More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Sometimes, we are very lucky to see at an early stage, the consequences of idiot public policy.......and California is a model of incompetence and epic fAiL. The state is, in a word, a joke.

And her we see the disaster of embracing energy strategy that is green = the imminent rolling blackouts!!! These cheesedicks throw billions at green energy, and still cant keep the lights on >>>

Rolling Blackouts Hit California Again - ABC News

You want to embrace green your area!!! Cool......but be ready to spend some time in the dark at a moments notice.

Happy now!!
Sometimes, we are very lucky to see at an early stage, the consequences of idiot public policy.......and California is a model of incompetence and epic fAiL. The state is, in a word, a joke.

And her we see the disaster of embracing energy strategy that is green = the imminent rolling blackouts!!! These cheesedicks throw billions at green energy, and still cant keep the lights on >>>

Rolling Blackouts Hit California Again - ABC News

You want to embrace green your area!!! Cool......but be ready to spend some time in the dark at a moments notice.

Happy now!!

BZZZZZZT ! Time-out.....

Gov. Gray Davis has committed $2.7 billion for power purchases, which will be repaid when the state issues an estimated $10 billion in revenue bonds approved for less expensive, longer-term power contracts in May.

That jerk has been out of office for a decade at least.. Did you go thru the Skeptic Peer Review Committee on this one ??????? :D
Sometimes, we are very lucky to see at an early stage, the consequences of idiot public policy.......and California is a model of incompetence and epic fAiL. The state is, in a word, a joke.

And her we see the disaster of embracing energy strategy that is green = the imminent rolling blackouts!!! These cheesedicks throw billions at green energy, and still cant keep the lights on >>>

Rolling Blackouts Hit California Again - ABC News

You want to embrace green your area!!! Cool......but be ready to spend some time in the dark at a moments notice.

Happy now!!

BZZZZZZT ! Time-out.....

Gov. Gray Davis has committed $2.7 billion for power purchases, which will be repaid when the state issues an estimated $10 billion in revenue bonds approved for less expensive, longer-term power contracts in May.

That jerk has been out of office for a decade at least.. Did you go thru the Skeptic Peer Review Committee on this one ??????? :D

timestamp fail

Still.....the grid in California is very fragile

Power struggle: Green energy versus a grid that's not ready - Los Angeles Times time, better run it through the Skeptic Peer Review Process.
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Sometimes, we are very lucky to see at an early stage, the consequences of idiot public policy.......and California is a model of incompetence and epic fAiL. The state is, in a word, a joke.

And her we see the disaster of embracing energy strategy that is green = the imminent rolling blackouts!!! These cheesedicks throw billions at green energy, and still cant keep the lights on >>>

Rolling Blackouts Hit California Again - ABC News

You want to embrace green your area!!! Cool......but be ready to spend some time in the dark at a moments notice.

Happy now!!

BZZZZZZT ! Time-out.....

Gov. Gray Davis has committed $2.7 billion for power purchases, which will be repaid when the state issues an estimated $10 billion in revenue bonds approved for less expensive, longer-term power contracts in May.

That jerk has been out of office for a decade at least.. Did you go thru the Skeptic Peer Review Committee on this one ??????? :D

timestamp fail

Still.....the grid in California is very fragile

Power struggle: Green energy versus a grid that's not ready - Los Angeles Times time, better run it through the Skeptic Peer Review Process.

Well THAT one certainly redeems the minor slip up.. Looks like California is determined to be the first state in the nation to blow up it's power grid.. Paying folks NOT to produce power is something that state cannot afford...
Heres more epic k00k losing for the AGW nutters boys..........

Turns out, the IPCC calls BS on the phoney links being made by the AGW kooks with this California drought........and even the New York Times was calling BS on it last week >>>

ZERO links to global warming, which of course, anybody with half a brain knew. Just another in the long, long list of AGW cons........desperate assholes snatching anything for the cause that is going so horribly wrong after 20+ years.

not winning many times over the last 10 years or so did every single AGW zealot on here state that the hurricanes were going to go off the hook bigger and more frequent??

