More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hook line and sinker...

Appears the Obama regime is now pedaling gasp.................................

"WASHINGTON — President Obama acknowledged Wednesday that his efforts to combat climate change — in particular, Environmental Protection Agency regulations to slash carbon pollution from cars and coal-fired power plants — could raise fuel and electricity prices. And he told environmental advocates that in order to make a credible case for such climate policies, officials would need to acknowledge Americans’ worries about the economic effects.

There you have it... The $$$$$$$$ tail that is on the red herrings tail

The carrot on the sick and the anti-American way loons of GW now want to pass the cost of a witch hunt to the 47% who are already paying for non-value added pork

Global warming the new political pork chop :badgrin: :eusa_boohoo: :cuckoo:


Obama is a nationwide neutron bomb, he wants to destroy as many people as he can and take down our civilization and culture while leaving most of the real estate in tact
Something for you guys to chew at:

"The average rate of ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet has very likely substantially increased from 34 billion tonnes per year over the period 1992 to 2001 to 215 billion tonnes per year over the period 2002 to 2011.”

Surface melting is speeding flow of Greenland glaciers-study

So, even if we agree in the fact that temperatures are not rising, that doesn't change the fact that polar ice continues to melt at an accelerated pace. Those 215 billion tonnes mean an increase of one foot by the year 2050 ... enough to ruin many costal cities.
Something for you guys to chew at:

"The average rate of ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet has very likely substantially increased from 34 billion tonnes per year over the period 1992 to 2001 to 215 billion tonnes per year over the period 2002 to 2011.”

Surface melting is speeding flow of Greenland glaciers-study

So, even if we agree in the fact that temperatures are not rising, that doesn't change the fact that polar ice continues to melt at an accelerated pace. Those 215 billion tonnes mean an increase of one foot by the year 2050 ... enough to ruin many costal cities.

And those figures for Greenland ice melt have been shown to be 50% higher than actual, and even IF it were melting at their rate it would take 10,000 years for there to be a noticeable rise in seal level from that source so you need not worry your head about that.
Something for you guys to chew at:

"The average rate of ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet has very likely substantially increased from 34 billion tonnes per year over the period 1992 to 2001 to 215 billion tonnes per year over the period 2002 to 2011.”

Surface melting is speeding flow of Greenland glaciers-study

So, even if we agree in the fact that temperatures are not rising, that doesn't change the fact that polar ice continues to melt at an accelerated pace. Those 215 billion tonnes mean an increase of one foot by the year 2050 ... enough to ruin many costal cities.

And those figures for Greenland ice melt have been shown to be 50% higher than actual, and even IF it were melting at their rate it would take 10,000 years for there to be a noticeable rise in seal level from that source so you need not worry your head about that.

There are just some people that are drawn to the hysterical. We all know people in our lives like that. Something that is a blip to most people and these types freak out. Best analogy I can think of is during winter when you go to the supermarket and these people are loading up their carts with a months worth of food and the weather forecast is for 6 inches of snow.

I was at the ocean last week.....been going for well over 40 years. The beach is the exact same as it was 40 years ago!! Lifeguard stand? Same place as it was 40 years ago. Pavillion? Same distance to the ocean as it was 40 years ago!!

Think I'll hold off from building my emergency ark!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:
More nut sack kicking of the AGW fascist nutters >>>>

US oil production up 50% in the past 5 years!!!

The oil boom in one slick infographic | Grist

What was that about solar???:blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:


Looks like it's time for a road trip to VEGAS. What could be better? We have scientist who are not on the government dole. Another scare tactic from the peace creeps and other assorted wackos

Sounds like a good day to change the oil in my old scooter and pour it over the tractor out back. :lol:


Heartland Events

9th International Conference on Climate Change

Home - International Conference on Climate Change

The Heartland Institute is “the world’s most prominent think tank
promoting skepticism about man-made climate change.”

— The Economist, May 26, 2012

Come to fabulous Las Vegas to meet leading scientists from around the world who question whether “man-made global warming” will be harmful to plants, animals, or human welfare. Learn from top economists and policy experts about the real costs and futility of trying to stop global warming.

Meet the leaders of think tanks and grassroots organizations who are speaking out against global warming alarmism. Don’t just wonder about global warming … understand it!
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More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D

Al Gore come out come out where ever you are

[ame=]Al Gore, fraud and hoax of Global Warming- Weather Channel - YouTube[/ame]

Green Bean.....gotta stop on in here more often!!! Its a downright hoot in here on a daily basis posting up link after link, after link making the AGW climate crusaders look like an Islamic terror bad guy walking the desert on video moments before the drone strike vaporizes his ass!!.:D:D:D

Bring all ya got bro.............
Something for you guys to chew at:

"The average rate of ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet has very likely substantially increased from 34 billion tonnes per year over the period 1992 to 2001 to 215 billion tonnes per year over the period 2002 to 2011.”

Surface melting is speeding flow of Greenland glaciers-study

So, even if we agree in the fact that temperatures are not rising, that doesn't change the fact that polar ice continues to melt at an accelerated pace. Those 215 billion tonnes mean an increase of one foot by the year 2050 ... enough to ruin many costal cities.

