More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Another bad day for the global warming nutters...............brand new research out of the MET Office. What a surprise.............previous modeling was embellished.

No immediate threat to the planet.......... Climate change not as threatening to planet as previously thought, new research suggests

They also condemned the “overreaction” to the US’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, announced by Donald Trump in June, saying it is unlikely to make a significant difference.

According to the models used to draw up the agreement, the world ought now to be 1.3 degrees above the mid-19th-Century average, whereas the most recent observations suggest it is actually between 0.9 to 1 degree above.

Gavin’s Twitter Trick


Gavin Schmidt and his minions caught doctoring the records again and widening the MOE to make it appear as if the Models have not failed....


I guess if the lie isn't working make it bigger... These retards are just stunning to me...
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Gavin’s Twitter Trick


Gavin Schmidt and his minions caught doctoring the records again and widening the MOE to make it appear as if the Models have not failed....


I guess if the lie isn't working make it bigger... These retards are just stunning to me...

Great find Billy.............dang over the last year we've seen so much uncovered in terms of the doctoring of the data. Gee.....but didn't they say a few years ago the science is decided?:dunno:
From the world of left wing fools have totally lost it department....

Jerry Brown (Democrat California) and his totalitarian regime are now threatening to take away all internal combustion engines from the populace.

How Stupid can you get? There are over thirty articles claiming doom and gloom, this week alone, from the left wing fools and most Americans are ignoring them, but this one takes the cake.. These people are desperate!

Let just line the populace up against the wall and use machine guns on them... It would be less painful and there would be little suffering. IF your aim is to kill off the populace and force them into submission to your dictates, then this is your ticket to be just like China..

Does anyone think critically in California? My God this man is insane and a certifiable megalomaniac.

‘Why haven’t we done something already?’: California mulling ban on fossil-fuel vehicles
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From the world of left wing fools have totally lost it department....

Jerry Brown (Democrat California) and his totalitarian regime are now threatening to take away all internal combustion engines from the populace.

How Stupid can you get? There are over thirty articles claiming doom and gloom, this week alone, from the left wing fools and most Americans are ignoring them, but this one takes the cake.. These people are desperate!

Let just line the populace up against the wall and use machine guns on them... It would be less painful and there would be little suffering. IF your aim is to kill off the populace and force them into submission to your dictates, then this is your ticket to be just like China..

Does anyone think critically in California? My God this man is insane and a certifiable megalomaniac.

‘Why haven’t we done something already?’: California mulling ban on fossil-fuel vehicles

I say go.......go........go Jerry. That shithole state will be the litmus test for all the dopey liberal idea's that never work. The faster that state falls into the ocean, the better for all of us because otherwise, we're going to all be bailing those assholes out.
"The Carribean eyeing solar power after hurricanes"...........

What a crock of shit........duh..........the entire island's solar farms were wiped out in one hour. Go look at the YouTube vids.......wondering why there is zero power in PR? Because all of the solar farms and windmills are gone!! Another brilliant liberal idea in the sewer of history.

Storm-Ravaged Caribbean Is Eyeing Solar, But It Won’t Come Cheap

These people need one thing: fortified conventional energy power stations and cheap energy.
Dr Judith Curry calls out left wing and AGW Alarmists... Recent Hurricanes are not the result of climate change.... Even the boys at the Boulder AP Lab agree..

"The group that I like is really the NOAA group in Boulder, who looks at the historical record and tries to see is there anything unusual. Looking back a hundred years, is this exceptional in any way? If it is not particularly exceptional, given the record we have for the last hundred years, then it’s hard to argue that climate changed. Occasionally we do get genuinely record-breaking events. Then we need to trace back to what was the atmospheric dynamics, and whatever that contributed to that event and you need to tease it out. It needs a lot of detective work."

Cutting through the myths about Irma, Harvey, and climate change.

A new essay out shows why the "hottest" ever meme is nothing but shear propaganda... The MOE (Margin Of Error) is so wide that certainty is no less than 1 deg C and 1" inch and claims they are much narrower is shear fantasy...

But any one who deals in real science understood this any way.. Only the fanatic alarmists are flailing about with memes of 100th's of a degree fantasies.

Durable Original Measurement Uncertainty
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I loved this comment;

"The first place to start is to point out that Global Average Temperature is NOT a “physical quantity”. You can not take the average of temperature, especially across vastly different media like land sea and ice. It’s scientific bullshit.

Are land + sea temperature averages meaningful?
Are land + sea temperature averages meaningful?

Before you start arguing about uncertainty ( which is a very good argument to get into ) you need to make sure are measuring something that is physically meaningful."

Dr Curry and this commenter hit it right on the head... ITS NOT MEANINGFUL so it has NO USE!
In temperature, a trend showing an increase of 1 deg C from measurements with a +/- 0.5 deg C (i.e. 1 deg C MOE) cannot be treated as a valid trend until it is well beyond the 1 deg C, and even then it remains questionable.

The first point; When you couple this with the fact, prior to 1957 the unit of measurement was rainfall in inches and temperature in oF and from 1957 they are in mm and oC. All these had to be converted to mm and oC for global comparison. Your MOE remains and becomes sightly greater due to the adjustment of the data out to one decimal point.

The second is correcting to first place of decimal while averaging: 34.15 is 34.1; 34.16 is 34.2; 34.14 is 34.1 and 34.25 is 34.3; 34.26 is 34.3; 34.24 is 34.2. Your error bounds increase by almost another full deg in the case of temperature and 0.5 inches in measurement.

With all the conversions and corrections going on the MEAN is useless as its current slope is inside of the MOE.. Which makes it meaningless and severely questionable...
Minnesota wind farms are nearing the fail point. Wind generation and the lack of base load power generation capacity to take care of the system, when the wind no longer blows, is nearing the Australian Province failure level... The grid has forbidden outside "dirty" energy so they can not support their power grid efficiently or continuously... And here comes winter... This is going to end badly even after spending over 15 Billion to put up massive wind farms...

Minnesota wind farms are nearing the fail point. Wind generation and the lack of base load power generation capacity to take care of the system, when the wind no longer blows, is nearing the Australian Province failure level... The grid has forbidden outside "dirty" energy so they can not support their power grid efficiently or continuously... And here comes winter... This is going to end badly even after spending over 15 Billion to put up massive wind farms...


renewables are ghey............

Every progressive truly believes that in a few years, we will be dominated by renewables......because everywhere they go get info on this it is fake.

Heres the real poop........... the Obama EIA projection to 2050 on renewables.( ummm.....its that little green sliver on the graph below :popcorn::rofl::rofl::popcorn:)
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