Number of hurricanes reaches 30-year low | The Daily Caller

Big time fAiL......again........another of the dozens of tall tales the AGW radicals have told over the years to scare the legions of hopelessly duped. It was no more snow.......epic droughts........tornado's........floods.........fires.........hurricanes.

Who the fuck can be wrong SO MANY TIMES and still have any degree of credibility?

The global warming k00ks can.......with the endless support of the msm, that show!!!

People with half a brain realize..........its a ruse and always has been.:D:D

EDIT>>Has anybody ever noticed, that not one single regular AGW alarmist in this forum has ever, ever taken ownership of the massive amount of false projections that have taken place over the last few years????<<EDIT
Last edited: many times over the last 10 years or so did every single AGW zealot on here state that the hurricanes were going to go off the hook bigger and more frequent??

Number of hurricanes reaches 30-year low | The Daily Caller

Big time fAiL......again........another of the dozens of tall tales the AGW radicals have told over the years to scare the legions of hopelessly duped. It was no more snow.......epic droughts........tornado's........floods.........fires.........hurricanes.

Who the fuck can be wrong SO MANY TIMES and still have any degree of credibility?

The global warming k00ks can.......with the endless support of the msm, that show!!!

People with half a brain realize..........its a ruse and always has been.:D:D

EDIT>>Has anybody ever noticed, that not one single regular AGW alarmist in this forum has ever, ever taken ownership of the massive amount of false projections that have taken place over the last few years????<<EDIT

[ame=]UN delegate: Global warming means longer, colder winters - YouTube[/ame]
Ground Control to Winner One.. We have confirmed the score and you are cleared to go for
3000 posts and 60,000 views.. Send us a selfie when you arrive....

You gotta post the news from yesterday about Angela Merkel PLEADING with the US to frack them some
natural gas.. Time to bail out the wind/solar geniuses??
Any questions about that interview PBear? Other than does SHE VOTE on IPCC issues??

The only "IPCC issues" she addressed lately were :
Fracking für die Freiheit


Die Krim-Krise zwingt die deutsche Politik, die Energiewende zu überdenken: Entweder die Bundesregierung stellt ihre Drohungen gegen Putin ein, oder sie löst das Land aus der Abhängigkeit vom russischen Gas.

Nur Träumer (oder Mitglieder der grünen Bundestagsfraktion) können glauben, dass sich ein Industrieland wie Deutschland auf absehbare Zeit mit Sonne und Wind betreiben lässt. Aber vielleicht geht es ja genau darum: Die Verwandlung Deutschlands in eine postindustrielle Gesellschaft. Wenn man einmal so weit ist, braucht man in der Tat weder Gas, noch Kohle oder Atomkraft.
Fracking for freedom
The crimean crisis forces Germany to rethink their green energy policy.
Aside from the green party fraction in the Bundestag (=Parliament) nobody not even the Social Democrats supports the idea any longer to transform Germany into a "post industrial society" which would indeed no longer require coal or nuclear power.

So there you have it. Somebody finally spelled it out, a "post industrial society" that`s what the greenies want.
But Germany opted for fracking and more coal mining.
I`m wondering when the American brethren of these freaks will finally also admit that it`s really a "post industrial society" what they want.
I wonder what kind of job opportunities are in a "post industrial society".
Perhaps goat milking, fruit and berry picking, beekeeping might be illegal because a "post industrial government" might consider that an industry.
Anyway "gnarlylove" and some of the other closet post industrial society members already live like that, or at least said so.
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Any questions about that interview PBear? Other than does SHE VOTE on IPCC issues??

The only "IPCC issues" she addressed lately were :
Fracking für die Freiheit


Die Krim-Krise zwingt die deutsche Politik, die Energiewende zu überdenken: Entweder die Bundesregierung stellt ihre Drohungen gegen Putin ein, oder sie löst das Land aus der Abhängigkeit vom russischen Gas.

