More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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You apparently are the last in the world to hear about energy storage. Congratulations on catching up.

By the way, what do you think that the fuel and waste disposal costs are for a solar/wind/hydro-storage plant are?

And, oh, have you ever seen an open pit tar sands mine?

Typical libtard response.
"you are the last in the world to hear about energy storage"
You just don`t get it do you...?
I never thought somebody could be that dumb and not realize that the required step#2, the likes of Schluchsee, Atdorf etc are complete hydro electric power plants,...not just "energy storage basins" and are by far more expensive than conventional hydro electric power plants that store river water in a natural basin.
What kind of an idiot would buy into a "power plant" design that is supposed to run on wind & solar but needs a whole array of even more expensive pumped elevation basin hydro power plants in order to be able to generate usable power....????
Idiots like you would have us buy a power plant that needs a second power plant so that it can function..and the second power plant requires several mountain tops to be deforested, huge excavation and not just hydro turbines but also a pump system that can keep pace with the required flow rates. Not to mention the rest of the necessary infra structure such as the HV supply power lines from the wind farm to the pumps and yet another set of lines from the hydro turbines into the main power grid.
For the same cost of just Schluchsee you could build dozens of conventional power plants , nuclear , natural gas or coal fired...or build a few more hydro dams.
For the US none of the above is even necessary. Canada currently feeds ~ 60 % of your power on demand grid and we are able to supply 100% just with our surplus hydro electric electric power.
Again all that info is readily available on the internet but never gets noticed because it`s not posted on the garbage blogs you read & quote.
BTW yes I have seen the oils sands.
1.) There is no such thing as "tar sand"
Tar is a crude oil distillation residue and we pave roads with it.
The sand contains oil, not tar...
pretty dumb not to know the difference between oil and tar, I would say.
2.) This is what an "open pit" mine in Alberta looks like today:

Sunrise Oil Sands Project, Alberta - Hydrocarbons Technology

That`s how most of the bitumen is "mined" now!!!.
Most of the areas where it was close enough to the surface to be "open pit mined" have finished doing so and have long since been reclaimed.
[ame=""]Reclamation in Alberta's Boreal Forest - YouTube[/ame]
Alberta's Oil Sands Reclamation

I`ve been through Alberta at least twice a year since 1968 and I do think I know it better than you or your bloggers ever will !
Unbelievable how ignorant some people can be. I bet people in countries that censor the internet are by far better informed than you.

By the way, what do you think that the fuel and waste disposal costs are for a solar/wind/hydro-storage plant are?

Disposing of the dead birds can't be cheap........
I heartily endorse the LA Times decision not to publish letters containing factual inaccuracies.

Congrats Comrade.. You pass the totalitarian purity test.. And FLUNK "the rational person test" if you think an "opinion page editor" is the qualified go-to guy on matters of factual atmospheric physics and thermodynamics and statistics..

From my point of view, the problem is that you don't know how far out in right field your opinions place you. Your particular thoughts would likely get published - you've got a better technical education than most. But there are several posters here that you know would never get published and that you know SHOULD never get published. And were you to draw a parallel with them on another topic, you'd probably agree.

Would it be wrong of the Times to reject letters that assumed a flat-Earth? How about "we never went to the moon"? How about "the Earth is hollow, there's a huge hole where the North Pole's supposed to be, the interior is illuminated by a 3.5 billion year old ball of hot gas floating there and the inner surface is inhabited by aliens? That actually got published in hard back. The Times has a lot less column space than they have letters pouring in. They HAVE to reject some. I think you've got to realize that given the percentages (97-2-1), you're never going to win this argument out there in the real world. The powers that be, in science, in government and in the media, are never going to take you seriously.

He didn't say SOME.. He said ANY rejecting the tenets of the Church of Global Warming.

And you're examples are humorous, but not a standard.. Since Al Gore can get MASSIVE INTERNATIONAL coverage and AWARDS for his "opinions".. What would you do if some op ed stated that "just below the surface of the earth, it's like a MILLION DEGREES, and the energy is virtually unlimited"? BTW --- BOTH of those assertions are false

You jokers can't even think straight.. You're gonna put the chains on willingly and with glee.
How many others think an opinion editors opinion is worth the price of an LA Times?

Whatever restraints exist on the Times letters to the editor page have existed since the paper was first established. The change has not been in the paper, it's been in the world. Folks with enough education to read the writing on the wall now understand the debate is long over. Sorry Charlie. Really.

