More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Brilliance from Krauthammer today in many newspapers........and this is classic.......

"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

The AGW k00ks make believe its not even part of the dynamic. Doesn't matter 5 billion predictions have been bogus.

exposing the fraud >>>>

Charles Krauthammer: The myth of ?settled science? - The Washington Post
Brilliance from Krauthammer today in many newspapers........and this is classic.......

"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

The AGW k00ks make believe its not even part of the dynamic. Doesn't matter 5 billion predictions have been bogus.

exposing the fraud >>>>

Charles Krauthammer: The myth of ?settled science? - The Washington Post

This so called "settled science" has shifted from making predictions to making the predictions as ambiguous as a horoscope and is now in the damage control phase.
Thus global warming morphed to climate change and has all the earmarks of a typical pseudo science like astrology.
"Cold reading" to whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, and then emphasizing and reinforcing any chance connections the subjects acknowledge while quickly moving on from missed guesses.
"Shotgunning" is a commonly used cold reading technique.
The cold reader slowly offers a huge quantity of very general information, often to an entire audience (some of which is very likely to be correct, near correct or at the very least, provocative or evocative to someone present)
"confirmation bias"
Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs
People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position.

belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).
"Over confidence bias"
Overconfidence bias often serves to increase the effects of escalating commitment - causing decision makers to refuse to withdraw from a losing situation,
The overconfidence effect is a well-established bias in which someone's subjective confidence in their judgments is reliably greater than their objective accuracy, especially when confidence is relatively high.[1] For example, in some quizzes, people rate their answers as "99% certain" but are wrong 40% of the time.
Summing up the common traits, AGW methodology does`nt just look like a duck, walk like a duck it also quacks like a duck with every step.

It has nothing in common with Scientific Methodology:
Scientific methodology

While the standards for determining whether a body of knowledge, methodology, or practice is scientific can vary from field to field, a number of basic principles are widely agreed upon by scientists. The basic notion is that all experimental results should be reproducible, and able to be verified by other individuals.[12]
All gathered data, including the experimental or environmental conditions, are expected to be documented for scrutiny and made available
In Canada Krauthammer would not have to worry about being sued by these quacking ducks and could have made duck soup:

“Plaintiff continues to evade the one action that might definitively establish its [his science’s] respectability - by objecting, in the courts of Virginia, British Columbia and elsewhere, to the release of his research in this field.
The fact Mann refused to disclose his ‘hockey stick’ graph metadata in the British Columbia Supreme Court, as he is required to do under Canadian civil rules of procedure, constituted a fatal omission to comply, rendering his lawsuit unwinnable.
And more bad news for the fascist environmental k00ks this am >>>

Rough Winter to Lag Into March for Midwest, East

Oh.....and from here forward, they will indeed be referred to as the "fascist" environmental k00ks. when your activism has reached a point of trying to muzzle and shut down any other point of view than your own = fascists. Which is fine though......just amps up pushback on the other side. Support removal of First Amendment rights and people will be in your fucking face.
Daily dose of AGW crusader losing >>>

German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies

The German energy crisis is pushing the government to consider ending green energy subsidies because they do little to fight global warming and only serve to make electricity more expensive.

A recent government report is urging the complete abolition of the country’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which imposes hefty taxes on families and businesses to subsidize green energy production.

Read more: German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies | The Daily Caller

Read more: German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies | The Daily Caller

German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies | The Daily Caller

Like Ive been saying........the AGW fascist religion doesn't give a rats ass about "costs". But the rest of the world gets it. Which means the science isn't mattering.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
Daily dose of AGW crusader losing >>>

German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies

The German energy crisis is pushing the government to consider ending green energy subsidies because they do little to fight global warming and only serve to make electricity more expensive.

A recent government report is urging the complete abolition of the country’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which imposes hefty taxes on families and businesses to subsidize green energy production.

Read more: German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies | The Daily Caller

Read more: German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies | The Daily Caller

German government report: Get rid of green energy subsidies | The Daily Caller

Like Ive been saying........the AGW fascist religion doesn't give a rats ass about "costs". But the rest of the world gets it. Which means the science isn't mattering.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

They have no choice.. The German Govt botched it by shuttering the nuke plants and overpaying for the green toys and the German consumer is now on to the incompetence.
The bills are going through the roof.

Time for the adults to take over..
Doubters Dominated On Fox News, The Majority Of Whom Were Unqualified. Fox News tipped the balance toward those on the opposite side of the facts, as 69 percent of guests and 75 percent of mentions cast doubt on climate science. Seventy-three percent of doubters hosted by Fox News had no background in climate science.


STUDY: Media Sowed Doubt In Coverage Of UN Climate Report | Research | Media Matters for America

Best to stay tuned to Fox if you want your ideology confirmed repeatedly but look at the mass media too for a favorable opinion. Just be sure to stay out of the scientific studies that confirm your falsehood.
Doubters Dominated On Fox News, The Majority Of Whom Were Unqualified. Fox News tipped the balance toward those on the opposite side of the facts, as 69 percent of guests and 75 percent of mentions cast doubt on climate science. Seventy-three percent of doubters hosted by Fox News had no background in climate science.


