More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Not just the Vostok cores....all cores show a lag indicating that rising CO2 is the result of rising temps, not the cause

I've seen water boil, therefore it cannot freeze.

God are you stupid.

It can't freeze at 212F. And alas, I am afraid that you are the one who is not only stupid, but a world class dupe.

Here is the bottom line idgit....the claimed mechanism of AGW is that CO2 is somehow trapping heat in the atmosphere and in turn, causing warming. Since the atmosphere isn't warming, it is obvious that the mechanism isn't working. Now the claim is that the heat is going into the deep oceans.....anyone...and I mean ANYONE who believes that CO2 is directly warming the oceans is an absolute idiot.

Tell me that you believe CO2 is warming the oceans..
Is this not classic cherry picking over at the New York Times ( what a surprise )!!!

Here we go again with the repeat of the bomb throwing we saw in 2001 with the snow!!! Take a part of the world that is seeing less snow and make it a global thing, "Soon there will be no more snow!!!".

Well......when Americans all across the country have been snowed/frozen in for weeks and weeks, the meatheads in these far left editorial departments decide its time to go full blown moron.

Ask virtually anybody in the northeast here about global warming these days. Unless you're part of the religion, you laugh your balls off!! The snow piles in the mall parking lots are 20 feet high!!

And isn't it ironic.......the same scam the AGW people pull when there is any weather anomaly ( "see.....extreme warming s0ns!!" )....taking current weather, no matter what it is, and attaching it to global warming ( big storms, tornados, flooding ) is totally backfiring here this winter as the nation freezes its ass off.

WIth every scoop of snow I shovel here this winter, I laugh even harder!!!:coffee:

That article was HYSTERICAL. Key witness is a Professor of Climate Change and TOURISM. With an emphasis on recreational impacts of Climate Change...... Why not just ask BONO what he thinks??????
Is this not classic cherry picking over at the New York Times ( what a surprise )!!!

Here we go again with the repeat of the bomb throwing we saw in 2001 with the snow!!! Take a part of the world that is seeing less snow and make it a global thing, "Soon there will be no more snow!!!".

Well......when Americans all across the country have been snowed/frozen in for weeks and weeks, the meatheads in these far left editorial departments decide its time to go full blown moron.

Ask virtually anybody in the northeast here about global warming these days. Unless you're part of the religion, you laugh your balls off!! The snow piles in the mall parking lots are 20 feet high!!

And isn't it ironic.......the same scam the AGW people pull when there is any weather anomaly ( "see.....extreme warming s0ns!!" )....taking current weather, no matter what it is, and attaching it to global warming ( big storms, tornados, flooding ) is totally backfiring here this winter as the nation freezes its ass off.

WIth every scoop of snow I shovel here this winter, I laugh even harder!!!:coffee:

That article was HYSTERICAL. Key witness is a Professor of Climate Change and TOURISM. With an emphasis on recreational impacts of Climate Change...... Why not just ask BONO what he thinks??????

And you know.......some people have read that and taken it seriously. It just goes to show how the msm perceives the level of public naïve.
This pause has put nothing but egg on the face of warmers :( Science put our entire creditability on the line for this and our case with the American people is being harmed. This is what makes me sad as this effects more then just this issue.

You're being ridiculous.

He is being honest, but you aren't prepared to accept reality yet.
Hey SSDD.......more total bullshit from the IPCC. Only took them 10 years to come up with this latest con............

And every single AGW nutter in here will buy it!!!

Global warming has slowed down..........ready for this..........due to "Pacific Winds!!"":coffee:

Global-Warming Slowdown Due to Pacific Winds, Study Shows - Bloomberg

I love this shit!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

That makes, what, eight attempts to explain why the warming stopped? gnarly, abraham, rocks, and mamooth are still trying to claim that the warming never stopped. As I said, only the real crazies will ride that train over the cliff.
Kinda funny.......these folks cite the IPCC all the time, who publically concede that the warming is meh for the past 17 years.

People on the far left will say anything......ANYTHING.....for effect. Like their messiah president who possesses zero filters ( although admittedly, he did say he was the can-do guy ) on what he says. Its in the field manual for any good left guy........just get it out there. Most of the audience will buy it.

Thankfully, they are not winning.
What a way to fuck over the name of newtons book....How sad :(

Repeatedly s0n.......cant help it if you insist on living in Disney your whole life.

Call me? The Lone Skookster.:up:

Fighting the never ending battle for truth in a world full of fake/phoney/frauds.