Nur Träumer (oder Mitglieder der grünen Bundestagsfraktion) können glauben, dass sich ein Industrieland wie Deutschland auf absehbare Zeit mit Sonne und Wind betreiben lässt. Aber vielleicht geht es ja genau darum: Die Verwandlung Deutschlands in eine postindustrielle Gesellschaft. Wenn man einmal so weit ist, braucht man in der Tat weder Gas, noch Kohle oder Atomkraft.
Fracking for freedom
The crimean crisis forces Germany to rethink their green energy policy.
Aside from the green party fraction in the Bundestag (=Parliament) nobody not even the Social Democrats supports the idea any longer to transform Germany into a "post industrial society" which would indeed no longer require coal or nuclear power.

So there you have it. Somebody finally spelled it out, a "post industrial society" that`s what the greenies want.
But Germany opted for fracking and more coal mining.
I`m wondering when the American brethren of these freaks will finally also admit that it`s really a "post industrial society" what they want.
I wonder what kind of job opportunities are in a "post industrial society".
Perhaps goat milking, fruit and berry picking, beekeeping might be illegal because a "post industrial government" might consider that an industry.
Anyway "gnarlylove" and some of the other closet post industrial society members already live like that, or at least said so.

Are we gonna let them Germans BEAT US to a "post-industrial" society?? HELL NO...
We're bigger and smarter than they were.. We'll show them... :eusa_whistle:
Any questions about that interview PBear? Other than does SHE VOTE on IPCC issues??

The only "IPCC issues" she addressed lately were :
Fracking für die Freiheit


Die Krim-Krise zwingt die deutsche Politik, die Energiewende zu überdenken: Entweder die Bundesregierung stellt ihre Drohungen gegen Putin ein, oder sie löst das Land aus der Abhängigkeit vom russischen Gas.

Nur Träumer (oder Mitglieder der grünen Bundestagsfraktion) können glauben, dass sich ein Industrieland wie Deutschland auf absehbare Zeit mit Sonne und Wind betreiben lässt. Aber vielleicht geht es ja genau darum: Die Verwandlung Deutschlands in eine postindustrielle Gesellschaft. Wenn man einmal so weit ist, braucht man in der Tat weder Gas, noch Kohle oder Atomkraft.
Fracking for freedom
The crimean crisis forces Germany to rethink their green energy policy.
Aside from the green party fraction in the Bundestag (=Parliament) nobody not even the Social Democrats supports the idea any longer to transform Germany into a "post industrial society" which would indeed no longer require coal or nuclear power.

So there you have it. Somebody finally spelled it out, a "post industrial society" that`s what the greenies want.
But Germany opted for fracking and more coal mining.
I`m wondering when the American brethren of these freaks will finally also admit that it`s really a "post industrial society" what they want.
I wonder what kind of job opportunities are in a "post industrial society".
Perhaps goat milking, fruit and berry picking, beekeeping might be illegal because a "post industrial government" might consider that an industry.
Anyway "gnarlylove" and some of the other closet post industrial society members already live like that, or at least said so.

Are we gonna let them Germans BEAT US to a "post-industrial" society?? HELL NO...
We're bigger and smarter than they were.. We'll show them... :eusa_whistle:

Then you better hurry up:
Arkansas / Nordex wind turbine plant to stop production and lay off

A $40 million wind turbine factory in northeast Arkansas that opened in 2010 with plans to employ more than 700 people announced Friday it would end production and lay off 40 workers.
Germany-based Nordex SE, parent company of Nordex USA, said the company had not received enough orders due to an uncertain U.S. market, overcapacity in the industry and an unstable outlook for a federal tax production credit.
The company said factory workers would be let go after existing orders have been filled. The layoffs are expected to start in October.
Siemens laying off half its work force in Hutchinson

All told, 615 employees in Siemens&#8217; wind power business will lose their jobs. Siemens said the change would primarily affect employees in Iowa, Kansas and Florida.
The company blamed several factors for the need to reduce its wind power work force, including uncertainty about the future of the wind production tax credit, due to expire at the end of the year.
Turbine Trouble: Ill Wind Blows for German Offshore Industry