And those figures for Greenland ice melt have been shown to be 50% higher than actual, and even IF it were melting at their rate it would take 10,000 years for there to be a noticeable rise in seal level from that source so you need not worry your head about that.

There are just some people that are drawn to the hysterical. We all know people in our lives like that. Something that is a blip to most people and these types freak out. Best analogy I can think of is during winter when you go to the supermarket and these people are loading up their carts with a months worth of food and the weather forecast is for 6 inches of snow.

I was at the ocean last week.....been going for well over 40 years. The beach is the exact same as it was 40 years ago!! Lifeguard stand? Same place as it was 40 years ago. Pavillion? Same distance to the ocean as it was 40 years ago!!

Think I'll hold off from building my emergency ark!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:

The last 40 years have seen a rise of only 4 inches... it is hard to notice them.
In the next 40 will see an increment of 12 inches ... It will not cause cities to drown , but it will surely make a difference when a storm comes.

What is your point ?
That global warming is not occuring?
Or that we shouldn't worry at all about it ?

In any case , China is the country that emits the highest amount of CO2: Almost as much as the the US, and Europe combined.
The US is no longer in a position to set the policy on these matters. In the future it should be a joint decision between China ,the US, the EU, Japan and Russia.
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And those figures for Greenland ice melt have been shown to be 50% higher than actual, and even IF it were melting at their rate it would take 10,000 years for there to be a noticeable rise in seal level from that source so you need not worry your head about that.

There are just some people that are drawn to the hysterical. We all know people in our lives like that. Something that is a blip to most people and these types freak out. Best analogy I can think of is during winter when you go to the supermarket and these people are loading up their carts with a months worth of food and the weather forecast is for 6 inches of snow.

I was at the ocean last week.....been going for well over 40 years. The beach is the exact same as it was 40 years ago!! Lifeguard stand? Same place as it was 40 years ago. Pavillion? Same distance to the ocean as it was 40 years ago!!

Think I'll hold off from building my emergency ark!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:

The last 40 years have seen a rise of only 4 inches... it is hard to notice them.
In the next 40 will see an increment of 12 inches ... It will not cause cities to drown , but it will surely make a difference when a storm comes.

What is your point ?
That global warming is not occuring?
Or that we shouldn't worry at all about it ?

In any case , China is the country that emits the highest amount of CO2: Almost as much as the the US, and Europe combined.
The US is no longer in a position to set the policy on these matters. In the future it should be a joint decision between China ,the US, the EU, Japan and Russia.

How do people get to this point of having this striking inability to connect the dots?!!!:coffee: I still hold that it is some kind of minor brain fuck up!! Not an intelligence thing......a thought processing thing. Look in the latest version of the DSM.......there is a big difference.

This guy is ready to go out to Home Depot and start the Noah thing based upon......ready for model forecasts!! And as has been displayed in here 5 billion times over just the last year ( and once yesterday in a new thread ), the models are consistently wrong. Too.....they have nothing to do with the actual data readings. The NOAA even ADMITS it!!! Still......these hopelessly duped people treat all this shit that comes directly from the msm as gospel!!! And they are going out building emergency arks over shit like this?? Take a step back and behold the landscape........HOLY FUCK!!:ack-1:

And this above ^^ is the least of the fuckedupedness.:badgrin:

These meatheads actually think world governments are going to come together and make up a plan on carbon taxes and scuttle their own economies!!:rock::rock::slap: The meatheads actually think this is in the realm of possibility........ALL BASED UPON COMPUTER MODELS!!!:eek::eek::eek: Is that thinking not fascinating?? Imagine a world politician/leader anywhere in the world coming out today and stating, "I am going to lead the world to combat global warming and I hope my peers do the same!! Indeed, we will have to, as a people, accept a significant lowering in our collective standards of living......but the models are clear!!!":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

See those stickers on the backs of cars? LIBERALISMN IS A MENTAL DISORDER

With any ability to connect the dots and having read the paragraph above, it is very understandable as to why the skeptics are winning and always will win. It is also clear as to why nobody cares about the science. Life is not about dreaming up these gloriously colorful fantasies where anything is possible. Most people don't think that way......the whole connect the dots thing.......and thank God for the rest of us most people can connect dots. Leave the k00ks in charge and we're all sitting around the living room table looking at a candle and answering orange juice chord Little Rascals phones and taking a bike to work in the morning.:up:

Indeed......the skeptics are winning.........HUGE!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:
LMAO... Just more news for these loons to chew on. Nothing can compete with the complete FAIL of an expedition when the ship your on gets stuck in ice.......LMAO..............

Stuck in ice on its way to document melting ice. :lol:

What a bunch of Larry's :cuckoo:



COPENHAGEN, Denmark -- It wasn't supposed to happen: a ship full of scientists and environmentalists sent to the Antarctic to find melting ice from global warming got stuck in frozen ice from fearsome cold.

Then, the rescue ship got stuck in the ice, too.

Critics liken the incident to the climate change movement itself: stuck in denial over the fact that the climate is not getting warmer but seems to be getting much colder.

The climate is changing, but it's not changing the way climate change crowd predicted it would. Nature has made a mockery of global warming, so who are the real climate deniers?

