More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Was the spruce goose? Look, every innovation, invention, enterprise, etc, is going to have its successes and its failures. Do you deny this? Why should alternative energy be any different? The Marble Hill Nuclear power plant was a massive financial disaster (far worse than Solyndra), and yet 30 years later, we are looking at building more nukes to help with carbon emissions.

Warmers want us to waste trillions on less reliable energy.
If they were serious, they'd back more nukes, instead of birdie blenders and solar.

Well, there you go again, making unsubstantiated claims.

Warmers don't back wind and solar?
Wind and solar aren't unreliable?

Interesting claims.
Was the spruce goose? Look, every innovation, invention, enterprise, etc, is going to have its successes and its failures. Do you deny this? Why should alternative energy be any different? The Marble Hill Nuclear power plant was a massive financial disaster (far worse than Solyndra), and yet 30 years later, we are looking at building more nukes to help with carbon emissions.

Warmers want us to waste trillions on less reliable energy.
If they were serious, they'd back more nukes, instead of birdie blenders and solar.

Well, there you go again, making unsubstantiated claims.

The greenies are failing to deliver plus killing millions of birds. They claim fewer bird deaths while populations of migratory birds who used to fly the skies where the bird blender blades of the windmills are, and whose populations are declining "for some mysterious reason."

It's really not a mystery. A couple of birdcounts around the killer windmills are done per year, claiming sparse deaths, when birders know the average time of a bird carcass to disappear is less than 24 hours. It's a greeny opportunity to dodge the bullet the windmills point at migratory birds.

Ospreys have all but disappeared in the areas where they once ruled the skies in majesty and beauty. No more thanks to the greedy Greenies shilling for gummint handouts for their follies into improbity.
Warmers want us to waste trillions on less reliable energy.
If they were serious, they'd back more nukes, instead of birdie blenders and solar.

Well, there you go again, making unsubstantiated claims.

The greenies are failing to deliver plus killing millions of birds. They claim fewer bird deaths while populations of migratory birds who used to fly the skies where the bird blender blades of the windmills are, and whose populations are declining "for some mysterious reason."

It's really not a mystery. A couple of birdcounts around the killer windmills are done per year, claiming sparse deaths, when birders know the average time of a bird carcass to disappear is less than 24 hours. It's a greeny opportunity to dodge the bullet the windmills point at migratory birds.

Ospreys have all but disappeared in the areas where they once ruled the skies in majesty and beauty. No more thanks to the greedy Greenies shilling for gummint handouts for their follies into improbity.

actually the administration has given a pass

to the greenies to allow them to smoke birds at will
you see it only matters to the leftists

if a bird dies an oil related death

if a bird dies of a broken spine and falling three hundred feet to its death

well that is progress

Well........gotta keep the most relevant thread in the forum front and center!!! The rest of the stuff is fantasy and theory.

So.....whats in the k00k losing news today??!!

Ahhh......looks like America is going to be fracking its ass off for decades. >>>

U.S. Gas Exports

Good to know if you're not an AGW nutter. This will contribute to keeping energy costs under control instead of the k00k plan which increases our electric costs by 100%!!! Imagine your electric bill going from $200/month to $400/month if the green assholes get their way!!! Even Obama admitted in 2009 its gonna be expensive. But thank goodness, nobody cares about pushing this green energy crap except the k00ks.
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Did you read the article that explained the cause of the jet stream taking that dip south and freezing the midwest and the northeast was warming in the Arctic. And what would that be from?
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What does this thread have to do with the environment? Belongs in the flame zone.

Actually s0n, they should have a forum dedicated to the true believer AGW folks and a regular environment forum.

None of the "environmentalists" on this forum are at all concerned about the environment. One quick peek at the first two pages tells the viewer that if the topic isn't something to do with AGW bomb throwing, its not important. Which is very telling about how phoney the whole issue is. Its all about perpetuating the established narrative on global warming.

I post up something on Fukishima a few months back and its effect on the environment and every single global warming k00k marginalized it as a non-story....."nothing to see here". Speaks volumes.
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I would support a petition to management to have separate threads for the environment and global warming.
Do you have a religion? Do you believe in any of the gods that people worship?

"Any" is a big word in scope. I won't rule out the possibility that a God that seems plausible might wander in someday, somewhere.

Now Your God, Algore, in him I certainly do not believe. Other than believe he's a hypocrite lounging in (one of) his mansion(s) laughing at you.
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