Just because YOU believe the planet is a junker and is gonna self-destruct over 1/2 degree doesn't mean it's gonna happen. You are staring at the tail end of 4 DISASTROUS ICE AGES that had NOTHING to do with burning crap. And you still believe that a 1 deg rise is gonna magically amplify into a "RUNAWAY GREENHOUSE" with TEMPERATURES OFF THE CHART in 2047".. "Killer Storms Arriving Next Tuesday due to CO2"

Tell ya what Clyde.. With THOSE HEADLINES i'm reading from YOUR side.. Maybe a little censorship wouldn't be a bad thing... :eek: Let's censor the censors.. Last time I checked, (and I'm sorry if I offend), but journalism school is NOT a broad based qualifier to be a science judge..
You apparently are the last in the world to hear about energy storage. Congratulations on catching up.

By the way, what do you think that the fuel and waste disposal costs are for a solar/wind/hydro-storage plant are?

And, oh, have you ever seen an open pit tar sands mine?

Typical libtard response.
"you are the last in the world to hear about energy storage"
You just don`t get it do you...?
I never thought somebody could be that dumb and not realize that the required step#2, the likes of Schluchsee, Atdorf etc are complete hydro electric power plants,...not just "energy storage basins" and are by far more expensive than conventional hydro electric power plants that store river water in a natural basin.
What kind of an idiot would buy into a "power plant" design that is supposed to run on wind & solar but needs a whole array of even more expensive pumped elevation basin hydro power plants in order to be able to generate usable power....????
Idiots like you would have us buy a power plant that needs a second power plant so that it can function..and the second power plant requires several mountain tops to be deforested, huge excavation and not just hydro turbines but also a pump system that can keep pace with the required flow rates. Not to mention the rest of the necessary infra structure such as the HV supply power lines from the wind farm to the pumps and yet another set of lines from the hydro turbines into the main power grid.
For the same cost of just Schluchsee you could build dozens of conventional power plants , nuclear , natural gas or coal fired...or build a few more hydro dams.
For the US none of the above is even necessary. Canada currently feeds ~ 60 % of your power on demand grid and we are able to supply 100% just with our surplus hydro electric electric power.
Again all that info is readily available on the internet but never gets noticed because it`s not posted on the garbage blogs you read & quote.
BTW yes I have seen the oils sands.
1.) There is no such thing as "tar sand"
Tar is a crude oil distillation residue and we pave roads with it.
The sand contains oil, not tar...
pretty dumb not to know the difference between oil and tar, I would say.
2.) This is what an "open pit" mine in Alberta looks like today:

Sunrise Oil Sands Project, Alberta - Hydrocarbons Technology

That`s how most of the bitumen is "mined" now!!!.
Most of the areas where it was close enough to the surface to be "open pit mined" have finished doing so and have long since been reclaimed.
[ame=""]Reclamation in Alberta's Boreal Forest - YouTube[/ame]
Alberta's Oil Sands Reclamation

I`ve been through Alberta at least twice a year since 1968 and I do think I know it better than you or your bloggers ever will !
Unbelievable how ignorant some people can be. I bet people in countries that censor the internet are by far better informed than you.

You made me reweigh a couple things PBear... We hear all kinds of screaming about "mountain top removal" mining, but not a peep about putting thousands of pristine Alps acres under water for "wind storage"? At least a mountain top mine can be reclaimed after the task is done. "Wind storage ponds" on mountain tops are forever.. Along with the plumbing and deforestation, and power line access, that tears up the entire slope..

And those oil sand areas.. What's bad about REMOVING TOXIC MATERIALS (worth cash) and reclaiming those lands afterwards. THings are bound to grow better with less petroleum and dense hydrocarbons sitting on the surface soil...

The folks complaining about Nat Gas in their water supply just need MORE drilling to remove the pollution..

Counterintuitive? Am I being cute? NO ---- those wind storage projects are BAD mining and land use.. Extracting fossil fuel from places where it's seeping and inhabiting growth???

Maybe not so bad..

