More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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This pause has put nothing but egg on the face of warmers :( Science put our entire creditability on the line for this and our case with the American people is being harmed. This is what makes me sad as this effects more then just this issue.

You're being ridiculous.
This pause has put nothing but egg on the face of warmers :( Science put our entire creditability on the line for this and our case with the American people is being harmed. This is what makes me sad as this effects more then just this issue.

You're being ridiculous.

s0n.....gotta ask. Are your feet EVER on the ground at any given time of day?

How much doubt is there that the warmers are in decline? ZERO

I have presented dozens of links within this specific thread to prove it. Matthew and Old Rocks.......they know the score. The don't like it, but they know the score. The greens have taken a full round of 00 buck to the skull in the past couple of years.

Which're losing.
Dumping a bunch of abstracts with a handful of actual articles is bad edict. But assuming I could browse the internet and find the full articles on other sites or download them is not something an untrained person could do. You think I'm stupid a dirt SSDD so why would you expect me to have the ability to peruse your articles (could I say red herrings since they distract more than offer support?)

Well, I took about 10 seconds of effort and gleaned this:
It is not well understood whether coastal upwelling is a net CO2 source to the atmosphere or a net CO2 sink to the ocean...
Found in the first sentence in the first link.

Maybe its opposite day but that looks to support the idea that the oceans are not the source of our recent increase of CO2 in the last 2 centuries. Granted its coast Cali which doesn't represent the whole ocean but heed your own words SSDD: I AM STUPID. So you gotta present this shit in a way I can understand. It also helps if it actually supports your conclusions but hey, I'm not SSDD so I won't hold you to such harsh standards. I'd especially like to see support for your idea that oceans and land (not MAN) account for our latest surge in CO2 (and is predicted to climb to 450ppm within a 2-3 decades--and to think it took 2 centuries for CO2 to climb 100ppm, now it will take half that time @ current pace--hmmmm seems to correspond to MAN's capacity to expel CO2 with pop. growth).

Though I appreciate your efforts to cite sources, you failed to present a digestible response, let me offer the real scoop so we can keep our discussion rolling:

Wikipedia said:
Most sources of CO2 emissions are natural, and are balanced to various degrees by natural CO2 sinks. For example, the natural decay of organic material in forests and grasslands and the action of forest fires results in the release of about 439 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide every year, while new growth entirely counteracts this effect, absorbing 450 gigatonnes per year.[19] Although the initial carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the young Earth was produced by volcanic activity, modern volcanic activity releases only 130 to 230 megatonnes of carbon dioxide each year,[20] which is less than 1% of the amount released by human activities (at approximately 29 gigatonnes).[21] These natural sources are nearly balanced by natural sinks, physical and biological processes which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
I encourage you to read more here under "Sources of carbon dioxide"

The biosphere operates in harmony, it has and will continue to manage itself irrespective of humanity. Industry arrived and an imbalance (of relatively low portions) began. Even though anthropogenic pollution seems insignificant in size compared to the land and ocean sources--and it is--we have introduced an imbalance, a variable that was hitherto not extant.

To keep denying industry has nothing to do with this disrupted balance is to deny the air and water you breathe and drink. Either pony-up and realize the best explanation fits the data: human activity has largely been responsible for 400ppm. Increases to 450ppm are predicted in 2-3 decades and directly correspond to human activity and our increased capacity to expel CO2. Indeed, nothing much has changed in 2 centuries except for what men and beautiful women have done. Change rarely happens on global scales in such short epochs except during high Volcanic activity.

We are not connecting CO2 to GHG and I don't want to hear any reply mention those 2 dirty words (*wispers* "climate change"). I am merely offering the best explanation for how we shot up 100ppm since 1750. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lot of drama here.. Probably mankind played a role.. So what?
Our current 40% increase is the same magnitude increase that occurred during the series of Ice Ages.. Except THERE --- that same CO2 swing was accompanied by 7 or 10degC changes in surface temp.. Not just 1degC..

Should we sacrifice a couple Billion termites compensate? If that's what it takes to put the world back in balance -- let's go man.. Let's kick some termite butt..
Probably mankind played a role.. So what?

