More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Relentless amounts of win..........

Very interesting article which essentially makes all the discussion about Co2 moot >>>

Lessons Learned from Germany?s Great Green Catastrophe - The American Interest

Just another of the many, many, many links on this thread which prove that there is a disconnect in the thinking of the AGW fascist climate crusaders between the science hobby of climate change and reality.

The world runs on fossil fuels........and nothing short of a 30 degree rise in temperatures WORLDWIDE at the same time for a period of 3 or 4 weeks is going to change that.

Place your bets s0ns!!!:2up:

Bless Bjorn Lomberg.. From the cite above..

This means more and more money is going from the poor to the rich. Low-income tenants in the Ruhr area or Berlin are paying high energy prices to subsidise wealthy homeowners in Bavaria who put solar panels on their roofs.
Another "unintended side effect" of massive Green State involvement....

It`s almost as if there were a Soviet style information "iron curtain" that curtails the facts what`s happening in Germany from reaching those Americans who succumbed to the IPCC brainwash and made it a centerpiece of the liberal establishment.
To get the whole picture of this "Energiewende" disaster you would have to be able to be fluent in German and those who are and make use of it aren`t fooled any longer.
These would be American journalists and assorted analysts who`s business it is to keep their clientele informed as best as possible.
Invariably they wind up being harassed and smeared by the liberal mob for having done so. There is no need to name examples, because we can see the same mob using the same methods here, to no avail neither here nor in the general public.
But that does not matter to any of them, they do it to deal with their frustrations and bottled up hatred much the same as an infant deals with emotional problems, throwing fits in public when they did not get what they demanded.
[ame=""]stupid kid throwing tantrum - YouTube[/ame]

The only difference is that little brats don`t make posters for the occasion like the bigger brats do
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Angebliche Panikmache: Führender Forscher verlässt Spitze des Welt-Klimarats

Richard Tol tritt aus Protest gegen Formulierungen im neuen Welt-Klimareport zurück. Der Report drifte in Richtung Alarmismus, moniert er empört. Ein Kollege macht ihm Vorwürfe.
Richard Pol resigned in protest when he was chastised by colleagues for submitting his 30 page report which summarized that the IPCC`s impact predictions are exaggerated.
When he refused to withdraw his report the IPCC ruled that his submission was filed too late and decided to ignore it.
In a statement to the press Pol said that the new IPCC report still "drifts towards alarmism" and "panic making" even though the IPCC "down corrected" their economic impact predictions by a factor of 10 times of what it has been.
Previous IPCC predictions were based on the "Stern study" which stated that climate change will wipe out 1/5th of the global economy.

Typical isn`t it?
We laugh at elections in countries were a dictator or a (communist) party apparatus is "re-elected" with a 97% majority, using similar methods and intimidation to achieve consensus.
Yet there are elements in the Liberal camp which advocate:
Lawrence Torcello – assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, writes in an essay at The Conversation that climate scientists who fail to communicate the correct message about “global warming” should face trial for “criminal negligence”
How embarrassing is this for the AGW k00ks???

Coldest October-March In The US In 102 Years | Real Science

And Im laughing........the response is, "Look at Australia asshole?"

But nobody cares.

Like Ive been saying........virtually all of the threads in this forum are moot unless we see warming acorss the globe,.............otherwise its the typical cherry picking BS we've been seeing from the fascist alarmist nutters for almost 3 decades.

This morning in New York, the whole state woke up to freezing your balls off temperatures and its April....................what a joke. Since mid-October, all of the northeast has been frozen solid.......they are talking about skiiing in Killington Vt. well into June!!! What a joke...............keeps me laughing.

Thanks for that handy anti-consensus bomb about Richard Tol and the IPCC.
You had me baffled for a bit because your German is slipping. You translated Tol to Pol !!!!!!

This is just the beginning.. Because instead of just walking away from these farces, academics are
speaking out and taking shots. The concept of "consensus" is almost dead...

This did get very sparsely covered in European press. Our press is too corrupt and stupid to do the right thing..