Naw, you got it right and everybody in Germany would agree with you, except of course the "Eco-Power" con gang who is getting locked in government subsidies to deface whatever little wild life habitat was left in Germany...PERMANENTLY.
In the process the cost of 1 kilowatt hour had been jacked up to an average of 27 Euro-cents,....that`s 36 US cents per KWhr...or ~ 6 times what most folks pay in Canada.
In some districts in Germany, greater Berlin, Frankfurt Duisburg etc they hiked it a few months ago by yet another 5 cents.
That`s over and above all the other "eco taxes" that are pegged to energy consumption. The latest cry are so called "smart meters" which are now mandatory in many districts. They monitor peak power and if at any time your household exceeds a 2 KVA demand you get dinged with a heavy fine.
In your home that would be the case if your wife runs the cloth drier and you decide to run the toaster at the same time.
That`s because to date there are not enough pumped power plant facilities (like Schluchsee & Atdorf) to prevent the wind & solar grids from "browning out" since Germany began phasing out nuclear power.
So far most of the German heavy industry has been exempt from the heavily inflated electrical power prices because they made it clear that they would relocate their facilities in a heartbeat.
Their price breaks landed squarely on the shoulders of the hapless taxpayers that had been duped into this "Energie Wende" con game by our "climate chancellor" Angela Merkel...who was a top graduate of the old Soviet Academy for Propaganda and Agitation before the Communist East Germany was "re-unified" with the federal Republic of (West) Germany.
PMZ`s comment to the whole thing boiled down to this nonsense:
By the way, what do you think that the fuel and waste disposal costs are for a solar/wind/hydro-storage plant are?
He should raise that point, the "windmill waste disposal cost" with irate Europeans that pay 6 times more (and climbing) for power since they got their wind mills.
"windmill waste disposal".....most Germans would like to blow them up, but explosives are hard to get these days.
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Typical libtard response.
"you are the last in the world to hear about energy storage"
You just don`t get it do you...?
I never thought somebody could be that dumb and not realize that the required step#2, the likes of Schluchsee, Atdorf etc are complete hydro electric power plants,...not just "energy storage basins" and are by far more expensive than conventional hydro electric power plants that store river water in a natural basin.
What kind of an idiot would buy into a "power plant" design that is supposed to run on wind & solar but needs a whole array of even more expensive pumped elevation basin hydro power plants in order to be able to generate usable power....????
Idiots like you would have us buy a power plant that needs a second power plant so that it can function..and the second power plant requires several mountain tops to be deforested, huge excavation and not just hydro turbines but also a pump system that can keep pace with the required flow rates. Not to mention the rest of the necessary infra structure such as the HV supply power lines from the wind farm to the pumps and yet another set of lines from the hydro turbines into the main power grid.
For the same cost of just Schluchsee you could build dozens of conventional power plants , nuclear , natural gas or coal fired...or build a few more hydro dams.
For the US none of the above is even necessary. Canada currently feeds ~ 60 % of your power on demand grid and we are able to supply 100% just with our surplus hydro electric electric power.
Again all that info is readily available on the internet but never gets noticed because it`s not posted on the garbage blogs you read & quote.
BTW yes I have seen the oils sands.
1.) There is no such thing as "tar sand"
Tar is a crude oil distillation residue and we pave roads with it.
The sand contains oil, not tar...
pretty dumb not to know the difference between oil and tar, I would say.
2.) This is what an "open pit" mine in Alberta looks like today:

Sunrise Oil Sands Project, Alberta - Hydrocarbons Technology

That`s how most of the bitumen is "mined" now!!!.
Most of the areas where it was close enough to the surface to be "open pit mined" have finished doing so and have long since been reclaimed.
Reclamation in Alberta's Boreal Forest - YouTube
Alberta's Oil Sands Reclamation

I`ve been through Alberta at least twice a year since 1968 and I do think I know it better than you or your bloggers ever will !
Unbelievable how ignorant some people can be. I bet people in countries that censor the internet are by far better informed than you.

You made me reweigh a couple things PBear... We hear all kinds of screaming about "mountain top removal" mining, but not a peep about putting thousands of pristine Alps acres under water for "wind storage"? At least a mountain top mine can be reclaimed after the task is done. "Wind storage ponds" on mountain tops are forever.. Along with the plumbing and deforestation, and power line access, that tears up the entire slope..

And those oil sand areas.. What's bad about REMOVING TOXIC MATERIALS (worth cash) and reclaiming those lands afterwards. THings are bound to grow better with less petroleum and dense hydrocarbons sitting on the surface soil...

The folks complaining about Nat Gas in their water supply just need MORE drilling to remove the pollution..