Only recently, the offshore wind industry was seen as an opportunity to regenerate Germany's coast. But amid changing political attitudes and spiraling costs, several companies are struggling to survive. Is the wind boom over before it even really began?
.....Until last year, the construction of wind farms was seen as an opportunity to regenerate Germany's coast. Cities like Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven and Emden, ailing for years in the wake of declines in the shipbuilding and fishing industries, were booming. An estimated &#8364;1 billion ($1.3 billion) was invested in port facilities and factory buildings, and some 10,000 jobs were supposedly created. In Cuxhaven alone, the state of Lower Saxony invested &#8364;125 million ($165 million) in the harbor.
Today, only seagulls are landing at the new harbor facility
@ Skookerasbil:
Before you read on swallow your coffee and put your cup down because it`ll crack you up:

For the time being, instead of producing energy, Riffgat is actually consuming it. To prevent the rotors from corroding in the salty air, they have to be supplied with electricity produced with diesel generators.
Union und SPD begraben die Energiewende
The CSU and Social Demokrats bury the "Energiewende" because:
Es geht um das Kardinalproblem von Sonnen- und Windenergie, die vom Wetter abhängige Fluktuation der Stromerzeugung. Das Jahr hat 8.760 Stunden, Windkraftanlagen produzieren aber nur an 1.530 Stunden mit voller Leistung, Photovoltaik-Anlagen gar nur an 980 Stunden. Zu allem Übel weiß niemand im Voraus, in welchen Stunden der grüne Strom ins Netz kommt, und in welchen nicht.
Germany`s wind turbines produce full power only for 1530 hours per year and photovoltaic only for 980 hours.
Adding to the problem is that nobody can predict when and how much power the "green energy" sources can supply to the main grid.

So as far as these "green jobs" are concerned Germany is already in the "post industrial" phase.
Maybe the US won`t be far behind because the libtards have been eagerly eating up the bullshit Joschka Fischer the founder of the "Green Party" was selling them at this MIT -ei presentation:
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I beginning to think that Skooks may have a problem here.. I don't know if the Green holdouts are gonna LAST long enough for this thread to make 60,000 views.. I think I hear the fat lady warming up to sing...
w0w.....coming up on 60,000 views.......this leaps and bounds the most prolific thread on this forum.

Obviously, lots of people come in here to check out stuff they aren't going to get in the regular ever.......and that's what this thread provides.

Tip of the cap to SSDD, FlaCalTenn, Westwall, Bripat, Crusader Frank, Henry, ToddsPatriot, Helenahandbag, Polar Bear, Ian, Don't Taz and all the other skeptics who have come in here and provided dozens of links to clearly display that in 2014, the whole AGW effort has become laughable and is having virtually zero impact in the real world outside of the internet.

Thats called WINNING.
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Relentless amounts of win..........

Very interesting article which essentially makes all the discussion about Co2 moot >>>

Lessons Learned from Germany?s Great Green Catastrophe - The American Interest

Just another of the many, many, many links on this thread which prove that there is a disconnect in the thinking of the AGW fascist climate crusaders between the science hobby of climate change and reality.

The world runs on fossil fuels........and nothing short of a 30 degree rise in temperatures WORLDWIDE at the same time for a period of 3 or 4 weeks is going to change that.

Place your bets s0ns!!!:2up:
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Relentless amounts of win..........

Very interesting article which essentially makes all the discussion about Co2 moot >>>

Lessons Learned from Germany?s Great Green Catastrophe - The American Interest

Just another of the many, many, many links on this thread which prove that there is a disconnect in the thinking of the AGW fascist climate crusaders between the science hobby of climate change and reality.

The world runs on fossil fuels........and nothing short of a 30 degree rise in temperatures WORLDWIDE at the same time for a period of 3 or 4 weeks is going to change that.

Place your bets s0ns!!!:2up:

Bless Bjorn Lomberg.. From the cite above..

This means more and more money is going from the poor to the rich. Low-income tenants in the Ruhr area or Berlin are paying high energy prices to subsidise wealthy homeowners in Bavaria who put solar panels on their roofs.

Another "unintended side effect" of massive Green State involvement....
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