Ice is not only growing in the South Pole, but in parts of the North Pole, too. And the coldest arctic temperatures in decades have descended upon North America.

Global Cooling: Is an Ice Age Coming? - Health & Science - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
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Winning sOn much fun is this forum??:rock::rock::rock::rofl:

Hey Frank......that post above might be my most epic ever. What do you think??:banana::banana::banana:

Why do you think I bumped it?

And those figures for Greenland ice melt have been shown to be 50% higher than actual, and even IF it were melting at their rate it would take 10,000 years for there to be a noticeable rise in seal level from that source so you need not worry your head about that.

There are just some people that are drawn to the hysterical. We all know people in our lives like that. Something that is a blip to most people and these types freak out. Best analogy I can think of is during winter when you go to the supermarket and these people are loading up their carts with a months worth of food and the weather forecast is for 6 inches of snow.

I was at the ocean last week.....been going for well over 40 years. The beach is the exact same as it was 40 years ago!! Lifeguard stand? Same place as it was 40 years ago. Pavillion? Same distance to the ocean as it was 40 years ago!!

Think I'll hold off from building my emergency ark!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:

The last 40 years have seen a rise of only 4 inches... it is hard to notice them.
In the next 40 will see an increment of 12 inches ... It will not cause cities to drown , but it will surely make a difference when a storm comes.

What is your point ?
That global warming is not occuring?
Or that we shouldn't worry at all about it ?

In any case , China is the country that emits the highest amount of CO2: Almost as much as the the US, and Europe combined.
The US is no longer in a position to set the policy on these matters. In the future it should be a joint decision between China ,the US, the EU, Japan and Russia.

Who's the big monster that scared you silly about 12 inch rise in Sea Level over the NEXT 40 years? Was it that ole meany Al Gore? Because that ain't likely to happen.. Greenland may shed some ice -- But Antarctica is GROWING ICE. And even the UN rent-a-scientist team has cut back their SLevel predictions.. You just have to stop reading ThinkProgress for your GWarming news..
And those figures for Greenland ice melt have been shown to be 50% higher than actual, and even IF it were melting at their rate it would take 10,000 years for there to be a noticeable rise in seal level from that source so you need not worry your head about that.

There are just some people that are drawn to the hysterical. We all know people in our lives like that. Something that is a blip to most people and these types freak out. Best analogy I can think of is during winter when you go to the supermarket and these people are loading up their carts with a months worth of food and the weather forecast is for 6 inches of snow.

I was at the ocean last week.....been going for well over 40 years. The beach is the exact same as it was 40 years ago!! Lifeguard stand? Same place as it was 40 years ago. Pavillion? Same distance to the ocean as it was 40 years ago!!

Think I'll hold off from building my emergency ark!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:

The last 40 years have seen a rise of only 4 inches... it is hard to notice them.
In the next 40 will see an increment of 12 inches ... It will not cause cities to drown , but it will surely make a difference when a storm comes.

What is your point ?
That global warming is not occuring?
Or that we shouldn't worry at all about it ?

In any case , China is the country that emits the highest amount of CO2: Almost as much as the the US, and Europe combined.
The US is no longer in a position to set the policy on these matters. In the future it should be a joint decision between China ,the US, the EU, Japan and Russia.

so, where did you get your data at?
Frank......check this out!!! A belated 4th of July celebration for US energy!!!

1. In March of 2014 U.S. crude oil production was at its highest level since May of 1988. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that by next year the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia in crude oil output.

2. U.S. natural gas production in 2013 was at its highest level ever.

3. U.S. net imports of crude oil and petroleum products in 2013 were at their lowest level since 1988.

4. Domestic production satisfied 84 percent of total U.S. energy demand in 2013.

- See more at: Energy ? For Life, Liberty and Happiness

Hmmmmmm...........who's not winning????:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::up:
“Global Warming, the Movie” Starring: Freezing

Perhaps it’s because a suspenseful movie needs something that is actually deadly, and freezing weather is deadly. By contrast, the actual, projected consequences of global warming—presuming they will come to pass, which is looking very unlikely—are relatively mild and beneficial.

"Global Warming, the Movie" Starring: Freezing

so much winning...........:up:
The left whackjobs aren't going to dig this at all. They have much work to do. But hey, if one is so dumb and uneducated to vote for Obama what can I say.....:nono:

Global-Warming Skeptics Seek Documentary, 8 Years After 'Inconvenient Truth'

Eight years after Al Gore's Academy Award-winning climate-science documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, a prominent climate-skeptic group announced a crowdfunding initiative on Tuesday to produce a documentary that will provide their perspective on the issue.

Home - Climate Hustle

The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), a conservative group, announced its filmmaking endeavor in Las Vegas at an annual meeting of global-warming skeptics, which is being hosted by libertarian group The Heartland Institute. The conference began Monday, and ends on Wednesday.

Climate Hustle will reveal the history of climate scares, examine the science on both sides of the debate, dig into the politics and media hype surrounding the issue, show how global warming has become a new religion for alarmists, and explain the impacts the warming agenda will have on people in America and around the world.

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