More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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I'm not going to wade through 2000+ replies on this topic, but will say this.
This we do know:
Glaciers worldwide are dwindling/disappearing.
The polar ice cap is indeed melting and nations oil companies are rushing to cash in on that.
Drought and forest fires are on the increase.
So, my stance?
Big deal. Forget about it. Humans are nothing more than parasites on the planet anyway. Over the next few hundred years we'll get slowly roasted out of existence and good riddance. Hopefully, something better will come along.

Holy fuck.....always wondered how the uber k00ks find their way into this nether-region of the internet? We've seen the America we have human species haters!!
Awesome........go live in Siberia s0n.......happy now!!!:2up:

Anyway.....back to topic......

Why, if the science is settled, do the scientists keep screwing around with the data?

Articles: IPCC 's Bogus Evidence for Global Warming

Twisted psychos like him are the reason why we might need the same kind of security screens around schools & kindergartens as we have in airports.

I wonder how far he would get in an airport, if he would wear a t-shirt with a "humans are nothing more than parasites" logo.

As long as there are anonymous psychos like that on the loose, I don`t mind at all if the NSA tracks and stores everybody's internet activities.

This guy sounds a lot like that "numan" AGW preacher, who used to hang around the enviro- forum last year and is another prime example what kind of people flock around this new people hater religion.
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It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (generally called the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was significantly warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period. The polar bears did just fine during those warmer periods.


More at: Graphs n' Charts
To the AGW k00ks.......the historical temperatures never happened. They are irrelevant.

Meanwhile, it is positively balmy here in New York this morning at 6:30am.......36 degrees. Like a damn heat wave. Might get up to 48......bring it. While state has been encased in snow/ice for the past 9 weeks.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the media, and Al Gore repeatedly say that the science of global warming is settled and that only a radical fringe group of corporate-sponsored scientists disagree with the scientific consensus that man is causing global warming. Over $50 billion has been spent to support that believe. However, even as far back as 2003 a survey was conducted among all climate scientists (those actually having climate PhDs and working specifically on climate issues) showed that there was barely a majority, let alone a consensus that man was causing global warming. When the question was asked, "was the scientific debate about climate change over," less than half of the respondents agreed with the question. An equal number disagreed. This is far from a consensus among scientists who can actually speak to the issue.


More at:
The "science is settled" narrative has and always will be total nonsense. If you have half a brain you know this to be true.

The models are wrong | Behind The Black

Anyway......if the science is settled and there is a consensus, why then do they keep screwing with the data??

Articles: IPCC 's Bogus Evidence for Global Warming

Either way........the AGW nutty-asses are losing huge!!! This thread has amply displayed that 100X over. This "consensus" science is not impacting the real world.......and that's the bottom line. Green energy, for all the fanfare and PR from the msm continues to be a fringe energy market and ALL projections have this lasting for decades.

The skeptics continue to :Dwin big:D and there isn't dick the AGW k00ks can do about it.
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I'm not going to wade through 2000+ replies on this topic, but will say this.
This we do know:
Glaciers worldwide are dwindling/disappearing.
The polar ice cap is indeed melting and nations oil companies are rushing to cash in on that.
Drought and forest fires are on the increase.
So, my stance?
Big deal. Forget about it. Humans are nothing more than parasites on the planet anyway. Over the next few hundred years we'll get slowly roasted out of existence and good riddance. Hopefully, something better will come along.

Holy fuck.....always wondered how the uber k00ks find their way into this nether-region of the internet? We've seen the America we have human species haters!!
Awesome........go live in Siberia s0n.......happy now!!!:2up:

Anyway.....back to topic......

Why, if the science is settled, do the scientists keep screwing around with the data?

Articles: IPCC 's Bogus Evidence for Global Warming

Twisted psychos like him are the reason why we might need the same kind of security screens around schools & kindergartens as we have in airports.

I wonder how far he would get in an airport, if he would wear a t-shirt with a "humans are nothing more than parasites" logo.

As long as there are anonymous psychos like that on the loose, I don`t mind at all if the NSA tracks and stores everybody's internet activities.

This guy sounds a lot like that "numan" AGW preacher, who used to hang around the enviro- forum last year and is another prime example what kind of people flock around this new people hater religion.

Our friend, Mr. MDiver, is not an isolated case. Viewing humans as the parasite to be exterminated is a mainstream view in the misanthropic environmentalist community:

•"My three main goals would be to reduce human population to
 about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure
 and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species,
 returning throughout the world." 
-Dave Foreman,
co-founder of Earth First!

