More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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One thing that we can always count on. Denialists lying. So, when they say that they are winning, we, the people, should celebrate.

You know you have a problem when you hear the truth as a lie...but then if you have that problem you wouldn't realize it would you? Trust are the victim of a hoax. You have drank bad kool aid and it is having an adverse effect on your mind.


Yo Abe....gotta pick one of these up if you have a dog!! Thing is the shit!!! Only 10 bucks!! Highly effective! Grab one while you can!

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What happens if global warming turns out to be true?

Not a lot. The average temperature goes up by a half a degree in the next 80 years.

In the brief time since homo sapiens evolved there have been many temp changes much greater than that. And there will be in the future - from purely natural causes.

I am sure tthat Canadians here present will join us Swedes in thinking that slightly warmer climate would be no bad thing.

You might want to ask the Swedes living on the coast who will see rising sea levels and more storm surge. Or the world's farmers who will see their crops withered from drought or washed away by floods. Or the people who were formerly fed by those farmers crops. Or the billion and a half people on the planet whose drinking water comes from melted snow and ice that'll no longer be present.

In the brief time that homo sapiens has been present, neither CO2 nor temperature have ever risen as fast as they have over the last 150 years. Humans can probably get along with a lot of change - as long as they have the time to adapt and compensate.

Sorry but you have chosen a bad example. Sweden is still RISING by a little under 1 cm a year consequent on the release of pressure from the melting of the 2 km thick ice layer in the last ice age. This land rise is faster than any predicted rise in sea levels. What were good harbours with good access through deep water channels only 2 or 3 hundred years ago are now out of use.

So Swedes living on the coast would benefit from a rise in sea levels - which of course is not happening.
Not a lot. The average temperature goes up by a half a degree in the next 80 years.

In the brief time since homo sapiens evolved there have been many temp changes much greater than that. And there will be in the future - from purely natural causes.

I am sure tthat Canadians here present will join us Swedes in thinking that slightly warmer climate would be no bad thing.

You might want to ask the Swedes living on the coast who will see rising sea levels and more storm surge. Or the world's farmers who will see their crops withered from drought or washed away by floods. Or the people who were formerly fed by those farmers crops. Or the billion and a half people on the planet whose drinking water comes from melted snow and ice that'll no longer be present.

In the brief time that homo sapiens has been present, neither CO2 nor temperature have ever risen as fast as they have over the last 150 years. Humans can probably get along with a lot of change - as long as they have the time to adapt and compensate.

Sorry but you have chosen a bad example. Sweden is still RISING by a little under 1 cm a year consequent on the release of pressure from the melting of the 2 km thick ice layer in the last ice age. This land rise is faster than any predicted rise in sea levels. What were good harbours with good access through deep water channels only 2 or 3 hundred years ago are now out of use.

So Swedes living on the coast would benefit from a rise in sea levels - which of course is not happening.

AGW will create winners and losers. More of the latter. It will further our extreme wealth distribution which has shown a correlation with very slow to negative economic growth.

But only for a few hundred years. Once we've adapted to both a new climate and a fuel-less and waste-less energy system good times will come back.
AGW will create winners and losers. More of the latter. It will further our extreme wealth distribution which has shown a correlation with very slow to negative economic growth.

But only for a few hundred years. Once we've adapted to both a new climate and a fuel-less and waste-less energy system good times will come back.

You're just thrilled at the idea of Americans wallowing in grinding poverty, aren't you?
AGW will create winners and losers. More of the latter. It will further our extreme wealth distribution which has shown a correlation with very slow to negative economic growth.

But only for a few hundred years. Once we've adapted to both a new climate and a fuel-less and waste-less energy system good times will come back.

You're just thrilled at the idea of Americans wallowing in grinding poverty, aren't you?

No. I'm working to minimize what's inevitable. I've never experienced problems solving themselves spontaneously.
It's interesting to classify the 'tards by their type of retardation. I'll just stick with the current regulars here.

On the bottom layer, you have the megatards. Clueless on logic, science, history, ethics, everything, and incapable of anything except parroting the crazy dogma of their rightwingdingdong political cult. Nobody pays any attention to them, and that really upsets them, since attention is what they crave. Hence, we help them out occasionally by pointing and laughing. In that category, we have:


A step up from that, you've got the engitards -- engineers or other minor techies who have delusions of being scientists. They have experience in one narrow field, so they assume themselves to be supergeniuses in all fields, leading to much hilarity when they dive into a field they don't have a clue about. They tend to be angry that the world hasn't recognized them as supergeniuses. In that group we have:


And a step up from that ... well, if you're brighter than the brighter denialists, you won't be a denialist. So there is no step up for them. There's just "megatard" and "engitard". The commonality between the groups is that all are card carrying members of a 'tard political cult. Unless you've been programmed by the rightwingcrazycult, you can't get nutty enough to fall for all the 'tard conspiracy theories which make up their cult's dogma.

