More people losing their plans under Obummber care..

It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it. But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both. .
Oh lets blame the republicans who had nothing to with this fiasco
I'm just saying it would be nice to see an alternative. Do you disagree?

The ACA was adopted from GOP plans for healthcare. They didn't have an alternative after the GOP plan got implemented by the Democratic President.
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it. But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both..
Jonathan Gruber was correct in describing the Democrat voters.
What does that have to do with my post?

Do you people accept any accountability or are you the party of blame? The GOP is in shambles but there have been variations of alternatives coming out of the GOP. One was pre-tax health savings accounts plus open competition.
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it.

But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both.

Plenty of people have outlined plans far better... where have you been?
Oh, okay, maybe I missed it.

What's its name?

Could you provide the website URL?

And maybe a few recent clips of Republicans outlining it in detail?

There are plans by for example Ryan. The problem with health care is mostly that the AMA lobby pushes costs of healthcare upwards. Obamacare in no way addresses this fundamental problem, quite the opposite. Hillary of course believes that pushing more taxpayer money into the system will somehow address the issue...

Competition across state lines would also be something beneficial... and yes I am aware that Obumbocare was supposed to allow that, but didn't deliver.
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it. But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both..
Jonathan Gruber was correct in describing the Democrat voters.
What does that have to do with my post?

Do you people accept any accountability or are you the party of blame? The GOP is in shambles but there have been variations of alternatives coming out of the GOP. One was pre-tax health savings accounts plus open competition.
Yes, all kinds of variations, all kinds of individual ideas tossed out, nothing clear, nothing consistent, nothing concrete.

Nothing but being the party of blame.
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it. But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both..
Jonathan Gruber was correct in describing the Democrat voters.
What does that have to do with my post?

Do you people accept any accountability or are you the party of blame? The GOP is in shambles but there have been variations of alternatives coming out of the GOP. One was pre-tax health savings accounts plus open competition.
Yes, all kinds of variations, all kinds of individual ideas tossed out, nothing clear, nothing consistent, nothing concrete.

Nothing but being the party of blame.

You are blaming the failure of what Gruber designed on the Republican Party. That makes no sense.
You are blaming the failure of what Gruber designed on the Republican Party. That makes no sense.
Where did I do that?

I'd just like to see a clear alternative, and the GOP hasn't been able to come with one in eight (8) years.

Is that leadership?
it is sad to see partisan politics affecting millions of americans who need a valid and affordable insurance
1. LIE
- It won't cost a dime
- It will pay for itself
- Premiums will be lower
- If you like your plan you can keep it

- Liberals rammed this minority-supported puece of Socialist agenda into law despite majority opposition from the American people.

- Pelosi declared the American people had no right to know what was in the bills being passed and imposed on the American people until they / it had become law.

- Libs mandated the ACA for ALL Americans ... except for THEMSELVES because they knew what a colosal piece of shit it was. (Actually they had an idea, but since none of them actually READ what they passed into law they really DIDN'T KNOW.)

- Before the ink from Barry's signature was even dry he was illegally granting / signing waivers for thousands of businesses / people.

This Socialist TURD is all Barry's and the Democrats' disaster!
You are blaming the failure of what Gruber designed on the Republican Party. That makes no sense.
Where did I do that?

I'd just like to see a clear alternative, and the GOP hasn't been able to come with one in eight (8) years.

Is that leadership?

And I told you, you're not going to see an "alternative" because the GOP's plan for healthcare got implemented, by Barack Obama.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Comparing Health Reform Bills: Democrats and Republicans 2009, Republicans 1993
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it. But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both. .
Oh lets blame the republicans who had nothing to with this fiasco
I'm just saying it would be nice to see an alternative. Do you disagree?
It's not the govt job to provide you insurance. Govt meddling brought the crisis on resulting ultimately in Ocare.When did prices start spinning out of was when aids hit and you simultaneously started to let open the floodgates of illegals.......
private insurance is nothing but a death panel...refusing to pay for any treatment they can will not pay for hyper infusion....which is simply bagging the hell outta of a person with you are totally out of it when they decide to do this and suddenly one is on the hook for $1,200 bucks? profit is the motivation so sure they are gonna let people die when its costly to save them
What utter horseshit.
We were quietly advised in oregon that seventy percent will.lose coverage. The official directive is to act like it's not happening.
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it.