UK professor refuses to put his name to 'apocalyptic' UN climate change survey | Mail Online

UK professor refuses to put his name to 'apocalyptic' UN climate change survey that he claims is exaggerating the effects
Prof Richard Tol said UN academics were exaggerating climate change
Comes as a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Panel to publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change

A climate scientist has accused the United Nations of being too alarmist over global warming – and demanded his name be removed from a crucial new report.
Professor Richard Tol, an economist at the University of Sussex, said fellow UN academics were exaggerating climate change and comparing it to the ‘apocalypse’.
His comments are a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which on Monday will publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change.
Guess what else shows up under "Richard Tol" ??? This guy took the Cook 97% Consensus paper
to BITS.. Calling it "a load of nonsense"... Was having a running debate with the SkS Wizards of Snark who
produced this propanganda piece..

Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims - Forbes

Global warming alarmist John Cook, founder of the misleadingly named blog site Skeptical Science, published a paper with several other global warming alarmists claiming they reviewed nearly 12,000 abstracts of studies published in the peer-reviewed climate literature. Cook reported that he and his colleagues found that 97 percent of the papers that expressed a position on human-caused global warming “endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.”

As is the case with other ‘surveys’ alleging an overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming, the question surveyed had absolutely nothing to do with the issues of contention between global warming alarmists and global warming skeptics. The question Cook and his alarmist colleagues surveyed was simply whether humans have caused some global warming. The question is meaningless regarding the global warming debate because most skeptics as well as most alarmists believe humans have caused some global warming. The issue of contention dividing alarmists and skeptics is whether humans are causing global warming of such negative severity as to constitute a crisis demanding concerted action.

Either through idiocy, ignorance, or both, global warming alarmists and the liberal media have been reporting that the Cook study shows a 97 percent consensus that humans are causing a global warming crisis. However, that was clearly not the question surveyed.

Morner, a sea level scientist, told Popular Technology that Cook classifying one of his papers as “no position” was “Certainly not correct and certainly misleading. The paper is strongly against AGW [anthropogenic global warming], and documents its absence in the sea level observational facts. Also, it invalidates the mode of sea level handling by the IPCC.”

Soon, an astrophysicist, similarly objected to Cook classifying his paper as “no position.”

Richard Tol: Draft comment on 97% consensus paper

Seems like the worms are turning..
Relentless amounts of win..........

Very interesting article which essentially makes all the discussion about Co2 moot >>>

Lessons Learned from Germany?s Great Green Catastrophe - The American Interest

Just another of the many, many, many links on this thread which prove that there is a disconnect in the thinking of the AGW fascist climate crusaders between the science hobby of climate change and reality.

The world runs on fossil fuels........and nothing short of a 30 degree rise in temperatures WORLDWIDE at the same time for a period of 3 or 4 weeks is going to change that.

Place your bets s0ns!!!:2up:

Bless Bjorn Lomberg.. From the cite above..

This means more and more money is going from the poor to the rich. Low-income tenants in the Ruhr area or Berlin are paying high energy prices to subsidise wealthy homeowners in Bavaria who put solar panels on their roofs.
Another "unintended side effect" of massive Green State involvement....

It`s almost as if there were a Soviet style information "iron curtain" that curtails the facts what`s happening in Germany from reaching those Americans who succumbed to the IPCC brainwash and made it a centerpiece of the liberal establishment.
To get the whole picture of this "Energiewende" disaster you would have to be able to be fluent in German and those who are and make use of it aren`t fooled any longer.
These would be American journalists and assorted analysts who`s business it is to keep their clientele informed as best as possible.
Invariably they wind up being harassed and smeared by the liberal mob for having done so. There is no need to name examples, because we can see the same mob using the same methods here, to no avail neither here nor in the general public.
But that does not matter to any of them, they do it to deal with their frustrations and bottled up hatred much the same as an infant deals with emotional problems, throwing fits in public when they did not get what they demanded.
[ame=""]stupid kid throwing tantrum - YouTube[/ame]

The only difference is that little brats don`t make posters for the occasion like the bigger brats do

Hey! Where'd you find that video of gnarleylove?

Thanks for that handy anti-consensus bomb about Richard Tol and the IPCC.
You had me baffled for a bit because your German is slipping. You translated Tol to Pol !!!!!!

This is just the beginning.. Because instead of just walking away from these farces, academics are
speaking out and taking shots. The concept of "consensus" is almost dead...

