More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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More GW k00k losing......and it doesn't get much more laughable than this>>>>

Regarding the movement of the Polar Vortex. The alarmists are preying on

1. People’s longer term memory(especially young adults that haven’t been around a long time) being cloudy
2. Lack of meteorological expertise
3. Lack of readily available weather records that go back 100 years

As an operational meteorologist for 31 years, I have all 3 in spades.

The portrayal of the Polar Vortex as an extreme event, supposedly displayed as a result of Global Warming/Climate Change is complete hogwash. It has happened many, many, many times before CO2 levels went way up.
In, fact it would be more strange if it never happened and is a normal part of how this planet rebalances the disparate heat/energy imbalances.

The lower latitudes receive more heat/energy by many orders of magnitiude more than the higher latitudes. The greater the imbalance, the greater the amount of meridional flow(and potential) energy in the system.

During the 1980′s/90′s with global warming increasing temps most in the Arctic and decreasing the temperature disparity, there was less need for meridional flow and extreme events.
Global cooling is more likely to increase severe weather and extreme weather.

To make anything out of the Polar Vortex moving so far away from its average position is to imply that weather systems are not supposed to move outside of a regional boundary that is defined by their origin or conditions that led to them to acquire their noteworthy characteristics.

If these were the rules on our planet, the weather would stay pretty much the same most of the time everywhere.
The Polar Vortex moving so far south was clearly extreme weather but is supposed to happen from time to extreme time as it always has because of the physics that rule our atmosphere.

Indeed.......people on the far left = those who embrace global warming more than their own grandmothers will come up with any lie to perpetuate the hoax, even when it is extraordinarily moronic. THE ONLY way for their shit to get any traction is by putting out massive levels of perpetual falsehoods targeted at the dimwitted misinformed.
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Most extinctions were caused by green house gases.

Like 4 out of 6 of the biggest extinctions in the history of the earth was caused by volcanos spilling this shit into the atmosphere. Snowball earth was caused by methane being taken out of the atmosphere and ended by volcano's spilling co2 into atmosphere, PT around 250 million years ago and the other 200 million years ago was caused by co2.

10f increase in global temperatures killed 95% of all animals on earth.

55 million years is another co2 warming event.

This is what the palo record shows.

The crux of the issue is the arthropogenic factor. It's proved of negligible effect, yet governments are exploiting every angle to procure unsustainable taxes to foist a wealth redistribution schema, which means milking the science aphids to achieve absolute power over a less and less powerful public in America. Like other communist schemas, redistribution (taking from haves to pretend giving to have nots in order to procure it for oligarchical masterminds.)

Free people in America are standing in the way. tch, tch, tch.
I mean glacials you fucking retard moron. lol

You`don`t just have an IQ problem, you`ve got emotional problems on top of that...just like your buddy "thunder"what`s his name who throws the same kind of fits and then posts pages of crap & insults in over sized fonts.
It`s time for your medication... or did Obama care leave you in some kind of limbo ?
Besides miles and miles of ice we got miles and miles of glaciers from BC all the way up to the Lincoln Sea.
They still look like this:

They go on miles and miles and some are over a mile thick:

"Besides miles and miles of ice we got miles and miles of glaciers from BC all the way up to the Lincoln Sea."

I've seen too many glaciers to count in Canada, polarbear. They're so fabulous I came home from our trip and started collecting glacier blue glass for 2 years. That color is something you never, never forget, nor the chill from just a gentle warm autumn day's wind that blew over into awed observers' faces. It was the contrast of that warm sun and that ever-so-chill breeze that got my attention.

Kudos for excellent information and photos. It's refreshing.

God I love this forum!!!

PS FlaCalTenn...........Matthew saw too much science fiction in the formative years. Some people spend their entire life in a science fiction movie.

I love science fiction ;) Better then what you conservatives have with going back to the 18th century!!!

Quite ironic........especially when you consider that all of the committed climate nutters advocate banning fossil fuels which necessarily means we return to energy circa 1830......lotsa candles, taking bikes to work ( or a horse) and oh......forget about those cell phones, all made of fossil fuels:lol:. Back to LIttle Rascals communication systems!! :eusa_dance:HDTV? Not for you if you embrace the climate nutter get to build a fire in your old tube TV but don't forget to knock out your screen first!!!:up: And when the temperature hits 90+? No air conditioning for you!!:fu: Fry your ass off s0ns!!!