And PS......look at the post total of this thread s0n. Every swinging dick who comes into this forum is checking out THIS thread.

Last edited:
What a way to fuck over the name of newtons book....How sad :(

Repeatedly s0n.......cant help it if you insist on living in Disney your whole life.

Call me? The Lone Skookster.:up:

Fighting the never ending battle for truth in a world full of fake/phoney/frauds.

And PS......look at the post total of this thread s0n. Every swinging dick who comes into this forum is checking out THIS thread.


When are we going to start debating newtons laws of motion?
What a way to fuck over the name of newtons book....How sad :(

Repeatedly s0n.......cant help it if you insist on living in Disney your whole life.

Call me? The Lone Skookster.:up:

Fighting the never ending battle for truth in a world full of fake/phoney/frauds.

And PS......look at the post total of this thread s0n. Every swinging dick who comes into this forum is checking out THIS thread.


When are we going to start debating newtons laws of motion?

As soon as stupid liberals misinterpret it to try to steal trillions.
Principia Scientific is simply Tim Ball, no worse, no better.

Timothy F. Ball (Tim Ball)


Ph.D. (Doctor of Science), University of London, England.
M.A., University of Manitoba.
B.A., University of Winnipeg.
Source: [1]


Tin Ball was a professor of geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1988 to 1996. He is a prolific speaker and writer in the skeptical science community.

He has been Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the now-defunct Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP), "scientific advisor" to the Exxon-funded Friends of Science (FoS), and is associated with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) as well as numerous other think tanks and right-wing organizations.

The NRSP's list of "scientific advisors" includes Tim Patterson, Tad Murty and Sallie Baliunas, all of which are also listed as advisors to the FOS.

DeSmog uncovered that two of the three directors on the board of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project were at one time senior executives of the High Park Advocacy Group, a Toronto-based lobby firm that specializes in "energy, environment and ethics."

Stance on Climate Change

"What's wrong with global warming? There are lots of positive benefits to global warming." [2]

Key Quotes

"CFC's were never a problem. . . . it's only because the sun is changing." [2]

Key Deeds


Ball and the organizations he is affiliated with have repeatedly made the claim that he is the "first Canadian PhD in climatology." Ball himself claimed he was "one of the first climatology PhD's in the world." [3], [4]

Many have pointed out that there have been numerous PhD's in the field prior to Ball. [5]

Ball was a former professor of geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1988 to 1996. The University of Winnipeg never had an office of Climatology. His degree was in historical geography and not climatology.

June 30 - July 1, 2011

Ball was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's 6th International Conference on Climate Change. [6]

March 25, 2011

Dr. Michael Mann sued Tim Ball and the Frontier Center For Public Policy for libel. The lawsuit arose from an interview with Ball that was posted on the Frontier Center website.

In the interview, Ball responds to an anonymous questioner regarding the "Climategate" scandal by saying "Michael Mann at Penn State should be in the State Pen, not Penn State."

Feb 2, 2011

Andrew Weaver, a University of Victoria Professor and Canada Research Chair in Climate Modeling and Analysis, filed suit for libel against Tim Ball.

The suit arose from an article Ball wrote for Canada Free Press which accused Weaver of being uninformed about climate and unqualified to teach.

October, 2009

Ball appeared as a "climatologist" in a documentary produced by Alex Jones titled The Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama. [7]

March, 2008

Ball was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC1). [8]

March 8, 2007

Tim Ball made a prominent appearance on the Great Global Warming Swindle, appearing as an "eminent scientist." [9]

Nov 10, 2007

In a 2007 FCPP special report, Tim Ball and Tom Harris criticized The Fifth Estate's broadcast of The Denial Machine, describing it as "docu-ganda." Ball claimed that he was filmed without his consent.

Ball also asserted that The Denial Machine violated CBC's "Journalistic Standards and Practices." He further accused the CBC of misrepresenting the credentials of skeptical scientists. [10]

He goes on to criticize James Hoggan, and more specifically CBC, for not disclosing Hoggan's connection to the David Suzuki Foundation (something Mr. Hoggan has made no attempt to hide).

Sept 1, 2006

On September 1st, Ball launched a libel suit against Dr. Dan Johnson and the Calgary Herald over a letter the paper ran on April 23, 2006. Johnson is a Professor of Environmental Science at the University of Lethbridge.

Ball had written an article that attacked the qualifications of renowned climate change author Tim Flannery, in which the Herald described Ball as "the first climatology PhD in Canada and . . . a professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg for 28 years."

