More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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In other news- Why don't those darn Russians get onboard with this GW extravaganza? :lol:


To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

Around 1250 A.D., historical records show, ice packs began showing up farther south in the North Atlantic. Glaciers also began expanding on Greenland, soon to threaten Norse settlements on the island.

From 1275 to 1300 A.D., glaciers began expanding more broadly, according to radiocarbon dating of plants killed by the glacier growth.

The period known today as the Little Ice Age was just starting to poke through.

Summers began cooling in Northern Europe after 1300 A.D., negatively impacting growing seasons, as reflected in the Great Famine of 1315 to 1317. Expanding glaciers and ice cover spreading across Greenland began driving the Norse settlers out.

The last, surviving, written records of the Norse Greenland settlements, which had persisted for centuries, concern a marriage in 1408 A.D. in the church of Hvalsey, today the best preserved Norse ruin.

That is even more significant because NASA’s climate science has been controlled for years by global warming hysteric James Hansen, who recently announced his retirement.

But this same concern is increasingly being echoed worldwide. The Voice of Russia reported on April 22, 2013,

“Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here - Forbes


But Geaux.......every AGW k00k on here say the Russian scientists are fake scientists!!:coffee:

Well we know why that is.. It's because they are idiots

Even some of the US and Brit scientist are saying forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless :lol:

It's an emotional thing. When they are not worried about you eating something which has eyes, they are busy trying to convince us that leafs fall from trees due to excessive CO2 and methane gas from cattle farms

These loons are truly entertaining

We should be having to pay a price to view such bufoonery from the left.


This thread should have been called the MAKE FUN OF THE AGW K00KS IN HERE

My God Geaux......have you seen how many links are in this thread that decimate these mental cases??!!! Thread is soon to be 100,000 views. The k00k threads get like 179 views. The Domination Matrix has provided a place for board members to come in and get a boatload of stuff the msm never gives them!!:D:D

But Geaux.......every AGW k00k on here say the Russian scientists are fake scientists!!:coffee:

Well we know why that is.. It's because they are idiots

Even some of the US and Brit scientist are saying forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless :lol:

It's an emotional thing. When they are not worried about you eating something which has eyes, they are busy trying to convince us that leafs fall from trees due to excessive CO2 and methane gas from cattle farms

These loons are truly entertaining

We should be having to pay a price to view such bufoonery from the left.


This thread should have been called the MAKE FUN OF THE AGW K00KS IN HERE

My God Geaux......have you seen how many links are in this thread that decimate these mental cases??!!! Thread is soon to be 100,000 views. The k00k threads get like 179 views. The Domination Matrix has provided a place for board members to come in and get a boatload of stuff the msm never gives them!!:D:D

Information is a great thing indeed.

Skooks- Looks like a hiatus now....:lol:

Junk Science Week: The global warming hiatus? Climate models all wrongly predicted warming, so let’s call it a discrepancy

While the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) still uses the iconic word “unequivocal” to describe warming of the climate system over the past century, a new word has slipped into its lexicon: the “hiatus.” They have begun referring, with a bit of hesitant throat-clearing, to “the warming hiatus since 1998.”

Cracked-beakerBoth satellites and surface records show that sometime around 2000, temperature data ceased its upward path and leveled off. Over the past 100 years there is a statistically significant upward trend in the data amounting to about 0.7 oC per century. If one looks only at the past 15 years though, there is no trend

Junk Science Week: The global warming hiatus? Climate models all wrongly predicted warming, so let?s call it a discrepancy | Financial Post
"The actual nihilists are those who refuse to accept any scientific information that undermines their claim that the globe is warming and humans are responsible for it. Cults are like that. Regardless of evidence contradicting their beliefs, cultists persist in blind faith."

Read more: On Climate Change, Who Are the Real "Deniers"? | RealClearPolitics
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Although Al Gore's video, The Inconvenient Truth has been show in almost every middle and high school in America, it is very biased and error ridden. The former Science Advisor to Prime Minister Thatcher was so alarmed at the errors, biases and exaggerations that he sued the British government to keep it from being shown in England. After the British High Court reviewed all the evidence, they ruled against Gore outlining 9 serious errors (there are over 30 errors totally). The Inconvenient Truth cannot be shown in public schools today without a disclaimer that is a political film with numerous scientific errors.


