More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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I have no comment, I don't know what material he is referring to. It's not clear the point he was making.

I don't know what material he is referring to.

His link doesn't match his comment.......

A covalence bond (chemical bond) is a MAGNETIC WAVE... Just as the suns mass creates a MAGNETIC WAVE which holds planets in orbit... These waves are what hold other matter in orbit of the nucleus. Those bonds have a wave pattern. Nice of you to admit you don't have the first clue...

I will take Dr Archibald's interpretation over your BS.

It's not clear the point he was making.

The point he is making is he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Well he did have this?
Dr. David Archibald (of NASA) is a solar physicist who has been studying the sun for decades and has put up a new post over at WUWT.. IT seems that a physical link has been shown now linking the gravitational output from the sun how it controls the earth cooling and warming. The post has some rather stunning correlations to give it significant credence. Add the Milankovitch position in cycle and you have serious concerns for the next glacial cycle...

If the Good Dr is right, the cooling phase we have entered is going to be massive...

The Modern Warm Period Delimited

Dr. David Archibald (of NASA) is a solar physicist who has been studying the sun for decades and has put up a new post over at WUWT.. IT seems that a physical link has been shown now linking the gravitational output from the sun
That "OUTPUT" is in the VLF bands and has been monitored for over 60 years now..

VLF gravity bands?
you really are an idiot.. You don't know much about energy signatures.

Hey, moron, tell me more about the gravitational output of the Sun.
And then tell me what your fantasy has to do with your link that doesn't mention gravity. Not once.

And then tell me about your brain injury. It seems to be getting worse.
More fakery............

Alarmists Resurrect Theory That Global Warming Is Making Winters Colder

4:49 PM 03/14/2018

Alarmists Resurrect Theory That Global Warming Is Making Winters Colder


Is there anything global warming can't do?
Looks like global warming is weather.

We'd better raise taxes and limit stop weather.

For the children!!!
So not sure about you guys but here in New York it is almost April and the folks are still in need of nut sack warmers every morning. People are miserable... the common comment heard in bagel stores and coffee shops here is, "We need some global warming around here!!!":102::102::102:
Mother Nature plays April Fools Joke on Alarmists..

10 Day forecasts show the NH will remain below normal by about 7-10 deg F for the foreseeable future. The Polar jet remains stronger than the equatorial jet so it will continue to dominate the weather patterns.

Its going to be a real wet and crazy spring time with low temps and snow in the forecast for most of the US above the 43 Latitude. Definitely going to be active in Tornado Alley with the troughs that have formed and solidified.
Game over


One thing about Chris is he knows his math and processes. Shreds back radiation warming oceans... Shreds sensitivity levels as stated by the IPCC.... After it is all said and done water vapor is a negative forcing by empirical review of observed evidence.
What you call the real world is really those who lack the imagination and education and ambition and skills to change anything. They are unequipped to contribute to progress. So they merely follow the path of least resistance which today are the media talking heads. Nobody expects anything from them, an expectation that they live down to willingly.

They are the part of humanity that will be herded into the future by the leaders and doers and thinkers and visionaries. The few that have always carried the many by taking responsibility for solving problems and advancing mankind.

Thus it alway was and always will be.

Oh yes, millions have been herded into the future by the leaders, the doers, the thinkers, and the visionaries or the world. The ones still alive are not so happy about that. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao, come to mind.
Skooks, April 1st temp today 35 average 53 we have dislected weather. Snow later in the week.
Yep Billy and I'm looking at the extended forecast for New York and it looks like we could be having a significant snow storm on the weekend.... will be almost mid-april. I'll be keeping an eye on it and you could bet your ass if it happens I'll be posting an eye poke thread to the k00ks

..... not to mention we froze our balls off all March.... snow every single week.

But Billy.... the good news is we have tens of millions of people here in the Northeast who think global warming is a bunch of hooey:auiqs.jpg:
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