With that said, let's open this week's tard-off. Denialists, put forth your best attempts, as they will be graded. May the best 'tard win!
It's interesting to classify the 'tards by their type of retardation. I'll just stick with the current regulars here.

On the bottom layer, you have the megatards. Clueless on logic, science, history, ethics, everything, and incapable of anything except parroting the crazy dogma of their rightwingdingdong political cult. Nobody pays any attention to them, and that really upsets them, since attention is what they crave. Hence, we help them out occasionally by pointing and laughing. In that category, we have:


A step up from that, you've got the engitards -- engineers or other minor techies who have delusions of being scientists. They have experience in one narrow field, so they assume themselves to be supergeniuses in all fields, leading to much hilarity when they dive into a field they don't have a clue about. They tend to be angry that the world hasn't recognized them as supergeniuses. In that group we have:


And a step up from that ... well, if you're brighter than the brighter denialists, you won't be a denialist. So there is no step up for them. There's just "megatard" and "engitard". The commonality between the groups is that all are card carrying members of a 'tard political cult. Unless you've been programmed by the rightwingcrazycult, you can't get nutty enough to fall for all the 'tard conspiracy theories which make up their cult's dogma.

With that said, let's open this week's tard-off. Denialists, put forth your best attempts, as they will be graded. May the best 'tard win!

What's the 'tard category for those who think life on Earth started 500 million years ago, the Carboniferous Period was inhospitable for life and plutonium isn't for reactors?
That and since this thing called climategate where Global Warming Data was all fabricates by scientists paid off by bankers to spew such crap so the banks could have carbon taxes to fund their world bank by metering everyone's movement like a taxicab meter.

No surprise why such a ponzi scam didn't take off.
What's the 'tard category for those who think life on Earth started 500 million years ago, the Carboniferous Period was inhospitable for life and plutonium isn't for reactors?

A 3 for you, Todd. Try harder. Bitter and whiny is not 'tardish.

New boy rebel gets a 5. Old and unoriginal, but at least it's retarded.
AGW will create winners and losers. More of the latter. It will further our extreme wealth distribution which has shown a correlation with very slow to negative economic growth.

But only for a few hundred years. Once we've adapted to both a new climate and a fuel-less and waste-less energy system good times will come back.

You're just thrilled at the idea of Americans wallowing in grinding poverty, aren't you?

No. I'm working to minimize what's inevitable. I've never experienced problems solving themselves spontaneously.

Imaginary problems, like AGW, can be solved very quickly by a bit of deimagining.
What's the 'tard category for those who think life on Earth started 500 million years ago, the Carboniferous Period was inhospitable for life and plutonium isn't for reactors?

A 3 for you, Todd. Try harder. Bitter and whiny is not 'tardish.

New boy rebel gets a 5. Old and unoriginal, but at least it's retarded.

Your associate was bitter and whiny? Okay, can't disagree with you there.
It's interesting to classify the 'tards by their type of retardation. I'll just stick with the current regulars here.

On the bottom layer, you have the megatards. Clueless on logic, science, history, ethics, everything, and incapable of anything except parroting the crazy dogma of their rightwingdingdong political cult. Nobody pays any attention to them, and that really upsets them, since attention is what they crave. Hence, we help them out occasionally by pointing and laughing. In that category, we have:


A step up from that, you've got the engitards -- engineers or other minor techies who have delusions of being scientists. They have experience in one narrow field, so they assume themselves to be supergeniuses in all fields, leading to much hilarity when they dive into a field they don't have a clue about. They tend to be angry that the world hasn't recognized them as supergeniuses. In that group we have:


And a step up from that ... well, if you're brighter than the brighter denialists, you won't be a denialist. So there is no step up for them. There's just "megatard" and "engitard". The commonality between the groups is that all are card carrying members of a 'tard political cult. Unless you've been programmed by the rightwingcrazycult, you can't get nutty enough to fall for all the 'tard conspiracy theories which make up their cult's dogma.

With that said, let's open this week's tard-off. Denialists, put forth your best attempts, as they will be graded. May the best 'tard win!

Meanwhile.......we have the USMESSAGEBOARD intellectuals.......who are.......

