More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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dude, where is the link from? Posting links without giving credit is a no no here.

oh I see you are trying to get a moderator to stop me because you cannot counter...look at the last two words on the Link...that is the source moron
that isn't credit fool. you need to give them credit.
it's called plagiarism.
Plagiarism would be if I pretended I wrote it.....anyone reading the post would instantly know the source and also be able to go to the source and check out whether it really says what I posted ...did you get the idea I wrote that piece? if so you are just a moron

  1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
    synonyms: copying,infringement of copyright,piracy,theft,stealing;
    "accusations of plagiarism"
Hey Tyrone do us a favor and go out side once and a while, I am fishing on my dock right now , waiting for some fish to bite...

Its the same as it was 10 years ago.
I guess if you are fishing all that science went to waste all that research all one has to do is ask you....:ahole-1: Unnnnnnbelievable scientific response for "Judy Curry is modern day Galileo...LOL
it scares you don't it? You are bi polar

Its easy to tell, the cult has you but sometimes you think they are wrong..

Its ok little buddy small steps are big steps, walk outside.... Join us:)

Its a gorgeous day ..
quoting skeptical science about Judith Curry. how funny is that. John Cook, the cartoonist mocking the brightest climatologist. And thinking you'd think he was serious.
Hey Tyrone do us a favor and go out side once and a while, I am fishing on my dock right now , waiting for some fish to bite...

Its the same as it was 10 years ago.
I guess if you are fishing all that science went to waste all that research all one has to do is ask you....:ahole-1: Unnnnnnbelievable scientific response for "Judy Curry is modern day Galileo...LOL
it scares you don't it? You are bi polar

Its easy to tell, the cult has you but sometimes you think they are wrong..

Its ok little buddy small steps are big steps, walk outside.... Join us:)

Its a gorgeous day ..
quoting skeptical science about Judith Curry. how funny is that. John Cook, the cartoonist mocking the brightest climatologist. And thinking you'd think he was serious.
Judith Curry is wing nut
Hey Tyrone do us a favor and go out side once and a while, I am fishing on my dock right now , waiting for some fish to bite...

Its the same as it was 10 years ago.
I guess if you are fishing all that science went to waste all that research all one has to do is ask you....:ahole-1: Unnnnnnbelievable scientific response for "Judy Curry is modern day Galileo...LOL
it scares you don't it? You are bi polar

Its easy to tell, the cult has you but sometimes you think they are wrong..

Its ok little buddy small steps are big steps, walk outside.... Join us:)

Its a gorgeous day ..
quoting skeptical science about Judith Curry. how funny is that. John Cook, the cartoonist mocking the brightest climatologist. And thinking you'd think he was serious.
have you given up on the Plagiarism accusation winger?
Hey Tyrone do us a favor and go out side once and a while, I am fishing on my dock right now , waiting for some fish to bite...

Its the same as it was 10 years ago.
I guess if you are fishing all that science went to waste all that research all one has to do is ask you....:ahole-1: Unnnnnnbelievable scientific response for "Judy Curry is modern day Galileo...LOL
it scares you don't it? You are bi polar

Its easy to tell, the cult has you but sometimes you think they are wrong..

Its ok little buddy small steps are big steps, walk outside.... Join us:)

Its a gorgeous day ..
quoting skeptical science about Judith Curry. how funny is that. John Cook, the cartoonist mocking the brightest climatologist. And thinking you'd think he was serious.
Judith Curry is wing nut
if you ever debated her you would crap in your pants and run out of the room,

She is that smart, when she testified in congress she destroyed your cult....and she did it with science.
She is going for science Tyrone....

Science is all about questioning the subject.

What you and your cult is doing is taking a blind leap of faith and saying the debate is over

That's a religion.
if you ever debated her you would crap in your pants and run out of the room,

She is that smart, when she testified in congress she destroyed your cult....and she did it with science.
I am not a climate scientist so me debating her on that would be irrelevant
No when she testified in front of Congress she was taken to school afterwards... I already put up a link about her James Hansen is more the Galileo than Judith Curry...
somebody explain to the other wing nut that the excerpt I am posting comes from this link ...that I did not write it myself

Putting Some Heat on Bush (

In the University of Iowa speech, Hansen recounted how NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe told him in a 2003 meeting that he shouldn't talk "about dangerous anthropogenic interference" -- humans' influence on the atmosphere -- "because we do not know enough or have enough evidence for what would constitute dangerous anthropogenic interference."

But Hansen said that scientists know enough to conclude we have reached this danger point and that their efforts to get the word out are being blocked by the administration. "In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it has now,"
if you ever debated her you would crap in your pants and run out of the room,

She is that smart, when she testified in congress she destroyed your cult....and she did it with science.
I am not a climate scientist so me debating her on that would be irrelevant
No when she testified in front of Congress she was taken to school afterwards... I already put up a link about her James Hansen is more the Galileo than Judith Curry...
somebody explain to the other wing nut that the excerpt I am posting comes from this link ...that I did not write it myself

Putting Some Heat on Bush (

In the University of Iowa speech, Hansen recounted how NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe told him in a 2003 meeting that he shouldn't talk "about dangerous anthropogenic interference" -- humans' influence on the atmosphere -- "because we do not know enough or have enough evidence for what would constitute dangerous anthropogenic interference."

