More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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SSDD starts the day with a double eye poke to the AGW k00ks......the schooling is on Of course, they'll have some faux/fake/phoney/fraud theory response but that's what keeps this thread fun!!
Again, any actual evidence the claims are wrong or is an ad hominem the best you can muster....It wouldn't matter if he were the janitor at your local grammar school if the information is true, it's true. Can you provide any hard evidence proving it is false?

Soon even a janitor at the local grammar school can provide hard evidence that light does not produce the heat needed to perpetuate the AGW myth with a light source that does not emit mostly infrared.


You can measure the amount of heat an incandescent headlight puts out with a thermometer in front of it, because ~ 90% of the wattage these lights put out is infrared (heat).
None of the newer LED headlights will register any heat on a thermometer directly in front of it.

Even a janitor at the local grammar school can try it.
The thermometer will stay at ambient temperature with an LED headlight but register a temperature increase in front of an incandescent light which emits IR.
AGWarmers need to wring out their extra heat from the shorter wavelength light without the IR, because greenhouse gasses don`t just block outbound IR, they do the same with inbound IR.
..else the temperature gets stuck as it has been for 2 decades even though the CO2 ppm is up.
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Are you suggesting that the thermal energy absorbed by CO2 simply stays there and has no other affect on the rest of the atmosphere, the ocean or the land? Really? REALLY?

After 3.5 billion years of trapping that radiation and not being able to let any of it go anywhere else, just what IS the temperature of the Earth's CO2? Has it hit 1e9K yet?
Again, any actual evidence the claims are wrong or is an ad hominem the best you can muster....It wouldn't matter if he were the janitor at your local grammar school if the information is true, it's true. Can you provide any hard evidence proving it is false?

Soon even a janitor at the local grammar school can provide hard evidence that light does not produce the heat needed to perpetuate the AGW myth with a light source that does not emit mostly infrared.


You can measure the amount of heat an incandescent headlight puts out with a thermometer in front of it, because ~ 90% of the wattage these lights put out is infrared (heat).
None of the newer LED headlights will register any heat on a thermometer directly in front of it.

Even a janitor at the local grammar school can try it.
The thermometer will stay at ambient temperature with an LED headlight but register a temperature increase in front of an incandescent light which emits IR.
AGWarmers need to wring out their extra heat from the shorter wavelength light without the IR, because greenhouse gasses don`t just block outbound IR, they do the same with inbound IR.
..else the temperature gets stuck as it has been for 2 decades even though the CO2 ppm is up.

LED lighting emits almost no IR photons from the junction itself, but IR may be re-admitted from the waste heat that goes into the substrate and the required heatsink.. STILL very minimal.. But the photon energy that IS emitted on very narrow spectral lines for a white LED is still CAPABLE of heating. You just have to provide a thermometer capable of absorbing in the higher part of the visible range. Paint the frame black or change the materials to a thermal conductor absorber and it will heat..

If you've ever used "UV cure" epoxies --- that's an example of very good high visible freq absorber..
Winning has a lot to do with political power in reality. Obama spending hundreds billions of renewables and using the epa isn't a sign of a outright win by the skeptics.

Yep.....hundreds of billions totally wasted on a hoax. The stupid taxpayers lose.

Oh its an outright win........the Bush/Obama EPA gets a few points on the scoreboard for the k00ks.

More AGW mental case losing.........

Top left of the page on DRUDGE right now........

NWS: Travel 'Impossible'...
AMTRAK suspends...
Ice from TX to NC...
Cars Abandoned on Snow-Covered Roads...
Thousands Without Power...
Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food...
Nor'easter Could Be 'Biggest Of Season'...
Up to 14 inches in NYC...
'Snow Rage' Afflicts Locals...
Man Puts Gun To Plow Driver's Head...
Psychiatrist: 'Tremendous Amount' Of Seasonal Affect Disorder...

Another massive kick to the nut sacks of the warmist k00ks everywhere.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:


The alarmist threads of spectacular drivel?

Not so much.

People check in on our thread because they want something other than that canned msm driven hysteria. They get the straight in this thread. No phoney data allowed in here. In popularity, this thread is about #12 on BING ( second page and moving steadily towards page 1 ) if folks do a search under skeptics.

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LED lighting emits almost no IR photons from the junction itself, but IR may be re-admitted from the waste heat that goes into the substrate and the required heatsink.. STILL very minimal.. But the photon energy that IS emitted on very narrow spectral lines for a white LED is still CAPABLE of heating. You just have to provide a thermometer capable of absorbing in the higher part of the visible range. Paint the frame black or change the materials to a thermal conductor absorber and it will heat..

If you've ever used "UV cure" epoxies --- that's an example of very good high visible freq absorber..

That`s the whole point I was making takes a near perfect black body to convert visible & uv into heat.
Black paint does not absorb UV anywhere near the amount as it absorbs IR.
Try it !
If you've ever used "UV cure" epoxies --- that's an example of very good high visible freq absorber..
So does every compound that has pi-bond electrons. They all absorb UV, but that does not heat up any of these compounds by the equivalent amount of "heat energy" with which they have been irradiated.
Think about it..!

These pi bond electrons re-emit the same amount of energy as light which they have absorbed.

So from where would you get the energy it takes to heat up x- grams of the substance by y- degrees ?

That conversion to heat happens only in a substance that does not have any of the resonant bond electrons at the frequency of the light which they would have re-emitted....

For a quantitative conversion from light to heat you need a black body.