•"Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish 
and unethical animal on the earth."
- Michael Fox,
vice-president of The Humane Society 

•"Humans on the Earth behave in some ways like a
pathogenic micro-organism, or like the cells of a tumor."
- Sir James Lovelock,
Healing Gaia

"The Earth has cancer
 and the cancer is Man."
- Club of Rome,
Mankind at the Turning Point

•"A total population of 250-300 million people, 
a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
- Ted Turner,
founder of CNN and major UN donor

•"... the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence
 more than 500 million but less than one billion."
- Club of Rome,
Goals for Mankind

•"One America burdens the earth much more than 
twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say. 
In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 
350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say,
 but it's just as bad not to say it."
- Jacques Cousteau,
UNESCO Courier

•"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth
 as a killer virus to lower human population levels."
- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife Fund

•"Childbearing should be a punishable crime against 
society, unless the parents hold a government license.
 All potential parents should be required to use
contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing 
antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing."
 - David Brower, 
first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

•“The only way of saving the world may be for industrial civilization to collapse, deliberately seek poverty, and set levels of mortality.” - Maurice Strong quoted in The National Review Magazine, 9/1/1997

•"The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another
 United States. We can't let other countries have the same 
number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. 
We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are."
- Michael Oppenheimer,
Environmental Defense Fund

•"We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place 
for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and 
plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, 
free shackled rivers and return to wilderness 
millions of acres of presently settled land."
- David Foreman, 
co-founder of Earth First!

•’s what Maurice Strong actually said, in his autobiography, in a section described as a report to the shareholders, Earth Inc, dated 2031: “And experts have predicted that the reduction of the human population may well continue to the point that those who survive may not number more than the 1.61 billion people who inhabited the Earth at the beginning of the 20th century. A consequence, yes, of death and destruction — but in the end a glimmer of hope for the future of our species and its potential for regeneration.” - Maurice Strong, guiding force behind the I.P.C.C.'s formation

•The NYTs Thomas J. Friedman in 2011 while visiting Taiwan said. “I’m gonna tell you a secret. Don’t let anybody else know,” he said. “There are too many Americans in the world today.” 

It is a blessing that so many people in the world can live like Americans, Friedman said, but “the good Lord did not design our planet for this many Americans.”

•Viewing capitalism as an economic system that is inherently harmful to the natural environment, John Holdren (Pres. Obama's chosen chief science advisor) and Paul Ehrlich in 1973 called for “a massive campaign … to de-develop the United States” and other Western nations in order to conserve energy and facilitate growth in underdeveloped countries. “De-development,” they said, “means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” “By de-development,” they elaborated, “we mean lower per-capita energy consumption, fewer gadgets, and the abolition of planned obsolescence.”

“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society. It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society. Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.” - John Holdren & Paul Ehrlich in their co-authored 1977 book, entitled Ecoscience

• “Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.”- Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute

• “The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.”- Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation

• “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”- Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

• “We have been so drunk with this desire to produce and consume more and more whatever the cost to the environment that we're on a totally unsustainable path. I am not going to rest easy until I have articulated in every possible forum the need to bring about major structural changes in economic growth and development.” Rajendra Pachauri, Head of IPCC

•“My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT, in hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population problem.” – Alexander King, founder of the Malthusian Club of Rome

•“I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” — John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

•“Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.” — John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

•“The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing….This is not to say that the rise of human civilization is insignificant, but there is no way of showing that it will be much help to the world in the long run.” — Economist editorial

•“We advocate biodiversity for biodiversity’s sake. It may take our extinction to set things straight/” — David Foreman, Earth First!

•“Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.” — Dave Forman, Founder of Earth First!

•“If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS.” — Earth First! Newsletter

•“Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planets…Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along.” — David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

•“The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.” — Dr. Reed F. Noss, The Wildlands Project

•“If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” — Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund
Cannibalism is a “radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation.” — Lyall Watson, The Financial Times, 15 July 1995

•"The extinction of the human species may not
 only be inevitable but a good thing."
- Christopher Manes, Earth First!

•"Environmentalists, who have long espoused a version of humankind as an energy-powered cancer on the Earth, see greenhouse-gas controls as a way to starve out the tumor of humanity.... Temperance fiends of all stripes — who’ve hated fossil fuels, cars, large houses, urban sprawl, highways, rich people, fat people, industrial economies, airplanes, meat consumption, non-recycled paper, and just about everything else that might make someone smile — see energy rationing via greenhouse-gas controls as the answer to their prayers." 
~~ Kenneth Green 


•“One of the surprising privileges of intellectuals is that they are free to be scandalously asinine without harming their reputation.” - Eric Hoffer
Tell ya what.....

Tell me all about Global Warming if/when the Northeast experiences even Spring, let alone Summer.


These are talking seriously touched individuals. the country would consider them severe mental cases.

I am glad they exist however.........they have followers, some of whom lurk in this forum, and dang if I don't get a hoot out of making fun of them.:D
Tell ya what.....

