More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Here is another authors summary of Greenhouse Effect based on a Paper by the paper by Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist
by Jonathan Gardner
The link to the paper is also in Gardner summary. notice the word perpetual that he uses, I came to the same conclusion as he did if there were indeed a greenhouse effect. hmmmmmm.

"The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth. In plainer words, the Greenhouse Effect is a perpetual machine. No one seems to notice this because all the scientific literature the authors have reviewed simply assume that the Effect exists. This was quite a chore, because there doesn’t even seem to be much agreement on what, precisely, the Greenhouse Effect is."

You sure you want to use the guy as a source?

Regardless, we all know that while energy may transfer from a cold body to a warmer one, HEAT cannot, unless some external work is put into the system somehow.

“Greenhouse Effect” is Real, According to Blog

I hate when that happens.
And, don't understand your point. That doesn't mean there is any energy moving from CO2 to the surface, it is merely that energy can transfer. You have to have energy. Again, you can't supply us with any material that proves CO2. I quoted the reference once already. So post up what doesn't exist.

That doesn't mean there is any energy moving from CO2 to the surface,

SB says there is.

energy may transfer from a cold body to a warmer one

Even Gardner admits it.

it is merely that energy can transfer. You have to have energy.

The atmosphere has energy, energy emitted from the ground and absorbed by the atmosphere.
Here is another authors summary of Greenhouse Effect based on a Paper by the paper by Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist
by Jonathan Gardner
The link to the paper is also in Gardner summary. notice the word perpetual that he uses, I came to the same conclusion as he did if there were indeed a greenhouse effect. hmmmmmm.

"The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth. In plainer words, the Greenhouse Effect is a perpetual machine. No one seems to notice this because all the scientific literature the authors have reviewed simply assume that the Effect exists. This was quite a chore, because there doesn’t even seem to be much agreement on what, precisely, the Greenhouse Effect is."

The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth.

Thanks, that's funny. It's nice that you found someone else as confused about the SB Law as you.

My car parked in the Sun with the windows rolled up knows more about the Greenhouse Effect than that joker.

notice the word perpetual that he uses

I noticed he's a moron. Confusing conduction with radiation. Just sad.

Here's more of his silliness.

Let me help the lay-person understand why the Greenhouse Effect doesn’t exist and can never exist.

At the very simplest, consider a hot cup of water sitting on a counter top at room temperature. What happens? The counter top and surrounding air warms slightly, but the cup of water cool to room temperature. This is the Second Law of Thermodynamics in action. As long as there is heat transfer, the two bodies will come to an equilibrium in temperature. We don’t have to even think about what mechanism of heat transfer exists, we simply have to know that two bodies have different temperatures to know that they will come to an equilibrium. Rather, (as I explain in the appendix below), that a body will eventually emit as much heat as it absorbs.

What people who preach the “Greenhouse Effect” want us to believe is that you can put some kind of insulator between the hot water and the counter top that will keep the water hot indefinitely, or even make it hotter than it was before. Such an insulator doesn’t exist, nor can it. At best, you can slow down the heat transfer process to a crawl, but the water will still cool. The best insulator we have—thermoses—do nothing more than slow down the heat transfer.

“Greenhouse Effect” is Real, According to Blog

I've never seen anyone claim an insulator could make the water hotter than before, but it's possible, the global warmers have idiots on their side as well, so I guess it's possible that some idiot claimed that.

But notice in the bolded sentence, he admits something can slow the escape of heat.
Like a greenhouse, or a layer of greenhouse gasses. LOL!
yep, in that link there is this statement:

"Something in Physics that is called an “Effect” should have plenty of papers written to defend it. After all, “Effects” are not only based on sound theories, but observed in nature. Why could Herman and Pielke not direct us to those papers? Because those papers do not exist, and never will."

dude, I keep finding more and more information that back radiation is a dream concept. You've taken the bait. Sorry friend, as the blogger writes and I agree with is. Why not post up the papers that defend Effect?

And the dude was referring to an insulator for the water, not the earth. Again, that is heat and not IR.

“Effects” are not only based on sound theories, but observed in nature.

Right, I burn my hands on the steering wheel of my car, because the Greenhouse Effect doesn't exist.

