More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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How can we have this much material to poke fun at and STILL they are cranking up the presses ??
Even to the point where the networks news are just making shit up to make Dem Politicians happy.

You could hep 'em -- ya know.. With all these examples you've logged, You could write the scariest sounding headlines for them.. Should start combining some of the "Best Of" for an anniversary edition of this thread..

LOL....actually.....I'm hoping somebody out there contacts us on this and we get jobs doing the pushback on this scam!!:D:D FlaCal......imagine getting PAID for this??!!!!:D
Global Warming... Smells fishy



Global Warming... Smells fishy




How laughable........the state of the world is devolving into a Jonestown.........Iraq melting down......Russian tanks into Ukraine.......illegals pouring across the border..........


Cant make this shit up........guy makes Jimmy Carter look like the most competent guy who ever lived.:D

Hey Geaux.....ammo up my friend. The society is in freefall!!!
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Global Warming... Smells fishy




How laughable........the state of the world is devolving into a Jonestown.........Iraq melting down......Russian tanks into Ukraine.......illegals pouring across the border..........


Cant make this shit up........guy makes Jimmy Carter look like the most competent guy who ever lived.:D

Hey Geaux.....ammo up my friend. The society is in freefall!!!

No doubt.. Better back up my emails before the 'boys' come in and wipe out 2 years worth of my emails proving how right I am most of the time.
Scientists cry foul


Skeptical Scientists Debunk White House Global Warming Report

Scientists Debunk White House Global Warming Report | The Daily Caller

A group of 15 scientists and meteorologists have put forward a scathing rebuttal to the Obama administration’s recent climate report which said the U.S. is already being harmed by global warming.

Scientists skeptical that mankind is causing the Earth’s climate to change say that such claims are based on false theories and flawed models. The White House report is a “masterpiece of marketing” that is trying to scare people into action, scientists said.

“As independent scientists, we know that apparent evidence of ‘Climate Change,’ however scary, is not proof of anything,” wrote the 15 scientists and meteorologists,including Dr. Don Easterbrook of Western Washington University and Dr. George Wolff, who formerly chaired the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee.
OK SKOOKS --- How'd ya miss this one? It's Gore Derangement Syndrome Time again...

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Al Gore blames the jihadist uprising in Syria on global warming:

Syria is one of the countries that has been in the bull’s-eye of climate change. From 2006 to 2010, a historic drought destroyed 60 percent of the country’s farms and 80 percent of its livestock - driving a million refugees from rural agricultural areas into cities already crowded with the million refugees who had taken shelter there from the Iraq War. As early as 2008, U.S. State Department cables quoted Syrian government officials warning that the social and economic impacts of the drought are “beyond our capacity as a country to deal with.” Though the hellish and ongoing civil war in Syria has multiple causes - including the perfidy of the Assad government and the brutality on all sides - their climate-related drought may have been the biggest underlying trigger for the horror.

Yep -- running low on organic locally grown falafel was the trigger..
And the Tahini sauce was all hidden in the Palace in Amman..
OK SKOOKS --- How'd ya miss this one? It's Gore Derangement Syndrome Time again...

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Al Gore blames the jihadist uprising in Syria on global warming:

Syria is one of the countries that has been in the bull’s-eye of climate change. From 2006 to 2010, a historic drought destroyed 60 percent of the country’s farms and 80 percent of its livestock - driving a million refugees from rural agricultural areas into cities already crowded with the million refugees who had taken shelter there from the Iraq War. As early as 2008, U.S. State Department cables quoted Syrian government officials warning that the social and economic impacts of the drought are “beyond our capacity as a country to deal with.” Though the hellish and ongoing civil war in Syria has multiple causes - including the perfidy of the Assad government and the brutality on all sides - their climate-related drought may have been the biggest underlying trigger for the horror.

Yep -- running low on organic locally grown falafel was the trigger..
And the Tahini sauce was all hidden in the Palace in Amman..

That's right.....sectarian violence only started in the past 30 years in that part of the world......with the onset of global warming, of course.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
That's US data that Goddard has been tracking. And in general -- that's old news. The sole purpose of doing that has been to be able to post "new record highs" all the time -- month after month. Doesn't take much fudge-packing to shift the fraction of a fraction required to make those claims..

Those computers are the fault... Back to PAPER ballots on election day. AND FILING CABINETS !!!!!!
Computers are lying to us... :D
Dang.....this thread may well become the definitive epilogue for the AGW k00ks!!! Virtually every single month for the past year as this thread has run, we've seen the collapse of the climate change religion. In this thread, there is link after link after link of information that decimates everything thse goofballs have stood for!!!

