More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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This one seems important.

"It is very likely that the Arctic sea ice cover will continue to shrink and thin and that Northern
Hemisphere spring snow cover will decrease
during the 21st century as global mean surface
temperature rises. Global glacier volume will further decrease."

We worry about that because that snow cover is significant in our water supply.

Within a week one of your warmer pals will deny that this was ever predicted.. Or that anyone at Hadley ever stated that kids will soon not know what snow is...

And one of your denialist pals will claim that politics trumps science in the search for the truth.
This one seems important.

"It is very likely that the Arctic sea ice cover will continue to shrink and thin and that Northern
Hemisphere spring snow cover will decrease
during the 21st century as global mean surface
temperature rises. Global glacier volume will further decrease."

We worry about that because that snow cover is significant in our water supply.

Within a week one of your warmer pals will deny that this was ever predicted.. Or that anyone at Hadley ever stated that kids will soon not know what snow is...

Why would they do that?

Just had that EXACT argument (snow and climate change) with someone ((Mamooth ??)) about 2 weeks ago... Cqn't COUNT the times your clan has DENIED the actual pronouncements of your leadership...

And just last week a similiar argument about Hansen going commando and announcing the increasing intensity and number of storms and the upcoming boiling of the oceans..

We almost always WIN those.. Because when WARMERS turn deniers, they lose their marbles and their memories..
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There is the actual final draft.

It is taking forever to download.

I tried three times and gave up. You got it? I started wondering about a denier DoS attack...

Why waste our time on that? The report is better for the sceptic side than yours. More kook losing!

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There is the actual final draft.

It is taking forever to download.

I tried three times and gave up. You got it? I started wondering about a denier DoS attack...

Why waste our time on that? The report is better for the sceptic side than yours. More kook losing!

Holy crap.. You should warn folks before changing AVIs like that.. What is that? The "Breast Cancer Awareness Air Corps" ??? Or just the DOD idea of looking inconspicuous???

[EDITED] fool to Whiskey 71 . No reply.. I just got the memo...
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Dang......just went back over this thread. Stoopid levels of utter decimation of the AGW alarmist k00ks by the Matrix.

Important we keep this thread going for curious onlookers into this forum......anybody with half a brain will be able to figure it out reading just a few pages in this thread that these people are indeed a religion and that the so-called "consensus" is a relatively moot point in 2013.......and most importantly, that it is the deniers who are on the side of the reality: consensus science is having zero effect on world governments energy policies.

Matrix domination s0ns:fu:
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Dang......just went back over this thread. Stoopid levels of utter decimation of the AGW alarmist k00ks by the Matrix.

Important we keep this thread going for curious onlookers into this forum......anybody with half a brain will be able to figure it out reading just a few pages in this thread that these people are indeed a religion and that the so-called "consensus" is a relatively moot point in 2013.......and most importantly, that it is the deniers who are on the side of the reality: consensus science is having zero effect on world governments energy policies.

Matrix domination s0ns:fu:

Pandered to by pseudoscientist data manipulaters, the eco-colas are all spoiled-rotten Trust Fundies who have such a contempt for the working class that they think the only people who will lose their jobs because of Greenie restrictions are the fatcats. Sunk in a sick Oedipus Complex, these mutants are obsessed with their hatred of their businessmen Daddies. Because of the media's obsession with this disposable class, we have to listen to the Snob Mob Millions of ordinary Americans lose good jobs because of the tantrums of Treehuggers.

Dang......just went back over this thread. Stoopid levels of utter decimation of the AGW alarmist k00ks by the Matrix.

Important we keep this thread going for curious onlookers into this forum......anybody with half a brain will be able to figure it out reading just a few pages in this thread that these people are indeed a religion and that the so-called "consensus" is a relatively moot point in 2013.......and most importantly, that it is the deniers who are on the side of the reality: consensus science is having zero effect on world governments energy policies.

