More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Correlation always means causation.........but only to a specific category of science.

Lets remember now........whenever someone talks about what “the science” says, they are misrepresenting the nature of scientific knowledge in order to make a political point
WUWT? Just as well quote the Daily Globe. Same credibility.
Once again ignorance... Address the topic, not those showing that you are ignorant and don't have science or a clue about what it is your trying to denigrate..

I pay no attention to that stuff for a few years is a standard response by all progressives these days.( when within the article, there is a direct link to the study :disbelief: ). Only dupes the uninformed but if you are visiting a forum like this, you're not likely to be amongst the hopelessly duped.

Look at our PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING thread.......its had about 4 billion "views" and the Environment forum is still not a real draw on this message board.:popcorn:. Because we lay out devastating information every day in here and the AGW folks are on the defensive every day.
Any atmospheric physicist knows that the ozone hole is directly coupled with solar actively and angle if incidence. Guess what.. were at lows in both.. SO this is to be expected. This also means that both polar regions are going to cool rapidly.. But that has been going on now for about 10 years already when you remove the made up crap the alarmists have been lying about.

I lost the article a while back in a catastrophic computer crash, but at one time I had the article published by the expedition that first "discovered" the ozone hole in antarctica. The didn't discover it, they went there specifically to prove it was there. They hypothesized that because the sun was weaker at the southern pole and coming in at a very shallow angle, that there would not be enough incoming radiation to react with oxygen and support formation of O3 and therefore there would be a hole in the ozone layer....the next year they went to the arctic to prove the same phenomenon.

Algore jumped on this finding and used it to promote a panic as a favor to his largest contributor...3m who just happened to have a more expensive and less efficient replacement for freon which can destroy ozone in a controlled experiment.

I have looked but can't seem to find it anywhere...surprising how that sort of stuff disappears from the internet. Wish I could remember the names, maybe it could be found with the way back machine.
To my skeptic pals..............was just thinking............can you imagine how violently the heads of the AGW bozo's explode when this thread pops up daily on the top of this page with a million posts and about 4 billion "views".

CO2 Emissions Surge: Greens “Disappointed” by Economic Growth

Well Skooks you said it was coming....

The One world government ass clowns hell bent on destroying the US are pissed..

Know whats most hysterical Billy??

Trump wants a growth economy and the progressives rail against it daily. But the only way renewable energy has a chance to REALLY grow is with an economy that is running at 3+% GDP. I stoopid are these people? They think it is gonna happen with anemic 1% GDP...........fucking asshats.:spinner::spinner:
OH NO! Antarctic melt and west sheet instability are NOT CAUSED BY GLOBAL WARMING.....

New map of Antarctic geothermal heat suggests Steig & Mann 2009 weren’t measuring ‘global warming’

New Antarctic heat map reveals sub-ice hotspots

An international team of scientists, led by British Antarctic Survey (BAS), has produced a new map showing how much heat from the Earth’s interior is reaching the base of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The map is published this week (Monday 13 November) in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The team has produced the most up to date, accurate and high-resolution map of the so-called ‘geothermal heat flux’ at the base of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Of the basic information that shapes and controls ice flow, the most poorly known about is this heat.


The climate conference this year will be the same as every year.......long on rhetoric and skimpy on results. Its like a bunch of omnipotent hobbyists getting together to sip on red wine and shoot the breeze for a few days!!
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