Here is the latest ball kick to the k00ks >>>

Justices limit existing EPA global warming rules - The Washington Post
Hey skook- .. Get a load of this dung... They are now saying Global warming is held in check that is unless........ yes..... EL NINO.

I'm starting to get the idea these GW nutters are worse off than the scared anti-gun wackjobs


El Nino's return could change everything- Nikkei Asian Review

Time for a shift

The hiatus has stopped global temperatures from rising, and the reason, as explained by University of Tokyo associate professor Masahiro Watanabe, is because conditions now favor the accumulation of heat in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean. When the ocean can absorb more heat, it takes this heat away from the air, keeping global warming in check. This hiatus is caused by a large-scale change in the distribution of water temperatures in the Pacific.

However, if these favorable conditions break down because of a powerful El Nino episode and make it easier for the atmosphere to warm up, the hiatus in global warming would end.
Hey skook- .. Get a load of this dung... They are now saying Global warming is held in check that is unless........ yes..... EL NINO.

I'm starting to get the idea these GW nutters are worse off than the scared anti-gun wackjobs


El Nino's return could change everything- Nikkei Asian Review

Time for a shift

The hiatus has stopped global temperatures from rising, and the reason, as explained by University of Tokyo associate professor Masahiro Watanabe, is because conditions now favor the accumulation of heat in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean. When the ocean can absorb more heat, it takes this heat away from the air, keeping global warming in check. This hiatus is caused by a large-scale change in the distribution of water temperatures in the Pacific.

However, if these favorable conditions break down because of a powerful El Nino episode and make it easier for the atmosphere to warm up, the hiatus in global warming would end.

This scam is like the perfect crime.:D

We gotta admit......the scheme was brilliant from the allows the religion to manipulate any time it wants to cover its ass!! Change the name.....change the variables. It sells to the low information idiots of the world. They'll always have a range of excuses for the scores of failed predictions. The supporters are like the suckers who come to NYC and get pwned in shell games on 8th Avenue.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Yet another link that is all about WINNING >>>

These 5 charts show why the world is still failing on climate change - Vox

The AGW fascists cant even deal with this........its like looking at a woman with a beautiful face and at the same time, she is immensely large!!! Stare at the face all you want.......the dick is gonna stay limp!! The AGW k00ks live in this perpetual world of meh.......and its a hoot to point it out!!!:D:D:D:funnyface:

Nobody cares about the science.:2up:
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More lies and enablers selling snake oil.

Amazing thing is there are so many buying the myth called Global Warming just like they voted for the myth of Hope & Change.. LMAO


The Coming Revelation Of The 'Global Warming' Fraud Resembles The Obamacare Lie - Forbes

The second shoe is preparing to drop to shatter the world view of so-called Progressives. Coming, global revelations will demonstrate the fraud behind the theory of man-caused, catastrophic, global warming, just like the real world has shattered the falsehoods behind Obamacare.
More lies and enablers selling snake oil.

Amazing thing is there are so many buying the myth called Global Warming just like they voted for the myth of Hope & Change.. LMAO


The Coming Revelation Of The 'Global Warming' Fraud Resembles The Obamacare Lie - Forbes

The second shoe is preparing to drop to shatter the world view of so-called Progressives. Coming, global revelations will demonstrate the fraud behind the theory of man-caused, catastrophic, global warming, just like the real world has shattered the falsehoods behind Obamacare.

Geez Geaux......brilliant find!!!:D
Geaux......this is the classic passage from that article >>>

If you are a true believer in anthropogenic, catastrophic, global warming, you don’t know what you are talking about unless you also have at least looked through the hundreds of pages of calm, dispassionate science in Climate Change Reconsidered II, which also reviews the peer-reviewed literature on climate change. Go ahead, I dare you.
More lies and enablers selling snake oil.

The Coming Revelation Of The 'Global Warming' Fraud Resembles The Obamacare Lie - Forbes

The second shoe is preparing to drop to shatter the world view of so-called Progressives. Coming, global revelations will demonstrate the fraud behind the theory of man-caused, catastrophic, global warming, just like the real world has shattered the falsehoods behind Obamacare.

Mind you , if the earth isn't warming , how do you explain the fact that glaciers melting worldwide ?
Is that an effect of global cooling ?
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