Matrix domination s0ns:fu:

Pandered to by pseudoscientist data manipulaters, the eco-colas are all spoiled-rotten Trust Fundies who have such a contempt for the working class that they think the only people who will lose their jobs because of Greenie restrictions are the fatcats. Sunk in a sick Oedipus Complex, these mutants are obsessed with their hatred of their businessmen Daddies. Because of the media's obsession with this disposable class, we have to listen to the Snob Mob Millions of ordinary Americans lose good jobs because of the tantrums of Treehuggers.

Remember how well the middle class did under the care of the Bushman and the cult? They lost their jobs, their savings, their retirement, their healthcare and the education of their kids was put at risk.

Remember what a functional Congress was like? The house of the people has been effectively shut down by the Tea Party Mafia.

Now the cult has been taught to say that all of the damage caused by the cult is the fault of everyone but the cult.

Now we know that the cult is the cult because they are not smart enough to not be.

But, we are. We can use common sense to avoid what they cannot. Led to lead the destruction of America.

All it takes is independent thinking.

Dang......just went back over this thread. Stoopid levels of utter decimation of the AGW alarmist k00ks by the Matrix.

Important we keep this thread going for curious onlookers into this forum......anybody with half a brain will be able to figure it out reading just a few pages in this thread that these people are indeed a religion and that the so-called "consensus" is a relatively moot point in 2013.......and most importantly, that it is the deniers who are on the side of the reality: consensus science is having zero effect on world governments energy policies.

Matrix domination s0ns:fu:

In the words of Credence ClearWater ----

"Put me in coach -- I'm ready to play... Today... " :lol: :lol: :lol:

((Where is IanC? Is he on injured reserve AGAIN?))
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One thing that we can always count on. Denialists lying. So, when they say that they are winning, we, the people, should celebrate.

Dang......just went back over this thread. Stoopid levels of utter decimation of the AGW alarmist k00ks by the Matrix.

Important we keep this thread going for curious onlookers into this forum......anybody with half a brain will be able to figure it out reading just a few pages in this thread that these people are indeed a religion and that the so-called "consensus" is a relatively moot point in 2013.......and most importantly, that it is the deniers who are on the side of the reality: consensus science is having zero effect on world governments energy policies.

Matrix domination s0ns:fu:

Pandered to by pseudoscientist data manipulaters, the eco-colas are all spoiled-rotten Trust Fundies who have such a contempt for the working class that they think the only people who will lose their jobs because of Greenie restrictions are the fatcats. Sunk in a sick Oedipus Complex, these mutants are obsessed with their hatred of their businessmen Daddies. Because of the media's obsession with this disposable class, we have to listen to the Snob Mob Millions of ordinary Americans lose good jobs because of the tantrums of Treehuggers.


Might be forced to put this guy on the Matrix!!
More k00k losing.......and how ironic??:2up:

Every nutter environmentalist bolted to the voting booths in 2008 and 2012 to vote for Obama who was going to help them in realizing their green ambitions!!!:D:D:eusa_dance:

Under Obama, U.S. Leads the World in Oil and Gas Production

By Will Oremus

The United States will pass Russia this year to lead the world in production of oil and natural gas, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports.

America has been closing in on Russia since 2008 thanks to a boom in both oil and gas production, primarily on private lands. This year it’s on track to out-produce it by a substantial margin. Saudi Arabia is third overall and remains the world’s largest oil producer—though the United States may be on track to take that title as well.

World's leading oil, gas producer: US passes Russia under Obama administration.

What can you say except, 000000ps
Like I said......every day, more evidence of AGW alarmist's losing..........

How many times in here have the members of the Matrix of Domination said that the science doesn't matter?? Ummm.......that would be many!!:coffee:


Because in the real world, "costs" matter. The alarmist will never get that the economics of ANYTHING comes before makey-uppey shit for world governments!!

Outstanding piece here in Realclear yesterday >>>>

RealClearPolicy - On Climate Change, Economics Trumps Science

RealClearPolicy - On Climate Change, Economics Trumps Science

s0ns got.........

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What happens if global warming turns out to be true?

Not a lot. The average temperature goes up by a half a degree in the next 80 years.

In the brief time since homo sapiens evolved there have been many temp changes much greater than that. And there will be in the future - from purely natural causes.

