More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

I have heard that for four years. When does the trial start, and will you be posting a link so people can follow its progress?

And now you've seen the evidence of it. We have Fox News personalities privately admitting that the Big Lie is nonsense. And selling you the conspiracy anyway.

And what do you do? You do what you always do: Expand your conspiracy. The inclusion delusion.

Anything that doesn't ape your conspiracy is part of your conspiracy.
The stupidity of the Big Liar isn't merely inventing conspiracy before its even possible for evidence to support it.

Its also in ignoring the evidence that contradicts the delusion.

Conspiracy theorists have to do both.
They are also lying to each other knowing one day the emails will be published. Liars plan ahead.
Except the emails were for internal use only. Nobody outside of fox would ever see them, except by subpoena. And the only people with that sort of subpoena power were the Trump administration, and the courts handling a lawsuit. So why would Fox create phony emails that would REALLY piss off the Trump administration with emails saying they knew Trump was full of shit.
Actual old fashioned ballot harvesting, which allowed political operatives and who they pay, go door to door to collect ballots from those who voted in that manner had proven to be an opening for fraud,

which was recently done by a Republican operative, who paid staff to collect ballots, then he changed votes or held back turning over ballots for voters living in neighborhoods who favored the opponent candidate....I think this was in North Carolina....?
Yes, North Carolina. The Republicans are invariably caught doing exactly what they accuse others of. Invariably.

Grooming children. Laundering Ukrainian money. Cheating in elections. Spreading fake news.

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out Trump was born in Kenya.

And now you've seen the evidence of it. We have Fox News personalities privately admitting that the Big Lie is nonsense. And selling you the conspiracy anyway.

And what do you do? You do what you always do: Expand your conspiracy. The inclusion delusion.

Anything that doesn't ape your conspiracy is part of your conspiracy.
Fox News is literally fearful that if they tell the viewers the truth, they will stop watching !!!!

I can't wait for this trial, its better than the Superbowl
Let's be honest here. When someone says "no voter fraud", what the REALLY mean is that there was an acceptable amount of voter fraud. It is factually false to state that there was no voter fraud. People have already been sentenced to prison for committing voter fraud in the 2020 election. See

Therefore, when someone says there "was no voter fraud", they are either sorely mistaken or outright lying. And if they are outright lying, then are apparently okay with a certain amount of voter fraud occurring. These people are almost ALWAYS Democrats; hence my repeated assertion that Democrats are horrible people.
Let's be honest here. When someone says "no voter fraud", what the REALLY mean is that there was an acceptable amount of voter fraud. It is factually false to state that there was no voter fraud. People have already been sentenced to prison for committing voter fraud in the 2020 election. See

Therefore, when someone says there "was no voter fraud", they are either sorely mistaken or outright lying. And if they are outright lying, then are apparently okay with a certain amount of voter fraud occurring. These people are almost ALWAYS Democrats; hence my repeated assertion that Democrats are horrible people.

Most normal people take "no voter fraud" to mean "no significant voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election". There is almost always "some" voter fraud - mostly by Republicans.
And now you've seen the evidence of it. We have Fox News personalities privately admitting that the Big Lie is nonsense. And selling you the conspiracy anyway.

And what do you do? You do what you always do: Expand your conspiracy. The inclusion delusion.

Anything that doesn't ape your conspiracy is part of your conspiracy.
I do not believe the government or people that spread their bullshit. I have many very good reasons not to. Why you do only makes you look like a fool.
That's all the poor birthers have now. A booklet misprint.

Who said that was all we had? . Oh, a misprint it is? (LOL) . When the egomaniac and overly ambitious Barack so eager for publicity and admiration cannot see what his own literary agency will circulating about him ---- and would not point out the "mistake?" Born in Kenya, not Hawaii? . No bid deal? -----

And I see how you also focused on my one typo in an earlier post of mine ----- your way of avoiding all the points being made. . Well that's the typical intellectual dishonesty of a liberal poster around here.
Let's be honest here. When someone says "no voter fraud", what the REALLY mean is that there was an acceptable amount of voter fraud. It is factually false to state that there was no voter fraud. People have already been sentenced to prison for committing voter fraud in the 2020 election. See

Therefore, when someone says there "was no voter fraud", they are either sorely mistaken or outright lying. And if they are outright lying, then are apparently okay with a certain amount of voter fraud occurring. These people are almost ALWAYS Democrats; hence my repeated assertion that Democrats are horrible people.
Um...retard? You have been gaslighted. Severely gaslighted.

In every single case where the party affiliation of the fraudster could be determined from the Heritage files, it was a Republican.

The Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, maintains a public database of ballot-fraud cases. A review of the database reveals an astonishing fact: In every listed indictment and conviction for voter fraud or other malfeasance in connection with the 2020 presidential general election, when the culprit’s political affiliation is known he or she turns out to be a Republican or “unabashed conservative.”

The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud

Several examples are cited in the link. The best one is the Republican who voted in his dead wife's name. She died of cancer in 2017. When the illegal ballot was discovered, he expressed shock and outrage that someone voted in his wife's name and cited it as proof the election was stolen! Then the Nevada GOP cited it with moral outrage. Then Tucker Carlson fell for the hoax and also cited it as proof the election was stolen by Democrats.

