More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey Billy..........looks like Tyrell took his bat and ball and went home!!!!:coffee:

Thread is heading quickly to 5,000 posts!!!:rock::rock::rock::rofl:

And Billy...........I laughing. Can you just picture the climate crusader nutters in here always seeing this thread dominate the forum!!! Dang.........those mofu's are shitting pickles and banging on their keyboards like psychopaths trapped in an EV every time they see it!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Day Five in the western US where the majority of temperatures are unseasonably cool by 11-17 deg F. August 8, and to date, no days over 100 deg F above 45 Lat for the midwest and the western states.

We should have had 3-5 already and if we include a moderate El Nino that number should have doubled. IT HASN'T.

Using Unadjusted data from US-CRN. Only Crap from Karl Et Al is showing any rise at all (NOAA and GISS).
Charles Koch: Climate models need to be falsifiable

Well this ought to make alarmists heads explode...

You just cant make this up. Someone with commonsense about climate change speaks out about the charlatans who are lying their collective asses off.. and does so calmly and with class.

Q: Are you worried about climate change?

A: Well, I mean I believe it’s been warming some. There’s a big debate on that, because it depends on whether you use satellite measurements, balloon, or you use ground ones that have been adjusted. But there has been warming. The CO2 goes up, the CO2 has probably contributed to that. But they say it’s going to be catastrophic. There is no evidence to that. They have these models that show it, but the models don’t work … To be scientific, it has to be testable and refutable. And so I mean, it has elements of science in it, and then of conjecture, ideology and politics. So do we want to create a catastrophe today in the economy because of some speculation based on models that don’t work? Those are my questions. But believe me, I spent my whole life studying science and the philosophy of science, and our whole company is committed to science. We have all sorts of scientific developments. But I want it to be real science, not politicized science.

Testable and refutable.... BINGO...... WE HAVE A WINNER!

This book is gonna leave a mark...... OHHHHHHH Mann........

All that matters is what Obama is doing and what china, India, etc. If there governments are cutting emissions. Welll, how can you say you're the ones winning?
Obama gave them a 30 years pass to do whatever in the hell they want.. but he is slicing our throats... Two words to the socialists who are for killing off millions of people and lowering our standard of living... Go F**k Yourself..
All that matters is what Obama is doing and what china, India, etc. If there governments are cutting emissions. Welll, how can you say you're the ones winning?

s0n.....why do you insist on keeping your head in the sand every single day of your life???? Its fascinating to me!! You progressives..........facts are placed right in front of your face and you bozo's don't want to see the realities.

In 2040, China's coal fleet will be 50% larger than it is today!!!!:fu::fu::fu:

China s Growing Coal Use Is World s Growing Problem Climate Central

"cutting emissions"........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

fantasy worlds are ghey...............:gay:
All that matters is what Obama is doing and what china, India, etc. If there governments are cutting emissions. Welll, how can you say you're the ones winning?

IN SPITE of OBAMA -- And your revered Federal desk workers, the USA managed to roll back it's emissions to 1995 and beyond. Simply by exploiting our Natural Gas reserves and fracking.. Imagine that. Less CO2 per capita than 20 years ago.. 80 nuclear plants and you could roll it back to the Early 80s...

If there WAS a pending GW crisis -- we'd be there by now..
But there's not. Because we KNOW how to cut our CO2 stationary emissions in half or more by doing something that would be good for American health anyway..
All that matters is what Obama is doing and what china, India, etc. If there governments are cutting emissions. Welll, how can you say you're the ones winning?

IN SPITE of OBAMA -- And your revered Federal desk workers, the USA managed to roll back it's emissions to 1995 and beyond. Simply by exploiting our Natural Gas reserves and fracking.. Imagine that. Less CO2 per capita than 20 years ago.. 80 nuclear plants and you could roll it back to the Early 80s...

If there WAS a pending GW crisis -- we'd be there by now..
But there's not. Because we KNOW how to cut our CO2 stationary emissions in half or more by doing something that would be good for American health anyway..

Dude......Im out in Pennsylvania in the mountains like every time this year for a long always, 6am you are freezing your balls off.

Guess global warming has just passed this place by.............:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The alarmist OCD mental cases like to tout the cheaper cost of solar as compared to coal and natural gas...........

No its not.........not even close. They fail to mention the REAL COSTS because they conveniently leave out the costs of the subsidies and other massive cost tradeoffs ( learned the hard way by Spain by the way :2up:)

Articles The Real Cost of Solar Energy

more AGW k00k losing.........
What a joke the EPA is......and nobody reporting on this mega-expensive spill that will cost billions to clean up!! Imagine f it was BP again. The government can fuck up with impunity........not a single environmental person is caring too!!!

"Double standards. Data destruction. Imposition of radical job-killing regulations. Law-breaking with impunity. Only in Washington does a rogue government agency with an $8 billion budget get away with such serial incompetence and criminality in the name of the "public good." Protecting the environment has become a full employment racket for green crooks and cronies."
What a joke the EPA is......and nobody reporting on this mega-expensive spill that will cost billions to clean up!! Imagine f it was BP again. The government can fuck up with impunity........not a single environmental person is caring too!!!

"Double standards. Data destruction. Imposition of radical job-killing regulations. Law-breaking with impunity. Only in Washington does a rogue government agency with an $8 billion budget get away with such serial incompetence and criminality in the name of the "public good." Protecting the environment has become a full employment racket for green crooks and cronies."

Obama's Toxic Environmental Pollution Agency | RealClearPolitics
They would care if it was a Republican president.
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