More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Coal needed to keep electricity levels reliable s0ns = more k00k losing.

Without Coal Is The Grid Reliable

People wont be happy sitting in the dark when renewables fuck up.........:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
sure they will, they will make comments like, I'm so glad I'm freezing my nut sack off and burning candles to see. burning candles, isn't that special, let's re-add back in the CO2 anyways, using candles. Oh, and burning wood to keep warm. do these douche bags even get this stuff?
The Mathematics of Carbon Dioxide Part 4

Excellent articals on climate sensitivity and the math behind CO2.. pretty much lays waste to the IPCC and alarmist drivel...


This article is the fourth in a series of four articles.

Part 1 of the series (Part 1) is here

Part 2 of the series (Part 2) is here

Part 3 of the series (Part 3) is here

In Part 1, simple mathematical formulae were developed to emulate the carbon dioxide (CO2.) contribution to global temperature change, as represented in the computer climate models.

In Part 2, the formulae were used to have a look at the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA).

In Part 3, the formulae were used to have a look at the period used in Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth.

Part 4 looks at the major components of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS). ECS is key to all of the findings of the IPCC and to the computer climate models.

Note : This article does not say anything new, or claim to find any new results. It has all been said many times before. But it does look at ECS from a logical perspective.

The majority of the information is in laymans terms and easily understood.
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree has been and always will be about one thing: "price".......or cost to the consumer, or in many cases, the government. Climate change will not change that...........100% certainty. Also, it must be 100% reliable or guess what? The people in charge get their asses booted out.:coffee: Show me one politician anywhere in the world who wants their ass booted out?

The most obvious thing here and of course, recognized by anyone with half a brain is, China and India are going to be going batshiite crazy for coal for decades........nothing will deter this. Nothing. Ive posted numerous projection graphs that concur with my statement, including projections from the Obama EIA from earlier this year.

Weve already seen what going huge green does in modern economies in Spain. A fucking disaster...:2up:.....2 jobs lost for every green job gained. Guess what? That doesn't tend to go over well with the fact, those in power get the boot.

Two winters ago in Europe, it got so cold that the Thames River froze over for the first time in 80 years....:ack-1:.....experts stated that if those countries were running on renewables only, over 1 million people would have died of hypothermia. Yep.....that'd make government real, real popular with their people.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

No amount of flying pigs are going to change these realities.:spinner:
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree

That answer is simple.. POWER and CONTROL over the populace by socialite pieces of shit! Socialism demands that people are SUBJECTS and that every thing they do must be controlled by a centralized government. CO2 is being used as the key and COAL is cheep, reliable, and allows individuals to be SELF SUFFICIENT, which conflicts with socialism's goals of subjugation..

How to get people to give up their freedoms without shooting them.. Its a problem Marx, Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler and many other dictators and socialists have dealt with over the years. It is also why the left wants everyone disarmed..
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree

That answer is simple.. POWER and CONTROL over the populace by socialite pieces of shit! Socialism demands that people are SUBJECTS and that every thing they do must be controlled by a centralized government. CO2 is being used as the key and COAL is cheep, reliable, and allows individuals to be SELF SUFFICIENT, which conflicts with socialism's goals of subjugation..

How to get people to give up their freedoms without shooting them.. Its a problem Marx, Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler and many other dictators and socialists have dealt with over the years. It is also why the left wants everyone disarmed..
And the media is complicit.
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree

That answer is simple.. POWER and CONTROL over the populace by socialite pieces of shit! Socialism demands that people are SUBJECTS and that every thing they do must be controlled by a centralized government. CO2 is being used as the key and COAL is cheep, reliable, and allows individuals to be SELF SUFFICIENT, which conflicts with socialism's goals of subjugation..

How to get people to give up their freedoms without shooting them.. Its a problem Marx, Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler and many other dictators and socialists have dealt with over the years. It is also why the left wants everyone disarmed..
And the media is complicit.

They call them useful idiots.. they will also be the first ones lined up against the wall and shot once control is gained. They think that they will have some special spot in the control of the populace. They will become the threat that can take their new power away. This is why the TEA party is such a threat to both parties... they fear loss of power so they melange and lie about them
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree

That answer is simple.. POWER and CONTROL over the populace by socialite pieces of shit! Socialism demands that people are SUBJECTS and that every thing they do must be controlled by a centralized government. CO2 is being used as the key and COAL is cheep, reliable, and allows individuals to be SELF SUFFICIENT, which conflicts with socialism's goals of subjugation..

How to get people to give up their freedoms without shooting them.. Its a problem Marx, Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler and many other dictators and socialists have dealt with over the years. It is also why the left wants everyone disarmed..
And the media is complicit.

They call them useful idiots.. they will also be the first ones lined up against the wall and shot once control is gained. They think that they will have some special spot in the control of the populace. They will become the threat that can take their new power away. This is why the TEA party is such a threat to both parties... they fear loss of power so they melange and lie about them

win post

These AGW idiots don't even recognize they are getting pwned by the establishment. They are shepherding the herd.

But that's the fucked up thing...........these bozo's are just fine with being part of the herd and giving up all your freedoms and rights......they read Plato and Hobbes and embraced the nirvana. Holy fuck........just complete mindless zombies and get this..............think they are smarter than everybody else!!!:up:
So JC......what happened to Tyrell? Looks like he's taken his bat and ball and gone home!!! Even the most pronoounced mental case realizes when they are getitng pwned I guess!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Dang.....that guy was good for business in this thread!!!

