More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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win.......great find Geaux!!! Another poke in the eye of the climate k00ks.

Trailer is classic........we should have been in on the writing/production, although I'd probably have split my sides laughing as it was being made.
win.......great find Geaux!!! Another poke in the eye of the climate k00ks.

Trailer is classic........we should have been in on the writing/production, although I'd probably have split my sides laughing as it was being made.

The left cumwads have this one under control skooks. They are quickly trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the LIV. For reals, if they could convince half the country that the 1% are evil, and that somehow he and his skank old man, Moochelle, were different, then the skies the limit. They care about the lefties as they walked up their backs to the trough of plenty. LMAO....... :smoke:

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Frank......beyond classic!!! Where did you find it?? I spit on the monitor I laughed so hard!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock:


Frank......when the domination material hits this thread, rolling out GIGANTOR in that epic pose is a must!!! Awesome.....made my night!! Hope Geaux likes it.......I grew up with that guy.......kicks all asses.
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Just for you Skooks!

[ame=]Gigantor: The Collection Volume 1 "Opening Theme" - YouTube[/ame]
Spiegel: Europe?s ?Gigantic Catastrophe? Happened in 1540 (When CO2 Was 30% Less Than Today!)
Scientists say it was “far worse” than the European heat wave of 2003 according to a new paper authored by Oliver Wetter et al appearing in the journal Climate Change. The study’s abstract reminds us that extreme extremes are all too familiar in the past when CO2 were at a critically low level of 270 ppm
The heat waves of 2003 in Western Europe and 2010 in Russia, commonly labelled as rare climatic anomalies outside of previous experience, are often taken as harbingers of more frequent extremes in the global warming-influenced future. However, a recent reconstruction of spring–summer temperatures for WE resulted in the likelihood of significantly higher temperatures in 1540. In order to check the plausibility of this result we investigated the severity of the 1540 drought by putting forward the argument of the known soil desiccation-temperature feedback. Based on more than 300 first-hand documentary weather report sources originating from an area of 2 to 3 million km2, we show that Europe was affected by an unprecedented 11-month-long Megadrought. The estimated number of precipitation days and precipitation amount for Central and Western Europe in 1540 is significantly lower than the 100-year minima of the instrumental measurement period for spring, summer and autumn. This result is supported by independent documentary evidence about extremely low river flows and Europe-wide wild-, forest- and settlement fires. We found that an event of this severity cannot be simulated by state-of-the-art climate models.
Spiegel: Europe?s ?Gigantic Catastrophe? Happened in 1540 (When CO2 Was 30% Less Than Today!)
Scientists say it was “far worse” than the European heat wave of 2003 according to a new paper authored by Oliver Wetter et al appearing in the journal Climate Change. The study’s abstract reminds us that extreme extremes are all too familiar in the past when CO2 were at a critically low level of 270 ppm
The heat waves of 2003 in Western Europe and 2010 in Russia, commonly labelled as rare climatic anomalies outside of previous experience, are often taken as harbingers of more frequent extremes in the global warming-influenced future. However, a recent reconstruction of spring–summer temperatures for WE resulted in the likelihood of significantly higher temperatures in 1540. In order to check the plausibility of this result we investigated the severity of the 1540 drought by putting forward the argument of the known soil desiccation-temperature feedback. Based on more than 300 first-hand documentary weather report sources originating from an area of 2 to 3 million km2, we show that Europe was affected by an unprecedented 11-month-long Megadrought. The estimated number of precipitation days and precipitation amount for Central and Western Europe in 1540 is significantly lower than the 100-year minima of the instrumental measurement period for spring, summer and autumn. This result is supported by independent documentary evidence about extremely low river flows and Europe-wide wild-, forest- and settlement fires. We found that an event of this severity cannot be simulated by state-of-the-art climate models.

The Heat Wave is a DENIER!!!!! and must be adjusted downward
Don't look now Skooks, its going to start a chill next week. LMAO... Middle of July. Check this chit out.


The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July

But just to make sure that the abysmal Q1 GDP which has now spilled over into Q2 and will likely see the US economy growing in the mid-2% range, has a sufficiently broad "excuse" in the third quarter of the year, here comes - in the middle of July - the polar vortex 2.0. As WaPo reports, "However you choose to refer to the looming weather pattern, unseasonably chilly air is headed for parts of the northern and northeastern U.S at the height of summer early next week."


Bearing a haunting resemblance to January’s brutally cold weather pattern, a deep pool of cool air from the Gulf of Alaska will plunge into the Great Lakes early next week and then ooze towards the East Coast.

Check out the rest here.

Some really cool, no pun intended, maps showing some cold ass chit coming..... Global warming my a$$.

The global warming :gay: club whackos will head to Death Valley to mark a 110 degree day. .. :lol:

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You guys are the shit.......cracking my ass up daily!!! Gigantor stuff ftmfw!!!

low - mid-50's next week!!!! By the end of summer, there might be 149 people who think the world is warming.
Don't look now Skooks, its going to start a chill next week. LMAO... Middle of July. Check this chit out.


