More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Are those your reasons for wanting to go back to the 50s?

I don't want to go back to the 50s. However, I would like to get rid of almost all of the legislation passed since the Civil War.

So you want to return to the 1850s.

Nice. You could own a couple of people to do your work. A conservative fantasy.

Uh, no, I don't. I don't want to bring back slavery or Jim Crow. I don't want to un-invent the automobile, the airplane, radio, television, computer, cell phones, electric lighting and electric motors, washing machine and dryer, dishwasher, anesthesia, antibiotics, any of 10,000 other drugs or any part of modern medicine.

I just want to get rid of all the liberal kleptocracy and organized pillaging that has been passed in the last 150 years.
And talk about the climate crusaders having zero effect on energy production in the United States!!! >>>>

Q&A: How the U.S. Became No. 1 in Energy -


While you rest on our laurels here, we'll be working on the next century.

That's what scares everyone.
Keep the 'tards busy here, PMZ. It's a necessary public service, being it keeps them off the streets and away from normal people.

Did you ever realize that there were this many of them in America, or do you think that Fox now has the pedal to the metal churning out new ones?

Tell me again about the boiling oceans and no life on Earth 500 million years ago.

What "stats" are those admiral? Do present some links so we can check for ourselves.

Already did. Traffic-related death rates in the UK, land of the minicars, are less than half that of the USA, land of the monster cars.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All you've done is tell us what we already knew, that big cars crush smaller cars. You've ignored the effects of what happens when all the cars are smaller, which is what the USA-UK comparison shows. If your theory was right, the UK should have the higher death rates, but instead we see the exact opposite.

and land of the non-gay cars!!!:lol::lol: That are fast as mine!!!

At least 95 out of 100 American males wouldn't be caught dead driving one of those gay 2 door hybrid SPECKS. Just a fact of life.

Buggery in ecobuggies.
and land of the non-gay cars!!!:lol::lol: That are fast as mine!!!

At least 95 out of 100 American males wouldn't be caught dead driving one of those gay 2 door hybrid SPECKS. Just a fact of life.

This is the level of logic that we've come to expect from conservatives. compared to the logic that concludes that THIS kind of car will be embraced by American males :lol::lol::lol: >>>>


By the way.......since this is the thread topic.........

More k00k losing >>>>

Tesla stock tumbles after Model S catches fire

Is that called a Pedomobile? Appeals to those who like to give rides to Boytoy Scouts.
Did the professor also tell the class that their careers would consist of applying, not denying, science, to the betterment of mankind?
Engineers, sir or madam, are scientists, and their field is logical science. It entails more math accuracy than there are angels on a pin's head. Professional engineers are pledged to accuracy and honesty. Sometimes management doesn't like their honesty and do all they can to get rid of them so they can build sloppy cheap buildings that wind up killing thousands of people unlucky enough to be in it when it collapses, because doing things right means thorough testing of all the theories is in order before human risk factors go in. You don't give a job to the best looking guy or girl engineer, you give the job to the guy who makes the highest score and can prove it quickly and efficiently without batting an eye.

The warmers turned changers who denied science by making a mockery of themselves and those who covered for them were a disgrace to the scientific community. And for reasons not known to those of us who know what is required of ethical scientists, the leftists of the nation took up Al Gore's error-filled script and made it the holy atheists' gospel according to liberals, and they continually populate the headless horse quarter with every gallop into their own fuzzy math world of make-believe and butt-covering. That's pretty darn hard when you've no head. :lmao:

Calling climatologists scientists is like calling sportswriters athletes. They are B students jealous of A students. They don't have IQs high enough to create anything, so they seek to discredit all our creative geniuses as inadvertently causing mankind's destruction with their modern inventions. Warmalarmies belong back in the superstitious, anti-science Middle Ages, with its fantasies about a Paradise up in the clouds and their contempt for life here on earth. They think Nature is supernatural, which is a contradiction. Nature is the enemy of man and it is our duty to change its ways to fit our needs and even our pleasure.

These childish escapists are losers in the real world. They have to justify their worthlessness by imagining that they are nerd superheroes out to save the world. We should save ourselves from them. How do such vicious anti-human snakes get so much power and influence? What powerful group is backing them and turning them loose on us?
Propaganda and Mind Control >>>

Propaganda mind control: turning truth backwards « Jon Rappoport's Blog

If more people were aware of this dynamic, there would be zero talk of climate change CERTAINLY in terms of making climate predictions!! They are TOTAL nonsense.


Rappaport has it wrong. But we've heard his war-for-oil ideas before. If you've heard of something, don't listen to it. Use your head and subtract all that can be seen as self-serving by those who want to make you believe their make-believe about the way things are.

Oil is sold for twenty times what it cost the drillers. Saddam was producing beyond his quotas. Reagan and Clinton let him do it so that his overproduction drove down prices and caused a boom in the American economy. The Bush Family Circus, both the Lipper and Junior, stopped Saddam from lowering the obscene profit margins of the OPEC/Big Oil illegal cartel. So it wasn't warmongering, it was price-gouging.
Conspiracy theorists always point to their conspiracy theories as evidence of their conspiracy theories.

How else would you prove a conspiracy? The fact is, the major perpetrators of the AGW hoax were nailed when the Climategate emails were published. These so-called "scientists" conspired together to keep the papers of skeptics from getting published, and they admitted to using deceptive practices with their publications. The source code included also proved that they were manipulating the data.

