More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

Um...retard? You have been gaslighted. Severely gaslighted.

In every single case where the party affiliation of the fraudster could be determined from the Heritage files, it was a Republican.

The Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, maintains a public database of ballot-fraud cases. A review of the database reveals an astonishing fact: In every listed indictment and conviction for voter fraud or other malfeasance in connection with the 2020 presidential general election, when the culprit’s political affiliation is known he or she turns out to be a Republican or “unabashed conservative.”

The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud

Several examples are cited in the link. The best one is the Republican who voted in his dead wife's name. She died of cancer in 2017. When the illegal ballot was discovered, he expressed shock and outrage that someone voted in his wife's name and cited it as proof the election was stolen! Then the Nevada GOP cited it with moral outrage. Then Tucker Carlson fell for the hoax and also cited it as proof the election was stolen by Democrats.

You can see the fraudster expressing his disbelief and surprise that someone voted in his dead wife's name in this tweet:

It takes a special kind of asshole to vote in his dead wife's name and then went on the air to express his shock and moan that someone "took advantage of his grief".

Nevada man who voted twice using dead wife’s ballot sentenced to probation, fined $2,000

A judge on Tuesday sentenced a Las Vegas man to probation on a charge he voted twice in the 2020 election by mailing in his deceased wife’s ballot.

And guess who perpetuated the fraudster's lies?

Tucker Carlson.

Here's Tucker Carlson's story where he fell for the hoax: Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

There is a retraction at the top since the hoax was discovered, but he sticks to his bullshit claim dead people voted and that it was done by Democrats.

Um, yeah. Except it was done by Republicans, dipshit.

In other words, you admit that Democrats and other gross critters commit voter fraud.
You;'re right about fraud. But in 2020 most of the voter fraud was committed by people voting FOR Trump.
Cite me, honey. Show me where it has been determined after a thoughtful and non-partisan review that "MOST" of the voter fraud was committed by Republicans.
Cite me, honey. Show me where it has been determined after a thoughtful and non-partisan review that "MOST" of the voter fraud was committed by Republicans.
You've already been shown, willfully blind monkey.

Let me know which words are too big for you to understand:

The Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, maintains a public database of ballot-fraud cases. A review of the database reveals an astonishing fact: In every listed indictment and conviction for voter fraud or other malfeasance in connection with the 2020 presidential general election, when the culprit’s political affiliation is known he or she turns out to be a Republican or “unabashed conservative.”

The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud

This was the database you yourself just cited, moron.
Cite me, honey. Show me where it has been determined after a thoughtful and non-partisan review that "MOST" of the voter fraud was committed by Republicans.
Scroll back. Others have been posting the many criminal convictions of those republicans casting illegal votes for Trump. Mostly by absentee ballots of dead relatives, and one man whose son was named after him, trying to vote under his sons name
Everybody should know the accusation from the Trumpybear in 2020 was multi-state fraud widespread enough to change the outcome of the election.

Faux News spread lies so fast, the truth never catches up. Take for example the guy who said somebody voted for his dead wife. Fox ran with it as proof Democrats were cheating everywhere. Guess what? The guy did it himself and was charged with a crime. Doesn't stop the belief by Faux viewers.............Cheating occurs on both sides.
How many other guys did it themselves?
Let's be honest here. When someone says "no voter fraud", what the REALLY mean is that there was an acceptable amount of voter fraud. It is factually false to state that there was no voter fraud. People have already been sentenced to prison for committing voter fraud in the 2020 election. See

Therefore, when someone says there "was no voter fraud", they are either sorely mistaken or outright lying. And if they are outright lying, then are apparently okay with a certain amount of voter fraud occurring. These people are almost ALWAYS Democrats; hence my repeated assertion that Democrats are horrible people.
No massive voter fraud, no voter fraud that was enough to change the results of the Biden vs trump election results, and no coordinated voter fraud or unlawful doings, enough to change the winner from one candidate to another...... That's what no voter fraud means to democrats..... but technically you are correct....

of course there was individual voter fraud, likely in every state, in one form or another.... but it was not even remotely close to changing the election votes and winner in any State.
Dinesh D’Souza is a convicted felon, don’t forget.

The vast majority of states allow convicted felons to vote.

Either way, all you’re getting upset about people having their votes counted. The route they take to get there isn’t relevant.
Most of them cant stop offending long enough to serve out their time and vote legally
Oh baby I can't wait for this trial!! The Big Lie is going down in flames, taking all Big Lie supporters down with it.

“Really crazy stuff. And damaging,” Fox Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, days after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News.

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

“It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” Carlson responded, according to court papers. These messages came in the weeks following the election.

There you have it. Even the Fox news people, all of them, know that there was no election fraud. They admit there was no fraud... Dominion did nothing wrong at all and they are going to sue fake Fox news for $1+ Billion !!! Because the evidence clearly shows that Fox News people knew there was no fraud at all, yet the reported fabricated fake news of Dominion backed voter fraud that never happened.

You Go Dominion !!!!!
Expose fake Fox News

If only USMB's nut cases could catch on
No massive voter fraud, no voter fraud that was enough to change the results of the Biden vs trump election results, and no coordinated voter fraud or unlawful doings, enough to change the winner from one candidate to another...... That's what no voter fraud means to democrats..... but technically you are correct....

of course there was individual voter fraud, likely in every state, in one form or another.... but it was not even remotely close to changing the election votes and winner in any State.
Ballot harvesting is voter fraud in my book, sweetheart.
Scroll back. Others have been posting the many criminal convictions of those republicans casting illegal votes for Trump. Mostly by absentee ballots of dead relatives, and one man whose son was named after him, trying to vote under his sons name
Your response does not meet my challenge, numb nuts.
I dont think he would mind voting in person in order to prevent democrat party election theft
Except there was no Democrat theft.

There sure was a lot of Republican fraud, though! This topic is chock full of examples.

Not to mention the fact Fox News knew the election was valid and yet decided to lie to you rubes anyway. That's just how stupid and credulous they know you are.
Except there was no Democrat theft.

There sure was a lot of Republican fraud, though! This topic is chock full of examples.

Not to mention the fact Fox News knew the election was valid and yet decided to lie to you rubes anyway. That's just how stupid and credulous they know you are.
Absentee ballots are a form of election fraud

Legalized theft but still theft

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