More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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LED lighting emits almost no IR photons from the junction itself, but IR may be re-admitted from the waste heat that goes into the substrate and the required heatsink.. STILL very minimal.. But the photon energy that IS emitted on very narrow spectral lines for a white LED is still CAPABLE of heating. You just have to provide a thermometer capable of absorbing in the higher part of the visible range. Paint the frame black or change the materials to a thermal conductor absorber and it will heat..

If you've ever used "UV cure" epoxies --- that's an example of very good high visible freq absorber..

That`s the whole point I was making takes a near perfect black body to convert visible & uv into heat.
Black paint does not absorb UV anywhere near the amount as it absorbs IR.
Try it !
If you've ever used "UV cure" epoxies --- that's an example of very good high visible freq absorber..
So does every compound that has pi-bond electrons. They all absorb UV, but that does not heat up any of these compounds by the equivalent amount of "heat energy" with which they have been irradiated.
Think about it..!

These pi bond electrons re-emit the same amount of energy as light which they have absorbed.

So from where would you get the energy it takes to heat up x- grams of the substance by y- degrees ?

That conversion to heat happens only in a substance that does not have any of the resonant bond electrons at the frequency of the light which they would have re-emitted....

For a quantitative conversion from light to heat you need a black body.

And as far as black bodies go, it depends on the wavelength how effective of a black body a certain substance/ and or/ object is.
And water isn`t an effective black body for UV/visible else these tanks would start boiling if 20 000 watts were converted into heat:

If the lights had been converted into heat, it would take only 4&1/2 days to bring these 6000 gallon tanks to the boiling point.
Every summer I fill up a "kiddie pool" which is only ~ 2000 gallons with tap water and it takes about 4 (stinking hot) days till it warms from 8 C to 20 C.
I`m not arguing that a tub full of black ink would not warm any quicker, but our oceans which are ~7/10th of the earth`s surface aren`t full with black ink either...and they would have to be to get the AGWarmist heat they claim the oceans "are hiding"

Technically, water both IS and ISN'T a good UV absorber if you define UV as down to 10nm.


So at sea level -- there's virtually no solar 10 nm UV to do anything. So you are fully correct it plays no part in the environment. For that matter -- there's virtually NO absorption ANYWHERE in the visible except the far RED, which is why you don't have poached fish in that large tank. (that and the heat leakage out of the observation windows.)

As far as UNnatural lighting and UV epoxies and Fish Lamps. I figured (maybe wrongly) that it would be the suspended silt and salt content that prevented re-radiation by supplying thermal conduction throughout the medium.. And that epoxy WAS curing by UV "heat" but that the compound similiarly had good conduction elements embedded in the goo.

So next spring (if it ever comes) -- while the kiddies are waiting for the pool to warm (if you call that warm :lol:) --- try adding some silt and salt and tell me if that shaves a day or two off the waiting period...
Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.
Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.

Philosophy is gay.

We can sit around the campfire for weeks discussing CO2 absorption. Irrelevant in the bigger picture. Might as well be reading poetry.

What matters is, who is winning?

RealClearEnergy - Coal Will Be King by 2030
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So next spring (if it ever comes) -- while the kiddies are waiting for the pool to warm (if you call that warm :lol:) --- try adding some silt and salt and tell me if that shaves a day or two off the waiting period...

They never waited for the pool to warm up. So in fact I`ve been adding the kiddies to the pool first,... and they dragged in the silt afterwards. So I`ll never know for sure what finally brought it up from 8 C.

I can`t do the re-run as you suggested because we gave that house to our eldest son and moved to Winnipeg.
Lucky thing we did, because this winter the water mains which are over 8 feet underground busted all over the place.
It`s also happening in Winnipeg, causing traffic jams, but so far we have been lucky in our district.
Crews work to free frozen cars in South Winnipeg neighbourhood


WINNIPEG- City crews worked to steam cars free that were frozen in their tracks Monday night after a water main break flooded the street earlier in the day.
The water main break that caused a slushy, watery mess and slowed traffic in south Osborne during Monday’s rush hour, turned into a frozen lake by Monday night.
I wonder why they had to use steam. They could have used one of these 4 Hiroshima widget bombs that go off every second.
With these nuclear widgets there is no need to worry about radio active fall-out.
4 Hiroshima bombs per second: a widget to raise awareness about global warming