But Hansen said that scientists know enough to conclude we have reached this danger point and that their efforts to get the word out are being blocked by the administration. "In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it has now,"
So again hypocrite why are you debating on here?

Lead by example fool... Go run around and live in a tent and hunt buffalo

Get rid of your oil based plastic products

You guys...... Are the biggest hypocrites of them all...

You use plastics every day yet have the balls to say they our killing are planet

What ignorant dumb fucks

And hollier then tho I might add
Hey Tyrone do us a favor and go out side once and a while, I am fishing on my dock right now , waiting for some fish to bite...

Its the same as it was 10 years ago.
I guess if you are fishing all that science went to waste all that research all one has to do is ask you....:ahole-1: Unnnnnnbelievable scientific response for "Judy Curry is modern day Galileo...LOL
it scares you don't it? You are bi polar

Its easy to tell, the cult has you but sometimes you think they are wrong..

Its ok little buddy small steps are big steps, walk outside.... Join us:)

Its a gorgeous day ..
quoting skeptical science about Judith Curry. how funny is that. John Cook, the cartoonist mocking the brightest climatologist. And thinking you'd think he was serious.
have you given up on the Plagiarism accusation winger?
I called you out. it's public, my job is done. You don't get it. your problem. I'll do it again if you fail to credit the source. It is a rule in here.
if you ever debated her you would crap in your pants and run out of the room,

She is that smart, when she testified in congress she destroyed your cult....and she did it with science.
I am not a climate scientist so me debating her on that would be irrelevant
No when she testified in front of Congress she was taken to school afterwards... I already put up a link about her James Hansen is more the Galileo than Judith Curry...
somebody explain to the other wing nut that the excerpt I am posting comes from this link ...that I did not write it myself

Putting Some Heat on Bush (

In the University of Iowa speech, Hansen recounted how NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe told him in a 2003 meeting that he shouldn't talk "about dangerous anthropogenic interference" -- humans' influence on the atmosphere -- "because we do not know enough or have enough evidence for what would constitute dangerous anthropogenic interference."

But Hansen said that scientists know enough to conclude we have reached this danger point and that their efforts to get the word out are being blocked by the administration. "In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it has now,"
So again hypocrite why are you debating on here?

Lead by example fool... Go run around and live in a tent and hunt buffalo

Get rid of your oil based plastic products

You guys...... Are the biggest hypocrites of them all...

You use plastics every day yet have the balls to say they our killing are planet

What ignorant dumb fucks

And hollier then tho I might add
he doesn't know what to do, he's a lost sheep, they all are. The warmer nutters got herded into a position with no way out. it's like arguing with a cornered cat.
if you ever debated her you would crap in your pants and run out of the room,

She is that smart, when she testified in congress she destroyed your cult....and she did it with science.
I am not a climate scientist so me debating her on that would be irrelevant
No when she testified in front of Congress she was taken to school afterwards... I already put up a link about her James Hansen is more the Galileo than Judith Curry...
somebody explain to the other wing nut that the excerpt I am posting comes from this link ...that I did not write it myself

Putting Some Heat on Bush (

In the University of Iowa speech, Hansen recounted how NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe told him in a 2003 meeting that he shouldn't talk "about dangerous anthropogenic interference" -- humans' influence on the atmosphere -- "because we do not know enough or have enough evidence for what would constitute dangerous anthropogenic interference."

But Hansen said that scientists know enough to conclude we have reached this danger point and that their efforts to get the word out are being blocked by the administration. "In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it has now,"

LOL......every climate nutter was falling all over themseves 5 years ago posting up Dr Curry video's and articles. Then she climbed off the alarmist k00k bandwagon and now they are ALL throwing her ass right under the bus!!!

What more does one need to know than that this climate science crap is clearly a religion. You dont conform to the established nut-ball narrative, its "FUCK YOU.......YOU"RE OUT!!!":2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I called you out. it's public, my job is done. You don't get it. your problem. I'll do it again if you fail to credit the source. It is a rule in here.
I'll take that as yes you have given up on your absurd claim that a post I linked to source fooled you into thinking I wrote it because you are terminally stupid...
Hey Tyrone do us a favor and go out side once and a while, I am fishing on my dock right now , waiting for some fish to bite...

Its the same as it was 10 years ago.
I guess if you are fishing all that science went to waste all that research all one has to do is ask you....:ahole-1: Unnnnnnbelievable scientific response for "Judy Curry is modern day Galileo...LOL
it scares you don't it? You are bi polar

Its easy to tell, the cult has you but sometimes you think they are wrong..

Its ok little buddy small steps are big steps, walk outside.... Join us:)

Its a gorgeous day ..
quoting skeptical science about Judith Curry. how funny is that. John Cook, the cartoonist mocking the brightest climatologist. And thinking you'd think he was serious.
Judith Curry is wing nut
Ok Francis!!! credit: movie stripes!!!
he doesn't know what to do, he's a lost sheep, they all are. The warmer nutters got herded into a position with no way out. it's like arguing with a cornered cat.
link to Lord Mockton LOL there is a meeting in Paris to set Global Climate agenda...crying anti science denialist not invited
What more does one need to know than that this climate science crap is clearly a religion. You dont conform to the established nut-ball narrative, its "FUCK YOU.......YOU"RE OUT!!!":2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

No if you read what I linked and posted you would know it was leading Scientist James Hansen who had to resign from Government because the Bush administration would not allow him to speak about Climate change
...see the Washington post link....
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