More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

Most of them cant stop offending long enough to serve out their time and vote legally
You really are nothing but unfounded prejudicial views of minorities, aren’t you?

You guys get really upset when you see black people voting. Don’t you? You can’t help but see a minority voting and assume they’re breaking the law when they’re exercising their constitutional rights.
You really are nothing but unfounded prejudicial views of minorities, aren’t you?

You guys get really upset when you see black people voting. Don’t you? You can’t help but see a minority voting and assume they’re breaking the law when they’re exercising their constitutional rights.
Yep. Ron DeSanctimonious thinks so, too.
Yep. Ron DeSanctimonious thinks so, too.
The D’Souza movie was the worst. They showed these video clips of a normal person just putting votes in a box and the time they’re talking about it like, “look at this guy, they’re so shifty and clearly up to something, they’re anxious and glancing around, it’s clearly because they’re violating the law”.
You really are nothing but unfounded prejudicial views of minorities, aren’t you?

If I said they were all minorities committing the fraud you would swear and be damned that a majority of convicted felons are white

Which means you have a lower opinion of your pet minority than I do

If I said they were all minorities committing the fraud you would swear and be damned that a majority of convicted felons are white

Which means you have a lower opinion of your pet minority than I do
I have a low opinion of you but it’s entirely founded on your pattern of posting. For example, describing people as “pets”.

Either way, your accusations of fraud really boil down to you being angry that people are voting and having their votes count. Seeing votes go into a ballot box isn’t fraud. It’s literally how voting works.
Here's a few more for you from the Heritage Foundation files Lord Long Rod :

In May 2021, Arizona indicted Tracy Lee McKay for voting in her dead mother’s name last November. McKay is a registered Republican. “Voter fraud cases are rare,” the Arizona Mirror reported.

Still, there appears to have been a bit of an epidemic of Republican dead mothers voting. In Pennsylvania, Robert Richard Lynn pleaded guilty in August to doing the same thing as McKay with his deceased mother’s ballot in the 2020 presidential election. In May, Bruce Bartman, to borrow poker vernacular, “saw Lynn and raised him one”: He pleaded guilty to registering to vote in both his dead mother’s name and that of his dead mother-in-law. He registered both women as Republicans, and actually cast a ballot as his mother. “I listened to too much propaganda and made a stupid mistake,” he told the judge at his sentencing.

Republican Ralph Holloway Thurman also made it a family affair. Thurman, a Pennsylvania voter, asked poll worker Eric Frank while voting whether he (Thurman) could vote for his son as well as himself. Hours after Frank answered “no,” he recognized Thurman back in line wearing sunglasses. Frank alerted authorities, resulting in Thurman’s successful prosecution for attempting to vote twice. The case gained notoriety last month when Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) honored his pledge to pay $25,000 to anyone reporting voter fraud. The pledge was intended to find proof of anti-Trump shenanigans, but last month Patrick sent a check to Frank, a Democrat who found proof of Republican voter fraud.

The Heritage Foundation database also lists Edward Snodgrass, a Republican town trustee in Ohio. He varied the family pattern from the maternal to the paternal, agreeing to plead guilty for voting for his dead father.

In Virginia, Jonathan Meade West Sr., an “unabashed conservative,” was convicted in January of trying to vote twice, once by absentee ballot and once in person.

And add to that, you've got Mark Meadows registering himself and wife in three different states, to vote.

The D’Souza movie was the worst. They showed these video clips of a normal person just putting votes in a box and the time they’re talking about it like, “look at this guy, they’re so shifty and clearly up to something, they’re anxious and glancing around, it’s clearly because they’re violating the law”.
2000 Mules was such a stinking pile of manufactured bullshit that not even Fox News would touch it.

And this is the organization which deliberately supported Trump's Big Lie knowing the election was valid.
Oh horrors

I should be ashamed of myself, huh?
You should, but for much more than that.

Again, you have crafted yourself a narrative based on nothing more than prejudice and anger at seeing people different from yourself being able to vote.
Not hardly

I’ve been suspicious of democrat voting fraud since long before trump came along
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are self-deluded.

In the immortal words of Richard Feynman, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool."
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are self-deluded.

In the immortal words of Richard Feynman, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool."
You're one deluded bitch to continue to believe the lies of the one who brought you trump Russian collusion and buried the hunter lap top news.
You're one deluded bitch to continue to believe the lies of the one who brought you trump Russian collusion and buried the hunter lap top news.
The laptop wasn’t buried. Everyone knew about it. It just wasn’t that big of a story. They tried to make it a big story, but there’s just no there there.

Just like you guys tried to make election fraud a big story. But there’s nothing there.
You're one deluded bitch to continue to believe the lies of the one who brought you trump Russian collusion and buried the hunter lap top news.
Quack quack quack.

How does it make you feel to learn that all the people at Fox News know you are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square?
The country did very well indeed under the Democrats' New Deal from the 1930's to 1980. With Europe in ruins after WWII, and with the only mass manufacturing in the world, the USA made billions helping the Europeans rebuild after WWII.

But once Europe and Japan rebuilt their manufacturing, with newer, more efficient equipment, and the Baby Boomers were all grown up and housed, the economy started to lag at the end of the 1970's. Reagan came in promising wealth and prosperity, cutting taxes, telling the American people that "deficits don't matter".

The mistake Democrats made was going along with and supporting this fiscal insanity for so long. That ended with Obama and Republicans lost their minds and have been descending into hate and violence ever since. Now they want to end democratic government completely to ensure white European culture (something that is a figment of their imaginations in the first place), prevails.
So Democrats had nothing to do with anything bad, got it, you partisans are all stupid, right or left. 70 years of being the majority and they could do nothing to stop the big bad GOP! You realize how stupid that sounds?
Quack quack quack.

How does it make you feel to learn that all the people at Fox News know you are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square?
Projecting little bit h to stupid to stop listening to those who have lied to you

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