Johnson's letter to the editor challenged those details, noting that when Ball received his PhD (in Geography) in 1983, "Canada already had PhDs in climatology and it is important to recognize them and their research." Johnson also pointed out that Ball had been a professor for a much shorter time (Ball later admitted eight years), during which Ball did "not show any evidence of research regarding climate and atmosphere."

The Calgary Herald's Statement of Defence, filed with the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, dismissed Ball’s credibility saying that "The Plantiff (Dr. Ball) is viewed as a paid promoter of the agenda of the oil and gas industry rather than as a practicing scientist."

Ball subsequently dropped his lawsuit.


Friends of Science (FoS) — Past "Consultant," member of "Scientific Advisory Board." [11]

Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP) — Chairman. [12], [13]

Frontier Center for Public Policy (FCPP) — "Senior Fellow," Past Member, Board of Advisors. [1], [14]

The Heartland Institute — "Heartland Expert." [15]

The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) — Member, "Scientific Advisory Board." [16]

Tech Central Station (TCS) — Contributor. [17]


A search of 22,000 academic journals shows that over the course of his career Ball published four pieces of original research in peer-reviewed journals on the subject of climate change.

According to Google Scholar, his most recent peer-reviewed article on climate change was published in 1986, titled "Historical evidence and climatic implications of a shift in the boreal forest tundra transition in central Canada."

Other Publications:

"Climate Change: Dangers of a Singular Approach and Consideration of a Sensible Strategy" (2009).
Journal Background: In a 1995 article written by Paul Thacker, Energy and Environment was described as being a journal skeptics can go to when they are rejected by the mainstream peer-reviewed science publications.

"Climate and History: A Connection That Cannot Be Ignored" (1984).
Tim Ball is a prolific writer of newspaper articles, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor questioning the existence of climate change.

Ball is also the lead author of Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, a book slated for publication in 2011. Slaying the Sky Dragon is described as a "comprehensive refutation of the greenhouse gas theory (GHG)."


"Frontier Research Fellows," Frontier Center for Public Policy. Accessed November 20, 2011.

"Climate of controversy," Ottawa Citizen, May 18, 2006.
Archived with WebCite, February 29, 2012.

"About Us: Scientific Advisory Board," Friends of Science. Archived July 7, 2008.

"Dear Mr. Martin," Letter from Tim Ball to M.P. Paul Martin. Retrieved February, 2012, from Archived February 29, 2012, with WebCite.

Tim Lambert. "Dear Tim Ball: sue me," Deltoid, June 23, 2006.

"Timothy Ball: 6th International Conference on Climate Change," the Heartland Institute.

Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama, Alex Jones Productions, October 21, 2009. Archived video at the Internet Archive.

"Timothy Ball: 6th International Conference on Climate Change," the Heartland Institute.

Judi McLeod. "Climatologist Tim Ball's star on the rise," Canada Free Press, March 6, 2007.

Tim Ball and Tom Harris. "CBC’s continuing denial of the climate science debate" (PDF), Frontier Center for Public Policy, November 10, 2007.

"About Us: Scientific Advisory Board," Friends of Science. Archived July 7, 2008.

"Natural Resources Stewardship Project," SourceWatch.

"New Canadian Astroturf Group," Deltoid, October 13, 2006.

"Tim Ball" SourceWatch profile.

"Heartland Experts: Timothy Ball," The Heartland Institute.

"Who We Are," International Climate Science Coalition. Accessed November 20, 2011.

"Dr. Tim Ball," Tech Central Station. Archived April 11, 2005.

"NRSP: Not Really Science People," DeSmogBlog, October 17, 2006.

ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Tim Ball, PhD.

Friends Of Science
Natural Resource Stewardship Project
Friends of Science
tim ball
timothy f ball
tom harris
global warming
climate change
global warming blog
denial industry
climate change denier
global warming research
climate misinformation
climate change skeptic
climate denialism
denial database
Last edited:
What a way to fuck over the name of newtons book....How sad :(

Repeatedly s0n.......cant help it if you insist on living in Disney your whole life.

Call me? The Lone Skookster.:up:

Fighting the never ending battle for truth in a world full of fake/phoney/frauds.

And PS......look at the post total of this thread s0n. Every swinging dick who comes into this forum is checking out THIS thread.


When are we going to start debating newtons laws of motion?