And the dude was referring to an insulator for the water, not the earth.

Are you saying his "hot cup of water = the Earth" wasn't a precise comparison?

dude, I keep finding more and more information that back radiation is a dream concept.

I'm sure you do, because you're not alone in your idiocy.
I'm sure you do, because you're not alone in your idiocy.
And yet you still have produced nothing to prove Effect. Dude I have much much more. There are many many and those who did in 1909, so this isn't new. Just post us up the Effects evidence. I'm sure many would be amazed if you did.

And yet you still have produced nothing to prove Effect.

Hot car.
Here is another authors summary of Greenhouse Effect based on a Paper by the paper by Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist
by Jonathan Gardner
The link to the paper is also in Gardner summary. notice the word perpetual that he uses, I came to the same conclusion as he did if there were indeed a greenhouse effect. hmmmmmm.

"The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth. In plainer words, the Greenhouse Effect is a perpetual machine. No one seems to notice this because all the scientific literature the authors have reviewed simply assume that the Effect exists. This was quite a chore, because there doesn’t even seem to be much agreement on what, precisely, the Greenhouse Effect is."

The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth.

Thanks, that's funny. It's nice that you found someone else as confused about the SB Law as you.

My car parked in the Sun with the windows rolled up knows more about the Greenhouse Effect than that joker.

notice the word perpetual that he uses

I noticed he's a moron. Confusing conduction with radiation. Just sad.

Here's more of his silliness.

Let me help the lay-person understand why the Greenhouse Effect doesn’t exist and can never exist.

At the very simplest, consider a hot cup of water sitting on a counter top at room temperature. What happens? The counter top and surrounding air warms slightly, but the cup of water cool to room temperature. This is the Second Law of Thermodynamics in action. As long as there is heat transfer, the two bodies will come to an equilibrium in temperature. We don’t have to even think about what mechanism of heat transfer exists, we simply have to know that two bodies have different temperatures to know that they will come to an equilibrium. Rather, (as I explain in the appendix below), that a body will eventually emit as much heat as it absorbs.

What people who preach the “Greenhouse Effect” want us to believe is that you can put some kind of insulator between the hot water and the counter top that will keep the water hot indefinitely, or even make it hotter than it was before. Such an insulator doesn’t exist, nor can it. At best, you can slow down the heat transfer process to a crawl, but the water will still cool. The best insulator we have—thermoses—do nothing more than slow down the heat transfer.

“Greenhouse Effect” is Real, According to Blog

I've never seen anyone claim an insulator could make the water hotter than before, but it's possible, the global warmers have idiots on their side as well, so I guess it's possible that some idiot claimed that.

But notice in the bolded sentence, he admits something can slow the escape of heat.
Like a greenhouse, or a layer of greenhouse gasses. LOL!
yep, in that link there is this statement:

"Something in Physics that is called an “Effect” should have plenty of papers written to defend it. After all, “Effects” are not only based on sound theories, but observed in nature. Why could Herman and Pielke not direct us to those papers? Because those papers do not exist, and never will."

dude, I keep finding more and more information that back radiation is a dream concept. You've taken the bait. Sorry friend, as the blogger writes and I agree with is. Why not post up the papers that defend Effect?

And the dude was referring to an insulator for the water, not the earth. Again, that is heat and not IR.

“Effects” are not only based on sound theories, but observed in nature.

Right, I burn my hands on the steering wheel of my car, because the Greenhouse Effect doesn't exist.

And the dude was referring to an insulator for the water, not the earth.

Are you saying his "hot cup of water = the Earth" wasn't a precise comparison?

dude, I keep finding more and more information that back radiation is a dream concept.

I'm sure you do, because you're not alone in your idiocy.
Right, I burn my hands on the steering wheel of my car, because the Greenhouse Effect doesn't exist.
Because your steering wheel was heated by sunlight and got hot. That is what the sun actually does, it warms the planet. without it we wouldn't be here. And your steering wheel absorbs the suns energy. Doh, there's the word. LOL dude, nice try. you can't prove your position.

Because your steering wheel was heated by sunlight and got hot. That is what the sun actually does, it warms the planet.