This did get very sparsely covered in European press. Our press is too corrupt and stupid to do the right thing..

UK professor refuses to put his name to 'apocalyptic' UN climate change survey | Mail Online

UK professor refuses to put his name to 'apocalyptic' UN climate change survey that he claims is exaggerating the effects
Prof Richard Tol said UN academics were exaggerating climate change
Comes as a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Panel to publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change

A climate scientist has accused the United Nations of being too alarmist over global warming – and demanded his name be removed from a crucial new report.
Professor Richard Tol, an economist at the University of Sussex, said fellow UN academics were exaggerating climate change and comparing it to the ‘apocalypse’.
His comments are a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which on Monday will publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change.

Sorry about zat typo , zat vill not heppen again...see my German is not slipping I still got the accent.
About the press,...the European press isn`t quite (yet?) as polarized along political lines especially not in Germany, where nobody wants another propaganda ministry, be it governmental or disguised as news media.
It` amazing how much is not reported by the media outside Europe and if it is then it`s with a left spin most of the time.
Back to the crumbling consensus.
You all know what a "whip" is in politics:
A whip is an official in a political party whose primary purpose is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. Whips are a party's "enforcers", who typically offer inducements and threaten punishments for party members to ensure that they vote according to the official party policy.
(According to "mamooth" they don`t exist and are just another "conspiracy theory")

This asshole was one of the IPCC`s chief whips:

First he tried the Hillary Clinton act:
Floods of tears as climate change 'hard man' breaks down at summit
He is known as the "hard man" of climate-change negotiation.

But after 12 exhausting days of trying to reach a worldwide agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it was suddenly all too much for Yvo de Boer.

Mr de Boer, distinctively dressed in a floral shirt, stepped up to the microphone to defend his staff - only to find that the words would no longer come.

"He wasn't just wiping his eyes, he was in floods of tears," said one observer.
"Three colleagues - one of them a woman - formed a protective group around him and escorted him out of the hall. It was all very dramatic."
And when that doesn`t work :

Yvo de Boer, the UN climate chief during the 2009 Copenhagen climate change talks, said his conversations with scientists working on the next report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested the findings would be shocking.
"That report is going to scare the wits out of everyone,'' Mr de Boer said in the only scheduled interview of his visit to Australia. "I'm confident those scientific findings will create new political momentum.''
That`s what it`s really all about, it`s not about research and objective science....and that`s why scientists like Tol, who would like to keep it honest, but can`t walk away.
Boer on the other hand got a promotion:
In 2011, Boer was appointed to chair the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Climate Change. On March 3, 2014, it was announced that he was appointed new Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute
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Bless Bjorn Lomberg.. From the cite above..

Another "unintended side effect" of massive Green State involvement....

It`s almost as if there were a Soviet style information "iron curtain" that curtails the facts what`s happening in Germany from reaching those Americans who succumbed to the IPCC brainwash and made it a centerpiece of the liberal establishment.
To get the whole picture of this "Energiewende" disaster you would have to be able to be fluent in German and those who are and make use of it aren`t fooled any longer.
These would be American journalists and assorted analysts who`s business it is to keep their clientele informed as best as possible.
Invariably they wind up being harassed and smeared by the liberal mob for having done so. There is no need to name examples, because we can see the same mob using the same methods here, to no avail neither here nor in the general public.
But that does not matter to any of them, they do it to deal with their frustrations and bottled up hatred much the same as an infant deals with emotional problems, throwing fits in public when they did not get what they demanded.
[ame=""]stupid kid throwing tantrum - YouTube[/ame]

The only difference is that little brats don`t make posters for the occasion like the bigger brats do

Hey! Where'd you find that video of gnarleylove?

I don`t think that was him (or her). Gnarly does not go to convenience stores (S)he lives on some sort of green acres plot with a "partner", eats green and watches PBS (but only for the 4 Ivanpah-power hours from 10 to 14:00 ).
But now that you mentioned that, I did find one:

[ame=""]"Man & Cow" Greener-Schnitzels - Episode 1 - YouTube[/ame]
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Thanks for that handy anti-consensus bomb about Richard Tol and the IPCC.
You had me baffled for a bit because your German is slipping. You translated Tol to Pol !!!!!!