But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both.

Jonathan Gruber was correct in describing the Democrat voters.
And democrats are too stupid to even understand what he did to them...or even said.....:lol:
Health providers are only industry that can get away with charging vastly different prices for same product, to different people.
It sure would have been nice if the GOP had come up with a clear, specific alternate plan, pushing it constantly as a new way. A snappy name, a nice website to visit and review, consistent messaging in support of it.

But no, the party is too busy falling apart to be bothered with such tasks. Or it just isn't thinking. Or both.

Jonathan Gruber was correct in describing the Democrat voters.
And democrats are too stupid to even understand what he did to them...or even said.....:lol:
Begging for salvation from their tormenters..... brilliantl
A shocking number of Obamacare enrollees are set to lose their plans in 2017

You know the ones that signed up under obamacare are losing their plans yet again and they are going higher. I had a friend post on facebook her premiums this year were around 700 a mnt ( which is outrageous in itself) BUT now that Obamacare has stopped that plan its going up to 1400 a month.DOUBLE the price. She is not goign to get it and just save money that should would have put out in a medical fund and pay the fine after wards..
i think this years penalty is 3500 bucks....good deal compared to the democrat robbery by Obamacare....
Do you have a problem with people getting health insurance who were previously unable to? Do you have a problem with eliminating lifetime caps on insurance or offering insurance to those who previously had pre existing conditions. Do yu have a problem with insurance companies who are no longer able to write off 40% of each premium dollar as "overhead"?
The problems are with the insurers, why is your anger not directed at them?
A shocking number of Obamacare enrollees are set to lose their plans in 2017

You know the ones that signed up under obamacare are losing their plans yet again and they are going higher. I had a friend post on facebook her premiums this year were around 700 a mnt ( which is outrageous in itself) BUT now that Obamacare has stopped that plan its going up to 1400 a month.DOUBLE the price. She is not goign to get it and just save money that should would have put out in a medical fund and pay the fine after wards..
i think this years penalty is 3500 bucks....good deal compared to the democrat robbery by Obamacare....
Do you have a problem with people getting health insurance who were previously unable to? Do you have a problem with eliminating lifetime caps on insurance or offering insurance to those who previously had pre existing conditions. Do yu have a problem with insurance companies who are no longer able to write off 40% of each premium dollar as "overhead"?
The problems are with the insurers, why is your anger not directed at them?
Because the problem is with democrats....
private insurance is nothing but a death panel...refusing to pay for any treatment they can will not pay for hyper infusion....which is simply bagging the hell outta of a person with you are totally out of it when they decide to do this and suddenly one is on the hook for $1,200 bucks? profit is the motivation so sure they are gonna let people die when its costly to save them
What utter horseshit.

what horseshit? do tell......i can provide bills to prove all of this if you would like....
A shocking number of Obamacare enrollees are set to lose their plans in 2017

You know the ones that signed up under obamacare are losing their plans yet again and they are going higher. I had a friend post on facebook her premiums this year were around 700 a mnt ( which is outrageous in itself) BUT now that Obamacare has stopped that plan its going up to 1400 a month.DOUBLE the price. She is not goign to get it and just save money that should would have put out in a medical fund and pay the fine after wards..
i think this years penalty is 3500 bucks....good deal compared to the democrat robbery by Obamacare....
Do you have a problem with people getting health insurance who were previously unable to? Do you have a problem with eliminating lifetime caps on insurance or offering insurance to those who previously had pre existing conditions. Do yu have a problem with insurance companies who are no longer able to write off 40% of each premium dollar as "overhead"?
The problems are with the insurers, why is your anger not directed at them?
Because the problem is with democrats....
Tell that to the millions of people who are now insured under the ACA. You may have a hard time selling that point of yours.

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