More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Another Green energy blunder bites the dust...

SunEdison is headed for bankruptcy and massive lay offs.. Another Enviro-wacko, Democrat and Obama success story!

Propping up the green energy industry needs to end today!

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Another Green energy blunder bites the dust...

SunEdison is headed for bankruptcy and massive lay offs.. Another Enviro-wacko, Democrat and Obama success story!

Propping up the green energy industry needs to end today!

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Solar.........what a joke. Most people don't know the entire industry would collapse within a month without massive government subsidies. Way to stay on top of the WINNING Billy.......this thread continues to be the epic Realville journal of the current state of the climate debate. Every time this thread climbs to the top of the board, I laugh my balls off.:rock:
Miranda Devine: Perth electrical engineer’s discovery will change climate change debate

This article has the potential to leave a permanent mark..


Hat Tip ti Vigilante ---> Perth electrical engineer’s discovery will change climate change debate | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

From the USGS: Flood Information website:

"Dr. Robert Holmes, USGS National Flood Hazard Coordinator, takes some time to discuss and answer some hot issues related to the flooding in South Carolina.

Is this flooding in South Carolina truly a 1000-year flood?

While this certainly was a catastrophic flood with lots of damage and tragic loss of life, USGS provisional data and preliminary analysis show NO indication that a 1000-year flood discharge occurred at any USGS streamgages. However, based on that analysis, it does appear that the USGS streamgage on the Black River at Kingstree, SC and the one on the Smith Branch at Columbia, SC both measured peak floods in the neighborhood of a 500-year flood."

They admit a very sparse event history and back away from any link to AGW... Looks like a few are seeing the writing on the Empirical Evidence wall..

Is this flood due to climate change?

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases...."

I can hear the alarmists heads exploding right now... CO2 has no effect on the hydro-logical cycle and water vapor (convection cycle)... Oh Lordy!!!!

Had to post it to this thread... This is going to leave a huge mark on the alarmist meme.. It should kill it dead as the USGS admits there is no link, even causal, between water vapor (as a positive feedback), and CO2...

Study: high CO2 levels equated to “warm average temperatures and flourishing life” low CO2, “preceding an ice age and eventual mass extinction”


This one is gonna hurt.. Alarmists..

I like how they got around posting the truth and receiving federal grants too...

The work was supported in part by NSF grants (1323444, 1324577 and 1324954). The content is the solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funding agencies.

A simple disclaimer added to the Abstract to elevate the "Soon" accusations about to ensue..
In California and New England, renewbles are but "window dressings" in the energy dynamic!!!

In REALCLEARENERGY today!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

"But such plans are going to meet with their own environmental resistance and so the course of least resistance seems to be to build more natural gas plants and import hydroelectricity from Canada. In this, New England will be following in the footsteps of California, which has established itself as a “leader” in clean energy. In fact, the Golden State 60 percent of its homegrown electricity from natural gas - highest rate in the nation – and imports almost half its power from hydroelectricity in Washington State and coal and nuclear energy in Arizona and Nevada. The windmills and solar plants in the desert are basically just window dressing."

New England's Power Shortage Gets Worse | RealClearEnergy

The k00ks say solar and wind are "booming.". They are booming only in the fantasyland minds of the religion.........but nowhere else. Click on the link above and see the real poop. Renewables are nothing more than progressive rhetoric.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Ian.....even yesterday, these bozo's in the media were talking about an "epic" event.:2up:

it's sad to see but the media is what keeps people like Old Rocks in the game. if the media would fact check and be a little less gullible, a little less ignorant on the subject, then Old Rocks wouldnt have 20 press releases to endlessly trot out while the rebuttal comes out late and on the bottom of page 12 where no one sees it.
I was doing some work on CO2 theory and found this little blast from the past.. The authors found other sources are totally responsible for temperature rise and fall. CO2 was considered but failed to produce any warming factors when others were considered and shown negative forcings.
This monograph considers only average global temperature (AGT). It does not discuss weather, which is a complex study of energy moving about the planet. It does not even address local climate, which includes precipitation. It does, however, consider the issue of Global Warming and the tenaciously held but mistaken perception that human activity has a significant influence on it.

The word ‘trend’ is used here for temperatures in two different contexts. To differentiate, α-trend applies to averaging-out the uncertainties in reported average global temperature measurements to produce the average global temperature oscillation resulting from the net ocean surface oscillation. The term β-trend applies to the slower average temperature change of the planet which is associated with change to the average temperature of the bulk volume of the material (mostly water) involved.


And this one is peer reviewed... Too!

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From the Previous Post Document:

"Because CO2 is only a trace gas in the atmosphere (approx. 0.04%), if CO2 change does not cause temperature change, it cannot cause climate change. Thus the CO2 change from burning fossil fuels has no significant effect on climate and climate sensitivity (the effect on AGT of doubling CO2) is not significantly different from zero.

This finding appears to contradict the known absorption of 15 micron radiation by CO2. Suspected explanations for this include that there are so many more 'opportunities' for absorption by water vapor molecules (hundreds of absorption lines per molecule times number of molecules) that the added CO2 'opportunities' have an insignificant effect (single absorption line in the range of significant terrestrial radiation) and/or added TOA CO2 molecules emitting to space compensate for the added molecules absorbing at low altitude.

The two factors which explain the last 300+ years of climate change are also identified in a peer reviewed paper published in Energy and Environment, vol. 25, No. 8, 1455-1471. "

This mathematical construct shows solidly why the alarmist models fail with almost 100% certainty. Cross determinations and verifications added as late as 8/2/15 show this to be a devastating blow to the CO2 drives climate change mantra...
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Meanwhile, a denier-friendly government crashes and burns in Canada, as the Liberals win in a landslide.

We rational people keep racking up the wins in the real world

In contrast, the denier kooks only have their pouty little fantasies here.

I'd tell deniers to get used to losing, but there's no need, given how practiced they are at it. I wonder how they manage to endure the years of constant humiliation? I mean, besides by drinking heavily, something which is apparent in most of their posts.
Meanwhile, a denier-friendly government crashes and burns in Canada, as the Liberals win in a landslide.

We rational people keep racking up the wins in the real world

In contrast, the denier kooks only have their pouty little fantasies here.

I'd tell deniers to get used to losing, but there's no need, given how practiced they are at it. I wonder how they manage to endure the years of constant humiliation? I mean, besides by drinking heavily, something which is apparent in most of their posts.

They must stop the tar sands, for the children!!!!

It's our only hope.
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