Tell me all about Global Warming if/when the Northeast experiences even Spring, let alone Summer.


These are talking seriously touched individuals. the country would consider them severe mental cases.

I am glad they exist however.........they have followers, some of whom lurk in this forum, and dang if I don't get a hoot out of making fun of them.:D

So what you're saying is if you support the nws, nasa or noaa = you're mentally fucked up in the head.:eusa_silenced:
Tell ya what.....

Tell me all about Global Warming if/when the Northeast experiences even Spring, let alone Summer.


These are talking seriously touched individuals. the country would consider them severe mental cases.

I am glad they exist however.........they have followers, some of whom lurk in this forum, and dang if I don't get a hoot out of making fun of them.:D

So what you're saying is if you support the nws, nasa or noaa = you're mentally fucked up in the head.:eusa_silenced:

s0n....anybody who says THIS >>> ( or any of the other statements in Rougewaves post above )

•“The only way of saving the world may be for industrial civilization to collapse, deliberately seek poverty, and set levels of mortality.” - Maurice Strong quoted in The National Review Magazine, 9/1/1997

is exceedingly mentally disturbed.:up:
Polar Vortex = more coal!!!


Because its necessary, that's why!!!

Polar Vortex Emboldens Industry to Push Old Coal Plants: Energy - Businessweek

In Germany too........dirty coal making a huge comeback >>>

In Europe, Dirty Coal Makes a Comeback - Businessweek


Because its necessary!!!

Sticking the folks with HUGE-ASS electric bills due to green energy gets your ass fired if you are a politician. Only the climate nutters think its just fine to stick consumers with mega-high electric bills. They don't give a fuck.........the agenda is more important!!!

Germans loved green energy..........until they started getting their electric bills.:D:D:D:2up:
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Virgin Airlines CEO says, "Deniers get out of the way......get out of our stock!!!"

Richard Branson: Global warming deniers ?get out of our way? | The Daily Caller

Guess what Mr Mr Branson?

We're not going anywhere.......and nobody cares about your stoopid stock anyway. And by the much do you have invested in green energy Mr Branson?:D:D:2up: Nobody cares about Virgin Airways.

This new corporate involvement is the newest scheme to get people to pay attention. But......nobody is caring as evidenced here in this thread 100X over.:fu:
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Virgin Airlines CEO says, "Deniers get out of the way......get out of our stock!!!"

Richard Branson: Global warming deniers ?get out of our way? | The Daily Caller

Guess what Mr Mr Branson?

We're not going anywhere.......and nobody cares about your stoopid stock anyway. And by the much do you have invested in green energy Mr Branson?:D:D:2up: Nobody cares about Virgin Airways.

This new corporate involvement is the newest scheme to get people to pay attention. But......nobody is caring as evidenced here in this thread 100X over.:fu:
He might get his wish sooner that he`ld like:
Virgin Australia dips to $84 million loss despite revenue rise
Since it started flying out of San Francisco in August 2007, Virgin has lost $675 million
Already one of the smaller airlines — at 53 airplanes, it is not even a tenth the size of the big carriers — it seemed destined to remain boutique, if it survived at all.
That`s just a sample, the rest of it is just more of the same:

Virgin invested an initial $200m in VMU in October 2001, and withdraw that money in 2005 in a refinancing.
A Virgin Group spokesman said the sale follows our group strategy of selling our more mature mobile businesses, and allows us to invest in growth areas like Virgin Mobile India.
Analyst Walter Piecyk of Pali Research argues that the reasons behind the sale were somewhat less positive, however, saying: "We believe Virgin Mobile felt compelled to sell because its customer base was declining, the pre-paid space is getting much more competitive and it faced a $100 million debt maturity at the end of next year."
British author Tom Bower calculated in his new book, Branson, Behind the Mask, that the entrepreneur had lost $300m in failed green investments and used the British Virgin Islands to hide his accounts in a succession of 11 companies. "He, most unusually, invested his own money and has lost most of it; and all his claims have proved to be wrong – namely: peak oil, oil prices, Virgin's use of alternative fuels and the potential profits," Bower said. The author accused Branson of not understanding the science or human costs of biofuels, and latching on to green businesses for political motives and profit, rather than for environmental reasons. "He embraced environmentalism and aligned himself with Clinton and Gore, to get on the top table of US and British politics," said Bower.
And this scam is just more of the same:

Moskito is Sir Richard Branson's number two Caribbean island, but it will soon be his new family complex. It is just over a mile from Necker island, which he bought in his 20s for £250,000 and now rents for £40,000 a night.
Both islands are eco-trophies for Britain's best-known entrepreneur, but his plans to ditch the use of diesel power and to generate electricity from wind and solar

Necker and Moskito will be 75-80% converted to use renewable energy and become working models for how other islands could cut expensive diesel imports, while all Caribbean governments will be offered a technical and financial blueprint on how to switch, by US energy thinktank the Rocky Mountain Institute and Branson's green business group, Carbon War Room.