Why doesn't the steering wheel emit heat as fast as it absorbs heat?
The Fallacy of Trapped Heat
"Daily temperatures could be as low as 20 F, or sometimes only 50 F, at the winter cold end. Sometimes winter days were about 30 F peak, sometimes 70 F. It all depended on how much sun we got and if a polar cold air mass landed on our heads. The mobile polar air could knock us down about 10 F. The rest was solar and heat loss. Warmer air could put us up 10 F, but if the next day was poor in sun, we got cold. Overall, the warmth of the day was strongly driven by daily solar heating, moderately by movement of air masses. Water uniformly made things colder. (When a storm would come, it was always cold rain, or hail, and occasional snow; never a warm tropical rain). Here in Florida, we have a warm tropical rain; but even that knocks the temperature down several degrees in minutes.

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
Here is another authors summary of Greenhouse Effect based on a Paper by the paper by Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist
by Jonathan Gardner
The link to the paper is also in Gardner summary. notice the word perpetual that he uses, I came to the same conclusion as he did if there were indeed a greenhouse effect. hmmmmmm.

"The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth. In plainer words, the Greenhouse Effect is a perpetual machine. No one seems to notice this because all the scientific literature the authors have reviewed simply assume that the Effect exists. This was quite a chore, because there doesn’t even seem to be much agreement on what, precisely, the Greenhouse Effect is."

You sure you want to use the guy as a source?

Regardless, we all know that while energy may transfer from a cold body to a warmer one, HEAT cannot, unless some external work is put into the system somehow.

“Greenhouse Effect” is Real, According to Blog

I hate when that happens.
And, don't understand your point. That doesn't mean there is any energy moving from CO2 to the surface, it is merely that energy can transfer. You have to have energy. Again, you can't supply us with any material that proves CO2. I quoted the reference once already. So post up what doesn't exist.

That doesn't mean there is any energy moving from CO2 to the surface,

SB says there is.

energy may transfer from a cold body to a warmer one

Even Gardner admits it.

it is merely that energy can transfer. You have to have energy.

The atmosphere has energy, energy emitted from the ground and absorbed by the atmosphere.
The atmosphere has energy, energy emitted from the ground and absorbed by the atmosphere.

And all going to space. again, you have no evidence it comes back down. post it, let's see it.
The Fallacy of Trapped Heat
"Daily temperatures could be as low as 20 F, or sometimes only 50 F, at the winter cold end. Sometimes winter days were about 30 F peak, sometimes 70 F. It all depended on how much sun we got and if a polar cold air mass landed on our heads. The mobile polar air could knock us down about 10 F. The rest was solar and heat loss. Warmer air could put us up 10 F, but if the next day was poor in sun, we got cold. Overall, the warmth of the day was strongly driven by daily solar heating, moderately by movement of air masses. Water uniformly made things colder. (When a storm would come, it was always cold rain, or hail, and occasional snow; never a warm tropical rain). Here in Florida, we have a warm tropical rain; but even that knocks the temperature down several degrees in minutes.

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.
Here is another authors summary of Greenhouse Effect based on a Paper by the paper by Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist
by Jonathan Gardner
The link to the paper is also in Gardner summary. notice the word perpetual that he uses, I came to the same conclusion as he did if there were indeed a greenhouse effect. hmmmmmm.

"The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth. In plainer words, the Greenhouse Effect is a perpetual machine. No one seems to notice this because all the scientific literature the authors have reviewed simply assume that the Effect exists. This was quite a chore, because there doesn’t even seem to be much agreement on what, precisely, the Greenhouse Effect is."

The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth.

Thanks, that's funny. It's nice that you found someone else as confused about the SB Law as you.

My car parked in the Sun with the windows rolled up knows more about the Greenhouse Effect than that joker.

notice the word perpetual that he uses

I noticed he's a moron. Confusing conduction with radiation. Just sad.

Here's more of his silliness.

Let me help the lay-person understand why the Greenhouse Effect doesn’t exist and can never exist.

