More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

"Administration’s Power Plan: Independent analysts continue to provide details of the Obama Administration’s politically named “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). These studies make clear that the only forms of new electrical power generation the administration considers “clean” are solar and wind. Electric power generation from fossil fuels are condemned by the administration. Hydroelectric generation is out of favor, as explained by ex-EPA official Alan Carlin. There are no plans for federally supported new dam construction in the US. In fact, the thrust has been to tear down existing dams in the name of the environment.

Nuclear energy, which produces no carbon dioxide (CO2) is not an option. The administration mothballed the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain and has not offered solutions for an alternative. Indeed, in 2009 the EPA published in the Federal Register a rule limiting radiation doses from Yucca Mountain for up to 1,000,000 years after it closes, demonstrating the absurd durations the administration considers its edicts are enforceable. Biomass burning on a large scale would require clearing the forests, as was done in the eastern US in the 18th and 19th centuries, which would be politically unacceptable.

This leaves only solar and wind as the major sources of electrical power generation. Both are unreliable, erratic, and expensive. The Administration’s concept would be more appropriately termed the unreliable power plan.

Even with its plans to prevent new, reliable electrical-power generation, a report by the Institute for 21st Century Energy of U.S. Chamber of Commerce finds the plan falls far short of the goals set by Mr. Obama.

“Even with these fairly generous estimates, these measures, which include some programs that haven’t even been announced yet, would fall about 800 MMTCO2 [Million Metric Tons of CO2], or 45%, short of the president’s goal. How does administration intend to plug the remaining gap? It hasn’t said. When asked by the Financial Times about the holes in the administration’s INDC [Intended Nationally Determined Contributions pledged for the UN-Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris in December], White House official Rick Duke chose to deny existence of a problem and instead change the subject: ‘Our numbers are quite clear. It’s other countries where we see more opportunities to clarify what the plans are.’” Boldface added.

We need other countries to define what our plans are? What will the administration do to fill the 45% shortfall is anyone’s guess? The report indicates that major industries should be on the alert. “Still, seeing as the entire industrial sector emitted a little over 800 MMTCO2 in 2013, even very steep cuts by industry won’t deliver nearly what’s needed”, according to the US Chamber.

Terry Jarrett, a former commissioner of the Missouri Public Service Commission, observed: “And if you’re skeptical of the threat posed by man-made CO2 in an ever-changing climate, then you’ll likely balk at the stunning price tag for this new set of rules, which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates at an annual cost of $51 billion in lost GDP and 224,000 jobs lost.”

One can quibble about the numbers, but the direction is clear, the Administration is willing to damage an already weak economy (real growth rate of about 2% during the Administration), in order to fight global warming/climate change – an enemy so ill-defined that the Administration has failed to grasp the natural causes of climate change. See links under The Administration’s Plan – Independent Analysis, and The Administration’s Plan – Push-Back."

What can i say Liberalism is a disease that must be eradicated from the earth.. The stupidity is so blatant by the Obama clan that all I can do is shake my head at the shear idiocy of these left wing radical fools..

By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

"Administration’s Power Plan: Independent analysts continue to provide details of the Obama Administration’s politically named “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). These studies make clear that the only forms of new electrical power generation the administration considers “clean” are solar and wind. Electric power generation from fossil fuels are condemned by the administration. Hydroelectric generation is out of favor, as explained by ex-EPA official Alan Carlin. There are no plans for federally supported new dam construction in the US. In fact, the thrust has been to tear down existing dams in the name of the environment.

Nuclear energy, which produces no carbon dioxide (CO2) is not an option. The administration mothballed the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain and has not offered solutions for an alternative. Indeed, in 2009 the EPA published in the Federal Register a rule limiting radiation doses from Yucca Mountain for up to 1,000,000 years after it closes, demonstrating the absurd durations the administration considers its edicts are enforceable. Biomass burning on a large scale would require clearing the forests, as was done in the eastern US in the 18th and 19th centuries, which would be politically unacceptable.

This leaves only solar and wind as the major sources of electrical power generation. Both are unreliable, erratic, and expensive. The Administration’s concept would be more appropriately termed the unreliable power plan.

Even with its plans to prevent new, reliable electrical-power generation, a report by the Institute for 21st Century Energy of U.S. Chamber of Commerce finds the plan falls far short of the goals set by Mr. Obama.