There is the heart and soul of the educated denier position.


"So-o-o-o WHAT?"


Are you all that thoughtful and considerate?

And the premise of the AGW cultist and their religion rely on:


and the biggest part of the religion is based on zero scientific evidence of the entire premise of the AGW theory and that is CO2 driving climate.

Zero evidence has been presented, but the AGW cultists lead by their priests and scribes believe so much that they will ignore any real science that shows their religion is bunk.

So how much money did you have to give to the church of AL Gore for all your posts yesterday?
FLC, I am not looking to explain temperature changes. We simply haven't got to that point yet. I am merely looking to explain why the last couple centuries have seen CO2 increases. The only non-anthropogenic explanation that could fit our relatively quick carbon dioxide increases are Volcanoes and we know that Volcanoes are not responsible. The only valid explanation is human activity--it corresponds directly to our capacity to raze Land and pollute the Air--the more we are capable of, the greater the CO2 output and this corresponds to all our measurements.

I think you're comment reluctantly agrees but dismisses the fact it has any validity or meaning.

"So what?" Indeed, so what if one of your beliefs is "technically inaccurate?" I sure as hell don't care if you're are trying to save face by dismissing the meaning of being inaccurate. I'm not here to rub it in your face for the sake of appearing superior. This is stupid and completely unhelpful. Your pals don't think so though, this is their basic tactic: appear superior at all costs.

Your position should be separate from YOU, who you ARE. You can't change being [insert name], but you CAN change mere beliefs with some effort that can in turn change behavior (even if those changes only manifest by not typing falsities on message boards). The deeper beliefs lie at the core of a worldview, the harder they are to change and the less likely you are willing to admit it to yourself (let alone to opponents or publicly).

But I trust your intellectual capacity that you are capable of choosing accurate beliefs over inaccurate ones. This is what you call me on every chance you get. And is this particular belief near the core of your understanding? I hope not but we know it is. The point you are unwilling to admit is man is responsible for man's own actions. This demonstrates you apply standards of accuracy and responsibility keenly against opponents but ignore these standard for your own beliefs. I think this is a textbook double standard. Now I understand why I'm always wrong and you're always right.

But FLC, I don't care if you're wrong or right or if I'm wrong or right--the point isn't our intellectual righteousness. It's what we are doing to the biosphere. Since it's so large we tend to ignore our tiny part, but each tiny part makes up the whole. Without addressing anthropogenic CO2, it is only going to rise. Avoiding simple rectification of faulty beliefs defers the problem to another generation--that isn't you. Oh so convenient, eh? It means you can continue doing what you do day to day without having to make any changes. Indeed, Americans are lazy fucks when it comes to improving/removing bad habits. I guess you are no different.

Fact: recent CO2 imbalances' have come from mostly human activity. It's the best explanation and a majority of experts have concluded similarly. If you continue to reject this quite simple conclusion (i.e. industry rises>CO2 rises>>industry rises>>>CO2 rises etc.) its based in personal procrastination not scientific data. Both are valid to an individual, however, personal laziness is not a valid approach to policy or international relations.

I respect you FLC but your positions are to be respected based on rigor, not a long-standing affair you've had with the belief. It's kinda like the fallacy of appealing to tradition, just cuz you held the belief for such a long time doesn't make it true.

...ramble ramble ramble for nothing. I know I just wasted my time typing this.
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FLC, I am not looking to explain temperature changes. We simply haven't got to that point yet. I am merely looking to explain why the last couple centuries have seen CO2 increases. The only non-anthropogenic explanation that could fit our relatively quick carbon dioxide increases are Volcanoes and we know that Volcanoes are not responsible. The only valid explanation is human activity--it corresponds directly to our capacity to raze Land and pollute the Air--the more we are capable of, the greater the CO2 output and this corresponds to all our measurements.

I think you're comment reluctantly agrees but dismisses the fact it has any validity or meaning.

"So what?" Indeed, so what if one of your beliefs is "technically inaccurate?" I sure as hell don't care if you're are trying to save face by dismissing the meaning of being inaccurate. I'm not here to rub it in your face for the sake of appearing superior. This is stupid and completely unhelpful. Your pals don't think so though, this is their basic tactic: appear superior at all costs.

