More proof that Trump got played by Kim Jong Un


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
Well, it looks more and more like Kim Jong Un used Trump's ego to boost himself on the world stage with the most important photo op and deception by Kim and Trump biting on it.
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘regrettable,’ rejecting Pompeo’s claim meetings were ‘productive’
All those millions of taxpayer money, the surreal reality TV staged performance and all the boasts that Trump alone, prevented a nuclear war.
Prior to meeting with Kim, Trump stated "'I've been preparing all my life"
Video: Trump on North Korea summit: 'I've been preparing all my life'
Now Trump will be meeting with Putin one on one, just like he did with Kim. When asked about his preparation for Putin,Trump said "Putin is fine, I've been prepared to meet Russian president my whole life"

Putin makes Kim look like an amateur, when it comes to manipulating world events. Trump has an huge ego that doesn't allow him to face the reality that he got played by Kim. It will be interesting, what he will claim after he is schooled by Putin.
Well, it looks more and more like Kim Jong Un used Trump's ego to boost himself on the world stage with the most important photo op and deception by Kim and Trump biting on it.
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘regrettable,’ rejecting Pompeo’s claim meetings were ‘productive’
All those millions of taxpayer money, the surreal reality TV staged performance and all the boasts that Trump alone, prevented a nuclear war.
Prior to meeting with Kim, Trump stated "'I've been preparing all my life"
Video: Trump on North Korea summit: 'I've been preparing all my life'
Now Trump will be meeting with Putin one on one, just like he did with Kim. When asked about his preparation for Putin,Trump said "Putin is fine, I've been prepared to meet Russian president my whole life"

Putin makes Kim look like an amateur, when it comes to manipulating world events. Trump has an huge ego that doesn't allow him to face the reality that he got played by Kim. It will be interesting, what he will claim after he is schooled by Putin.

How did Trump get played? Sanctions are still in place and no billions handed over to the little rocket man.
I'm just trying to figure out exactly what you mean.
Well, it looks more and more like Kim Jong Un used Trump's ego to boost himself on the world stage with the most important photo op and deception by Kim and Trump biting on it.
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘regrettable,’ rejecting Pompeo’s claim meetings were ‘productive’
All those millions of taxpayer money, the surreal reality TV staged performance and all the boasts that Trump alone, prevented a nuclear war.
Prior to meeting with Kim, Trump stated "'I've been preparing all my life"
Video: Trump on North Korea summit: 'I've been preparing all my life'
Now Trump will be meeting with Putin one on one, just like he did with Kim. When asked about his preparation for Putin,Trump said "Putin is fine, I've been prepared to meet Russian president my whole life"

Putin makes Kim look like an amateur, when it comes to manipulating world events. Trump has an huge ego that doesn't allow him to face the reality that he got played by Kim. It will be interesting, what he will claim after he is schooled by Putin.

How did Trump get played? Sanctions are still in place and no billions handed over to the little rocket man.
I'm just trying to figure out exactly what you mean.

He's referring to Putin's fingers playig with Dump's a-hole. Not a pretty sight.
Kim, of course, because he is much smarter, fleeced Trump.

That will always be the result with those two.
Well, it looks more and more like Kim Jong Un used Trump's ego to boost himself on the world stage with the most important photo op and deception by Kim and Trump biting on it.
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘regrettable,’ rejecting Pompeo’s claim meetings were ‘productive’
All those millions of taxpayer money, the surreal reality TV staged performance and all the boasts that Trump alone, prevented a nuclear war.
Prior to meeting with Kim, Trump stated "'I've been preparing all my life"
Video: Trump on North Korea summit: 'I've been preparing all my life'
Now Trump will be meeting with Putin one on one, just like he did with Kim. When asked about his preparation for Putin,Trump said "Putin is fine, I've been prepared to meet Russian president my whole life"

Putin makes Kim look like an amateur, when it comes to manipulating world events. Trump has an huge ego that doesn't allow him to face the reality that he got played by Kim. It will be interesting, what he will claim after he is schooled by Putin.

How did Trump get played? Sanctions are still in place and no billions handed over to the little rocket man.
I'm just trying to figure out exactly what you mean.