Posted on 25 November 2013 by John Cook, Bob Lacatena
Too bad John Cook wasn`t on Oppenheimer`s team. It took them years to make the 2 bombs they dropped in Japan.Maybe John Cook could have convinced the Japanese that he can fry Hiroshima & Nagasaki with his .5 watt/m^2 unless they surrender....with his widget he can make 4 of those every second at a fraction of the cost.
And now we have to worry about Iran getting one of John Cook`s nuclear widgets
When I mention this in public talks, I see eyes as wide as saucers.
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Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.

No such thing has ever been proven. Absorption and emission do not equal warming.
Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.

Philosophy is gay.

We can sit around the campfire for weeks discussing CO2 absorption. Irrelevant in the bigger picture. Might as well be reading poetry.

What matters is, who is winning?

RealClearEnergy - Coal Will Be King by 2030

Speaking of gay, you and polar bear should hook up. I hear he eats morons. It's his brain food.
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Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.

You must be one of these dummies that were surveyed in San Diego:
Global Warming Explained, In About A Minute : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR

[ame=""]How Global Warming Works in 1.2 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

They all say ( these 90 whatever consensus %)... that the IR the CO2 absorbed, heats the surface....which then can`t radiate what it absorbed through X- ppm CO2 as fast as it has been absorbing it.
Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.

Philosophy is gay.

We can sit around the campfire for weeks discussing CO2 absorption. Irrelevant in the bigger picture. Might as well be reading poetry.

What matters is, who is winning?

RealClearEnergy - Coal Will Be King by 2030

Speaking of gay, you and polar bear should hook up. I hear he eats morons. It's his brain food.

BRAVO! That was fooking brilliant.
When the k00ks start looking like 's due to being publically pwned, look for the personal attacks and frequent use of "moron", "idiot", "retard" etc..........

I guess I can get it on some level...........these people are knocking themselves out for 25 years talking about CO2 and the world is pumping out more coal than ever!!!! ( see link above )........and green energy remains at laughable levels.
So what you are saying is that you have no issues with this:


And that all the environmental destruction and the lives of the people impacted by it are completely irrelevant to your cash register morality. I'm sure Jesus is proud of you.
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LMAO........CBS News promotes mental telepathy/mind reader as weather expert on TV speaking about the severe threat of global warming >>>

[ame=]Global Warming and The Absurd Level of Lying - YouTube[/ame]

The AGW religion needs to lie 24/7.
So what you are saying is that you have no issues with this:


And that all the environmental destruction and the lives of the people impacted by it are completely irrelevant to your cash register morality. I'm sure Jesus is proud of you.

Nobody cares about what I think.

But people care about staying warm/cool without going broke. Disney bubble dwellers never consider costs. Thankfully, the rest of the world thinks its pretty important.......which is why the EU's experiment with green energy is going into the toilet. ( links throughout this thread ). It is because EU countries cannot remain competitive using mega-expensive green its back to coal. Bubble dwellers go to their boxes trying to perpetuate the idea of a makey-uppey world......but its not how the world works.

And the irony........the AGW k00ks who go and post pictures of coal mines are also the last dopes who would give up their iphones and cars but still cry "ban fossil fuels". I'll believe their shit when they dump the iPhones and bike to work.......every day. Use no plastics........heat and cool ONLY with wind/solar.

Until then.......the are full of epic levels of bullcrap.
Matthew, if I didn't know better - and I'm not so sure that I do - I might suspect that you're identity here had been hijacked. That CO2 absorbs IR radiation and warms the atmosphere has been proven experimentally since the late 1800s.

Don't fall into the denier's tin of red herring.

Philosophy is gay.

We can sit around the campfire for weeks discussing CO2 absorption. Irrelevant in the bigger picture. Might as well be reading poetry.

What matters is, who is winning?

RealClearEnergy - Coal Will Be King by 2030

We can argue about philosophy of the past 100 years but without it I seriously doubt we'd have America as republican state that treats all equally... Greece, lott, etc....
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