And the pause continues and lengthens despite the El Nino...
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree

That's easy Matthew. Stupid ass govt regulation.. If you WANTED to make your plant t more efficient or simply REPAIR IT -- you cant get a permit to do so without being subject to INCLUDING a myriad of REQUIRED changes.. So you let them sit and decay. Much like our nuclear plants are sitting and decaying because of difficulties in getting permits for upgrades and maintenance.

If you wanted to EXPERIMENT with a new scrubber system, you'd also need to incorporate all of those REQ'D items. So they don't.. You can't TOUCH an existing coal plant without triggering a deluge of mandates. Now the govt gives out WAIVERS to some.. Like their next of kin TVAuthority plants which are some of the oldest and most polluting coal plants in the country. Govt run coal plants are the worst?? Go figure..
More AGW k00k losing..............

Renewables Offer No Bang for Your Megawatt Economics21

f'ing DUH

Pretty good counterpoint to all the hype about INSTALLED capacity of solar/wind. They did smoke up the facts by showing the combined Hydro/OtherRenewables curve. They are not comparable. In most cases, the "capacity factor" of hydro is a CHOICE of how you want to manage the waterway. And to show that lumped with solar/wind just to make that curve appear to go down -- is a bit desperate..

But really -- every time a "renewable" zealot posts a glowing article about a new 15GW installation -- just divide by 3 and MORE if it's not a PERFECTLY SITED wind or solar site. (Like an article I saw about solar in New Brunswick) :disbelief:
Dont know why the AGW k00ks even bother? Theyve been spewing off about the massive splash of renewables for years now and the bar had hardly moved ( unless you call solar going from 0.02 to 0.2 is :ack-1:). Decades from now, renewables will STILL be fringe........but again, dont take my word for it. Thats what the Obama EIA is saying!!!
Explain to me why coal has been nearly halved in percentage in the united states the past 10 years? I realize natural gas has taken its place for the most part but that puts out a lot less co2 emissions. Seems to be the focus of the other side "winning" at least a little. wouldn't you agree

That's easy Matthew. Stupid ass govt regulation.. If you WANTED to make your plant t more efficient or simply REPAIR IT -- you cant get a permit to do so without being subject to INCLUDING a myriad of REQUIRED changes.. So you let them sit and decay. Much like our nuclear plants are sitting and decaying because of difficulties in getting permits for upgrades and maintenance.

If you wanted to EXPERIMENT with a new scrubber system, you'd also need to incorporate all of those REQ'D items. So they don't.. You can't TOUCH an existing coal plant without triggering a deluge of mandates. Now the govt gives out WAIVERS to some.. Like their next of kin TVAuthority plants which are some of the oldest and most polluting coal plants in the country. Govt run coal plants are the worst?? Go figure..

real good stuff!!!:rock::rock:

Shit is ALL about growing government, burying the middle class to promote downward economic standing ( = votes ) and moving to a state takeover of the energy industry. All under the guise of "cleaning the environment", the ruse of which is bought by every low-information zombie voter in America!!!

Last months averages are in for the US and Canadian areas. Despite the El Nino, no state was above average for July. Our Office of meteorologists looked at the EU and the Northern Hemisphere in general and found that the majority of the Northern hemisphere was below average temp.

Given a moderate El Nino we should be experiencing higher temperatures than normal in Pacific Ocean states and following the jet stream down wind. But it isn't happening. When we looked at night time temperatures (these are where latent heat will show itself) and all were at or below average for their respective areas. The 64,000 dollar question is why? This question sparked a lively debate among our diverse group of scientists.

One of the agreed upon observations was one of the polar jet and the polar low remaining twice as strong this summer. One need only look to the Hudson Bay freeze over increase during the middle of summer. Ice levels are increasing due to very low night time temperatures and near freezing temps during the day. We agreed that the polar low is impacting below 75 Deg Lat and has been since last winter. Much of Canada is well below normal by 2.6 deg C. as is much of Europe. The Atlantic is very cold and will remain so for then next 15-25 years. Equatorial heat is not present as is evident in our no major Atlantic hurricane season.

The cold flow is only being disrupted in the Pacific and only below 45 Deg Latitude.


YOU will note near the end of the loop that the cold water is already pushing into the Oregon coast line and very cold water is already pushing down the eastern seaboard of the US. The atmospheric pressures are pushing the cold to lower latitudes.

Now this is where there is some dissension in the group. Some think that we will see warming in nighttime temps the next few months of Oregon, California, Washington, Nevada and Arizona while others seem to think that it will be wide spread. Here in lies the problem, the barometric pressure is dropping in the northern US already towards winter time levels. This generally shifts the equatorial warm weather patterns southward. Any warming from El Nino will be very limited to coastal states.

With cooling in the Arctic Ocean and the Bering straights, there is no heat to cause warming in the polar jet flow which is now becoming predominate over the mid west and east of the great divide. Thus there will be little to no warming above 45- 50 deg Lat.

I dare to say the this El Nino will be one that is very confined to small areas and it wont give them the "hottest ev'a" that they desire. That said, if the atmospheric water content remains high, the western US is going to get one hell of a winter with the amount of cold that is pushing southward.

For the record, our deer here in Wyoming have finished shedding their velvet as have the antelope... several months early.. IF weather patterns persist we will have snow and lots of it prior to the elk hunt..

ETA: And we used unadjusted temperatures, not the Karl Et Al crap..
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