One of the most exaggerated claims made in The Inconvenient Truth is that if half of Antarctica's and half of Greenland's icecaps were to melt, sea levels would rise twenty feet or more, flooding coastal cities and islands. The images used in the video are very graphic and alarming. While Gore's claim is technically more or less correct, the message he gives that it could happen in the next few decades is completely false. First, as noted above, earth has experience much warmer temperatures in the past and neither icecap melted. It would take thousands of years at these temperatures for that to happen. Second, even the highly political and biased reports from the IPCC say that at the very most, ocean levels might rise 23 inches in the next 100 years, and only then if warming continued to increase at the rates experienced in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Third, we are likely entering a cooling period, so the issue is no longer relevant. In fact, Greenland's icecap is not losing ice mass, and the rise in ocean levels has slowed significantly.
The AGW fascists cant perpetuate the hoax without telling tall tales......but over the past 7 or 8 years they have been exposed. A huge majority of Americans don't give a crap about "climate change".( clearly established in every poll......Gallup......Pew......Rasmussen ). Too......only low information people buy the alarmist angst!!

Ive been saying for years that the AGW climate crusading k00ks need to move to PLAN B......stop throwing absurd bombs......but they cant help themselves. Accordingly, they fall further and further into the abyss in the PR department......which is everything. They still think it is about the "science". People MIGHT take a look at their shit when they stop screwing around with the data/models and stop the absurd predictions that are almost always wrong.
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The AGW fascists cant perpetuate the hoax without telling tall tales......but over the past 7 or 8 years they have been exposed. A huge majority of Americans don't give a crap about "climate change".( clearly established in every poll......Gallup......Pew......Rasmussen ). Too......only low information people buy the alarmist angst!!

Ive been saying for years that the AGW climate crusading k00ks need to move to PLAN B......stop throwing absurd bombs......but they cant help themselves. Accordingly, they fall further and further into the abyss in the PR department......which is everything. They still think it is about the "science". People MIGHT take a look at their shit when they stop screwing around with the data/models and stop the absurd predictions that arre almost always wrong.

Yeah, so what the relevance "only" 33% being concerned about climate change?


Do you know how many people that is?

There are 314 million people. About half are adults, 157 million. 1/3 of that is 53.3 million people. You're impressed by big numbers. That is a pretty big number of people.
The AGW fascists cant perpetuate the hoax without telling tall tales......but over the past 7 or 8 years they have been exposed. A huge majority of Americans don't give a crap about "climate change".( clearly established in every poll......Gallup......Pew......Rasmussen ). Too......only low information people buy the alarmist angst!!

Ive been saying for years that the AGW climate crusading k00ks need to move to PLAN B......stop throwing absurd bombs......but they cant help themselves. Accordingly, they fall further and further into the abyss in the PR department......which is everything. They still think it is about the "science". People MIGHT take a look at their shit when they stop screwing around with the data/models and stop the absurd predictions that are almost always wrong.

Here is a Scientific American article on the prediction track record.

Climate Science Predictions Prove Too Conservative - Scientific American

ross two decades and thousands of pages of reports, the world's most authoritative voice on climate science has consistently understated the rate and intensity of climate change and the danger those impacts represent, say a growing number of studies on the topic".

" In its 2001 report, the IPCC predicted an annual sea-level rise of less than 2 millimeters per year. But from 1993 through 2006, the oceans actually rose 3.3 millimeters per year, more than 50 percent above that projection."

I'm pretty sure that can be independently verified.
There's money to be made from the Global Warming hype!

Just this week it came to light that a huge coal fired electric plant is being shut down. Big win, right?

But wait a minute! It was sold recently to a company that owns several other natural gas fired plants hooked into the same part of the grid. Appears they bought the coal plant with the intent to shut it down - not to upgrade. But why?

Because there's a federal auction going on now that'll set the price paid for power down the road a couple of years. Because the soon-to-be-closed plant will push that part of the grid into shortage mode the bid prices for power from the few remaining plants has skyrocketed. Of course enriching the plant that "squandered" the money in buying a plant just to close it.

Folks who wanted coal fired plants closed are now all upset over the 16-cent per kWh they're going to be paying to run their coffee makers and tanning lamps.

Hard cheese, that.

Now watch them demand the plant be seized, nationalized, and upgraded at taxpayer expense. Because they don't pay any taxes, having no jobs or desire for any. But because their welfare checks and food stamps don't pay utility bills directly it makes sense to them.

