More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey Polar.....want to laugh your balls off......found a vid of Abe shooting a 50 cal round. Like everything else, he's doing it wrong!!!

Guy hit in head with .50 caliber ricochet - YouTube

I hate to disappoint you, but I find this neither humorous nor intimidating. It makes me curious however. Why do you think I deserve this level of abuse?

Everyone trying to put the global warming con over on the public deserves more than abuse. They deserve to be put in prison for fraud.

I'm not kidding about that. All con artists should go to prison.
Weird...after I posted the part where I quoted you was red- X`d out....including the part that I was not surprised that prophet Abe the 3rd cant`s take it when his narcissistic liberal ego gets bruised.
But no matter how hard they try, it always back fires sooner or later and when it does it`s always funny:
[ame=""]Woman Gets Hit In The Face By Watermelon In Slingshot - YouTube[/ame]
See what I mean ?,.. Idiots do need Obama care.
I bet it hurt, but how can you not laugh about it when the bitch who was shooting at these symbolic male chauvinistic knights got it in her kisser by her own doing. But no way would that dumb broad tolerate an event where men aim watermelon sling shots at anything that might look female.
So yeah I laughed, just as hard as I laughed about that guy with his .50 cal
It`s called "Schadenfreude" and it`s only a question of time before libtards declare Schadenfreude-laughter as a hate crime....just like anything else that bruises their narcissistic ego.

Almost all of Canada and the northern States have been at under -30 for most of the time this fall and winter. So we don`t mind when these outside green, inside red AGW watermelon barrages backfire.
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Again, I`m not surprised at all, that cheese-head prophet Abe the 3rd served his whine to complement his head cheese.
For cheese heads like him even the slightest dose of reality is a threat to their sorry existence.
Every time another AGW myth withers away under closer scrutiny he either does that,... or the consensus chicken orchestra thing.
Let`s see what he does with this one:
Frigid South Pole atmosphere reveals flaw in global circulation models
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Atmospheric measurements made at Earth's geographic poles provide a convenient way of validating and calibrating global circulation models. Such measurements also might provide some of the first conclusive evidence of global change in the middle and upper atmospheres. But new data shows that the current models are wrong: Temperatures over the South Pole are much colder in winter than scientists had anticipated.

Gardner's group was the first to make upper atmosphere temperature measurements over the South Pole. From December 1999 until October 2001, the scientists operated a laser radar (lidar) system at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. By combining the lidar data with balloon measurements of the troposphere and lower stratosphere, the scientists recorded temperatures from the surface to an altitude of about 70 miles.

"Our results suggest that wintertime warming due to sinking air masses is not as strong as the models have assumed," Gardner said. "But, in all fairness, since no one had made these measurements before, modelers have been forced to estimate the values. And, in this case, their estimates were wrong."

"Current global circulation models apparently overpredict the amount of down-welling, because they show warmer temperatures than we observed," Gardner said.
My guess is that he`ll seek shelter in his usual 97 % "" turtle shell

Here's the Chicken McNugget in that one..

But while it understands the risks, the D.C. government continues to mandate the ratings for public buildings — and get cash from the program.

The city has collected $5.2 million in permit fees from the program since 2010.

Read more: Report: DC's green-approved buildings using more energy | The Daily Caller

It's a PR trophy granted for a price by the local govt.. AND the kickbacks from the "green" vendors that are selling all types of harebrained appliances and materials that don't actually save any energy.. Like my Govt designed heat pump, that's been running for 36 hours straight because it doesn't DO ANYTHING when the temp is below freezing..

That green shit ideology is just another fad and like the fads of the past it won`t survive the test of time either.
Libtards still believe "the meek shall inherit the earth", because in their mind it`s their loving mommy that they protect from the rest of us evil doers.
The reality is that "mommy" does not care and does not hesitate to kill off the meek. This green earth worship religion can`t reconcile the fact that nature is oblivious to their veggie eating and tree-hugging life style.
Therefore a cathastrophy can`t be natural and must be blamed on man...and if there hasn`t been a cathastrophy lately then they`ll invent or predict one...
Survival of the fittest is how the real world works and that always will prevail. This is what`s in store for the meek Chicken Little, "Henny Penny":

[ame=""]Halal live poultry - YouTube[/ame]

If Chicken Little Abe feels threatened by that video as well then he should refrain from watching this video, because he might faint and never eat chicken again...I`m a meat eater and can also face the fact that you have to kill something before you get to eat it....if "it" is meat.
It takes Chicken Little libtard-bird brains to believe that they could scare rational people witless...all in vain, but they keep trying just the same.

