More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.

You refute yourself with the post about German asses.
Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.

All those doomsday preppers building underground shelters and stocking them with 2 years of food are preparing for the future. Is that your idea of smart?
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Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.

What you idiot liberals fail to learn from all your past mistakes is that the torch of progress all to often turns out to be an all consuming devouring conflagration. You act without thinking your idiot ideas through to their logical conclusions then spend enormous amounts of intellectual energy trying to distance yourself from the inevetable consequences of your actions.
Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.
I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.
Had they been like you we would all still be living in the stone age.
Some of the people I did admire I don`t even know and wish I did so that I could thank them. Like the GI`s that came every day after the war ended to our school in Landsberg Germany and brought us lunch. Most Americans know only of the famous Berlin Blockade and how American Pilots risked their lives to make sure Berliners did not starve to death the way the communists you worship had planned.

If you were so smart, "preparing for the future", then you should prepare for the kind of future that a 12 trillion $ national debt has in store for you, rather than what a bit more plant food might do to the planet.
I pity the next generation which has to pay the bills for your stupidity,...then again the likes of you might not even be able to lay the necessary foundation to make life possible for a future generation.
At my age that matters little, so go ahead and have a gay marriage or abort your sorry genetic code right out of existence...That might be a significant improvement for the rest of humanity.

"worshipping the past"...? Try again and pull something else (& totally unrelated) out of your ass.
How would you know what or if I "worship" anything ?
But you made it pretty clear that you do.
Do you get a spasm running up your leg when Obama speaks, like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew ?

You mean the $17,000,000,000,000 that we spent on the Bushwacker's holy wars, tax cuts for friends and family, and ending his Great Recession? I agree it was stupid. It's a good thing that we didn't fall for the austerity cure that Europe did, isn't.

Gore/Leiberman was the right answer and our electorate knew it.

Darn old SCOTUS owed dad Bush a big favor though.

I knew we could count on you to start spewing all the classic liberal talking points. Isn't it astounding how all the warmist cult members spout exactly the same dogma?
I can say with a clear conscience that I never "worshipped the past" during my adulthood , but freely admit that I admire my parents and others who managed to shape the world I was privileged to enjoy.
Had they been like you we would all still be living in the stone age.
Some of the people I did admire I don`t even know and wish I did so that I could thank them. Like the GI`s that came every day after the war ended to our school in Landsberg Germany and brought us lunch. Most Americans know only of the famous Berlin Blockade and how American Pilots risked their lives to make sure Berliners did not starve to death the way the communists you worship had planned.

If you were so smart, "preparing for the future", then you should prepare for the kind of future that a 12 trillion $ national debt has in store for you, rather than what a bit more plant food might do to the planet.
I pity the next generation which has to pay the bills for your stupidity,...then again the likes of you might not even be able to lay the necessary foundation to make life possible for a future generation.
At my age that matters little, so go ahead and have a gay marriage or abort your sorry genetic code right out of existence...That might be a significant improvement for the rest of humanity.

"worshipping the past"...? Try again and pull something else (& totally unrelated) out of your ass.
How would you know what or if I "worship" anything ?
But you made it pretty clear that you do.
Do you get a spasm running up your leg when Obama speaks, like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew ?

You mean the $17,000,000,000,000 that we spent on the Bushwacker's holy wars, tax cuts for friends and family, and ending his Great Recession? I agree it was stupid. It's a good thing that we didn't fall for the austerity cure that Europe did, isn't.

Gore/Leiberman was the right answer and our electorate knew it.

Darn old SCOTUS owed dad Bush a big favor though.

I knew we could count on you to start spewing all the classic liberal talking points. Isn't it astounding how all the warmist cult members spout exactly the same dogma?

It's easy as pie to keep 'em in synch when they're all telling the truth.
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Good God Troll --- PLEASE just tell us the INTELLIGIENT plan.. And go back to your planet..

You got some thermionic heterosynchronous doohickey that you want us to make electricity with??

Or a bivalent isotropic esther to put in our cars? Just spit it the hell out and let us MARVEL at the presents the annointed ones lay at our feet..

Quit playing with an empty deck.. I CALL !!! All in...

Imagine if all those resources, the mega buck$, computer facilities manpower etc etc had been invested for the same number of years "climate science" has been around in serious research to engineer artificial muscle fiber which could drive machinery then we would not be here pondering how to power up a car or anything else that has to move by land air or sea for that matter. Consider the power to weight ratio of just about any insect to what our current technology has to offer. Nature outclasses us by a long-shot:

[ame=""]Working Gears Evolved in Plant-Hopping Insect - by Scientific American - YouTube[/ame]

Their "fuel source" is in most cases plain garbage or any carbohydrate you can find almost anywhere on this planet and needs no further processing.
We know the basic chemistry and molecular structure already:

That`s where mankind should concentrate an all out concerted research effort which sets the goal to create synthetic muscle fiber that performs at the same power to weight ratio as it does in insects.
It is my opinion that we would strike "pay-dirt" in less time and with less expense it takes to come up with an accurate computer climate model.
Of course the likes of "PMZ" would not be happy because everything nature has engineered is as far as muscles and motion is concerned also uses the oxidation (combustion) of organic matter and produces CO2 as a byproduct.

If it`s "do-able" nature will have done it. Nature did evolve photo voltaic cells a long time ago which can convert light into electricity and if that were a viable way to power up a moving organism then we would have long since found evidence of an equivalent example to our silly attempts.

