More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey gents........can I get you guys to call a truce on the Proton Wars? I mean.....c'mon now!!:2up: And really...........who cares......its all about the winning.:biggrin:
He won't let it ride that I disagree with his CO2 nonsense. Again, nonsense he can't validate. He can't. His belief system is what the warmers are arguing for. It is the only conclusion that can be drawn based on his belief. Since this is a skeptic's winning forum, I'm addressing the winning process by presenting CO2 as what it actually is which is a cooling gas.

I find it funny that they think 400 molecules in a patch of 1,000,000,000 molecules will warm said molecules. Thermal dynamics of it says no. The masses are so greatly different the small trace one, is incapable of affecting the large one, because the smaller one can not warm the other. It simply can not generate enough heat transfer. CO2 is incapable of warming itself so it has noting to offer.

They can scream all day about photon power and Black Body Radiation but the shear mass is simply not in their favor.
Oh, kookpuke, your keeping this braindead bogus delusional thread of yours alive for so long by posting un-ending bullshit and infantile emojis is only "more proof" of what an insane retarded troll you are.

Too bad you're too mentally incapable and incompetent and generally screwed up to comprehend that.
Oh, kookpuke, your keeping this braindead bogus delusional thread of yours alive for so long by posting un-ending bullshit and infantile emojis is only "more proof" of what an insane retarded troll you are.

Too bad you're too mentally incapable and incompetent and generally screwed up to comprehend that.

More AGW k00k losing............and how hard did I laugh when I say THIS >>>

About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040, report says

About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040, report says

So much winning!!!
And ol' kookpuke kindly provides still "more proof" of what an insane retarded troll he truly is.

And far as his braindead claims....well, still a lot of whining, maybe, but kookpuke lost the genetic lottery the day he was born.

From his bogus-source article written by stooges for a doomed industry....

"....According to Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 94% of the global car fleet will still run on fossil fuels in the year 2040."

Always good to check our the sources of the fraudulent junk posted by a hard-core troll like kookpuke.
Oh, kookpuke, your keeping this braindead bogus delusional thread of yours alive for so long by posting un-ending bullshit and infantile emojis is only "more proof" of what an insane retarded troll you are.

Too bad you're too mentally incapable and incompetent and generally screwed up to comprehend that.
he's the OP so how is it he's a troll?
Hey are temps out by you? Here in New York tonight, you cant be out without a heavy hoodie..........under 50 degree's with a cold breeze. This is getting recent years, it stays chilly well into June. I don't get it.......these fuckers keep promising this warming and summers keep getting shorter and shorter. Frankly, it sucks.
Hey are temps out by you? Here in New York tonight, you cant be out without a heavy hoodie..........under 50 degree's with a cold breeze. This is getting recent years, it stays chilly well into June. I don't get it.......these fuckers keep promising this warming and summers keep getting shorter and shorter. Frankly, it sucks.

It's chilly.
Imagine how cold it would be without back-radiation!
Todd........this is southern New York this morning, it feels like mid-October. Im not kidding......Im sitting outside with my coffee in a lined hooded sweatshirt. Opened all the windows last night and there was a very cool crisp breeze. We are heading into would expect this in the Pocono Mountains but not Long Island. This is the third or fourth straight year of this shit but its now getting deeper into the summer we are seeing this.

Todd........this is southern New York this morning, it feels like mid-October. Im not kidding......Im sitting outside with my coffee in a lined hooded sweatshirt. Opened all the windows last night and there was a very cool crisp breeze. We are heading into would expect this in the Pocono Mountains but not Long Island. This is the third or fourth straight year of this shit but its now getting deeper into the summer we are seeing this.

Your going to see this pattern sustain throughout summer. There will be brief times of warmth like the one coming with the high pressure, currently in the nations mid section, three or four times this year but that should be the extent of your regions warmth spikes. Early winter onset will be the name of the game this year as the polar jet has yet to reduce in size and is about 5 weeks late in reduction with the driving polar lows dropping in pressure (means they are strengthening). Even Ice melt has slowed massively in the arctic as the oceans have gone cold and circulations slowed again.

The Northern hemisphere is now in a cooling phase and will be now for about thirty to fifty years.


ANd the ENSO has gone negative sitting at -0.5 now. And its only the first week of June. The La Niña is coming much faster than originally expected. Its going to be real interesting...
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Todd........this is southern New York this morning, it feels like mid-October. Im not kidding......Im sitting outside with my coffee in a lined hooded sweatshirt. Opened all the windows last night and there was a very cool crisp breeze. We are heading into would expect this in the Pocono Mountains but not Long Island. This is the third or fourth straight year of this shit but its now getting deeper into the summer we are seeing this.


Yep, chilly in Chicago too.
Doesn't agree with the atmosphere absorbing, never radiating "theory".
Hey are temps out by you? Here in New York tonight, you cant be out without a heavy hoodie..........under 50 degree's with a cold breeze. This is getting recent years, it stays chilly well into June. I don't get it.......these fuckers keep promising this warming and summers keep getting shorter and shorter. Frankly, it sucks.
it was 48 degrees Wednesday night.
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