Somehow I don't think nationalization is on the cards but there's still a little over two years in which seizing stuff will get easier and quicker.
The AGW fascists cant perpetuate the hoax without telling tall tales......but over the past 7 or 8 years they have been exposed. A huge majority of Americans don't give a crap about "climate change".( clearly established in every poll......Gallup......Pew......Rasmussen ). Too......only low information people buy the alarmist angst!!

Ive been saying for years that the AGW climate crusading k00ks need to move to PLAN B......stop throwing absurd bombs......but they cant help themselves. Accordingly, they fall further and further into the abyss in the PR department......which is everything. They still think it is about the "science". People MIGHT take a look at their shit when they stop screwing around with the data/models and stop the absurd predictions that arre almost always wrong.

Yeah, so what the relevance "only" 33% being concerned about climate change?


Do you know how many people that is?

There are 314 million people. About half are adults, 157 million. 1/3 of that is 53.3 million people. You're impressed by big numbers. That is a pretty big number of people.

WOW you really like to manipulate numbers not based on any type of fact other than what you want them to be.

Most of these polls are done with less than a 1000 people and can be easily stacked as gallop got doing several times..
Unfortunately scientific phenomena are not decided democratically. Doesn't matter how many people believe in something, if there isn't empirical evidence to support it then they are wrong.
The AGW fascists cant perpetuate the hoax without telling tall tales......but over the past 7 or 8 years they have been exposed. A huge majority of Americans don't give a crap about "climate change".( clearly established in every poll......Gallup......Pew......Rasmussen ). Too......only low information people buy the alarmist angst!!

Ive been saying for years that the AGW climate crusading k00ks need to move to PLAN B......stop throwing absurd bombs......but they cant help themselves. Accordingly, they fall further and further into the abyss in the PR department......which is everything. They still think it is about the "science". People MIGHT take a look at their shit when they stop screwing around with the data/models and stop the absurd predictions that arre almost always wrong.

Yeah, so what the relevance "only" 33% being concerned about climate change?


Do you know how many people that is?

There are 314 million people. About half are adults, 157 million. 1/3 of that is 53.3 million people. You're impressed by big numbers. That is a pretty big number of people.

WOW you really like to manipulate numbers not based on any type of fact other than what you want them to be.

Most of these polls are done with less than a 1000 people and can be easily stacked as gallop got doing several times..

So, basically skooker has absolutely no basis for his opinions. He's just make shit up as he goes along. I gotta say, I agree with you there.
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Unfortunately scientific phenomena are not decided democratically. Doesn't matter how many people believe in something, if there isn't empirical evidence to support it then they are wrong.

So your saying that the skookers point is meaningless?

Then we agree
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Yeah, so what the relevance "only" 33% being concerned about climate change?


Do you know how many people that is?

There are 314 million people. About half are adults, 157 million. 1/3 of that is 53.3 million people. You're impressed by big numbers. That is a pretty big number of people.

WOW you really like to manipulate numbers not based on any type of fact other than what you want them to be.

Most of these polls are done with less than a 1000 people and can be easily stacked as gallop got doing several times..

So, basically skooker has absolutely no basis for his opinions. He's just make shit up as he goes along. I gotta say, I agree with you there.

Once again the far left Obama drone AGW cult manipulates data and then lies about with deflections like a two year old would try.
Unfortunately scientific phenomena are not decided democratically. Doesn't matter how many people believe in something, if there isn't empirical evidence to support it then they are wrong.

So your saying that the skookers point is meaningless?

Then we agree

And more proof the the AGW cult hates real science and wants to push their religion on others.
Yeah, so what the relevance "only" 33% being concerned about climate change?


Do you know how many people that is?

There are 314 million people. About half are adults, 157 million. 1/3 of that is 53.3 million people. You're impressed by big numbers. That is a pretty big number of people.

WOW you really like to manipulate numbers not based on any type of fact other than what you want them to be.

Most of these polls are done with less than a 1000 people and can be easily stacked as gallop got doing several times..

So, basically skooker has absolutely no basis for his opinions. He's just make shit up as he goes along. I gotta say, I agree with you there.


Climate Change: Key Data Points from Pew Research | Pew Research Center

Nobody cares about global warming in 2014!!!:D:D:2up:
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