Henny Penny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Henny Penny, also known as Chicken Licken or Chicken Little, is a folk tale with a moral in the form of a cumulative tale about a chicken who believes the world is coming to an end. The phrase "The sky is falling!" features prominently in the story, and has passed into the English language as a common idiom indicating a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent.
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LW-IR has no problem radiating through miles of air with 380 ppm CO2 in it.
[ame=""]Apache Helicopter Night Vision in Iraq - Visão Noturna do Helicoptero Apache no Iraque - YouTube[/ame]
The Climate Chicken Littles like to cite their "radiative imbalance" which they say is caused by the greenhouse gas effect with just 10 meters of air & CO2, but always lump it with water vapor as "total greenhouse gas effect" in W/m^2 and never CO2 by itself, which would then have to be in Watts per m^2 and per µm....not just watts/m^2
The only part of the spectrum that matters if CO2 is the culprit would be the 15 µm band....and that`s the problem which is being glossed over.
CO2 is in fact the predominant IR absorbing gas at that particular wavelength, but it also does not care from where the IR came from and absorbs as much 15 µm IR coming from the sun and preventing it to warm the ground as it does to 1/2 of the 15 µm IR the ground radiates up.
So the question is, does a 288 deg K object radiate more IR at that wavelength than the sun radiates down at 5800 deg K.
And the answer is of course not...
So if the CO2 absorption "radiative imbalance" is cancelled out at that particular (15 µm) band, why is there a "greenhouse gas effect" at all?
It is a fact that SW light which does reach the ground through all that CO2 and is not reflected is down-converted to LW.
..which is then partially absorbed by the entire mixture of "green house gasses":


To which I reply f@<& that,.... show me the CO2 specific watts per m^2 per µm for the CO2 without lumping it with water vapor as a "greenhouse gas" effect in watts per m^2.
It`s not as if that could not be measured...and it has been:
[FONT=Arial, Geneva][SIZE=+4]The Climate Catastrophe
[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]- A Spectroscopic Artifact?[/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial, Geneva]by [SIZE=+1]Dr. Heinz Hug[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Geneva]Crucial is the relative increment of greenhouse effect . This is equal to the difference between the sum of slope integrals for 714 and 357 ppm, related to the total integral for 357 ppm. Considering the n[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE] band alone (as IPCC does) we get[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva](9.79[SIZE=+1]*[/SIZE]10[SIZE=-2]-4[/SIZE] cm[SIZE=-2]-1[/SIZE] - 1.11[SIZE=+1]*[/SIZE]10[SIZE=-2]-4[/SIZE] cm[SIZE=-2]-1[/SIZE]) / 0.5171 cm[SIZE=-2]-1[/SIZE] = 0.17 %[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva] Conclusions[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]It is hardly to be expected that for CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] doubling an increment of IR absorption at the 15 µm edges by 0.17% can cause any significant global warming or even a climate catastrophe.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][14][/SIZE] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE] band as observed from satellite measurements [SIZE=-1](Hanel et al., 1971)[/SIZE] and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] - and not 4.3 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE].[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing.[/FONT]
The amount of IR "back radiation" which can be solely attributed to CO2 is miniscule.
The guys that got hosed by that Apache pilot, who had no trouble seeing their body-IR through a mile of air with 380 ppm CO2 found out the hard way that this thin 15 µm CO2 band offered no more shielding than a hydro-wire does during a down pour

this is a very important concept, especially for the tropics. the energy loss choked off by extra CO2 doesnt go back into the surface, instead it goes into evaporation and convection which produces clouds. either the clouds form earlier than they would have, or there are more clouds formed, but either way or combination of ways, produces more shortwave leaving the atmosphere to balance out the reduced longwave. CERES data appear to support this.
The Climate Chicken Littles like to cite their "radiative imbalance" which they say is caused by the greenhouse gas effect with just 10 meters of air & CO2, but always lump it with water vapor as "total greenhouse gas effect" in W/m^2 and never CO2 by itself, which would then have to be in Watts per m^2 and per µm....not just watts/m^2
The only part of the spectrum that matters if CO2 is the culprit would be the 15 µm band....and that`s the problem which is being glossed over.
CO2 is in fact the predominant IR absorbing gas at that particular wavelength, but it also does not care from where the IR came from and absorbs as much 15 µm IR coming from the sun and preventing it to warm the ground as it does to 1/2 of the 15 µm IR the ground radiates up.
So the question is, does a 288 deg K object radiate more IR at that wavelength than the sun radiates down at 5800 deg K.
And the answer is of course not...
So if the CO2 absorption "radiative imbalance" is cancelled out at that particular (15 µm) band, why is there a "greenhouse gas effect" at all?
It is a fact that SW light which does reach the ground through all that CO2 and is not reflected is down-converted to LW.
..which is then partially absorbed by the entire mixture of "green house gasses":

