we have a crisis.

Obama can't blame Bush for the simple fact that nobody trusts the government anymore. That's why jobs are being lost and nobody wants to invest large amounts of cash in anything.

bull crud mud! ;)

Excellent comeback.

Prove I'm wrong.

Today's economic insecurity isn't because of Bush but because of fears from changes in government regulations.....

via.................PHIL GRAMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent comeback.

Prove I'm wrong.

Today's economic insecurity isn't because of Bush but because of fears from changes in government regulations and from all of the spending.

Nobody trusts what Obama says anymore....unless you're black. Even the Libs don't trust him much anymore.

The Democrats didn't 'take control' until January 2009. By then the country had been in recession for over a year.

Man do you need a civics lesson.

Once Congress was in the hands of the Democrats Jan of 07' they started monkeying with banking regulations.
PHIL GRAMM was a Dem??!!!!!!

Everyone wants to blame Bush, while he was no angel, let's go back to what started this mess, mainly the housing market with no doc loans, sub prime loans, loans to people who could not afford them, we need to look to Clinton and his everyone deserves a house program, Barney Frank, Freddie and Fanny.


[ame=]YouTube - Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn[/ame]​
Let me know when or if this current President achieves 4% Unemployment and record high Stock Markets. Till then i'll continue to say he has failed miserably. In fact i'll even go further and say that he has completely sunk many future generations as well. It's actually pretty sad.
Everyone wants to blame Bush, while he was no angel, let's go back to what started this mess, mainly the housing market with no doc loans, sub prime loans, loans to people who could not afford them, we need to look to Clinton and his everyone deserves a house program, Barney Frank, Freddie and Fanny.


[ame=]YouTube - Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn[/ame]​

WTF s0n........................:wtf::wtf::wtf:

Not for nothing, but you've been a member for 2 months and you already have more posts than I do!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Go get a ride on your girls bike once in awhile bro...........its a beautiful country out there. Plus, its not healthy to spend 18 hours a day blogging. Pick a hobby...........perhaps you can join one of those gay SMARTCar clubs and hang at meets and eat some fcukking tofu and sip a latte. The lefty k00ks will always be here s0n, I promise you. You're not going to miss anything with your OCD sh!t. Look............Im just trying to help here..............or do you have a wooden leg or something?? Big as a house? Profound levles of acne?

Anyway ya go..............I hear this club embraces the oddballs of society
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The Economy did begin to tank miserably when the Democrats took control of Congress. This is fact. I always find it pretty entertaining watching the loyal Hopey Changeys spinning their guy's awful Unemployment numbers when you think back to when these same people used to whine incessantly about George Bush's 4% Unemployment numbers. So their guy's 10% Unemployment is good but Bush's 4% Unemployment was bad?
"CPS data show that the labor market weakness that began during the second half of 2007 worsened during 2008 as the U.S. economy entered a recession; unemployment rose sharply, both employment and the employment-population ratio declined, and median weekly earnings grew at about the same rate as inflation in 2008."

You don't have A CLUE, LibocalypseNow!!!!!!!!


sorry folks.............I cant help myself at the moment.

Because Geez........if you think about it. This asshat Shaman must put about 10 minutes into each post.............even color codes his underlined sh!t. Dollar to a stale donut, with that thread post count, the k00k is on here at least 20 hours/day.
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Not for nothing, but you've been a member for 2 months and you already have more posts than I do!!!:eek::eek::eek:
That's some big-deal, to you, huh??

What....the chickies, you go to Elementary School with, get a rise outta that, or something?

I blame murkins for this financial mess.
They're like greedy children that can't manage their allowance and lunch money.


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Not for nothing, but you've been a member for 2 months and you already have more posts than I do!!!:eek::eek::eek:
That's some big-deal, to you, huh??

What....the chickies, you go to Elementary School with, get a rise outta that, or something?

:rolleyes: I suspected. I figured I'd strike a bit of a nerve a few posts ago. Acne sucks bro..........had it bad back a few decades ago. Green soap is the sh!t by the way...........blows away any of the doctor prescribed BS.

Its all fun and games for the k00ks until they get their asses publically humiliated.

Shaman s0n..........................
This is exactly why conservatives loath liberals. Here's an asshat spending his whole life on the fcukking USMessageBoard while me and others work our asses off and end up supporting his lazy leech ass.

Id sooner cut off my own arm than sit around the fcukking house colleting government checks for the fcukking gay.

Real proud s0n huh???!!!!:udaman:
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This is exactly why conservatives loath liberals. Here's an asshat spending his whole life on the fcukking USMessageBoard while me and others work our asses off and end up supporting his lazy leech ass.

Id sooner cut off my own arm than sit around the fcukking house colleting government checks for the fcukking gay.

Real proud s0n huh???!!!!:udaman:

Your point would probably be much more salient if you identified who exactly you were talking to ... just saying ......

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