STUDY: Media Sowed Doubt In Coverage Of UN Climate Report | Research | Media Matters for America

Best to stay tuned to Fox if you want your ideology confirmed repeatedly but look at the mass media too for a favorable opinion. Just be sure to stay out of the scientific studies that confirm your falsehood.'re doing it wrong = you're not getting it.

If there was no FOX News, the skeptics would still be winning.

Just like 20 years ago, the whole global warming debate is but a hobby. That's all it is having zero impact on the real world as it applies to fossil fuels and where we get our energy. Wont be changing for a minimum of several decades. ( as has been displayed within this thread 100X over )

You lose.:D
Doubters Dominated On Fox News, The Majority Of Whom Were Unqualified. Fox News tipped the balance toward those on the opposite side of the facts, as 69 percent of guests and 75 percent of mentions cast doubt on climate science. Seventy-three percent of doubters hosted by Fox News had no background in climate science.

STUDY: Media Sowed Doubt In Coverage Of UN Climate Report | Research | Media Matters for America

Best to stay tuned to Fox if you want your ideology confirmed repeatedly but look at the mass media too for a favorable opinion. Just be sure to stay out of the scientific studies that confirm your falsehood.

You clearly don't know the difference between a news organization and scientific bodies.
EVERY new organization is about public policy and there is no news org that has the ability or the will to bore their viewers to death with detailed science discussions.

Maybe you didn't notice, but our Sec of State John Fraud Kerry is out telling the world that Global Warming is a "weapon of mass destruction" without ever ONCE justifying the use of that outrageous construct. And perhaps when CBS or CNN starts to have frank and UNEDITED interviews with REAL climate scientists -- I'll worry more about who Fox News selects to put on the topic.

This is why I cringe anytime science gets into the hot seat in politics or a courtroom. Because NOBODY in those fields is qualified to weigh the evidence. YET -- that's how public policy and justice is determined.
I can agree FLC that spreading the idea of a weapon is not a healthy scientific image but it turns out no one in our political system has a genuine concern for science, they are concerned with political leverage and act accordingly.
On the "engineering" of climate change >>>

The problem is not that people deny the existence of climate change. Most people agree that there is a climate change but they deny that it is man-made. There are now over 1,000 real scientists and climatologists that agree that global warming is a hoax. The scientific evidence provided from the left to support global warming is based on “consensus.” Consensus does not constitute scientific fact. It just means that a group of people are in agreement on a particular issue. The MSM is not interested in hearing or airing any opposing views, marginalizing, intimidating, and suing anybody who disagrees with them. They have decided that it is settled science and that is the end of the conversation, case closed.

?Engineering? Climate Change
Hmmmm......whats in the news today on climate change??!!!

Ahhh.......whats this?

Its more AGW alarmist losing.........losing huge I might add. Seems in a big court case in Canada, the head honcho and guru of modern climate change science, Michael Mann is unable to produce any data to support his lawsuits, which is against Canadian law!! Jackass has a chance to finally lend credibility to his science and falls flat on his face producing a BIG ZERO!!!

Michael Mann Faces Bankruptcy as his Courtroom Climate Capers Collapse

Been saying for years this jerkoff is a fraud!!

I am going to miss having the warmist wackos around when all of the dust settles....the wheels are coming off the AGW crazy train and what do they do.....acclerate. It is the damnedest thing to watch.

The nail in the coffin for this thread is it not??!!!!!:clap2: So much losing. So much effort by these dolts......such little impact in the real world. Astounding.


It`s been a chicken stampede, the only difference is that chickens are more rational.
I am going to miss having the warmist wackos around when all of the dust settles....the wheels are coming off the AGW crazy train and what do they do.....acclerate. It is the damnedest thing to watch.

The nail in the coffin for this thread is it not??!!!!!:clap2: So much losing. So much effort by these dolts......such little impact in the real world. Astounding.


It`s been a chicken stampede, the only difference is that chickens are more rational.

OK Polar.......Ive been on here several years and this is the funniest shit Ive ever seen posted. I damn near spit my PowerAde onto the monitor.:D:D:rofl: Over the past several months, the carnage has indeed been epic.
Hey Polar.....want to laugh your balls off......found a vid of Abe shooting a 50 cal round. Like everything else, he's doing it wrong!!!

Guy hit in head with .50 caliber ricochet - YouTube

That can`t be him, because that guy knew at which end the bullets come out. Btw. that screenshot was just the front page of the environment thread, he was also all over the next page....citing that 97% climate scientist consensus, which sounds just like this:

[ame=""]chicken orchestra - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=""]Chicken blown up! - YouTube[/ame]

That one was Kraut-hammered.
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