Your position should be separate from YOU, who you ARE. You can't change being [insert name], but you CAN change mere beliefs with some effort that can in turn change behavior (even if those changes only manifest by not typing falsities on message boards). The deeper beliefs lie at the core of a worldview, the harder they are to change and the less likely you are willing to admit it to yourself (let alone to opponents or publicly).

But I trust your intellectual capacity that you are capable of choosing accurate beliefs over inaccurate ones. This is what you call me on every chance you get. And is this particular belief near the core of your understanding? I hope not but we know it is. The point you are unwilling to admit is man is responsible for man's own actions. This demonstrates you apply standards of accuracy and responsibility keenly against opponents but ignore these standard for your own beliefs. I think this is a textbook double standard. Now I understand why I'm always wrong and you're always right.

But FLC, I don't care if you're wrong or right or if I'm wrong or right--the point isn't our intellectual righteousness. It's what we are doing to the biosphere. Since it's so large we tend to ignore our tiny part, but each tiny part makes up the whole. Without addressing anthropogenic CO2, it is only going to rise. Avoiding simple rectification of faulty beliefs defers the problem to another generation--that isn't you. Oh so convenient, eh? It means you can continue doing what you do day to day without having to make any changes. Indeed, Americans are lazy fucks when it comes to improving/removing bad habits. I guess you are no different.

Fact: recent CO2 imbalances' have come from mostly human activity. It's the best explanation and a majority of experts have concluded similarly. If you continue to reject this quite simple conclusion (i.e. industry rises>CO2 rises>>industry rises>>>CO2 rises etc.) its based in personal procrastination not scientific data. Both are valid to an individual, however, personal laziness is not a valid approach to policy or international relations.

I respect you FLC but your positions are to be respected based on rigor, not a long-standing affair you've had with the belief. It's kinda like the fallacy of appealing to tradition, just cuz you held the belief for such a long time doesn't make it true.

...ramble ramble ramble for nothing. I know I just wasted my time typing this.

Untrue. The Vostock ice core data shows a 400 to 800 year lag for increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere after the onset of warming. The MWP occurred 800 years ago so the empirical data we have, shows that the current rise in CO2 is likely attributable to the MWP.
FLC, I am not looking to explain temperature changes. We simply haven't got to that point yet. I am merely looking to explain why the last couple centuries have seen CO2 increases. The only non-anthropogenic explanation that could fit our relatively quick carbon dioxide increases are Volcanoes and we know that Volcanoes are not responsible. The only valid explanation is human activity--it corresponds directly to our capacity to raze Land and pollute the Air--the more we are capable of, the greater the CO2 output and this corresponds to all our measurements.

I think you're comment reluctantly agrees but dismisses the fact it has any validity or meaning.

"So what?" Indeed, so what if one of your beliefs is "technically inaccurate?" I sure as hell don't care if you're are trying to save face by dismissing the meaning of being inaccurate. I'm not here to rub it in your face for the sake of appearing superior. This is stupid and completely unhelpful. Your pals don't think so though, this is their basic tactic: appear superior at all costs.

Your position should be separate from YOU, who you ARE. You can't change being [insert name], but you CAN change mere beliefs with some effort that can in turn change behavior (even if those changes only manifest by not typing falsities on message boards). The deeper beliefs lie at the core of a worldview, the harder they are to change and the less likely you are willing to admit it to yourself (let alone to opponents or publicly).

But I trust your intellectual capacity that you are capable of choosing accurate beliefs over inaccurate ones. This is what you call me on every chance you get. And is this particular belief near the core of your understanding? I hope not but we know it is. The point you are unwilling to admit is man is responsible for man's own actions. This demonstrates you apply standards of accuracy and responsibility keenly against opponents but ignore these standard for your own beliefs. I think this is a textbook double standard. Now I understand why I'm always wrong and you're always right.