Well, how about suspending the war games? And then there's the delusional multiple boasts to not only the Little Trumpsters (like yourself), but also his fantasy claims to the nation and the world. It didn't take long for his poll numbers to go up after his fantasy dog and pony show . Then the poll numbers dropped down after the immigration family separation thing. But then, I suspect that you only get your news from Trump friendly media, or maybe you are just easily manipulated. I can't say, I know nothing about you
Well, it looks more and more like Kim Jong Un used Trump's ego to boost himself on the world stage with the most important photo op and deception by Kim and Trump biting on it.
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘regrettable,’ rejecting Pompeo’s claim meetings were ‘productive’
All those millions of taxpayer money, the surreal reality TV staged performance and all the boasts that Trump alone, prevented a nuclear war.
Prior to meeting with Kim, Trump stated "'I've been preparing all my life"
Video: Trump on North Korea summit: 'I've been preparing all my life'
Now Trump will be meeting with Putin one on one, just like he did with Kim. When asked about his preparation for Putin,Trump said "Putin is fine, I've been prepared to meet Russian president my whole life"

Putin makes Kim look like an amateur, when it comes to manipulating world events. Trump has an huge ego that doesn't allow him to face the reality that he got played by Kim. It will be interesting, what he will claim after he is schooled by Putin.

You whiny MFs keep complaining how sausage is made instead of waiting to see what the final product will look like. Your pettiness thinking you're scoring some kind of political points just make you look childish and America is noticing.

“It is the most Watered-down joint statement concerning these two nations Ever,” said Sung-Yoon Lee, a North Korea expert at Tufts University.

"In exchange for Selfies in Singapore, we have Undermined our maximum pressure policy and sanctions," Menendez said.

The Trump Attention Ho didn't even get $5.

It must be incoherent hatred and disappointment that is driving the left these days. Any intelligent American would say that Obama got played by Iran when we showered about two billion dollars in American cash and got nothing but an empty promise from a rogue nation that supports terrorism. President Trump brought North Korea to the negotiation table after more than 65 years and managed to bring China on board with sanctions against N.K. after they were shooting at us during Truman's war. Trump managed to get three Americans held hostage by N.K. without spending a dime and a promise of sending the remains of Americans killed in the war. Trump never promised that everything would work out but how can you criticize him unless you are such a hate filled nut case that nothing a republican can ever do will ever be good enough?
Well, it looks more and more like Kim Jong Un used Trump's ego to boost himself on the world stage with the most important photo op and deception by Kim and Trump biting on it.
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘regrettable,’ rejecting Pompeo’s claim meetings were ‘productive’
All those millions of taxpayer money, the surreal reality TV staged performance and all the boasts that Trump alone, prevented a nuclear war.
Prior to meeting with Kim, Trump stated "'I've been preparing all my life"
Video: Trump on North Korea summit: 'I've been preparing all my life'
Now Trump will be meeting with Putin one on one, just like he did with Kim. When asked about his preparation for Putin,Trump said "Putin is fine, I've been prepared to meet Russian president my whole life"

Putin makes Kim look like an amateur, when it comes to manipulating world events. Trump has an huge ego that doesn't allow him to face the reality that he got played by Kim. It will be interesting, what he will claim after he is schooled by Putin.

How did Trump get played? Sanctions are still in place and no billions handed over to the little rocket man.
I'm just trying to figure out exactly what you mean.

Well, how about suspending the war games? And then there's the delusional multiple boasts to not only the Little Trumpsters (like yourself), but also his fantasy claims to the nation and the world. It didn't take long for his poll numbers to go up after his fantasy dog and pony show . Then the poll numbers dropped down after the immigration family separation thing. But then, I suspect that you only get your news from Trump friendly media, or maybe you are just easily manipulated. I can't say, I know nothing about you

So are YOU saying that Trump Still has sanctions in place? Also, are YOU saying that Trump DIDN'T give the rocket man billions?
To me, that means Trump didn't get played. Talk about someone who's easily manipulated,
you are a spoon fed minion. Just keep listening to CNN and MSNBC, they'll tell you what to think. Now take your TDS ass and roll down the sidewalk.
Read your papers, bright eyes.

Kim is ramping up research and launching facilities, not the signs of denuclearization at all, right?
I am surprised the left is not applauding Trump. The lefts method of negotiation is to simply concede immediately to the other sides demands.
Kim is running the clock down. You would have to be blind not to see that.
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North Korea does what China says for it to do...which means the Trade Wars and the North Korean Nukes are inextricably linked.

In the end, Trump will win on one or the other, but not both---or get a reasonable compromise on both---in any event:

1) He WILL do better than the Pussy Obama ever did on either; and

2) The New York Media and Shumer and Pelosi and Waters and the rest of the Bolsheviks WILL decry and deprecate ALL of his efforts and accomplishments...while never mentioning the fact that the Pussy Obama made no effort and accomplished nothing.

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