I am sure tthat Canadians here present will join us Swedes in thinking that slightly warmer climate would be no bad thing.

What happens if global warming turns out to be true?

A moot point my friend. gotta go back and read Plato, Hobbes and Sir Thomas Moore among others to better understand the mindset of the folks who support radical climate change action. To me, you cant even come in here to debate this stuff without having that as part of the foundation for understanding the climate change dynamic. Marx too......who by the way, never wrote dick about the application of the economics to his endgame, which most people have no clue about. The climate k00ks in here love that guy too. While you are at it, go google some of the on-line UN training guides for developing countries.......they are ALL about wealth distribution with use of climate change policies as a major vehicle. Don't take my word for it......check it out for yourself. Every climate change nut embraces this classless society idea as the ultimate utopia. Make no mistake......they loath capitalism and carbon tax policy is simply another step in the destruction of the capitalistic system they would love to see abolished.

Secondly......there is zero evidence that anything the community of nations do will reverse the effects of man-made global warming.......and that's if the man-made part can be proven.......which it cant be.

Most importantly.......civilized societies simply will never.......and I mean, NEVER make the changes necessary based upon computer models that have frequently been proven to be highly inaccurate. We live in an industrialized society and with it comes standard of living expectations. Try telling the public about the myriad of 21st century conveniences theyd have to give up in an effort to reverse a "maybe" of the future. World governments aren't going to go for that level of civil unrest, "Oh......and Im taking my executive order privileges to ban cell phones starting tomorrow!! Since we need to take seriously our efforts to stave off global warming, all plastics will cease to be produced tomorrow!". Tell truck drivers they gotta move food across country using horse and buggy. Ground the jetliners. Force people to bike to work. Yup.....ahhh........that'll be embraced by most everybody!!!:happy-1:

Matthew......bottom line? In the coming decades, innovation in technology will emerge and people will laugh their asses off looking back at the early 2000's when a bunch of k00ks were pushing for 17th century energy idea's like solar power and wind power. Until then, the costs are prohibitive, thus, the science isn't going to matter.:up:
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What happens if global warming turns out to be true?

Not a lot. The average temperature goes up by a half a degree in the next 80 years.

In the brief time since homo sapiens evolved there have been many temp changes much greater than that. And there will be in the future - from purely natural causes.

I am sure tthat Canadians here present will join us Swedes in thinking that slightly warmer climate would be no bad thing.

You might want to ask the Swedes living on the coast who will see rising sea levels and more storm surge. Or the world's farmers who will see their crops withered from drought or washed away by floods. Or the people who were formerly fed by those farmers crops. Or the billion and a half people on the planet whose drinking water comes from melted snow and ice that'll no longer be present.

In the brief time that homo sapiens has been present, neither CO2 nor temperature have ever risen as fast as they have over the last 150 years. Humans can probably get along with a lot of change - as long as they have the time to adapt and compensate.

What happens if global warming turns out to be true?

Not a lot. The average temperature goes up by a half a degree in the next 80 years.

In the brief time since homo sapiens evolved there have been many temp changes much greater than that. And there will be in the future - from purely natural causes.

I am sure tthat Canadians here present will join us Swedes in thinking that slightly warmer climate would be no bad thing.

You might want to ask the Swedes living on the coast who will see rising sea levels and more storm surge. Or the world's farmers who will see their crops withered from drought or washed away by floods. Or the people who were formerly fed by those farmers crops. Or the billion and a half people on the planet whose drinking water comes from melted snow and ice that'll no longer be present.

In the brief time that homo sapiens has been present, neither CO2 nor temperature have ever risen as fast as they have over the last 150 years. Humans can probably get along with a lot of change - as long as they have the time to adapt and compensate.

One thing that we can always count on. Denialists lying. So, when they say that they are winning, we, the people, should celebrate.

You know you have a problem when you hear the truth as a lie...but then if you have that problem you wouldn't realize it would you? Trust are the victim of a hoax. You have drank bad kool aid and it is having an adverse effect on your mind.
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