But FLC, I don't care if you're wrong or right or if I'm wrong or right--the point isn't our intellectual righteousness. It's what we are doing to the biosphere. Since it's so large we tend to ignore our tiny part, but each tiny part makes up the whole. Without addressing anthropogenic CO2, it is only going to rise. Avoiding simple rectification of faulty beliefs defers the problem to another generation--that isn't you. Oh so convenient, eh? It means you can continue doing what you do day to day without having to make any changes. Indeed, Americans are lazy fucks when it comes to improving/removing bad habits. I guess you are no different.

Fact: recent CO2 imbalances' have come from mostly human activity. It's the best explanation and a majority of experts have concluded similarly. If you continue to reject this quite simple conclusion (i.e. industry rises>CO2 rises>>industry rises>>>CO2 rises etc.) its based in personal procrastination not scientific data. Both are valid to an individual, however, personal laziness is not a valid approach to policy or international relations.

I respect you FLC but your positions are to be respected based on rigor, not a long-standing affair you've had with the belief. It's kinda like the fallacy of appealing to tradition, just cuz you held the belief for such a long time doesn't make it true.

...ramble ramble ramble for nothing. I know I just wasted my time typing this.

Untrue. The Vostock ice core data shows a 400 to 800 year lag for increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere after the onset of warming. The MWP occurred 800 years ago so the empirical data we have, shows that the current rise in CO2 is likely attributable to the MWP.

Not just the Vostok cores....all cores show a lag indicating that rising CO2 is the result of rising temps, not the cause
FLC, I am not looking to explain temperature changes. We simply haven't got to that point yet. I am merely looking to explain why the last couple centuries have seen CO2 increases. The only non-anthropogenic explanation that could fit our relatively quick carbon dioxide increases are Volcanoes and we know that Volcanoes are not responsible. The only valid explanation is human activity--it corresponds directly to our capacity to raze Land and pollute the Air--the more we are capable of, the greater the CO2 output and this corresponds to all our measurements.

I think you're comment reluctantly agrees but dismisses the fact it has any validity or meaning.

"So what?" Indeed, so what if one of your beliefs is "technically inaccurate?" I sure as hell don't care if you're are trying to save face by dismissing the meaning of being inaccurate. I'm not here to rub it in your face for the sake of appearing superior. This is stupid and completely unhelpful. Your pals don't think so though, this is their basic tactic: appear superior at all costs.

Your position should be separate from YOU, who you ARE. You can't change being [insert name], but you CAN change mere beliefs with some effort that can in turn change behavior (even if those changes only manifest by not typing falsities on message boards). The deeper beliefs lie at the core of a worldview, the harder they are to change and the less likely you are willing to admit it to yourself (let alone to opponents or publicly).

But I trust your intellectual capacity that you are capable of choosing accurate beliefs over inaccurate ones. This is what you call me on every chance you get. And is this particular belief near the core of your understanding? I hope not but we know it is. The point you are unwilling to admit is man is responsible for man's own actions. This demonstrates you apply standards of accuracy and responsibility keenly against opponents but ignore these standard for your own beliefs. I think this is a textbook double standard. Now I understand why I'm always wrong and you're always right.

But FLC, I don't care if you're wrong or right or if I'm wrong or right--the point isn't our intellectual righteousness. It's what we are doing to the biosphere. Since it's so large we tend to ignore our tiny part, but each tiny part makes up the whole. Without addressing anthropogenic CO2, it is only going to rise. Avoiding simple rectification of faulty beliefs defers the problem to another generation--that isn't you. Oh so convenient, eh? It means you can continue doing what you do day to day without having to make any changes. Indeed, Americans are lazy fucks when it comes to improving/removing bad habits. I guess you are no different.

Fact: recent CO2 imbalances' have come from mostly human activity. It's the best explanation and a majority of experts have concluded similarly. If you continue to reject this quite simple conclusion (i.e. industry rises>CO2 rises>>industry rises>>>CO2 rises etc.) its based in personal procrastination not scientific data. Both are valid to an individual, however, personal laziness is not a valid approach to policy or international relations.

I respect you FLC but your positions are to be respected based on rigor, not a long-standing affair you've had with the belief. It's kinda like the fallacy of appealing to tradition, just cuz you held the belief for such a long time doesn't make it true.