“Even with these fairly generous estimates, these measures, which include some programs that haven’t even been announced yet, would fall about 800 MMTCO2 [Million Metric Tons of CO2], or 45%, short of the president’s goal. How does administration intend to plug the remaining gap? It hasn’t said. When asked by the Financial Times about the holes in the administration’s INDC [Intended Nationally Determined Contributions pledged for the UN-Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris in December], White House official Rick Duke chose to deny existence of a problem and instead change the subject: ‘Our numbers are quite clear. It’s other countries where we see more opportunities to clarify what the plans are.’” Boldface added.

We need other countries to define what our plans are? What will the administration do to fill the 45% shortfall is anyone’s guess? The report indicates that major industries should be on the alert. “Still, seeing as the entire industrial sector emitted a little over 800 MMTCO2 in 2013, even very steep cuts by industry won’t deliver nearly what’s needed”, according to the US Chamber.

Terry Jarrett, a former commissioner of the Missouri Public Service Commission, observed: “And if you’re skeptical of the threat posed by man-made CO2 in an ever-changing climate, then you’ll likely balk at the stunning price tag for this new set of rules, which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates at an annual cost of $51 billion in lost GDP and 224,000 jobs lost.”

One can quibble about the numbers, but the direction is clear, the Administration is willing to damage an already weak economy (real growth rate of about 2% during the Administration), in order to fight global warming/climate change – an enemy so ill-defined that the Administration has failed to grasp the natural causes of climate change. See links under The Administration’s Plan – Independent Analysis, and The Administration’s Plan – Push-Back."

What can i say Liberalism is a disease that must be eradicated from the earth.. The stupidity is so blatant by the Obama clan that all I can do is shake my head at the shear idiocy of these left wing radical fools..


Great post Billy..........progressives never give a rats ass about results. If the intentions are good, they just do it......and of course, progressives win when jobs are lost = more voters. All part of the progressive agenda......only understood by those smart enough to look past the billboard.:2up:
Obama in Alaska puts pumpkin on a tee for skeptics >>>>

Obama in Alaska: Climate-change deniers 'are on their own shrinking island'

More AGW k00k losing............:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
One more fuck tard prediction by the Obmeshia and its a dosie!!

“If we do nothing, temperatures in Alaska are projected to rise between 6 and 12 degrees by the end of the century, triggering more melting, more fires, more thawing of the permafrost. A negative feedback loop, a cycle – warming leading to more warming – that we do not want to be a part of,” -Barrack Husein Obama

This fuck tard and his advisers have just made a lie that can not be substantiated in any fact and even the worse case scenario IPCC garbage is lower than this lying piece of shit! This is so over the top bull shit only his faithful will buy into it.
Obama in Alaska puts pumpkin on a tee for skeptics >>>>

Obama in Alaska: Climate-change deniers 'are on their own shrinking island'

More AGW k00k losing............:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
One more fuck tard prediction by the Obmeshia and its a dosie!!

“If we do nothing, temperatures in Alaska are projected to rise between 6 and 12 degrees by the end of the century, triggering more melting, more fires, more thawing of the permafrost. A negative feedback loop, a cycle – warming leading to more warming – that we do not want to be a part of,” -Barrack Husein Obama

This fuck tard and his advisers have just made a lie that can not be substantiated in any fact and even the worse case scenario IPCC garbage is lower than this lying piece of shit! This is so over the top bull shit only his faithful will buy into it.

LMAO......but plenty of suckers out there will buy the nonsense. Liberal idea's die without the suckers.
By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

"Administration’s Power Plan: Independent analysts continue to provide details of the Obama Administration’s politically named “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). These studies make clear that the only forms of new electrical power generation the administration considers “clean” are solar and wind. Electric power generation from fossil fuels are condemned by the administration. Hydroelectric generation is out of favor, as explained by ex-EPA official Alan Carlin. There are no plans for federally supported new dam construction in the US. In fact, the thrust has been to tear down existing dams in the name of the environment.

Nuclear energy, which produces no carbon dioxide (CO2) is not an option. The administration mothballed the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain and has not offered solutions for an alternative. Indeed, in 2009 the EPA published in the Federal Register a rule limiting radiation doses from Yucca Mountain for up to 1,000,000 years after it closes, demonstrating the absurd durations the administration considers its edicts are enforceable. Biomass burning on a large scale would require clearing the forests, as was done in the eastern US in the 18th and 19th centuries, which would be politically unacceptable.

This leaves only solar and wind as the major sources of electrical power generation. Both are unreliable, erratic, and expensive. The Administration’s concept would be more appropriately termed the unreliable power plan.

Even with its plans to prevent new, reliable electrical-power generation, a report by the Institute for 21st Century Energy of U.S. Chamber of Commerce finds the plan falls far short of the goals set by Mr. Obama.

