More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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It's interesting to classify the 'tards by their type of retardation. I'll just stick with the current regulars here.

On the bottom layer, you have the megatards. Clueless on logic, science, history, ethics, everything, and incapable of anything except parroting the crazy dogma of their rightwingdingdong political cult. Nobody pays any attention to them, and that really upsets them, since attention is what they crave. Hence, we help them out occasionally by pointing and laughing. In that category, we have:


A step up from that, you've got the engitards -- engineers or other minor techies who have delusions of being scientists. They have experience in one narrow field, so they assume themselves to be supergeniuses in all fields, leading to much hilarity when they dive into a field they don't have a clue about. They tend to be angry that the world hasn't recognized them as supergeniuses. In that group we have:


And a step up from that ... well, if you're brighter than the brighter denialists, you won't be a denialist. So there is no step up for them. There's just "megatard" and "engitard". The commonality between the groups is that all are card carrying members of a 'tard political cult. Unless you've been programmed by the rightwingcrazycult, you can't get nutty enough to fall for all the 'tard conspiracy theories which make up their cult's dogma.

With that said, let's open this week's tard-off. Denialists, put forth your best attempts, as they will be graded. May the best 'tard win!

Your ranking of the degree of "tardness" is based purely on how much they are willing to concede to the ultimate retard test: belief in anthropogenic global warming. In other words, the exact opposite of being a tard. You rank at the top of the tardness scale by that measure.
Hey Skooks.. Wake the freak up.. You're falling down on the job..

Tropics will be the first region to be hit hard by global warming -

The shifts to consistently warmer temperatures in the world’s climates pose a considerable threat to thousands of plant and animal species. They would either have to move, adapt or face extinction.

Most aspects of human society would face grave disruptions as well, from agriculture to water security to public health.

“Regardless of the scenario, changes will be coming soon,” said Camilo Mora, an assistant professor of geography at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, and the study’s lead author. “Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past.”

Even if nations took a more aggressive approach to reducing greenhouse gases, the annual mean temperature in an average location in the world would still shift out of its previous normal range by 2069, Mora and his colleagues found.

"We set the bounds of the past minimum and maximum values, and the shift is when the annual mean temperature moves beyond these bounds and never comes back in,” said study coauthor Ryan Longman, also a graduate student in geography at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. “The new minimum temperature of the future is the old maximum temperature of the past.”

A geography prof.. with NO REAL NUMBERS being reproduced in the press. ((Not a single number in the LA Times version). No apparent modeling, just reading the historical temp chart and the tea leaves.. The jackass is giving dates BY CITY for his apocalyptic predictions...

We are down to the kamikaze resistance here.. Composed of a few grad students that the press calls "climate scientists"...

No evidence to support what you want to be true. When you have evidence, come back and tell us about it. Until then, nobody cares what you want.

You're the one who needs to produce the evidence. Metaphorically speaking, you're the one who claims to have seen bigfoot.
Hey Skooks.. Wake the freak up.. You're falling down on the job..

A geography prof.. with NO REAL NUMBERS being reproduced in the press. ((Not a single number in the LA Times version). No apparent modeling, just reading the historical temp chart and the tea leaves.. The jackass is giving dates BY CITY for his apocalyptic predictions...

We are down to the kamikaze resistance here.. Composed of a few grad students that the press calls "climate scientists"...

No evidence to support what you want to be true. When you have evidence, come back and tell us about it. Until then, nobody cares what you want.

You're the one who needs to produce the evidence. Metaphorically speaking, you're the one who claims to have seen bigfoot.

Seen bigfoot? Nah, these guys have MATED with bigfoot!:lol::lol:
At this point, the denialists are only in it to get their daily hate-fix.

They don't care about what's true any longer. They just care about hating their perceived enemies. Kind of a sad way to go through life, but they've made their choices.
At this point, the denialists are only in it to get their daily hate-fix.

They don't care about what's true any longer. They just care about hating their perceived enemies. Kind of a sad way to go through life, but they've made their choices.

What is truth? Priests are always talking to us about "truth". Scientists don't. We aren't interested in "truth". We are interested in facts.
At this point, the denialists are only in it to get their daily hate-fix.

They don't care about what's true any longer. They just care about hating their perceived enemies. Kind of a sad way to go through life, but they've made their choices.

What is truth? Priests are always talking to us about "truth". Scientists don't. We aren't interested in "truth". We are interested in facts.