...ramble ramble ramble for nothing. I know I just wasted my time typing this.

Untrue. The Vostock ice core data shows a 400 to 800 year lag for increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere after the onset of warming. The MWP occurred 800 years ago so the empirical data we have, shows that the current rise in CO2 is likely attributable to the MWP.

Not just the Vostok cores....all cores show a lag indicating that rising CO2 is the result of rising temps, not the cause

dude.......might as well be smashing your head against a wall. This one is a narcissistic k00k. Look at her posts.......80% of them are nothing but intellectual jargon, like most all far left nuts. Romantically involved with their own brand of jargon......daunting themselves!!!!

Anyway....none of that theory is having any kind of effect on things in the real world, so essentially, its nothing more than a gigantic circle jerk.......this tit for tat on C02. Been hearing about it for 20 years and how its a slam dunk. But congress hasn't done dick and wont either. Cap and Trade is as dead as a doornail.......snoooooooze. Europe is giving the finger to green energy because the people finally realized they'd been getting shafted up the pooper with BS for 2 saying FUCK YOU to solar and wind ( plenty of links herein )

We're dominating SSDD.......and they cant do shit about it.:D:D:rock:
If wind power were so perfect the Kennedy limo-liberal clan would never have spent a huge chunk of their ill-got fortune fighting to keep from having an offshore wind farm built within sight of their palace near Hyannis (they seem to prefer that be pronounced "high-ANUS".
Untrue. The Vostock ice core data shows a 400 to 800 year lag for increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere after the onset of warming. The MWP occurred 800 years ago so the empirical data we have, shows that the current rise in CO2 is likely attributable to the MWP.

Ignoring the fact that the MWP is long over and that the record in the cores involves warming periods that lasted thousands of years, WHAT do you believe has happened to all the CO2 we HAVE produced and HAVE released into the atmosphere?
Is this not classic cherry picking over at the New York Times ( what a surprise )!!!

Here we go again with the repeat of the bomb throwing we saw in 2001 with the snow!!! Take a part of the world that is seeing less snow and make it a global thing, "Soon there will be no more snow!!!".

Well......when Americans all across the country have been snowed/frozen in for weeks and weeks, the meatheads in these far left editorial departments decide its time to go full blown moron.

Ask virtually anybody in the northeast here about global warming these days. Unless you're part of the religion, you laugh your balls off!! The snow piles in the mall parking lots are 20 feet high!!

And isn't it ironic.......the same scam the AGW people pull when there is any weather anomaly ( "see.....extreme warming s0ns!!" )....taking current weather, no matter what it is, and attaching it to global warming ( big storms, tornados, flooding ) is totally backfiring here this winter as the nation freezes its ass off.

WIth every scoop of snow I shovel here this winter, I laugh even harder!!!:coffee:
"The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

- Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

The Green Agenda

The AGW k00ks will never connect the dots, but the above link is provided for curious minds perhaps interested in smashing through the fake/phoney/fraud scam created by a clever reality manufacturing company!!

So you hate the sun?

s0n.......if we put you in charge of the decisionmaking, we'd be living in a communist society within 1 years time if our currency didn't collapse by then!!!

That's the problem with k00k thinking........they don't think "costs" matter. If the intentions are it, regulate it, tax the shit out of the people for it........

500 million dollars for Solyndra.........right down the rabbit hole. Meanwhile, the group homes I run for DD folks have to take a 10% cut in the next 5 years. The AGW mofu's don't give a shit.......they have the established narrative for their goal of the destruction of the capitalistic system in play 24/7/365. And the disabled people I serve get fucked. Do I hate the far left? How about despise, hate and loath. These fuckers are destroying our society with their mental case utopian schemes......they should all be in mental hospitals.

Just print more money.........go......go......go!!!! Its all good!!!:up:

When the shit hits the fan s0n.......Im comin' to your place s0n and yep.......... taking ALL your shit!!!:2up: Then I'm heading for Abe's place!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock:

When the Jonestown hits.......the far left assholes are fucked.
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