I much prefer to be a winning 'tard!!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::fu:
LOL.....more k00k losing >>>>

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up
By: Owen Bennett
Published: Thu, September 19, 2013

CLIMATE change scepticism is rapidly increasing in the UK with a FIFTH of people now unconvinced the world's temperature is changing.

A report from the UK Energy Research Centre also shows the number of those who resolutely do not believe in climate change has more than quadrupled since 2005.

The Government funded report shows 19 per cent of people are climate change disbelievers - up from just four per cent in 2005 - while nine per cent did not know.

The report comes as climate change scientists working on a landmark UN report on climate change are struggling to explain why global warming appears to have slowed down in the past 15 years even though greenhouse gas emissions keep rising.

Dr. Roy Spencer, a former NASA scientist and author of Climate Confusion, argues in his influential blog the UN report shows scientists are being forced to "recognise reality".

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

It's interesting to classify the 'tards by their type of retardation. I'll just stick with the current regulars here.

On the bottom layer, you have the megatards. Clueless on logic, science, history, ethics, everything, and incapable of anything except parroting the crazy dogma of their rightwingdingdong political cult. Nobody pays any attention to them, and that really upsets them, since attention is what they crave. Hence, we help them out occasionally by pointing and laughing. In that category, we have:


A step up from that, you've got the engitards -- engineers or other minor techies who have delusions of being scientists. They have experience in one narrow field, so they assume themselves to be supergeniuses in all fields, leading to much hilarity when they dive into a field they don't have a clue about. They tend to be angry that the world hasn't recognized them as supergeniuses. In that group we have:


And a step up from that ... well, if you're brighter than the brighter denialists, you won't be a denialist. So there is no step up for them. There's just "megatard" and "engitard". The commonality between the groups is that all are card carrying members of a 'tard political cult. Unless you've been programmed by the rightwingcrazycult, you can't get nutty enough to fall for all the 'tard conspiracy theories which make up their cult's dogma.

With that said, let's open this week's tard-off. Denialists, put forth your best attempts, as they will be graded. May the best 'tard win!

We should move this over to the "why do people deny...." thread.

Newton has taught us that the significant question is not "why" but "how". I think we can get more traction out of that.
LOL.....more k00k losing >>>>

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up
By: Owen Bennett
Published: Thu, September 19, 2013

CLIMATE change scepticism is rapidly increasing in the UK with a FIFTH of people now unconvinced the world's temperature is changing.

A report from the UK Energy Research Centre also shows the number of those who resolutely do not believe in climate change has more than quadrupled since 2005.

The Government funded report shows 19 per cent of people are climate change disbelievers - up from just four per cent in 2005 - while nine per cent did not know.

The report comes as climate change scientists working on a landmark UN report on climate change are struggling to explain why global warming appears to have slowed down in the past 15 years even though greenhouse gas emissions keep rising.

Dr. Roy Spencer, a former NASA scientist and author of Climate Confusion, argues in his influential blog the UN report shows scientists are being forced to "recognise reality".

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

Careful man. Folks who are CERTIFIED deniers and don't think the Earth is on a longer term warming trend at all ---- are "not winning".. The fact that their numbers are going up is just a side effect of the beat-down on the climate change clowns who believe we are on the cusp of destruction because of CO2. And blowback from the lying and obvious agi-prop that warmers have been orchestrating for 30 yrs now.. Uhhh CBS news ring a bell?


Carry on... England, emission regulations on industry has resulted in the government warning of "winter blackouts"!!!. British manufacturing may be forced to move overseas, which of course will be awesome for jobs in a country already taking it up the pooper.

The greens can always be certain to be successful at one thing ALL THE TIME!!! Fucking things up!!

More k00k losing >>>>

Man-Made Energy Crisis
And the Matrix dominating yet again with another kick to the balls of the AGW alarmist nutters!!!

They say the science is mattering!!!

We say...........fAiL >>>>

U.S. Oil and Natural Gas to Reach Levels Not Seen in Decades . . . Again

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oil and natural gas production are expected to reach increasingly high levels as production on private lands continues to grow and as shale formations continue to increase their output of oil and gas using hydraulic fracturing and directional drilling technology. Several states have been at the forefront of the shale production movement, but the best recognized is North Dakota, whose unemployment rate is less than half that of the nation, whose economy is growing at over 13 percent per year, and whose state revenues are overflowing. Several other states are now interested in following in North Dakota’s footsteps to get themselves financially healthy. These states include but are not limited to California, Illinois, North Carolina, and Ohio.

U.S. Oil and Natural Gas to Reach Levels Not Seen in Decades . . . Again
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