At the very simplest, consider a hot cup of water sitting on a counter top at room temperature. What happens? The counter top and surrounding air warms slightly, but the cup of water cool to room temperature. This is the Second Law of Thermodynamics in action. As long as there is heat transfer, the two bodies will come to an equilibrium in temperature. We don’t have to even think about what mechanism of heat transfer exists, we simply have to know that two bodies have different temperatures to know that they will come to an equilibrium. Rather, (as I explain in the appendix below), that a body will eventually emit as much heat as it absorbs.

What people who preach the “Greenhouse Effect” want us to believe is that you can put some kind of insulator between the hot water and the counter top that will keep the water hot indefinitely, or even make it hotter than it was before. Such an insulator doesn’t exist, nor can it. At best, you can slow down the heat transfer process to a crawl, but the water will still cool. The best insulator we have—thermoses—do nothing more than slow down the heat transfer.

“Greenhouse Effect” is Real, According to Blog

I've never seen anyone claim an insulator could make the water hotter than before, but it's possible, the global warmers have idiots on their side as well, so I guess it's possible that some idiot claimed that.

But notice in the bolded sentence, he admits something can slow the escape of heat.
Like a greenhouse, or a layer of greenhouse gasses. LOL!
yep, in that link there is this statement:

"Something in Physics that is called an “Effect” should have plenty of papers written to defend it. After all, “Effects” are not only based on sound theories, but observed in nature. Why could Herman and Pielke not direct us to those papers? Because those papers do not exist, and never will."

dude, I keep finding more and more information that back radiation is a dream concept. You've taken the bait. Sorry friend, as the blogger writes and I agree with is. Why not post up the papers that defend Effect?

And the dude was referring to an insulator for the water, not the earth. Again, that is heat and not IR.

“Effects” are not only based on sound theories, but observed in nature.

Right, I burn my hands on the steering wheel of my car, because the Greenhouse Effect doesn't exist.

And the dude was referring to an insulator for the water, not the earth.

Are you saying his "hot cup of water = the Earth" wasn't a precise comparison?

dude, I keep finding more and more information that back radiation is a dream concept.

I'm sure you do, because you're not alone in your idiocy.
I'm sure you do, because you're not alone in your idiocy.
And yet you still have produced nothing to prove Effect. Dude I have much much more. There are many many and those who did in 1909, so this isn't new. Just post us up the Effects evidence. I'm sure many would be amazed if you did.

And yet you still have produced nothing to prove Effect.

Hot car.
yep by the sun, that yellow ball in space. Almost seems like you are a sun denier. Funny.
Here is another authors summary of Greenhouse Effect based on a Paper by the paper by Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist

Explaining Why The Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist
by Jonathan Gardner
The link to the paper is also in Gardner summary. notice the word perpetual that he uses, I came to the same conclusion as he did if there were indeed a greenhouse effect. hmmmmmm.

"The summary is basically that the Greenhouse Effect, if it existed, would imply a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or that there is a heat pump forcing heat to transfer from the atmosphere to the earth. In plainer words, the Greenhouse Effect is a perpetual machine. No one seems to notice this because all the scientific literature the authors have reviewed simply assume that the Effect exists. This was quite a chore, because there doesn’t even seem to be much agreement on what, precisely, the Greenhouse Effect is."

You sure you want to use the guy as a source?

Regardless, we all know that while energy may transfer from a cold body to a warmer one, HEAT cannot, unless some external work is put into the system somehow.

“Greenhouse Effect” is Real, According to Blog

I hate when that happens.
And, don't understand your point. That doesn't mean there is any energy moving from CO2 to the surface, it is merely that energy can transfer. You have to have energy. Again, you can't supply us with any material that proves CO2. I quoted the reference once already. So post up what doesn't exist.

That doesn't mean there is any energy moving from CO2 to the surface,

SB says there is.

energy may transfer from a cold body to a warmer one

Even Gardner admits it.

it is merely that energy can transfer. You have to have energy.

The atmosphere has energy, energy emitted from the ground and absorbed by the atmosphere.
The atmosphere has energy, energy emitted from the ground and absorbed by the atmosphere.

And all going to space. again, you have no evidence it comes back down. post it, let's see it.

And all going to space.

All of it? Instantly?

again, you have no evidence it comes back down.

Because smart photons only travel up, never down?

post it, let's see it.

