More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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NOAA, GISS and NASA diverging from reality at an alarming rate..


Last minuet adjustments to the model before real scientists get back in control.. Its going to be refreshing to see real science and real justifications again.. I just hope the hacks haven't destroyed the raw data..

Go Trump!
Climate “Science” on Trial; Confirmed Mythbusters Busted Practicing Science Sophistry

BWhaaaaaaaaa. The Mythbusters CO2 'experiment lies revealed..

"Mythbusters then adds CO2 and methane to the chamber. Remember, CO2 is 400 ppm with a maximum of 7,000 ppm. Methane is 1,800 parts per billion (ppb), with an unknown maximum. Given those ranges, what CO2 concentration did Mythbusters use? 7.351 parts per hundred, or 7.351%. 400 ppm is 0.04%, 7,000 ppm is 0.7%. 7.351% is 183x the CO2 concentration of today, and 10.50x the highest concentration CO2 could ever reach on Earth."

The lie was huge, but it did prove that the IPCC's CO2, at even very exaggerated levels, could not do what they purported..
NOAA, GISS and NASA diverging from reality at an alarming rate..


Last minuet adjustments to the model before real scientists get back in control.. Its going to be refreshing to see real science and real justifications again.. I just hope the hacks haven't destroyed the raw data..

Go Trump!

Great graph find Billy.......yep.....its getting absurd. Now these phonies are not even trying hard anymore........just chucking numbers into the temperature data at random >>


Anybody with half a brain knows how laughable renewables are........embraced only by the hopelessly duped in our society. Until recently, even I didn't realize how short of a lifespan the materials have!! Never mentioned by the k00ks of course.......they play it like components are maintenance-free for 100 years!!:2up:

Hey Billy...........anything new from Trump yet on the EPA/Climate Change? I all ready to start dishing out more of THESE >>

funny how someone can lose their job because they don't buy into the stuff. ah that 1st amendment violated by the left yet again. wow.

JC.....have you ever seen such profound levels of utter derangement from these progressives. And with every uptick, they step in it deeper. In 40 years of following politics, Ive never been more amused.......and this is by far!!:2up:

And to watch the whole climate science community efforts falling faster than a stone in water for 10 years BEFORE Trump got elected.........who has had more fun than us in here?:deal::deal:

And wait until Trump starts whacking these morons in the head with a baseball bat when he gets Scott Pruitts recommendations. can actually visualize the usual suspects in here sitting at their computers and seeing their purple faces turning to heads popping!!:blowup:


Anybody with half a brain knows how laughable renewables are........embraced only by the hopelessly duped in our society. Until recently, even I didn't realize how short of a lifespan the materials have!! Never mentioned by the k00ks of course.......they play it like components are maintenance-free for 100 years!!:2up:

Hey Billy...........anything new from Trump yet on the EPA/Climate Change? I all ready to start dishing out more of THESE >>

Is that a cucumber or a green turd?
Here is another business idea:

They expected that Hillary would breast feed them but that can`t happen now.
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide can’t cause Global Warming

"The ocean contains a colossal 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres of water! To heat it, even by a small amount, takes a staggering amount of energy. To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

Let’s put this amount of energy in perspective. If we all turned off all our appliances and went and lived in caves, and then devoted every coal, nuclear, gas, hydro, wind and solar power plant to just heating the ocean, it would take a breathtaking 32,000 years to heat the ocean by just this 1˚C!"

Now that is perspective!
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide can’t cause Global Warming

"The ocean contains a colossal 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres of water! To heat it, even by a small amount, takes a staggering amount of energy. To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

Let’s put this amount of energy in perspective. If we all turned off all our appliances and went and lived in caves, and then devoted every coal, nuclear, gas, hydro, wind and solar power plant to just heating the ocean, it would take a breathtaking 32,000 years to heat the ocean by just this 1˚C!"

Now that is perspective!

To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

How many joules from sunlight hit the Earth?
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide can’t cause Global Warming

"The ocean contains a colossal 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres of water! To heat it, even by a small amount, takes a staggering amount of energy. To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

Let’s put this amount of energy in perspective. If we all turned off all our appliances and went and lived in caves, and then devoted every coal, nuclear, gas, hydro, wind and solar power plant to just heating the ocean, it would take a breathtaking 32,000 years to heat the ocean by just this 1˚C!"

Now that is perspective!

To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

How many joules from sunlight hit the Earth?
how many joules? I'm sure you know this right? why don't you just post it up here? why do you want to take this down into your rat hole?
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide can’t cause Global Warming

"The ocean contains a colossal 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres of water! To heat it, even by a small amount, takes a staggering amount of energy. To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

Let’s put this amount of energy in perspective. If we all turned off all our appliances and went and lived in caves, and then devoted every coal, nuclear, gas, hydro, wind and solar power plant to just heating the ocean, it would take a breathtaking 32,000 years to heat the ocean by just this 1˚C!"

Now that is perspective!

To heat it by a mere 1˚C, for example, an astonishing 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy are required.

How many joules from sunlight hit the Earth?

If your looking for an arbitrary number you wont get it from me.

One: The earth is a rotating sphere, so any calculation would be arbitrary and needs to include angles of incidence, albedo, and time over head to gain any realistic idea of energy delivered. A blanket number showing enough energy to warm without showing reality would be disingenuous.

Two: Rates of energy release increase with temperature increase creating clouds, which block/reflect incoming energy. So any blanket statement would be deceptive.

When you do actual science the AGW crap fails every time..
OK.....this had me laughing this morning...............

Possible Trump science advisor says global warming is a 'non-problem' not worth investing in
Robert Ferris | @RobertoFerris
Thursday, 16 Feb 2017 | 3:25 PM

A prominent but controversial physicist who recently met with President Donald Trump says global warming is a "non-problem" not worth investing in, that CO2 is actually good for the atmosphere and the planet, and that the debate over climate change is driven by alarmists and is distracting the public from other more pressing problems.
lol.....nobody is caring................

All the AGW k00ks in here are telling us daily how this is the most critical issue of our times!! Talk about "fake news".

We have about what.........4,000.......5,000 USMB board members.

And how many post regularly about global warming? Ten? Maybe?:2up:
and still haven't justified climate change is an issue.
lol.....nobody is caring................

All the AGW k00ks in here are telling us daily how this is the most critical issue of our times!! Talk about "fake news".

We have about what.........4,000.......5,000 USMB board members.

And how many post regularly about global warming? Ten? Maybe?:2up:
and still haven't justified climate change is an issue.

JC...........the level of eye poking is going to become ePiC this year!! Im going to have to lay off the coffee to keep me from laughing to hard and Im not even kidding!! Watching these suckers melt down is high value entertainment for me....the blast of the bumpy cucumbers! The fun level gets sillier by the day.
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