“Even with these fairly generous estimates, these measures, which include some programs that haven’t even been announced yet, would fall about 800 MMTCO2 [Million Metric Tons of CO2], or 45%, short of the president’s goal. How does administration intend to plug the remaining gap? It hasn’t said. When asked by the Financial Times about the holes in the administration’s INDC [Intended Nationally Determined Contributions pledged for the UN-Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris in December], White House official Rick Duke chose to deny existence of a problem and instead change the subject: ‘Our numbers are quite clear. It’s other countries where we see more opportunities to clarify what the plans are.’” Boldface added.

We need other countries to define what our plans are? What will the administration do to fill the 45% shortfall is anyone’s guess? The report indicates that major industries should be on the alert. “Still, seeing as the entire industrial sector emitted a little over 800 MMTCO2 in 2013, even very steep cuts by industry won’t deliver nearly what’s needed”, according to the US Chamber.

Terry Jarrett, a former commissioner of the Missouri Public Service Commission, observed: “And if you’re skeptical of the threat posed by man-made CO2 in an ever-changing climate, then you’ll likely balk at the stunning price tag for this new set of rules, which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates at an annual cost of $51 billion in lost GDP and 224,000 jobs lost.”

One can quibble about the numbers, but the direction is clear, the Administration is willing to damage an already weak economy (real growth rate of about 2% during the Administration), in order to fight global warming/climate change – an enemy so ill-defined that the Administration has failed to grasp the natural causes of climate change. See links under The Administration’s Plan – Independent Analysis, and The Administration’s Plan – Push-Back."

What can i say Liberalism is a disease that must be eradicated from the earth.. The stupidity is so blatant by the Obama clan that all I can do is shake my head at the shear idiocy of these left wing radical fools..


“Even with these fairly generous estimates, these measures, which include some programs that haven’t even been announced yet, would fall about 800 MMTCO2 [Million Metric Tons of CO2], or 45%, short of the president’s goal. How does administration intend to plug the remaining gap? It hasn’t said.

Everyone knows the answer to that one.. You get the other 45% by strangling the economy, keeping the regulatory and monetary policies vague and uncertain and by reducing the overall workforce. Zero growth in "carbon". Zero or negative growth in the economy.. A balanced approach to the "problem"..
Renewable fail: Weakest US winds for 40 years

US clean energy suffers from lack of wind

A lack of wind is making the US clean energy sector sweat, with consequences for investors from yield-hungry pensioners to Goldman Sachs.
Electricity generated by US wind farms fell 6 per cent in the first half of the year even as the nation expanded wind generation capacity by 9 per cent, Energy Information Administration records show.

The reason was some of the softest air currents in 40 years, cutting power sales from wind farms to utilities. The feeble breezes come as the White House is promoting renewable energy, including wind, as part of its Clean Power Plan to counter greenhouse gas emissions.

“We never anticipated a drop-off in the wind resource as we have witnessed over the past six months,” David Crane, chief executive of power producer NRG Energy, told analysts last month.
US clean energy suffers from lack of wind -

The Wind Energy folks are finding out just how unreliable the wind is... A 6% drop in ONE YEAR! When your only 24% effective, a 6% drop is 1/4 of your buisness.. Profit margin is GONE... Investors get NOTHING... Investor leave... The farms DIE!

As the earth finds a near equilibrium state wind reduction is a given and natural event. Watch for rapid cooling this winter in the northern hemisphere. this is a tell tale sign that things are bout to change drastically from the wild fluctuations of a cooling planet. Look for deeper cold regions this winter into the US... Lots of snow and cold... but hey we foretasted that over 6 months ago.
Last edited:

A little evening funny which is factually correct!
By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

"Administration’s Power Plan: Independent analysts continue to provide details of the Obama Administration’s politically named “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). These studies make clear that the only forms of new electrical power generation the administration considers “clean” are solar and wind. Electric power generation from fossil fuels are condemned by the administration. Hydroelectric generation is out of favor, as explained by ex-EPA official Alan Carlin. There are no plans for federally supported new dam construction in the US. In fact, the thrust has been to tear down existing dams in the name of the environment.

Nuclear energy, which produces no carbon dioxide (CO2) is not an option. The administration mothballed the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain and has not offered solutions for an alternative. Indeed, in 2009 the EPA published in the Federal Register a rule limiting radiation doses from Yucca Mountain for up to 1,000,000 years after it closes, demonstrating the absurd durations the administration considers its edicts are enforceable. Biomass burning on a large scale would require clearing the forests, as was done in the eastern US in the 18th and 19th centuries, which would be politically unacceptable.