And as far as black bodies go, it depends on the wavelength how effective of a black body a certain substance/ and or/ object is.
And water isn`t an effective black body for UV/visible else these tanks would start boiling if 20 000 watts were converted into heat:

If the lights had been converted into heat, it would take only 4&1/2 days to bring these 6000 gallon tanks to the boiling point.
Every summer I fill up a "kiddie pool" which is only ~ 2000 gallons with tap water and it takes about 4 (stinking hot) days till it warms from 8 C to 20 C.
I`m not arguing that a tub full of black ink would not warm any quicker, but our oceans which are ~7/10th of the earth`s surface aren`t full with black ink either...and they would have to be to get the AGWarmist heat they claim the oceans "are hiding"
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While all that heat is "hiding" deep down in the oceans:

The warmists are frantically "averaging" our winters with news of a few hot summer days in Australia and some warm water that they say manages to hide from the entire Argos network.
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While all that heat is "hiding" deep down in the oceans:

The warmists are frantically "averaging" our winters with news of a few hot summer days in Australia and some warm water that they say manages to hide from the entire Argos network.

The far left........the only way they are at all relevant is via deceit, fraud and lies. Our president does it every day. There ideas cannot win if the results are they must lie.

This whole global warming thing........all based upon mountains of fraud.

But the fact terms of this science, they are barely relevant. As has been displayed in this thread and is not even debatable.......they are losing huge. If their science mattered, green energy would matter. Its not. Its fringe now and will be fringe decades from now.

I'll make an Olympics analogy.........

Take downhill skiing.........only the far left guy would wax poetic and sing the praises of a downhill skier who made it 100 meters down the course and then crashed into the fence, "Well......they looked awesome fast out of the gate and were flying that first 50 yards!!!". A handful might agree.......most would say, "Nobody cares!"

When you take up a fringe spend your life being fringe. You are championed by a handful of like losers and cling to them desperately. But in the bigger picture of life........loser.

That's why I love this forum so much........its all about winning. This thread teaches the unenlightened the sorry state of affairs in the AGW community as it is applied to real life impact:D:D:D:D:up:
Morning AGW nutter nut sack kick of the day >>>

Three Signs of Retreat in the Global War on Climate Change

In the carbon wars, big oil is winning.

Three Signs of Retreat in the Global War on Climate Change | The Nation

Like several have said in these pages........costs matter........except to the AGW k00ks. Thankfully, to the rest of the world, costs are everything.

The greatest irony and funniest damn thing??..........

ALL of the global warming alarmists despise a growth generated economy!! But you absolutely cannot do this green stuff when growth is shit like it is now. ( 1.9% this quarter and last, for example ). The k00ks embrace this total bullshit Keynesian model which invariably means the corporate world is going to uber-embrace fossil fuels.

You stoopid morons..........wake up and smell the maple nut crunch!!!
Morning AGW nutter nut sack kick of the day >>>

Three Signs of Retreat in the Global War on Climate Change

In the carbon wars, big oil is winning.

Three Signs of Retreat in the Global War on Climate Change | The Nation

Like several have said in these pages........costs matter........except to the AGW k00ks. Thankfully, to the rest of the world, costs are everything.

The greatest irony and funniest damn thing??..........

ALL of the global warming alarmists despise a growth generated economy!! But you absolutely cannot do this green stuff when growth is shit like it is now. ( 1.9% this quarter and last, for example ). The k00ks embrace this total bullshit Keynesian model which invariably means the corporate world is going to uber-embrace fossil fuels.

You stoopid morons..........wake up and smell the maple nut crunch!!!

They might wake up now:

U.S. manufacturing output falls as cold weather bites | Reuters
U.S. manufacturing output falls as cold weatherbites
Reports from official government agencies, private surveys and U.S. corporations have blamed colder-than-normal weather and heavy snowfall across large swaths of the country for everything from slack retail sales and weak employment data to poor industrial output.
Again and again reality unfolds quite differently as the AGWarmers would like to see it. They spent all their time writing over 87 million blogs about the effect of a "warmer than normal climate" on the economy.
And in almost all of them "warmer than normal" is the "climate"...and none of them ever even evaluate a colder than normal REALITY

About 87,400,000 results (0.32 seconds)
None of them ever said we would cease having winters. When Souix Falls gets to -40F almost every winter, raising the average global temperature by 2 or 3C isn't going to make much difference to folks trying to drive to work on a January morning.
None of them ever said we would cease having winters. When Souix Falls gets to -40F almost every winter, raising the average global temperature by 2 or 3C isn't going to make much difference to folks trying to drive to work on a January morning.

That's not what you're saying though is it. You all state unequivocally that a one degree rise in global temperatures will have catastrophic consequences.

Nice to see you backtrack from that particular line of idiocy.:eusa_whistle:
The difference between getting yourself to work on a -40F morning and a -37F morning would not be significant. The difference between Arctic ice and no Arctic ice, sea level up a foot or more, half of Asia without drinking water and crops failing across the American midlands... those sorts of things would be significant.

I'm pretty sure I'm not generally that subtle, but if you're having trouble following what I say, just read it again more slowly. And if you're still having trouble, ask me to explain it to you in little words and short sentences. I made certain that when I said "isn't going to make much difference" that I specified precisely to what activity the temperature increase would lack significance. Wish you'd caught that and saved us this trouble; but I guess that's not often your way, is it.
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The difference between getting yourself to work on a -40F morning and a -37F morning would not be significant. The difference between Arctic ice and no Arctic ice, sea level up a foot or more, half of Asia without drinking water and crops failing across the American midlands... those sorts of things would be significant.

I'm pretty sure I'm not generally that subtle, but if you're having trouble following what I say, just read it again more slowly. And if you're still having trouble, ask me to explain it to you in little words and short sentences. I made certain that when I said "isn't going to make much difference" that I specified precisely to what activity the temperature increase would lack significance. Wish you'd caught that and saved us this trouble; but I guess that's not often your way, is it.

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