More people losing their plans under Obummber care..

A shocking number of Obamacare enrollees are set to lose their plans in 2017

You know the ones that signed up under obamacare are losing their plans yet again and they are going higher. I had a friend post on facebook her premiums this year were around 700 a mnt ( which is outrageous in itself) BUT now that Obamacare has stopped that plan its going up to 1400 a month.DOUBLE the price. She is not goign to get it and just save money that should would have put out in a medical fund and pay the fine after wards..
i think this years penalty is 3500 bucks....good deal compared to the democrat robbery by Obamacare....
Do you have a problem with people getting health insurance who were previously unable to? Do you have a problem with eliminating lifetime caps on insurance or offering insurance to those who previously had pre existing conditions. Do yu have a problem with insurance companies who are no longer able to write off 40% of each premium dollar as "overhead"?
The problems are with the insurers, why is your anger not directed at them?
Because the problem is with democrats....
Tell that to the millions of people who are now insured under the ACA. You may have a hard time selling that point of yours.
Tell that to the millions of people who are now Uninsured because of the ACA. You may have a hard time selling that point of yours.
People need to stop with the constant hysterics.

Yes, into the third year of exchanges insurance companies are still significantly adjusting the actuarial tables and some extra volatility in plan turnover is to be expected.

This is what reworking the system looks like and nothing anyone is proposing will make it otherwise. Further reform will ADD to market volatility and plans turn over, not reduce it.

Anytime someone's insurance cost goes up (phenomenon known to happen frequently well before Obamacare) there are new proclamations on how the system is broken and we need to turn everything upside down to fix it.

Every year we keep hearing stories about some astronomic insurance rate increases that make it seem as if Obamacare will be the end of us...and then you look at actual average premium growth and it is well under pre-Obamacare averages.

Here is what 2016 looked like:
Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces

A mixed bag, some places insurance got cheaper, some more expensive. Also notice how average after-subsidy premium costs are actually DECLINING.
People need to stop with the constant hysterics.

Yes, into the third year of exchanges insurance companies are still significantly adjusting the actuarial tables and some extra volatility in plan turnover is to be expected.

This is what reworking the system looks like and nothing anyone is proposing will make it otherwise. Further reform will ADD to market volatility and plans turn over, not reduce it.

Anytime someone's insurance cost goes up (phenomenon known to happen frequently well before Obamacare) there are new proclamations on how the system is broken and we need to turn everything upside down to fix it.

Every year we keep hearing stories about some astronomic insurance rate increases that make it seem as if Obamacare will be the end of us...and then you look at actual average premium growth and it is well under pre-Obamacare averages.

Here is what 2016 looked like:
Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces

A mixed bag, some places insurance got cheaper, some more expensive. Also notice how average after-subsidy premium costs are actually DECLINING.
Any sort of insurance is legalized extortion, Obamacare will collapse underneath it's own weight and a much worse system will have to be installed.... single payer.
Just another way for the control freaks to control the people they disagree with. Fuck socialism
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People need to stop with the constant hysterics.

Yes, into the third year of exchanges insurance companies are still significantly adjusting the actuarial tables and some extra volatility in plan turnover is to be expected.

This is what reworking the system looks like and nothing anyone is proposing will make it otherwise. Further reform will ADD to market volatility and plans turn over, not reduce it.

Anytime someone's insurance cost goes up (phenomenon known to happen frequently well before Obamacare) there are new proclamations on how the system is broken and we need to turn everything upside down to fix it.

Every year we keep hearing stories about some astronomic insurance rate increases that make it seem as if Obamacare will be the end of us...and then you look at actual average premium growth and it is well under pre-Obamacare averages.

Here is what 2016 looked like:
Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces

A mixed bag, some places insurance got cheaper, some more expensive. Also notice how average after-subsidy premium costs are actually DECLINING.
Any sort of insurance is legalized extortion, Obamacare collapse underneath it's own weight and a much worse system will have to be installed.... single payer.
Just another way for the control freaks to give control the people they disagree with. Fuck socialism
Why even belong to this nation if you don't want to support it. Just go away.
People need to stop with the constant hysterics.

Yes, into the third year of exchanges insurance companies are still significantly adjusting the actuarial tables and some extra volatility in plan turnover is to be expected.

This is what reworking the system looks like and nothing anyone is proposing will make it otherwise. Further reform will ADD to market volatility and plans turn over, not reduce it.

Anytime someone's insurance cost goes up (phenomenon known to happen frequently well before Obamacare) there are new proclamations on how the system is broken and we need to turn everything upside down to fix it.

Every year we keep hearing stories about some astronomic insurance rate increases that make it seem as if Obamacare will be the end of us...and then you look at actual average premium growth and it is well under pre-Obamacare averages.

Here is what 2016 looked like:
Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces

A mixed bag, some places insurance got cheaper, some more expensive. Also notice how average after-subsidy premium costs are actually DECLINING.
Any sort of insurance is legalized extortion, Obamacare collapse underneath it's own weight and a much worse system will have to be installed.... single payer.
Just another way for the control freaks to give control the people they disagree with. Fuck socialism
Why even belong to this nation if you don't want to support it. Just go away.
The country does not want Obamacare/single-payer, it's just that the federal government wants it for everyone. Fuck that
Keep it if you want, leave the rest of us out of it
this health cost increases would be occurring under private insurance as well......the largest growing field in medical is administration....pharms are raping the consumers as much as they can while the government refuses to engage in any bargaining for medicare or vets
I could handle a 5% increase with a 500 dollar deductible under the real healthcare we used to have.....

I agree. My benefit costs have gone up 60% in the last two years and will be going up again this year because of that POS Obamacare.
Wonder if those thousands and thousands of new regs had anything to do with it.......couldn't be.........normally when a in this case becomes too expensive people quit buying it....real choice and competition unlike the lie of obamacare
Nothing like outlawing cheap high deductible policies and replacing them with expensive high deductible ones.....tell me again which is the crappy policy
this health cost increases would be occurring under private insurance as well......the largest growing field in medical is administration....pharms are raping the consumers as much as they can while the government refuses to engage in any bargaining for medicare or vets
Obama made a deal with Big-Pharm his first year in sayin....
More people losing their plans under Obummber care

thats what the ACA does, uninsure people ... duh

set to lose ... conecture.

F'n idiots
The country does not want Obamacare

More constructively however, "The country" doesn't want Obamacare repealed.


If you are soooo impressed by what majority thinks then you ought to stop the non-starter "repeal! repeal! repeal!" shtick and encourage Republicans who are wiling to work with Democrats to improve the law.
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The country does not want Obamacare

More constructively however, "The country" doesn't want Obamacare repealed.


If you are soooo impressed by what majority thinks then you ought to stop the non-starter "repeal! repeal! repeal!" shtick and encourage Republicans who are wiling to work with Democrats to improve the law.
Keep your Obamacare/single-player, leave the rest of us out of it.
It should not be forced on anyone that does not want it, people that want to force it on other people that don't want it are hate filled fuck ups.
Keep your Obamacare...leave the rest of us out of it.

Grow the fuck up and get your ass insured or pay the tax.

And no, it isn't an unreasonable ask considering that your body's risk is a financial cost to me.
Keep your Obamacare...leave the rest of us out of it.

Grow the fuck up and get your ass insured or pay the tax.

And no, it isn't an unreasonable ask considering that your body's risk is a financial cost to me.
I pay for everything out of pocket, I've never claimed anything off insurance of my life.

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