I'd post it, but I froze last night, when the temperature dropped to -240F.
The Fallacy of Trapped Heat
"Daily temperatures could be as low as 20 F, or sometimes only 50 F, at the winter cold end. Sometimes winter days were about 30 F peak, sometimes 70 F. It all depended on how much sun we got and if a polar cold air mass landed on our heads. The mobile polar air could knock us down about 10 F. The rest was solar and heat loss. Warmer air could put us up 10 F, but if the next day was poor in sun, we got cold. Overall, the warmth of the day was strongly driven by daily solar heating, moderately by movement of air masses. Water uniformly made things colder. (When a storm would come, it was always cold rain, or hail, and occasional snow; never a warm tropical rain). Here in Florida, we have a warm tropical rain; but even that knocks the temperature down several degrees in minutes.

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.

I really don't care what your belief system is.

I believe the Moon drops to -240F after the Sun sets. I believe the Earth doesn't get that cold.
What do you believe?
The Fallacy of Trapped Heat
"Daily temperatures could be as low as 20 F, or sometimes only 50 F, at the winter cold end. Sometimes winter days were about 30 F peak, sometimes 70 F. It all depended on how much sun we got and if a polar cold air mass landed on our heads. The mobile polar air could knock us down about 10 F. The rest was solar and heat loss. Warmer air could put us up 10 F, but if the next day was poor in sun, we got cold. Overall, the warmth of the day was strongly driven by daily solar heating, moderately by movement of air masses. Water uniformly made things colder. (When a storm would come, it was always cold rain, or hail, and occasional snow; never a warm tropical rain). Here in Florida, we have a warm tropical rain; but even that knocks the temperature down several degrees in minutes.

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.

I really don't care what your belief system is.

I believe the Moon drops to -240F after the Sun sets. I believe the Earth doesn't get that cold.
What do you believe?
I believe the oceans heat the earth and that the moon doesn't have them. Oh, and we have air and circulation and convection and clouds and many other things the moon doesn't have.
The Fallacy of Trapped Heat
"Daily temperatures could be as low as 20 F, or sometimes only 50 F, at the winter cold end. Sometimes winter days were about 30 F peak, sometimes 70 F. It all depended on how much sun we got and if a polar cold air mass landed on our heads. The mobile polar air could knock us down about 10 F. The rest was solar and heat loss. Warmer air could put us up 10 F, but if the next day was poor in sun, we got cold. Overall, the warmth of the day was strongly driven by daily solar heating, moderately by movement of air masses. Water uniformly made things colder. (When a storm would come, it was always cold rain, or hail, and occasional snow; never a warm tropical rain). Here in Florida, we have a warm tropical rain; but even that knocks the temperature down several degrees in minutes.

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.

I really don't care what your belief system is.

I believe the Moon drops to -240F after the Sun sets. I believe the Earth doesn't get that cold.
What do you believe?
I believe the oceans heat the earth and that the moon doesn't have them. Oh, and we have air and circulation and convection and clouds and many other things the moon doesn't have.

I believe the oceans heat the earth

Some secret fusion going on that you're keeping secret?
The Fallacy of Trapped Heat
"Daily temperatures could be as low as 20 F, or sometimes only 50 F, at the winter cold end. Sometimes winter days were about 30 F peak, sometimes 70 F. It all depended on how much sun we got and if a polar cold air mass landed on our heads. The mobile polar air could knock us down about 10 F. The rest was solar and heat loss. Warmer air could put us up 10 F, but if the next day was poor in sun, we got cold. Overall, the warmth of the day was strongly driven by daily solar heating, moderately by movement of air masses. Water uniformly made things colder. (When a storm would come, it was always cold rain, or hail, and occasional snow; never a warm tropical rain). Here in Florida, we have a warm tropical rain; but even that knocks the temperature down several degrees in minutes.

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.

I really don't care what your belief system is.

I believe the Moon drops to -240F after the Sun sets. I believe the Earth doesn't get that cold.
What do you believe?
I believe the oceans heat the earth and that the moon doesn't have them. Oh, and we have air and circulation and convection and clouds and many other things the moon doesn't have.