Excellent. Will you join me in an effort to correct people demanding PROOF where none is to be found? England, emission regulations on industry has resulted in the government warning of "winter blackouts"!!!. British manufacturing may be forced to move overseas, which of course will be awesome for jobs in a country already taking it up the pooper.

The greens can always be certain to be successful at one thing ALL THE TIME!!! Fucking things up!!

More k00k losing >>>>

Man-Made Energy Crisis

They are trust-fundie treehuggers. Why should they care if working-class people lose their jobs? The Greenheads' Daddies, who own the outsourcing corporations, will always take care of them.

This is want you want to be true. It's not. Your move.

Nature is a pretty sight only to those sitting pretty. My detection of what is behind all these Limousine Liberal perversions does not appear in the professional media or the Internet. The truth is what they don't let you hear or even think is possible.

These disposable Heirheads don't have minds of their own but are entirely and subconsciously driven by class instinct; thus their pushy "born to rule" attitude and refusal to let you talk back. They lie to themselves about what motivates them. They are so spoiled that they never question what could be driving their passion.
It's interesting to classify the 'tards by their type of retardation. I'll just stick with the current regulars here.

On the bottom layer, you have the megatards. Clueless on logic, science, history, ethics, everything, and incapable of anything except parroting the crazy dogma of their rightwingdingdong political cult. Nobody pays any attention to them, and that really upsets them, since attention is what they crave. Hence, we help them out occasionally by pointing and laughing. In that category, we have:


A step up from that, you've got the engitards -- engineers or other minor techies who have delusions of being scientists. They have experience in one narrow field, so they assume themselves to be supergeniuses in all fields, leading to much hilarity when they dive into a field they don't have a clue about. They tend to be angry that the world hasn't recognized them as supergeniuses. In that group we have:


And a step up from that ... well, if you're brighter than the brighter denialists, you won't be a denialist. So there is no step up for them. There's just "megatard" and "engitard". The commonality between the groups is that all are card carrying members of a 'tard political cult. Unless you've been programmed by the rightwingcrazycult, you can't get nutty enough to fall for all the 'tard conspiracy theories which make up their cult's dogma.

With that said, let's open this week's tard-off. Denialists, put forth your best attempts, as they will be graded. May the best 'tard win!

Like Lenin, you love to arrange human beings as if they were inanimate objects on a toy-train setup.

More what you wish was true. Nobody cares. Man up and post evidence.

Your snobbish and conceited attitude is evidence that you are a spoiled brat who has no place in a free man's society. If we can't take away your unearned privileges legally, the least we can do is expose that your only motivation is that you think you were born to rule us. There's no reason we should pay any attention to what your clique says or the "evidence" it funds. You are mutants who hate the human race but think you are an evolved superior species destined to replace us.
Why don't we stop insulting each other? We can always quit being polite if it's just unbearable.
At this point, the denialists are only in it to get their daily hate-fix.

They don't care about what's true any longer. They just care about hating their perceived enemies. Kind of a sad way to go through life, but they've made their choices.

What is truth? Priests are always talking to us about "truth". Scientists don't. We aren't interested in "truth". We are interested in facts.

Excellent. Will you join me in an effort to correct people demanding PROOF where none is to be found?

I would be happy with facts. So far the climatologists are limited to terribly bad computer models which you idiots think is data. Here's a hint, they're not data, nor are they facts. They are science fiction.
I would be happy with facts. So far the climatologists are limited to terribly bad computer models which you idiots think is data. Here's a hint, they're not data, nor are they facts. They are science fiction.

That cult nonsense of yours has been refuted a dozen times. Since you're just babbling dishonest cult fiction now, why should anyone take you seriously?

Look, nobody can stop you from screaming debunked fables. But who do you think you're fooling with them? Even you have to be aware by now that your whole charade is collapsing. Shouldn't you be planning ahead and thinking about a retreat strategy?
At this point, the denialists are only in it to get their daily hate-fix.

They don't care about what's true any longer. They just care about hating their perceived enemies. Kind of a sad way to go through life, but they've made their choices.

What is truth? Priests are always talking to us about "truth". Scientists don't. We aren't interested in "truth". We are interested in facts.

What's the relationship between facts and truth?
Anybody who looks in any of the forums on the board can identify an absolute truth in any debate: those advocating for the ideas of the far left are invariably miserable. Perpetual state of misery. These people hate me with a passion and it is evident in almost every response I get as long as Ive been in here. Ive been called every word ever invented to besmirch a person......which for me is the ultimate compliment!! That's why Im always laughing my ass off in here!!! Never tire of publically humiliating the hopelessly duped.....its the total hook for coming in here.:2up:
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