Counterintuitive? Am I being cute? NO ---- those wind storage projects are BAD mining and land use.. Extracting fossil fuel from places where it's seeping and inhabiting growth???

Maybe not so bad..

Naw, you got it right and everybody in Germany would agree with you, except of course the "Eco-Power" con gang who is getting locked in government subsidies to deface whatever little wild life habitat was left in Germany...PERMANENTLY.
In the process the cost of 1 kilowatt hour had been jacked up to an average of 27 Euro-cents,....that`s 36 US cents per KWhr...or ~ 6 times what most folks pay in Canada.
In some districts in Germany, greater Berlin, Frankfurt Duisburg etc they hiked it a few months ago by yet another 5 cents.
That`s over and above all the other "eco taxes" that are pegged to energy consumption. The latest cry are so called "smart meters" which are now mandatory in many districts. They monitor peak power and if at any time your household exceeds a 2 KVA demand you get dinged with a heavy fine.
In your home that would be the case if your wife runs the cloth drier and you decide to run the toaster at the same time.
That`s because to date there are not enough pumped power plant facilities (like Schluchsee & Atdorf) to prevent the wind & solar grids from "browning out" since Germany began phasing out nuclear power.
So far most of the German heavy industry has been exempt from the heavily inflated electrical power prices because they made it clear that they would relocate their facilities in a heartbeat.
Their price breaks landed squarely on the shoulders of the hapless taxpayers that had been duped into this "Energie Wende" con game by our "climate chancellor" Angela Merkel...who was a top graduate of the old Soviet Academy for Propaganda and Agitation before the Communist East Germany was "re-unified" with the federal Republic of (West) Germany.
PMZ`s comment to the whole thing boiled down to this nonsense:
By the way, what do you think that the fuel and waste disposal costs are for a solar/wind/hydro-storage plant are?
He should raise that point, the "windmill waste disposal cost" with irate Europeans that pay 6 times more (and climbing) for power since they got their wind mills.
"windmill waste disposal".....most Germans would like to blow them up, but explosives are hard to get these days.

Awesome post Polar.......where the fuck have you been bro?

It is fascinating how stoopid the German people are!! 75% of these people buy the whole global warming crap hook, line and stinker......far more than anywhere else. They get taxed up the ying-yang for this renewables shit. You'd think after what they have been through a century ago, they'd be on to the whole happily forking over everything to the government ruse.....but no.......these mofu's are the dumbest nationality on the planet. Meanwhile, the government is opening another 20 coal plants by 2020. Its hysterical......this culture that just tends to automatically fork over all rights and belongings to the government. southeast Asia, coal is BOOOOOOMING and leading to economic growth..

Coal to Surpass Gas in Southeast Asia Power Boom, IEA Says (1) - Businessweek

more k00k losing.
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Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly. Sustainable energy capital cost, falling rapidly. Operating costs for sustainable energy? Incidental.

Everyone looking to the past loves fossil fuels. Everyone looking to the future loves sustainable.

However time only goes towards the future.
Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly. Sustainable energy capital cost, falling rapidly. Operating costs for sustainable energy? Incidental.

Everyone looking to the past loves fossil fuels. Everyone looking to the future loves sustainable.

However time only goes towards the future.

Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly.

Natural gas costs are escalating unceasingly?

Sounds like your claim that zero is being invested in fossil fuels.
Glad to see you two getting together. Really.

PBear is an old friend.. Survives somehow in the harsh tundra of Alberta..
He's our canary in the coal mine. When PBear mellows out from all the Global Warming up there --- THEN it's time to panic..

PBear --- That's a good plan.. Hook em on EVehicles, THEN INSTALL the smart meters so that if they attempt to charge at any time other than the dead of night --- YOU NAIL EM with surcharges..

And what happened to the solar component of this Great Leap?? If you got TONS of solar PV on line during the daytime peak --- why the freak do you NEED time of day pricing???
Your generating margins at peak should no longer be a problem right???
Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly. Sustainable energy capital cost, falling rapidly. Operating costs for sustainable energy? Incidental.

Everyone looking to the past loves fossil fuels. Everyone looking to the future loves sustainable.

However time only goes towards the future.

Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly.

Natural gas costs are escalating unceasingly?

Sounds like your claim that zero is being invested in fossil fuels.

Not now. For sure in the future. Turn around and face forward the way that time does.