The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July

But just to make sure that the abysmal Q1 GDP which has now spilled over into Q2 and will likely see the US economy growing in the mid-2% range, has a sufficiently broad "excuse" in the third quarter of the year, here comes - in the middle of July - the polar vortex 2.0. As WaPo reports Poor man?s polar vortex to make shocking summer return in eastern U.S. next week, "However you choose to refer to the looming weather pattern, unseasonably chilly air is headed for parts of the northern and northeastern U.S at the height of summer early next week."


Bearing a haunting resemblance to January’s brutally cold weather pattern, a deep pool of cool air from the Gulf of Alaska will plunge into the Great Lakes early next week and then ooze towards the East Coast.

Check out the rest here.

The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July | Zero Hedge

Some really cool, no pun intended, maps showing some cold ass chit coming..... Global warming my a$$.

The global warming :gay: club whackos will head to Death Valley to mark a 110 degree day. .. :lol:


You did notice that Greenland , Baffin's land and northwest Canada will be particularly hot during that same period of time , didn't you ?
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Don't look now Skooks, its going to start a chill next week. LMAO... Middle of July. Check this chit out.


The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July

But just to make sure that the abysmal Q1 GDP which has now spilled over into Q2 and will likely see the US economy growing in the mid-2% range, has a sufficiently broad "excuse" in the third quarter of the year, here comes - in the middle of July - the polar vortex 2.0. As WaPo reports Poor man?s polar vortex to make shocking summer return in eastern U.S. next week, "However you choose to refer to the looming weather pattern, unseasonably chilly air is headed for parts of the northern and northeastern U.S at the height of summer early next week."


Bearing a haunting resemblance to January’s brutally cold weather pattern, a deep pool of cool air from the Gulf of Alaska will plunge into the Great Lakes early next week and then ooze towards the East Coast.

Check out the rest here.

The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July | Zero Hedge

Some really cool, no pun intended, maps showing some cold ass chit coming..... Global warming my a$$.

The global warming :gay: club whackos will head to Death Valley to mark a 110 degree day. .. :lol:


You did notice that Greenland , Baffin's land and northwest Canada will be particularly hot during that same period of time , didn't you ?


The point is, nobody knows shit about shit in terms of next months temperatures, next years or 25 years from now. The computer models are generally bogus yet the k00ks put their stock in them like people kneeling on a little carpet.
Don't look now Skooks, its going to start a chill next week. LMAO... Middle of July. Check this chit out.


The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July

But just to make sure that the abysmal Q1 GDP which has now spilled over into Q2 and will likely see the US economy growing in the mid-2% range, has a sufficiently broad "excuse" in the third quarter of the year, here comes - in the middle of July - the polar vortex 2.0. As WaPo reports Poor man?s polar vortex to make shocking summer return in eastern U.S. next week, "However you choose to refer to the looming weather pattern, unseasonably chilly air is headed for parts of the northern and northeastern U.S at the height of summer early next week."


Bearing a haunting resemblance to January’s brutally cold weather pattern, a deep pool of cool air from the Gulf of Alaska will plunge into the Great Lakes early next week and then ooze towards the East Coast.

Check out the rest here.

The Polar Vortex Is Back... In The Middle Of July | Zero Hedge

Some really cool, no pun intended, maps showing some cold ass chit coming..... Global warming my a$$.

The global warming :gay: club whackos will head to Death Valley to mark a 110 degree day. .. :lol:


You did notice that Greenland , Baffin's land and northwest Canada will be particularly hot during that same period of time , didn't you ?

Sure did. And they will be running in the streets shouting global warming. Yep, global warming in Greenland caused by a frigging bitter few days, late July, on the East Coast. :cuckoo:

Let face it.....climate alarmism is dying in 2014. Even the New York Times is recognizing it. The non-k00ks in the debate have clearly wrestled away the narrative, effectively branding the alarmists as a dwindling brain dead cult. The AGW alarmists are now getting beaten at their own game!!!:coffee:

Those include Richard Lindzen, the ex-MIT meteorology professor who spoke at the institute’s 2009 conference and is now a fellow at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute.

In a 2012 New York Times profile, Lindzen affirmed that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and called those who dispute the point “nutty.” But he predicts that negative feedback loops in the atmosphere will counteract its warming effects. The climate, he insists, is less sensitive to human emissions than environmentalists fear.

Heartland Institute climate change conference: Optimism is the new denial.

This is compelling. To a person, the AGW alarmist crowd almost invariably are miserable and highly pessimistic.......most people are turned off by this dynamic.......clearly. Its human nature. What the skeptics have done is embrace what is becoming known as "climate optimism" and is clearly winning over people. Of course.......when the net benefits of warming outweigh the negative effects, people want to grab hold of that. Lets face it......most people hate the whiney, hysterical party pooper types like you see in this forum.......ALL are AGW nutters!!!:up::up::up::funnyface:
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Let face it.....climate alarmism is dying in 2014. Even the New York Times is recognizing it. The non-k00ks in the debate have clearly wrestled away the narrative, effectively branding the alarmists as a dwindling brain dead cult. The AGW alarmists are now getting beaten at their own game!!!:coffee:

Those include Richard Lindzen, the ex-MIT meteorology professor who spoke at the institute’s 2009 conference and is now a fellow at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute.