Need I elaborate any further? How hot shit would the world be if we let the climate nutters make the decisions???!!!!:coffee:


Who are the real flat earthers here?????
Yeah, winter weather is like that.

Record high CO2, record cold temps.
CO2 is causing global cooling!!! /Al Gore idiocy off

Your thesis, of course, assumes that there is no variation in climates, or that global warming can't adversely affect jet stream flow. Bad assumption, dude.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Your whole meme is that the climate must remain "stable". Might want to get your tall tale correct olfraud!:lol::lol:
Ice age land glaciers like Greenland covering the entire nation 1-2 miles thick. Like 18,000 years ago...

You people always find away to attack and spin what I said.

Dude, at least TRY and use the proper terminology, you having passed those college classes and all. They're called CONTINENTAL GLACIERS.
Hey West.....saw this today and almost pissed my pants. Of course, I knew it had to become an instant gay MSPAINT skook Photobucket Classic!!!

yeah the "polar vortex" is nothing new

it used to be called the Alberta Clipper

and has happened many many a times
There's a reason I'm a luke warmer as this pause proves to me that the positive forcing isn't very strong.

Does this mean I throw out text books in physics? no.

You are not a Luke warmer you are a full blown AGW cultist.

More lies from Matt.


I think 1.5c of total warming inline with Christy, spencer, and Monckton. At least this is what they thought not to long ago.
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Hey West.....saw this today and almost pissed my pants. Of course, I knew it had to become an instant gay MSPAINT skook Photobucket Classic!!!

yeah the "polar vortex" is nothing new

it used to be called the Alberta Clipper

and has happened many many a times


big difference between alberta clipper and polar vortex.

A polar vortex (also known as a polar cyclone, polar low, or a circumpolar whirl[1] ) is a persistent, large-scale cyclone located near either of a planet's geographical poles. On Earth, the polar vortices are located in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere. They surround the polar highs and lie in the wake of the polar front. These cold-core low-pressure areas strengthen in the winter and weaken in the summer due to their reliance upon the temperature differential between the equator and the poles.[2] They usually span less than 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) in which the air is circulating in a counter-clockwise fashion (in the Northern Hemisphere). As with other cyclones, their rotation is caused by the Coriolis effect.

The Arctic vortex in the Northern Hemisphere has two centers, one near Baffin Island and the other over northeast Siberia.[1] In the southern hemisphere, it tends to be located near the edge of the Ross ice shelf near 160 west longitude.[3] When the polar vortex is strong, the Westerlies increase in strength. When the polar cyclone is weak, the general flow pattern across mid-latitudes buckles and significant cold outbreaks occur.[4] Ozone depletion occurs within the polar vortex, particularly over the Southern Hemisphere, which reaches a maximum in the spring.

I bet you attack this too. :eusa_liar:
Hey West.....saw this today and almost pissed my pants. Of course, I knew it had to become an instant gay MSPAINT skook Photobucket Classic!!!

yeah the "polar vortex" is nothing new

it used to be called the Alberta Clipper

and has happened many many a times


big difference between alberta clipper and polar vortex.

A polar vortex (also known as a polar cyclone, polar low, or a circumpolar whirl[1] ) is a persistent, large-scale cyclone located near either of a planet's geographical poles. On Earth, the polar vortices are located in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere. They surround the polar highs and lie in the wake of the polar front. These cold-core low-pressure areas strengthen in the winter and weaken in the summer due to their reliance upon the temperature differential between the equator and the poles.[2] They usually span less than 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) in which the air is circulating in a counter-clockwise fashion (in the Northern Hemisphere). As with other cyclones, their rotation is caused by the Coriolis effect.

The Arctic vortex in the Northern Hemisphere has two centers, one near Baffin Island and the other over northeast Siberia.[1] In the southern hemisphere, it tends to be located near the edge of the Ross ice shelf near 160 west longitude.[3] When the polar vortex is strong, the Westerlies increase in strength. When the polar cyclone is weak, the general flow pattern across mid-latitudes buckles and significant cold outbreaks occur.[4] Ozone depletion occurs within the polar vortex, particularly over the Southern Hemisphere, which reaches a maximum in the spring.

I bet you attack this too. :eusa_liar:

And it defeats AGW...
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