Those with a modicum of intelligence figured out that I was talking about new energy generation, not searching the world for, and recovering, low quality fossil fuel dregs. The cost of that will always go up.
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Awesome post Polar.......where the fuck have you been bro?

It is fascinating how stoopid the German people are!! 75% of these people buy the whole global warming crap hook, line and stinker......far more than anywhere else. They get taxed up the ying-yang for this renewables shit. You'd think after what they have been through a century ago, they'd be on to the whole happily forking over everything to the government ruse.....but no.......these mofu's are the dumbest nationality on the planet. Meanwhile, the government is opening another 20 coal plants by 2020. Its hysterical......this culture that just tends to automatically fork over all rights and belongings to the government. southeast Asia, coal is BOOOOOOMING and leading to economic growth..

Coal to Surpass Gas in Southeast Asia Power Boom, IEA Says (1) - Businessweek

more k00k losing.

It`s the German political system, not the Germans that are stupid.
Had there been no "re-unification" when millions of communists suddenly became voters then things would have been quite different.
Imagine what kind of country the US would be if all over sudden the border between the US & Mexico would disappear and how these new instant citizens would change US politics.
But that would be only half as bad as what happened in Germany, because Mexico is not a communist country.
That`s how we got that bitch from the east, Angela Merkel and now there is no way to get rid of her.
No matter what she does she gets the feminist vote and if she does not get enough idiots to vote for her she forms a coalition with some of the other minority parties to stay in power.
My old school friend & ex neighbor snapped a photo of a poster which was all over Germany during the last election:

Red = Socilalist Party, Green Party, Black= "Free Democrats" and lower right = CSU.
Caption translated:
"Which asshole will you choose?"
So now you are up to date in German politics...or the EU in general.
I would say EU rather than Germany or any other individual EU member country because most EU Nations have lost their sovereign rights to the un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels which already rule with an iron fist much like the central planning committee did in the old USSR.
When the iron curtain came down the events that followed was akin to a "red dawn",...only difference is that it was done by stealth.
And that`s the way the cookie crumbled...and that`s why I left Germany.
I`ld rather freeze to death in Canada before I live on my knees under that communist bitch in Germany.
The EU is just a trial balloon for a larger scale UN world government, mark my word.
Awesome post Polar.......where the fuck have you been bro?

It is fascinating how stoopid the German people are!! 75% of these people buy the whole global warming crap hook, line and stinker......far more than anywhere else. They get taxed up the ying-yang for this renewables shit. You'd think after what they have been through a century ago, they'd be on to the whole happily forking over everything to the government ruse.....but no.......these mofu's are the dumbest nationality on the planet. Meanwhile, the government is opening another 20 coal plants by 2020. Its hysterical......this culture that just tends to automatically fork over all rights and belongings to the government. southeast Asia, coal is BOOOOOOMING and leading to economic growth..

Coal to Surpass Gas in Southeast Asia Power Boom, IEA Says (1) - Businessweek

more k00k losing.

It`s the German political system, not the Germans that are stupid.
Had there been no "re-unification" when millions of communists suddenly became voters then things would have been quite different.
Imagine what kind of country the US would be if all over sudden the border between the US & Mexico would disappear and how these new instant citizens would change US politics.
But that would be only half as bad as what happened in Germany, because Mexico is not a communist country.
That`s how we got that bitch from the east, Angela Merkel and now there is no way to get rid of her.
No matter what she does she gets the feminist vote and if she does not get enough idiots to vote for her she forms a coalition with some of the other minority parties to stay in power.
My old school friend & ex neighbor snapped a photo of a poster which was all over Germany during the last election:

Red = Socilalist Party, Green Party, Black= "Free Democrats" and lower right = CSU.
Caption translated:
"Which asshole will you choose?"
So now you are up to date in German politics...or the EU in general.
I would say EU rather than Germany or any other individual EU member country because most EU Nations have lost their sovereign rights to the un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels which already rule with an iron fist much like the central planning committee did in the old USSR.
When the iron curtain came down the events that followed was akin to a "red dawn",...only difference is that it was done by stealth.
And that`s the way the cookie crumbled...and that`s why I left Germany.
I`ld rather freeze to death in Canada before I live on my knees under that communist bitch in Germany.
The EU is just a trial balloon for a larger scale UN world government, mark my word.

Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.
Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly. Sustainable energy capital cost, falling rapidly. Operating costs for sustainable energy? Incidental.

Everyone looking to the past loves fossil fuels. Everyone looking to the future loves sustainable.