In a 2012 New York Times profile, Lindzen affirmed that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and called those who dispute the point “nutty.” But he predicts that negative feedback loops in the atmosphere will counteract its warming effects. The climate, he insists, is less sensitive to human emissions than environmentalists fear.

Heartland Institute climate change conference: Optimism is the new denial.

This is compelling. To a person, the AGW alarmist crowd almost invariably are miserable and highly pessimistic.......most people are turned off by this dynamic.......clearly. Its human nature. What the skeptics have done is embrace what is becoming known as "climate optimism" and is clearly winning over people. Of course.......when the net benefits of warming outweigh the negative effects, people want to grab hold of that. Lets face it......most people hate the whiney, hysterical party pooper types like you see in this forum.......ALL are AGW nutters!!!:up::up::up::funnyface:

You live in New York don`t you?
Nobody who really matters is worried about "ocean levels rising".
New York: Immobilien-Boom entzweit Brooklyn - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Bauboom in Brooklyn


Goldrausch im Wilden Westen von New York: Der Immobilien-Boom erreicht Brooklyn, der Arbeiterstadtteil mutiert zum Spielplatz für Spekulanten. Der umstrittenste Bau soll im Hipster-Viertel Williamsburg entstehen - für 1,5 Milliarden Dollar.
"Wild West building boom in Brooklyn New York" is what Der Spiegel writes about the 1.5 billion$ project.
It`s being pushed by a guy who`s name is Chakrabarti ....who came from India and is now a "city planner" in New York and was part of the oversight committee to rebuild 9/11 ground zero, the Hudson yards high rise district and Manhattan`s High Line Park.
Seems to me he doesn`t give a flying f@<k what global warmers keep ranting about rising ocean water.
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Let face it.....climate alarmism is dying in 2014. Even the New York Times is recognizing it. The non-k00ks in the debate have clearly wrestled away the narrative, effectively branding the alarmists as a dwindling brain dead cult. The AGW alarmists are now getting beaten at their own game!!!:coffee:

Those include Richard Lindzen, the ex-MIT meteorology professor who spoke at the institute’s 2009 conference and is now a fellow at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute.

In a 2012 New York Times profile, Lindzen affirmed that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and called those who dispute the point “nutty.” But he predicts that negative feedback loops in the atmosphere will counteract its warming effects. The climate, he insists, is less sensitive to human emissions than environmentalists fear.

Heartland Institute climate change conference: Optimism is the new denial.

This is compelling. To a person, the AGW alarmist crowd almost invariably are miserable and highly pessimistic.......most people are turned off by this dynamic.......clearly. Its human nature. What the skeptics have done is embrace what is becoming known as "climate optimism" and is clearly winning over people. Of course.......when the net benefits of warming outweigh the negative effects, people want to grab hold of that. Lets face it......most people hate the whiney, hysterical party pooper types like you see in this forum.......ALL are AGW nutters!!!:up::up::up::funnyface:

You live in New York don`t you?
Nobody who really matters is worried about "ocean levels rising".
New York: Immobilien-Boom entzweit Brooklyn - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Bauboom in Brooklyn


Goldrausch im Wilden Westen von New York: Der Immobilien-Boom erreicht Brooklyn, der Arbeiterstadtteil mutiert zum Spielplatz für Spekulanten. Der umstrittenste Bau soll im Hipster-Viertel Williamsburg entstehen - für 1,5 Milliarden Dollar.
"Wild West building boom in Brooklyn New York" is what Der Spiegel writes about the 1.5 billion$ project.
It`s being pushed by a guy who`s name is Chakrabarti ....who came from India and is now a "city planner" in New York and was part of the oversight committee to rebuild 9/11 ground zero, the Hudson yards high rise district and Manhattan`s High Line Park.
Seems to me he doesn`t give a flying f@<k what global warmers keep ranting about rising ocean water.


Like Ive been saying too Polar........nobody is giving a crap about the science.:D
A few posts before your`s some idiot wrote that Greenland and Canada will be "unusually hot" as a comment to that computer forecast which has unusually cold air coming from Canada into the US.
All the while it`s been way cooler than normal up here, people were wearing jackets and turned on their furnace.
Some areas still struggled at the end of June with frozen water pipes and the crops are stunted due to low temperatures.
This month we finally went a bit over 20 C for a couple of days which was followed by overcast, heavy rain and cold North-winds over most of central Canada. It hasn`t been warm enough for the mosquitoes to breed so far this year either, but that`s okay with us. That`s not the kind of gigabytes we interested in anyway.
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