More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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So much for the alarmist hopes of a step increase in global temperature with the last El Niño.. This is a spectacular drop in GAT...


Spectacular Drop In Global Average Satellite Temperatures

The hits just keep on coming... We are now below what many consider to be the next logical step 'up' increase they were hoping for and there are no signs that the cooling is slowing, it is accelerating by all measures..
So much for the alarmist hopes of a step increase in global temperature with the last El Niño.. This is a spectacular drop in GAT...


Spectacular Drop In Global Average Satellite Temperatures

The hits just keep on coming... We are now below what many consider to be the next logical step 'up' increase they were hoping for and there are no signs that the cooling is slowing, it is accelerating by all measures..

nobody cares about .3 degrees s0ns!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
So much for the alarmist hopes of a step increase in global temperature with the last El Niño.. This is a spectacular drop in GAT...


Spectacular Drop In Global Average Satellite Temperatures

The hits just keep on coming... We are now below what many consider to be the next logical step 'up' increase they were hoping for and there are no signs that the cooling is slowing, it is accelerating by all measures..

nobody cares about .3 degrees s0ns!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

0.3 deg C in ONE MONTH! not over the span of three decades... or even three months.. I give you that its the down side of a warm ocean phase, but the other indicators, the jets stream and polar lows intensifying are the tattletale signs of what is coming... and it isn't warming...
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Bob Tisdale has wonderful piece over at WUWT and many from BEST are commenting on it. He has compared models to PAST showing their fiddling that has occurred. there is no predictive part to them.


HE shows how the rise is very, very, small when reality and unaltered data is used, just 0.073 deg C / decade. This is just 1/5th of the warming that CO2 alone should be causing.

Several of the commentators are from the Berkeley Earth Science Team and they appear to concur with Bob's findings... ??Admission that their adjustments are unreliable and unneeded. ?? Its a real eye opener..


TO make matters worse for alarmists, Hansen and Company have put out a new model showing the potential cooling in these models in another article....

Are Scientists Preparing for a FlipFlop Back to Global Cooling Predictions?


They are now hedging their bets and trying to minimize the damage of a cooling world on their agenda... Other planets in our solar system are now cooling, and we will not be far behind.

The alarmists are scrambling to remain relevant and keep their funding alive...
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Looks like the Aurora Borialis will be seen very brightly above the poles tonight... Geomagnetic waves are now hitting the polar regions with some force... One good X class flare and it will light up brightly...

My niece in AK has been watching the lights for three nights already...

But everything else is flat line or negative....
Great stuff fact, looks like good chance for abrupt cooling..............

North Atlantic ocean circulation and abrupt climate change during the last glaciation | Science

So says the former Director of NASA!!!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

These bozo's........putting this warming out there as science. What a crock.........:rock::rock::spinner:

Hansen has now covered the whole spectrum of possible events... [Proving he doesn't know what the hell is going to happen..] This is called hedging your bets.. no matter what happens you can claim you were right...
Australian elections forced by the enviro- wacko left wing idiot who took over from Tony Abbot have resulted in the enviro wackos being kicked out of office... Whoosh... setting up up a return to office by Abbott when the change occurs latter this year.

Talk of killing all UN climate payments, a hard look at the real science to see if Parliament has been misled, and placing all green power on equal footing by removing all subsides and forced mandates to use them ....

Looks like the plan to place enviro wackos in charge backfired on the alarmists... Veto wont stop the changes coming from the new senate....

Green Panic: “Deniers” may hold the Balance of Power in the Aussie Senate
Looks to me like the Aussies have spoken and kicked out the PC and Enviro-Marxists...all in one fail swoop.. IN an election the new priminister forced in an effort to put in place his own cronies... The people said NO!
Australian elections forced by the enviro- wacko left wing idiot who took over from Tony Abbot have resulted in the enviro wackos being kicked out of office... Whoosh... setting up up a return to office by Abbott when the change occurs latter this year.

Talk of killing all UN climate payments, a hard look at the real science to see if Parliament has been misled, and placing all green power on equal footing by removing all subsides and forced mandates to use them ....

Looks like the plan to place enviro wackos in charge backfired on the alarmists... Veto wont stop the changes coming from the new senate....

Green Panic: “Deniers” may hold the Balance of Power in the Aussie Senate

Skeptics winning all over the planet.........because, like in Germany for example, they pols promised all the wonders of renewable energy..........which the people loved and embraced...........until the started getting their electric bills!!:2up:
Australian elections forced by the enviro- wacko left wing idiot who took over from Tony Abbot have resulted in the enviro wackos being kicked out of office... Whoosh... setting up up a return to office by Abbott when the change occurs latter this year.

Talk of killing all UN climate payments, a hard look at the real science to see if Parliament has been misled, and placing all green power on equal footing by removing all subsides and forced mandates to use them ....

Looks like the plan to place enviro wackos in charge backfired on the alarmists... Veto wont stop the changes coming from the new senate....

Green Panic: “Deniers” may hold the Balance of Power in the Aussie Senate

Skeptics winning all over the planet.........because, like in Germany for example, they pols promised all the wonders of renewable energy..........which the people loved and embraced...........until the started getting their electric bills!!:2up:
This morning there is also talk of restoring the gun rights of the people too... this is gonna sting the Marxists down under.... THe OWG crowd will not be pleased that the public is again armed..
Fuck the Aussies..........nobody cares about them anyway!! They are instructive for one thing: To show America how progressive policies end up imploding!!

Hey Billy............JC.............check it out. Looks like the alarmist scientists are getting frustrated that nobody is listening to them..........

Top U.S. Science Organizations Hammer Congress on Climate Change—Again
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