What more proof do you want?

Every anomaly published by the thieves who stole the emails could be explained in a conspiratorial way, or a benign way.

The conspiracy theorists used their theories to ''prove'' the conspiracy that they expected to find.

The rest of the world yawned.

One of mankind's oldest stories.

As old as the story of Chicken Little? Folk tales probably go back to prehistoric times. We seen your degenerate kinds in generations past.
We are stupid when it comes to climate science and many other deep specialties.

Especially those like you who carefully avoid learning as its inconvenient to your politics.

You were going to supply us some science that proves that what Hansen said is categorically impossible under the circumstances that he clearly stated. As everyone expected, you don't have a clue. That makes you the hysterical one.

What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?

When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

When Atlantis ruled. But they practically all died from driving SUVs and creating AGW and we had to start over with a few thousand Warmies, who had warned all those deniers. It also happened on the planet Krypton, where Marlon Brando warned his fellow Supermen. So if even Superman's people die from driving BMWs instead of bicycles, we're sunk.
Of coooourssse you haven't

You mean today's world where 70% of children are illegitimate and Social Security and Medicare are headed inevitably towards bankruptcy, permanent unemployment is over 7% and economic growth has slowed to a measly 1%?

That world?

Are those your reasons for wanting to go back to the 50s?

There's nothing wrong with turning back the clock if it's connected to a time bomb. People should have been warned about the disaster of letting Zero-Growth Academented Gurus brainwash spoiled-rotten Trust Fundies. Vive la France for sinking Greenpeace's ship of fools.
No, I haven't noticed that.

Of coooourssse you haven't

You mean today's world where 70% of children are illegitimate and Social Security and Medicare are headed inevitably towards bankruptcy, permanent unemployment is over 7% and economic growth has slowed to a measly 1%?

That world?

In 2007, illegitimate births in the US were at 40% and that was about the average for the rest of the world. The cause, of course, is that the institution of marriage is itself on the rocks. And the root cause of that is pretty much because a belief in a supernatural god-type entity is headed the same direction.

Social Security and Medicare need adjustment - but their drift towards insolvency is certainly not inevitable. Unemployment is currently a little high and growth is a little low - you can thank the RNC's deregulation of the finance industry for that. But don't fret. Obama will fix it if those stupid-as-rocks republicans will get their greedy asses out of the way.

Now then, to get back on topic: the skeptics cannot win in the long run because reality doesn't support their position. Even if they come to dominate US policy in the near term, eventually, the changes caused by AGW will become completely obvious (and undeniable) to everyone. That's when the louder deniers might need to keep an eye out for angry mobs. Besides being pissed at you, they'll be pissed at themselves for having let themselves be so easily taken in. But, they'll likely just add that anger on top of the anger they'll already be bearing for you. It won't be a good time.
LOL......more losing.......dang, these days, I find something most every day do I not?

"IPCC now believes that in the 21st Century, Atlantic Ocean circulation collapse is “very unlikely,” ice sheet collapse is “exceptionally unlikely,” and catastrophic release of methane hydrates from melting permafrost is “very unlikely.” You can read it for yourself in Chapter 12 Table 12.4 of the IPCC’s forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report."

IPCC Calls Off Planetary Emergency? | Watts Up With That?

So by your calculations Skooks --- are we now at Threat Level Yellow or DefCon 0.4 ??
Could you boost that font up just a skosh? I don't know where I left my readers, but it's not quite clear yet.

Why don't you tell us what they said about temperatures and sea level Skooks old boy?
This seems like a more poignant statement.

Under RCP8.5 it is likely that, in most land regions, a current 20-year high temperature event will occur more frequently by the end of the 21st century (at least doubling its frequency, but in many regions becoming an annual or two-year event) and a current 20-year low temperature event will become exceedingly rare.

So, extreme temperature conditions will occur at twice the rate (ten years), even as much as a yearly.

Arctic melting is interesting. It is drought and flood conditions that are more significant.


"Global temperature equilibrium would be reached only after centuries to millennia if radiative forcing were stabilised."
Last edited:
This one seems important.

"It is very likely that the Arctic sea ice cover will continue to shrink and thin and that Northern
Hemisphere spring snow cover will decrease
during the 21st century as global mean surface
temperature rises. Global glacier volume will further decrease."

We worry about that because that snow cover is significant in our water supply.
This one seems important.

"It is very likely that the Arctic sea ice cover will continue to shrink and thin and that Northern
Hemisphere spring snow cover will decrease
during the 21st century as global mean surface
temperature rises. Global glacier volume will further decrease."

We worry about that because that snow cover is significant in our water supply.

Within a week one of your warmer pals will deny that this was ever predicted.. Or that anyone at Hadley ever stated that kids will soon not know what snow is...
This one seems important.

"It is very likely that the Arctic sea ice cover will continue to shrink and thin and that Northern
Hemisphere spring snow cover will decrease
during the 21st century as global mean surface
temperature rises. Global glacier volume will further decrease."

We worry about that because that snow cover is significant in our water supply.

Within a week one of your warmer pals will deny that this was ever predicted.. Or that anyone at Hadley ever stated that kids will soon not know what snow is...

Why would they do that?
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