You can see the fraudster expressing his disbelief and surprise that someone voted in his dead wife's name in this tweet:

It takes a special kind of asshole to vote in his dead wife's name and then went on the air to express his shock and moan that someone "took advantage of his grief".

Nevada man who voted twice using dead wife’s ballot sentenced to probation, fined $2,000

A judge on Tuesday sentenced a Las Vegas man to probation on a charge he voted twice in the 2020 election by mailing in his deceased wife’s ballot.

And guess who perpetuated the fraudster's lies?

Tucker Carlson.

Here's Tucker Carlson's story where he fell for the hoax: Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

There is a retraction at the top since the hoax was discovered, but he sticks to his bullshit claim dead people voted and that it was done by Democrats.

Um, yeah. Except it was done by Republicans, dipshit.
Let's be honest here. When someone says "no voter fraud", what the REALLY mean is that there was an acceptable amount of voter fraud. It is factually false to state that there was no voter fraud. People have already been sentenced to prison for committing voter fraud in the 2020 election.
You;'re right about fraud. But in 2020 most of the voter fraud was committed by people voting FOR Trump.
It's been posted a thousand times, but here's it once more. Obama NEVER reviewed it. His agent made it up on order to sell books. She even said he wrote a book that Obama never wrote.

She wasn't a very good agent.
Thanks for a "sh-t excuse." . You have enough fingers and toes to plug all the holes in the dikes of the born in Hawaii joke?
Let's be honest here. When someone says "no voter fraud", what the REALLY mean is that there was an acceptable amount of voter fraud. It is factually false to state that there was no voter fraud. People have already been sentenced to prison for committing voter fraud in the 2020 election. See

Therefore, when someone says there "was no voter fraud", they are either sorely mistaken or outright lying. And if they are outright lying, then are apparently okay with a certain amount of voter fraud occurring. These people are almost ALWAYS Democrats; hence my repeated assertion that Democrats are horrible people.
Everybody should know the accusation from the Trumpybear in 2020 was multi-state fraud widespread enough to change the outcome of the election.

Faux News spread lies so fast, the truth never catches up. Take for example the guy who said somebody voted for his dead wife. Fox ran with it as proof Democrats were cheating everywhere. Guess what? The guy did it himself and was charged with a crime. Doesn't stop the belief by Faux viewers.............Cheating occurs on both sides.
Here's a few more for you from the Heritage Foundation files Lord Long Rod :

In May 2021, Arizona indicted Tracy Lee McKay for voting in her dead mother’s name last November. McKay is a registered Republican. “Voter fraud cases are rare,” the Arizona Mirror reported.

Still, there appears to have been a bit of an epidemic of Republican dead mothers voting. In Pennsylvania, Robert Richard Lynn pleaded guilty in August to doing the same thing as McKay with his deceased mother’s ballot in the 2020 presidential election. In May, Bruce Bartman, to borrow poker vernacular, “saw Lynn and raised him one”: He pleaded guilty to registering to vote in both his dead mother’s name and that of his dead mother-in-law. He registered both women as Republicans, and actually cast a ballot as his mother. “I listened to too much propaganda and made a stupid mistake,” he told the judge at his sentencing.

Republican Ralph Holloway Thurman also made it a family affair. Thurman, a Pennsylvania voter, asked poll worker Eric Frank while voting whether he (Thurman) could vote for his son as well as himself. Hours after Frank answered “no,” he recognized Thurman back in line wearing sunglasses. Frank alerted authorities, resulting in Thurman’s successful prosecution for attempting to vote twice. The case gained notoriety last month when Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) honored his pledge to pay $25,000 to anyone reporting voter fraud. The pledge was intended to find proof of anti-Trump shenanigans, but last month Patrick sent a check to Frank, a Democrat who found proof of Republican voter fraud.

The Heritage Foundation database also lists Edward Snodgrass, a Republican town trustee in Ohio. He varied the family pattern from the maternal to the paternal, agreeing to plead guilty for voting for his dead father.

In Virginia, Jonathan Meade West Sr., an “unabashed conservative,” was convicted in January of trying to vote twice, once by absentee ballot and once in person.

Everybody should know the accusation from the Trumpybear in 2020 was multi-state fraud widespread enough to change the outcome of the election.

Faux News spread lies so fast, the truth never catches up. Take for example the guy who said somebody voted for his dead wife. Fox ran with it as proof Democrats were cheating everywhere. Guess what? The guy did it himself and was charged with a crime. Doesn't stop the belief by Faux viewers.............Cheating occurs on both sides.
See post 313. :)
Another one from the Heritage Foundation for Lord Long Rod :

Florida Trump supporters arrested on charges of casting more than one vote in 2020 election

Jay Ketcik, John Rider and Joan Halstead, who all live in The Villages in Sumter County, Fla., face felony charges and up to five years in prison for allegedly casting more than one ballot in the most recent presidential contest, according to county arrest records.


I told you this election was rigged!

Some of you may recall The Villages from this video:

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