This leaves only solar and wind as the major sources of electrical power generation. Both are unreliable, erratic, and expensive. The Administration’s concept would be more appropriately termed the unreliable power plan.

Even with its plans to prevent new, reliable electrical-power generation, a report by the Institute for 21st Century Energy of U.S. Chamber of Commerce finds the plan falls far short of the goals set by Mr. Obama.

“Even with these fairly generous estimates, these measures, which include some programs that haven’t even been announced yet, would fall about 800 MMTCO2 [Million Metric Tons of CO2], or 45%, short of the president’s goal. How does administration intend to plug the remaining gap? It hasn’t said. When asked by the Financial Times about the holes in the administration’s INDC [Intended Nationally Determined Contributions pledged for the UN-Conference of Parties (COP 21) in Paris in December], White House official Rick Duke chose to deny existence of a problem and instead change the subject: ‘Our numbers are quite clear. It’s other countries where we see more opportunities to clarify what the plans are.’” Boldface added.

We need other countries to define what our plans are? What will the administration do to fill the 45% shortfall is anyone’s guess? The report indicates that major industries should be on the alert. “Still, seeing as the entire industrial sector emitted a little over 800 MMTCO2 in 2013, even very steep cuts by industry won’t deliver nearly what’s needed”, according to the US Chamber.

Terry Jarrett, a former commissioner of the Missouri Public Service Commission, observed: “And if you’re skeptical of the threat posed by man-made CO2 in an ever-changing climate, then you’ll likely balk at the stunning price tag for this new set of rules, which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates at an annual cost of $51 billion in lost GDP and 224,000 jobs lost.”

One can quibble about the numbers, but the direction is clear, the Administration is willing to damage an already weak economy (real growth rate of about 2% during the Administration), in order to fight global warming/climate change – an enemy so ill-defined that the Administration has failed to grasp the natural causes of climate change. See links under The Administration’s Plan – Independent Analysis, and The Administration’s Plan – Push-Back."

What can i say Liberalism is a disease that must be eradicated from the earth.. The stupidity is so blatant by the Obama clan that all I can do is shake my head at the shear idiocy of these left wing radical fools..


“Even with these fairly generous estimates, these measures, which include some programs that haven’t even been announced yet, would fall about 800 MMTCO2 [Million Metric Tons of CO2], or 45%, short of the president’s goal. How does administration intend to plug the remaining gap? It hasn’t said.

Everyone knows the answer to that one.. You get the other 45% by strangling the economy, keeping the regulatory and monetary policies vague and uncertain and by reducing the overall workforce. Zero growth in "carbon". Zero or negative growth in the economy.. A balanced approach to the "problem"..

Using the words LIBERAL and BALANCED in a single sentence is a contradiction in terms... a serious contradiction.
More knobby for the global warming alarmist k00ks............

So the president wants a bunch of new icebreakers to go to the Arctic.

Obama wants new Coast Guard icebreakers in the arctic -
But the day before the announcement, he was in Alaska telling the world the ice was disappearing and almost gone!!!:wtf:

There is an old Indian saying: Never trust a man who speaks with forked tongue.

So, one of Obama's statements was a lie... I wonder which one it could be????
Hey Billy.............JC..........Frank...............what ever became of Tyree?? I think I know!!!

Like every global warming k00k who comes into this thread, after a short time, they take their bat and ball and go home. in here like gangbusters and after 2 weeks, suddenly......................disappeared!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Today is the average PEAK of hurricain season. But...... Wait for it>>>>


WE currently have ZERO active regions today and were not expecting any GLOBALLY for the next few days at-least.

Oppp's..... The Global Ocean heat is falling apart...

Today is the average PEAK of hurricain season. But...... Wait for it>>>>


WE currently have ZERO active regions today and were not expecting any GLOBALLY for the next few days at-least.

Oppp's..... The Global Ocean heat is falling apart...


the accumulated storm energy chart show how dismal this year has been and how cooling is the most likely cause..


Chart source
Billy..........check this out........what a joke.......without tax credits, this bogus energy source ( solar ) dies............growth of solar to slow down big time between '17-'19 >>

Solar power is still growing rapidly — but it's about to hit a big speed bump

Unless Congress decides to extend this tax credit — and many Republicans aren't too thrilled with that idea — it's set to lapse on January 1, 2017. At that point, it will drop to 10 percent for utilities and commercial installers, and disappear entirely for residential solar.

Yep! once the freebie dies so does the industry.. Let the tax credit die!
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