This is just the beginning.. Because instead of just walking away from these farces, academics are
speaking out and taking shots. The concept of "consensus" is almost dead...

This did get very sparsely covered in European press. Our press is too corrupt and stupid to do the right thing..

UK professor refuses to put his name to 'apocalyptic' UN climate change survey | Mail Online

UK professor refuses to put his name to 'apocalyptic' UN climate change survey that he claims is exaggerating the effects
Prof Richard Tol said UN academics were exaggerating climate change
Comes as a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Panel to publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change

A climate scientist has accused the United Nations of being too alarmist over global warming – and demanded his name be removed from a crucial new report.
Professor Richard Tol, an economist at the University of Sussex, said fellow UN academics were exaggerating climate change and comparing it to the ‘apocalypse’.
His comments are a blow to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which on Monday will publish its first update in seven years on the impacts of climate change.

Sorry about zat typo , zat vill not heppen again...see my German is not slipping I still got the accent.
About the press,...the European press isn`t quite (yet?) as polarized along political lines especially not in Germany, where nobody wants another propaganda ministry, be it governmental or disguised as news media.
It` amazing how much is not reported by the media outside Europe and if it is then it`s with a left spin most of the time.
Back to the crumbling consensus.
You all know what a "whip" is in politics:
(According to "mamooth" they don`t exist and are just another "conspiracy theory")

This asshole was one of the IPCC`s chief whips:

First he tried the Hillary Clinton act:
And when that doesn`t work :

Yvo de Boer, the UN climate chief during the 2009 Copenhagen climate change talks, said his conversations with scientists working on the next report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested the findings would be shocking.
"That report is going to scare the wits out of everyone,'' Mr de Boer said in the only scheduled interview of his visit to Australia. "I'm confident those scientific findings will create new political momentum.''
That`s what it`s really all about, it`s not about research and objective science....and that`s why scientists like Tol, who would like to keep it honest, but can`t walk away.
Boer on the other hand got a promotion:
In 2011, Boer was appointed to chair the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Climate Change. On March 3, 2014, it was announced that he was appointed new Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute

That crying game must be a documented tactic of party leadership.. I'm sure you've seen our Speaker of the House (Boehner) start sniffling and tearing up...
I think maybe deBoer actually knew the negotiations had failed at that point. I'd cry too if
I knew the world was not buying into the plan and I still had to waste my life lying about it...
More k00k losing.

Canada's tar sands, "Plan B" might make Keystone irrelevant!!!! Can you say,,,,,,hugeness??!!!:D:D

1.1 million barrels/day hugeness!!!:badgrin:

Everybody's going to be buying cheap Canadian oil!!!

Really......does anybody really care about the "97% consensus"????

The answer is.........nope:fu:
More fAiLiNg for the k00ks who tell us about the magic of wind power all the time!!!

The polar vortex moved in and wind power took a massive dump!!:coffee:

Wind Choked When it was Needed Most

When I saw this, I laughed my balls off!!!

The mental midgets in charge are gonna kill folks the next time this happens.. Perhaps 10s of thousands of frozen corpses. Its not that funny.
The real poop on green energy that the k00ks don't want you to know >>>

Going Green A Luxury Good For Rich At Expense Of Poor

Saving The Planet: It used to be said that socialism was the opium of the liberal intelligentsia. But now the drug of choice for the elite is environmentalism.

The dirty little secret of the modern green movement is that it's become a luxury good for the uber-rich who espouse policies — from carbon taxes to renewable energy standards to closing down coal plants — that impose high costs on poor people who can least afford to pay the green tab

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Going Green Is A Luxury Good For The Rich At The Expense Of The Poor -
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Going Green Is A Luxury Good For The Rich At The Expense Of The Poor -
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Another reason..........THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING
Hey SSDD......notice the AGW fascists have contacted each other and boycotted this thread. Typical liberal weenie stuff. If you're getting pwned, check out.

Important this thread serve as a resource for new forum members seeking information outside the rigged presentation of the msm.
More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D

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More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D


But winning!!!:2up:

And by the way.......nobody cares about Australia s0n!!
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