However time only goes towards the future.

Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly.

Natural gas costs are escalating unceasingly?

Sounds like your claim that zero is being invested in fossil fuels.

Not now. For sure in the future. Turn around and face forward the way that time does.

Those with a modicum of intelligence figured out that I was talking about new energy generation, not searching the world for, and recovering, low quality fossil fuel dregs. The cost of that will always go up.

Not now.

So you were wrong, again.
Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.
I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.
Had they been like you we would all still be living in the stone age.
Some of the people I did admire I don`t even know and wish I did so that I could thank them. Like the GI`s that came every day after the war ended to our school in Landsberg Germany and brought us lunch. Most Americans know only of the famous Berlin Blockade and how American Pilots risked their lives to make sure Berliners did not starve to death the way the communists you worship had planned.

If you were so smart, "preparing for the future", then you should prepare for the kind of future that a 12 trillion $ national debt has in store for you, rather than what a bit more plant food might do to the planet.
I pity the next generation which has to pay the bills for your stupidity,...then again the likes of you might not even be able to lay the necessary foundation to make life possible for a future generation.
At my age that matters little, so go ahead and have a gay marriage or abort your sorry genetic code right out of existence...That might be a significant improvement for the rest of humanity.

"worshipping the past"...? Try again and pull something else (& totally unrelated) out of your ass.
How would you know what or if I "worship" anything ?
But you made it pretty clear that you do.
Do you get a spasm running up your leg when Obama speaks, like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew ?
Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.
I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.
Had they been like you we would all still be living in the stone age.
Some of the people I did admire I don`t even know and wish I did so that I could thank them. Like the GI`s that came every day after the war ended to our school in Landsberg Germany and brought us lunch. Most Americans know only of the famous Berlin Blockade and how American Pilots risked their lives to make sure Berliners did not starve to death the way the communists you worship had planned.

If you were so smart, "preparing for the future", then you should prepare for the kind of future that a 12 trillion $ national debt has in store for you, rather than what a bit more plant food might do to the planet.
I pity the next generation which has to pay the bills for your stupidity,...then again the likes of you might not even be able to lay the necessary foundation to make life possible for a future generation.
At my age that matters little, so go ahead and have a gay marriage or abort your sorry genetic code right out of existence...That might be a significant improvement for the rest of humanity.

"worshipping the past"...? Try again and pull something else (& totally unrelated) out of your ass.
How would you know what or if I "worship" anything ?
But you made it pretty clear that you do.
Do you get a spasm running up your leg when Obama speaks, like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew ?

Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.
I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.
Had they been like you we would all still be living in the stone age.
Some of the people I did admire I don`t even know and wish I did so that I could thank them. Like the GI`s that came every day after the war ended to our school in Landsberg Germany and brought us lunch. Most Americans know only of the famous Berlin Blockade and how American Pilots risked their lives to make sure Berliners did not starve to death the way the communists you worship had planned.

If you were so smart, "preparing for the future", then you should prepare for the kind of future that a 12 trillion $ national debt has in store for you, rather than what a bit more plant food might do to the planet.
I pity the next generation which has to pay the bills for your stupidity,...then again the likes of you might not even be able to lay the necessary foundation to make life possible for a future generation.
At my age that matters little, so go ahead and have a gay marriage or abort your sorry genetic code right out of existence...That might be a significant improvement for the rest of humanity.

"worshipping the past"...? Try again and pull something else (& totally unrelated) out of your ass.
How would you know what or if I "worship" anything ?
But you made it pretty clear that you do.
Do you get a spasm running up your leg when Obama speaks, like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew ?

No, he's the dribble that runs down Chris's leg....
Awesome post Polar.......where the fuck have you been bro?

It is fascinating how stoopid the German people are!! 75% of these people buy the whole global warming crap hook, line and stinker......far more than anywhere else. They get taxed up the ying-yang for this renewables shit. You'd think after what they have been through a century ago, they'd be on to the whole happily forking over everything to the government ruse.....but no.......these mofu's are the dumbest nationality on the planet. Meanwhile, the government is opening another 20 coal plants by 2020. Its hysterical......this culture that just tends to automatically fork over all rights and belongings to the government. southeast Asia, coal is BOOOOOOMING and leading to economic growth..

Coal to Surpass Gas in Southeast Asia Power Boom, IEA Says (1) - Businessweek

more k00k losing.