To which I reply f@<& that,.... show me the CO2 specific watts per m^2 per µm for the CO2 without lumping it with water vapor as a "greenhouse gas" effect in watts per m^2.
It`s not as if that could not be measured...and it has been:
[FONT=Arial, Geneva][SIZE=+4]The Climate Catastrophe
[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]- A Spectroscopic Artifact?[/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial, Geneva]by [SIZE=+1]Dr. Heinz Hug[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Geneva]Crucial is the relative increment of greenhouse effect . This is equal to the difference between the sum of slope integrals for 714 and 357 ppm, related to the total integral for 357 ppm. Considering the n[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE] band alone (as IPCC does) we get[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva](9.79[SIZE=+1]*[/SIZE]10[SIZE=-2]-4[/SIZE] cm[SIZE=-2]-1[/SIZE] - 1.11[SIZE=+1]*[/SIZE]10[SIZE=-2]-4[/SIZE] cm[SIZE=-2]-1[/SIZE]) / 0.5171 cm[SIZE=-2]-1[/SIZE] = 0.17 %[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva] Conclusions[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]It is hardly to be expected that for CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] doubling an increment of IR absorption at the 15 µm edges by 0.17% can cause any significant global warming or even a climate catastrophe.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][14][/SIZE] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n[SIZE=-2]3[/SIZE] band as observed from satellite measurements [SIZE=-1](Hanel et al., 1971)[/SIZE] and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] - and not 4.3 W/m[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE].[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Geneva]This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing.[/FONT]
The amount of IR "back radiation" which can be solely attributed to CO2 is miniscule.
The guys that got hosed by that Apache pilot, who had no trouble seeing their body-IR through a mile of air with 380 ppm CO2 found out the hard way that this thin 15 µm CO2 band offered no more shielding than a hydro-wire does during a down pour

The arguments by you and Hug are pretty solid.. But you have to remember that the IPCC is claiming only about 1.5W/m2 forcing increase over the past several decades. (The 4.3W/m2 cited probably includes all of the Magical Moron Multipliers for "climate sensitivity") That's a REALLY REALLY small percentage of the 390 LW surface emissions.. (0.4%).. And like you said when IR Down is measured it is INITIALLY including water vapor --- although YOU CAN take a reading in an actual desert at night. And I'm sure it's been done as well as ATTEMPTING to control for H20 vapor content.

So this 0.17% doubling diff sounds awfully small -- but it is still about 0.66W/m2 of the 390.
And that is why FLIR imaging has no problem with absorption. BECAUSE it's a small percentage. A heavy fog or rainstorm might be problematic. But not a trace gas..

If the Hug numbers are correct, then the sensitivity of CO2 doubling to temperature rules of thumb are wrong. The answer is probably in between if the OTHER absorption bands of CO2 are not FULLY saturated at the doubling. Since they STILL contribute "something" to the GHouse.

I have NO IDEA what they do in those LW TOA graphs with regard to REFLECTED longwave and attempts to separate that.. But that's the OTHER end of the Key measurement to verify the balance. MAYBE -- they can take nighttime measurements only.. But again --- with the TINY numbers we're trying to verify --- estimation and bad attempts to normalize and control the CO2 contribution ain't gonna be accurate enough..

BTW -- In the caption to the Bottom figure -- where does the 32W/m2 come from?
I'm not going to wade through 2000+ replies on this topic, but will say this.
This we do know:
Glaciers worldwide are dwindling/disappearing.
The polar ice cap is indeed melting and nations oil companies are rushing to cash in on that.
Drought and forest fires are on the increase.
So, my stance?
Big deal. Forget about it. Humans are nothing more than parasites on the planet anyway. Over the next few hundred years we'll get slowly roasted out of existence and good riddance. Hopefully, something better will come along.
I'm not going to wade through 2000+ replies on this topic, but will say this.
This we do know:
Glaciers worldwide are dwindling/disappearing.
The polar ice cap is indeed melting and nations oil companies are rushing to cash in on that.
Drought and forest fires are on the increase.
So, my stance?
Big deal. Forget about it. Humans are nothing more than parasites on the planet anyway. Over the next few hundred years we'll get slowly roasted out of existence and good riddance. Hopefully, something better will come along.

Holy fuck.....always wondered how the uber k00ks find their way into this nether-region of the internet? We've seen the America we have human species haters!!
Awesome........go live in Siberia s0n.......happy now!!!:2up:

Anyway.....back to topic......

Why, if the science is settled, do the scientists keep screwing around with the data?

Articles: IPCC 's Bogus Evidence for Global Warming
And not one AGW cultists has been able to prove even one link that has datasets with source that proves CO2 controls climate.

Sick a black mans dick, you effin piece of shit!

Here is the neg I get from one Mathew who has not been able to provide one link to any datasets with source code that proves CO2 control climate. Then posts on my visitors wall (which I deleted) more troll like behavior.

The skeptics of the AGW cult religion must be winning if I get something like this from a far left Obama drone who does not believe in actual science.

Understand Mathew you have a neg coming your way.

I am willing to discuss actual real science with anyone, but AGW has been proven not to be actual science.

BTW: Mathew I am to the right of you just because you are so far to the left.
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Major headline in DRUDGE right now >>>

2,628 Record Cold Temps -- in Last 7 Days...

= more nutter losing.

Heres the link to make us laugh >>>

Record Cold outnumbering Record Warm temps in U.S.

Of course, the k00k response is........"well, but look at Australia where it is 1 degree warmer......" if the cold in the US doesn't matter.

But it does to the tens of millions with a frozen nut sack this past week. Ask them about Australia.:D:D:2up:
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