Let`s debate this one first.
Here is how global warming is supposed to work:
How global warming works, in 35 words, or 52 seconds
Read more at: How global warming works, in 35 words, or 52 seconds
First, let's understand Earth's "normal" temperature: When Earth absorbs sunlight, which is mostly visible light, it heats up.
Do you agree so far?

Okay then, explain why these 20 000 watt lights don`t make fish soup :


A recent reef lighting upgrade project took place in the Marvell Semiconductor lobby on two very large reef tank displays which were lit by Twenty 1000 watt metal halide lamps.

Total more then 20,000 Watt !

Each of the two aquariums measure 16 x 4 x 6 feet, holds 3,000 gallons of water which

Total 6000 gallons and contains numerous fish and corals as well as Tridacna Clams.
Wasnt too long ago Abe, you hit us with several articles coming out of a geology dept at U Hawaii. You werent snobbish when some geology grad students were making sucker bets on the temp in Madrid in 2060.

Fickle crowd these warmers.... Learned the "slime the sources and victims" act from James Carville.
Is it not hysterical that THE thread dominating this forum is a SKEPTICS thread. Absolutely obliterating the drivel threads posted up by the AGW religion, almost every single one fading away into the nethersphere of the intenets in 4 or 5 days.
Principia Scientific is simply Tim Ball, no worse, no better.

Timothy F. Ball (Tim Ball) | DeSmogBlog

Timothy F. Ball (Tim Ball)


Ph.D. (Doctor of Science), University of London, England.
M.A., University of Manitoba.
B.A., University of Winnipeg.
Source: [1]


Tin Ball was a professor of geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1988 to 1996. He is a prolific speaker and writer in the skeptical science community.

He has been Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the now-defunct Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP), "scientific advisor" to the Exxon-funded Friends of Science (FoS), and is associated with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) as well as numerous other think tanks and right-wing organizations.

The NRSP's list of "scientific advisors" includes Tim Patterson, Tad Murty and Sallie Baliunas, all of which are also listed as advisors to the FOS.

DeSmog uncovered that two of the three directors on the board of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project were at one time senior executives of the High Park Advocacy Group, a Toronto-based lobby firm that specializes in "energy, environment and ethics."

Stance on Climate Change

"What's wrong with global warming? There are lots of positive benefits to global warming." [2]

Key Quotes

"CFC's were never a problem. . . . it's only because the sun is changing." [2]

Key Deeds


Ball and the organizations he is affiliated with have repeatedly made the claim that he is the "first Canadian PhD in climatology." Ball himself claimed he was "one of the first climatology PhD's in the world." [3], [4]

Many have pointed out that there have been numerous PhD's in the field prior to Ball. [5]

Ball was a former professor of geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1988 to 1996. The University of Winnipeg never had an office of Climatology. His degree was in historical geography and not climatology.

June 30 - July 1, 2011

Ball was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's 6th International Conference on Climate Change. [6]

March 25, 2011

Dr. Michael Mann sued Tim Ball and the Frontier Center For Public Policy for libel. The lawsuit arose from an interview with Ball that was posted on the Frontier Center website.

In the interview, Ball responds to an anonymous questioner regarding the "Climategate" scandal by saying "Michael Mann at Penn State should be in the State Pen, not Penn State."

Feb 2, 2011

Andrew Weaver, a University of Victoria Professor and Canada Research Chair in Climate Modeling and Analysis, filed suit for libel against Tim Ball.

The suit arose from an article Ball wrote for Canada Free Press which accused Weaver of being uninformed about climate and unqualified to teach.

October, 2009

Ball appeared as a "climatologist" in a documentary produced by Alex Jones titled The Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama. [7]

March, 2008

Ball was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC1). [8]

March 8, 2007

Tim Ball made a prominent appearance on the Great Global Warming Swindle, appearing as an "eminent scientist." [9]

Nov 10, 2007

In a 2007 FCPP special report, Tim Ball and Tom Harris criticized The Fifth Estate's broadcast of The Denial Machine, describing it as "docu-ganda." Ball claimed that he was filmed without his consent.

Ball also asserted that The Denial Machine violated CBC's "Journalistic Standards and Practices." He further accused the CBC of misrepresenting the credentials of skeptical scientists. [10]

He goes on to criticize James Hoggan, and more specifically CBC, for not disclosing Hoggan's connection to the David Suzuki Foundation (something Mr. Hoggan has made no attempt to hide).