It`s the German political system, not the Germans that are stupid.
Had there been no "re-unification" when millions of communists suddenly became voters then things would have been quite different.
Imagine what kind of country the US would be if all over sudden the border between the US & Mexico would disappear and how these new instant citizens would change US politics.
But that would be only half as bad as what happened in Germany, because Mexico is not a communist country.
That`s how we got that bitch from the east, Angela Merkel and now there is no way to get rid of her.
No matter what she does she gets the feminist vote and if she does not get enough idiots to vote for her she forms a coalition with some of the other minority parties to stay in power.
My old school friend & ex neighbor snapped a photo of a poster which was all over Germany during the last election:

Red = Socilalist Party, Green Party, Black= "Free Democrats" and lower right = CSU.
Caption translated:
"Which asshole will you choose?"
So now you are up to date in German politics...or the EU in general.
I would say EU rather than Germany or any other individual EU member country because most EU Nations have lost their sovereign rights to the un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels which already rule with an iron fist much like the central planning committee did in the old USSR.
When the iron curtain came down the events that followed was akin to a "red dawn",...only difference is that it was done by stealth.
And that`s the way the cookie crumbled...and that`s why I left Germany.
I`ld rather freeze to death in Canada before I live on my knees under that communist bitch in Germany.
The EU is just a trial balloon for a larger scale UN world government, mark my word.

That post deserves a box of hand warmers to get you thru the winter..

That poster is hysterical.. Including the censorship...
Fossil fuel and waste disposal costs are escalating unceasingly.

Natural gas costs are escalating unceasingly?

Sounds like your claim that zero is being invested in fossil fuels.

Not now. For sure in the future. Turn around and face forward the way that time does.

Those with a modicum of intelligence figured out that I was talking about new energy generation, not searching the world for, and recovering, low quality fossil fuel dregs. The cost of that will always go up.

Not now.

So you were wrong, again.

The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem, in terms of cost, that humanity has ever faced, on today's natural gas price, makes sense.

I can't think of a better example as to why giving conservatives any responsibility for anything just breeds disaster.
Not now. For sure in the future. Turn around and face forward the way that time does.

Those with a modicum of intelligence figured out that I was talking about new energy generation, not searching the world for, and recovering, low quality fossil fuel dregs. The cost of that will always go up.

Not now.

So you were wrong, again.

The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem, in terms of cost, that humanity has ever faced, on today's natural gas price, makes sense.

I can't think of a better example as to why giving conservatives any responsibility for anything just breeds disaster.

The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem,

The largest problem is big government clowns, like you, killing people and spending trillions to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount.
Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.
I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.
Had they been like you we would all still be living in the stone age.
Some of the people I did admire I don`t even know and wish I did so that I could thank them. Like the GI`s that came every day after the war ended to our school in Landsberg Germany and brought us lunch. Most Americans know only of the famous Berlin Blockade and how American Pilots risked their lives to make sure Berliners did not starve to death the way the communists you worship had planned.

If you were so smart, "preparing for the future", then you should prepare for the kind of future that a 12 trillion $ national debt has in store for you, rather than what a bit more plant food might do to the planet.
I pity the next generation which has to pay the bills for your stupidity,...then again the likes of you might not even be able to lay the necessary foundation to make life possible for a future generation.
At my age that matters little, so go ahead and have a gay marriage or abort your sorry genetic code right out of existence...That might be a significant improvement for the rest of humanity.

"worshipping the past"...? Try again and pull something else (& totally unrelated) out of your ass.
How would you know what or if I "worship" anything ?
But you made it pretty clear that you do.
Do you get a spasm running up your leg when Obama speaks, like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew ?

You mean the $17,000,000,000,000 that we spent on the Bushwacker's holy wars, tax cuts for friends and family, and ending his Great Recession? I agree it was stupid. It's a good thing that we didn't fall for the austerity cure that Europe did, isn't it.

Gore/Leiberman was the right answer and our electorate knew it.

Darn old SCOTUS owed dad Bush a big favor though.
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Good God Troll --- PLEASE just tell us the INTELLIGIENT plan.. And go back to your planet..

You got some thermionic heterosynchronous doohickey that you want us to make electricity with??

Or a bivalent isotropic esther to put in our cars? Just spit it the hell out and let us MARVEL at the presents the annointed ones lay at our feet..

Quit playing with an empty deck.. I CALL !!! All in...
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