The irony of a man whose rail and airline companies are significant climate polluters trying to "green" small island states is not lost on Caribbean governments. Branson said it has led him to invest heavily in green fuels, solar panels and other "clean-tech" developments. "There is no question that Virgin is involved in a number of businesses that emit a lot of carbon, and that is one of the reasons why I have to work particularly hard … but, more importantly, to try to help other people balance their books as well," he said.
£40,000 rent for 1 night. That`s how politically correct assholes like Branson brush off the "99% ers":

who are supposed to buy tickets on Virgin airlines jets because :

Virgin is supporting the development of these fuels through a number of avenues including: engaging and supporting promising biofuel projects; working with the government to encourage funding of essential research and address scale-up issues; supporting and working with the aviation industry and biofuel supply chain on shared issues; and supporting the development of a robust biofuel sustainability standard for our region.
Anyways, there is no shortage of suckers and people like Branson and Apple`s CEO Tim Cook count on it
Virgin Airlines CEO says, "Deniers get out of the way......get out of our stock!!!"

Richard Branson: Global warming deniers ?get out of our way? | The Daily Caller

Guess what Mr Mr Branson?

We're not going anywhere.......and nobody cares about your stoopid stock anyway. And by the much do you have invested in green energy Mr Branson?:D:D:2up: Nobody cares about Virgin Airways.

This new corporate involvement is the newest scheme to get people to pay attention. But......nobody is caring as evidenced here in this thread 100X over.:fu:
He might get his wish sooner that he`ld like:
Virgin Australia dips to $84 million loss despite revenue rise
That`s just a sample, the rest of it is just more of the same:

And this scam is just more of the same:

Moskito is Sir Richard Branson's number two Caribbean island, but it will soon be his new family complex. It is just over a mile from Necker island, which he bought in his 20s for £250,000 and now rents for £40,000 a night.
Both islands are eco-trophies for Britain's best-known entrepreneur, but his plans to ditch the use of diesel power and to generate electricity from wind and solar

Necker and Moskito will be 75-80% converted to use renewable energy and become working models for how other islands could cut expensive diesel imports, while all Caribbean governments will be offered a technical and financial blueprint on how to switch, by US energy thinktank the Rocky Mountain Institute and Branson's green business group, Carbon War Room.

The irony of a man whose rail and airline companies are significant climate polluters trying to "green" small island states is not lost on Caribbean governments. Branson said it has led him to invest heavily in green fuels, solar panels and other "clean-tech" developments. "There is no question that Virgin is involved in a number of businesses that emit a lot of carbon, and that is one of the reasons why I have to work particularly hard … but, more importantly, to try to help other people balance their books as well," he said.
£40,000 rent for 1 night. That`s how politically correct assholes like Branson brush off the "99% ers":

who are supposed to buy tickets on Virgin airlines jets because :

Virgin is supporting the development of these fuels through a number of avenues including: engaging and supporting promising biofuel projects; working with the government to encourage funding of essential research and address scale-up issues; supporting and working with the aviation industry and biofuel supply chain on shared issues; and supporting the development of a robust biofuel sustainability standard for our region.
Anyways, there is no shortage of suckers and people like Branson and Apple`s CEO Tim Cook count on it

The AGW k00ks hate the .1%ers unless they are waving the climate crusader flag!!:2up: Fucking phoney much character as a small soap dish. Ghey
?Record temperatures? placed in context with station history | Watts Up With That?


The blue markers indicate the original 200 stations with the most complete records. The additional 224 stations are with less complete records are shown in the green markers. These help fill in the gaps.

The files and layouts are located here:
Index of /ftp/us_recordtemps/sta424

When the record daily high temperature across all 424 stations are analyzed, it’s easy to determine if it has gotten hotter in recent decades. When record temperatures are put into buckets by decade, it’s easy to see that most the 1930s was by far the hottest decade across the continental United States. The number of record highs is the 1930s is double the number of record highs in the 2000s. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th hottest decades were also in the early period, 1911-1960. The most recent decade, which has been affected the longest by global warming and is supposed to have the most “climate change”, is fairly anemic in 7th place with respect to record high temperatures. At least in the United States, the 2000s were not very extreme at all.

The same message holds for record high temperatures during the summer months.
...Whereas 60% of all daily record highs occurred before 1960, 70% of all record highs for the summer months occurred before 1960.
Im laughing......Polar Bear once again dishing out viscious groin kicks to the AGW nutters.......clearly displaying how much lying goes into the presentation of the data from the religion.
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