Sept 1, 2006

On September 1st, Ball launched a libel suit against Dr. Dan Johnson and the Calgary Herald over a letter the paper ran on April 23, 2006. Johnson is a Professor of Environmental Science at the University of Lethbridge.

Ball had written an article that attacked the qualifications of renowned climate change author Tim Flannery, in which the Herald described Ball as "the first climatology PhD in Canada and . . . a professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg for 28 years."

Johnson's letter to the editor challenged those details, noting that when Ball received his PhD (in Geography) in 1983, "Canada already had PhDs in climatology and it is important to recognize them and their research." Johnson also pointed out that Ball had been a professor for a much shorter time (Ball later admitted eight years), during which Ball did "not show any evidence of research regarding climate and atmosphere."

The Calgary Herald's Statement of Defence, filed with the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, dismissed Ball’s credibility saying that "The Plantiff (Dr. Ball) is viewed as a paid promoter of the agenda of the oil and gas industry rather than as a practicing scientist."

Ball subsequently dropped his lawsuit.


Friends of Science (FoS) — Past "Consultant," member of "Scientific Advisory Board." [11]

Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP) — Chairman. [12], [13]

Frontier Center for Public Policy (FCPP) — "Senior Fellow," Past Member, Board of Advisors. [1], [14]

The Heartland Institute — "Heartland Expert." [15]

The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) — Member, "Scientific Advisory Board." [16]

Tech Central Station (TCS) — Contributor. [17]


A search of 22,000 academic journals shows that over the course of his career Ball published four pieces of original research in peer-reviewed journals on the subject of climate change.

According to Google Scholar, his most recent peer-reviewed article on climate change was published in 1986, titled "Historical evidence and climatic implications of a shift in the boreal forest tundra transition in central Canada."

Other Publications:

"Climate Change: Dangers of a Singular Approach and Consideration of a Sensible Strategy" (2009).
Journal Background: In a 1995 article written by Paul Thacker, Energy and Environment was described as being a journal skeptics can go to when they are rejected by the mainstream peer-reviewed science publications.

"Climate and History: A Connection That Cannot Be Ignored" (1984).
Tim Ball is a prolific writer of newspaper articles, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor questioning the existence of climate change.

Ball is also the lead author of Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, a book slated for publication in 2011. Slaying the Sky Dragon is described as a "comprehensive refutation of the greenhouse gas theory (GHG)."


"Frontier Research Fellows," Frontier Center for Public Policy. Accessed November 20, 2011.

"Climate of controversy," Ottawa Citizen, May 18, 2006.
Archived with WebCite, February 29, 2012.

"About Us: Scientific Advisory Board," Friends of Science. Archived July 7, 2008.

"Dear Mr. Martin," Letter from Tim Ball to M.P. Paul Martin. Retrieved February, 2012, from Archived February 29, 2012, with WebCite.

Tim Lambert. "Dear Tim Ball: sue me," Deltoid, June 23, 2006.

"Timothy Ball: 6th International Conference on Climate Change," the Heartland Institute.

Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama, Alex Jones Productions, October 21, 2009. Archived video at the Internet Archive.

"Timothy Ball: 6th International Conference on Climate Change," the Heartland Institute.

Judi McLeod. "Climatologist Tim Ball's star on the rise," Canada Free Press, March 6, 2007.

Tim Ball and Tom Harris. "CBC’s continuing denial of the climate science debate" (PDF), Frontier Center for Public Policy, November 10, 2007.

"About Us: Scientific Advisory Board," Friends of Science. Archived July 7, 2008.

"Natural Resources Stewardship Project," SourceWatch.

"New Canadian Astroturf Group," Deltoid, October 13, 2006.

"Tim Ball" SourceWatch profile.

"Heartland Experts: Timothy Ball," The Heartland Institute.

"Who We Are," International Climate Science Coalition. Accessed November 20, 2011.

"Dr. Tim Ball," Tech Central Station. Archived April 11, 2005.

"NRSP: Not Really Science People," DeSmogBlog, October 17, 2006.

ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Tim Ball, PhD.

Friends Of Science
Natural Resource Stewardship Project
Friends of Science
tim ball
timothy f ball
tom harris
global warming
climate change
global warming blog
denial industry
climate change denier
global warming research
climate misinformation
climate change skeptic
climate denialism
denial database

Again, any actual evidence the claims are wrong or is an ad hominem the best you can muster....It wouldn't matter if he were the janitor at your local grammar school if the information is true, it's true. Can you provide any hard evidence proving it is false?
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