I believe the oceans heat the earth

Some secret fusion going on that you're keeping secret?
nope, heat the kind stored there after the sun hits it. you know that yellow ball in space. It heats the water and the water releases the heat into the convection/ circulation of the earth, you know wind, ever hear of that? How about evaporation, do you even know how storms are created? wow, dude I gave you way too much credit. BTW, how many storms does the moon have, hahahahahahahahaahahhhaa
So again, where is all the heat “trapped”?"

Wow, you found a dumber source. Shocker.
When the Sun sets, the Earth quickly cools to -240F.
Because no heat is trapped.

Oh, wait, that's the Moon.
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.

I really don't care what your belief system is.

I believe the Moon drops to -240F after the Sun sets. I believe the Earth doesn't get that cold.
What do you believe?
I believe the oceans heat the earth and that the moon doesn't have them. Oh, and we have air and circulation and convection and clouds and many other things the moon doesn't have.

I believe the oceans heat the earth

Some secret fusion going on that you're keeping secret?
nope, heat the kind stored there after the sun hits it. you know that yellow ball in space. It heats the water and the water releases the heat into the convection/ circulation of the earth, you know wind, ever hear of that? How about evaporation, do you even know how storms are created? wow, dude I gave you way too much credit. BTW, how many storms does the moon have, hahahahahahahahaahahhhaa

nope, heat the kind stored there after the sun hits it. you know that yellow ball in space.

You said the oceans heat the Earth. Now you're saying the Sun heats the Earth by heating the oceans.

That's a pretty big difference.
The AGW contingent recently big on threads in here identifying hurricanes and typhoons getting out of control due to global warming...........

A complete and total crock of shit.:woohoo:

But don't take my word for it.........take a gander into this link and check out the history of Typhoons over the centuries!! Big......deadly........destructive as hell. Part of our climate........always have been............always will be.:bye1:

Bhola Cyclone, Bangladesh 1970 (Nov 12) Bay of Bengal 300,000 - 500,000
yeah cause you're the man, LOL the numbers are climbing on you bub. I really don't care what your belief system is. I have mine. Why is that so difficult for ya? if it really mattered that much you could merely post up your supporting evidence.

I really don't care what your belief system is.

I believe the Moon drops to -240F after the Sun sets. I believe the Earth doesn't get that cold.
What do you believe?
I believe the oceans heat the earth and that the moon doesn't have them. Oh, and we have air and circulation and convection and clouds and many other things the moon doesn't have.

I believe the oceans heat the earth

Some secret fusion going on that you're keeping secret?
nope, heat the kind stored there after the sun hits it. you know that yellow ball in space. It heats the water and the water releases the heat into the convection/ circulation of the earth, you know wind, ever hear of that? How about evaporation, do you even know how storms are created? wow, dude I gave you way too much credit. BTW, how many storms does the moon have, hahahahahahahahaahahhhaa

nope, heat the kind stored there after the sun hits it. you know that yellow ball in space.

You said the oceans heat the Earth. Now you're saying the Sun heats the Earth by heating the oceans.

That's a pretty big difference.
ok frances
Hey gents........can I get you guys to call a truce on the Proton Wars? I mean.....c'mon now!!:2up: And really...........who cares......its all about the winning.:biggrin:
He won't let it ride that I disagree with his CO2 nonsense. Again, nonsense he can't validate. He can't. His belief system is what the warmers are arguing for. It is the only conclusion that can be drawn based on his belief. Since this is a skeptic's winning forum, I'm addressing the winning process by presenting CO2 as what it actually is which is a cooling gas.
Hey gents........can I get you guys to call a truce on the Proton Wars? I mean.....c'mon now!!:2up: And really...........who cares......its all about the winning.:biggrin:
He won't let it ride that I disagree with his CO2 nonsense. Again, nonsense he can't validate. He can't. His belief system is what the warmers are arguing for. It is the only conclusion that can be drawn based on his belief. Since this is a skeptic's winning forum, I'm addressing the winning process by presenting CO2 as what it actually is which is a cooling gas.

I'm addressing the winning process by presenting CO2 as what it actually is which is a cooling gas.

Ohhhh......tell me more!
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