Claiming that nature`s evolution had missed something that the no CO2 occult can promise to deliver with a God like act is like claiming that we are alone in the entire universe.
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Not now.

So you were wrong, again.

The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem, in terms of cost, that humanity has ever faced, on today's natural gas price, makes sense.

I can't think of a better example as to why giving conservatives any responsibility for anything just breeds disaster.

The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem,

The largest problem is big government clowns, like you, killing people and spending trillions to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount.

That the Fox News classic comics version. For reasons that don't make sense to me, people fall for that without any evidence at all. Fortunately such suckers are a minority who are being flushed as we speak.

We're going back to running the country with people who think for themselves.

You wouldn't understand.
People did use an organic-fueled propulsion mechanism before. It was called "a horse".

Anyways, good luck with the insect-cars.

In retrospect a horse beats being forced to drive a smartcar.....
Expect hitching posts tomake a big comebak....
Right next to all the ev charge stations with closed signs on them
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Good God Troll --- PLEASE just tell us the INTELLIGIENT plan.. And go back to your planet..

You got some thermionic heterosynchronous doohickey that you want us to make electricity with??

Or a bivalent isotropic esther to put in our cars? Just spit it the hell out and let us MARVEL at the presents the annointed ones lay at our feet..

Quit playing with an empty deck.. I CALL !!! All in...

Keep longing for the return of the past. Let us know how it works out for you.

If you ever get to the future, look us up.
The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem, in terms of cost, that humanity has ever faced, on today's natural gas price, makes sense.

I can't think of a better example as to why giving conservatives any responsibility for anything just breeds disaster.

The scary part is that your basing ignoring the largest problem,

The largest problem is big government clowns, like you, killing people and spending trillions to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount.

That the Fox News classic comics version. For reasons that don't make sense to me, people fall for that without any evidence at all. Fortunately such suckers are a minority who are being flushed as we speak.

We're going back to running the country with people who think for themselves.

You wouldn't understand.

people fall for that without any evidence at all.

No evidence you guys want to waste trillions? LOL!
No evidence your side kills? Sadly, the blood on your hands is nothing to laugh about.

Fortunately such suckers are a minority who are being flushed as we speak.

You're right, the number of suckers falling for the warmist scam is declining.
Good God Troll --- PLEASE just tell us the INTELLIGIENT plan.. And go back to your planet..

You got some thermionic heterosynchronous doohickey that you want us to make electricity with??

Or a bivalent isotropic esther to put in our cars? Just spit it the hell out and let us MARVEL at the presents the annointed ones lay at our feet..

Quit playing with an empty deck.. I CALL !!! All in...

Keep longing for the return of the past. Let us know how it works out for you.

If you ever get to the future, look us up.

So you got nothing.. wanna play another hand? Give ya 50 bucks for your web history .

ive gotten better sollutions from fortune cookies before.
You're right, the number of suckers falling for the warmist scam is declining.

Todd, you are really living in La La land if you believe that. I have no doubt that, in the right-wing tea-party conservative Republican counties, this is so. And it may be the case among the under 100 IQ crowd.

But the under 100 IQ crowd and the right-wing tea-party wack jobs are irrelevant. (Isn't that the same group?)

The only ones with money that still don't get it are the Koch Bros who commissioned their own study and were told quite unequivocally that AWG is a fact.

If any of the political bias allegations are correct and fitting, it would be that he Koch brothers intentionally ignore science for the sake of monetary gain.

For someone that sees this kind of behavior as significant, I'd think you'd get this much.

Mitigation techniques will not cost you or I a single penny in purchasing power or standard of living. But, they will cost the Koch Bros. The difference is in that all prices are relative to the standard basket. (Unless you own an oil refinery, a coal power plant or something)

Costs spread out across every product, spread out across every individual, are no costs at all because they are nothing relative to everything.

On the other hand, if the Koch Bros source of income is predominately in the industry to be affected, then it will cost them because it is more relative to everything else.

I'm not one to focus on political motivations much. But it is pretty common knowledge who has something economically to lose and gain when it comes to AWG.
People did use an organic-fueled propulsion mechanism before. It was called "a horse".

yeah, and in those days our cities were buried under a mountain of horse manure which attracted trillions of flies. Typhus was a common disease as a result.

Those were the good ol days before fossil fuels!
You're right, the number of suckers falling for the warmist scam is declining.

Todd, you are really living in La La land if you believe that. I have no doubt that, in the right-wing tea-party conservative Republican counties, this is so. And it may be the case among the under 100 IQ crowd.

But the under 100 IQ crowd and the right-wing tea-party wack jobs are irrelevant. (Isn't that the same group?)

The only ones with money that still don't get it are the Koch Bros who commissioned their own study and were told quite unequivocally that AWG is a fact.

If any of the political bias allegations are correct and fitting, it would be that he Koch brothers intentionally ignore science for the sake of monetary gain.

For someone that sees this kind of behavior as significant, I'd think you'd get this much.

Mitigation techniques will not cost you or I a single penny in purchasing power or standard of living. But, they will cost the Koch Bros. The difference is in that all prices are relative to the standard basket. (Unless you own an oil refinery, a coal power plant or something

Costs spread out across every product, spread out across every individual, are no costs at all because they are nothing relative to everything.

On the other hand, if the Koch Bros source of income is predominately in the industry to be affected, then it will cost them because it is more relative to everything else.

I'm not one to focus on political motivations much. But it is pretty common knowledge who has something economically to lose and gain when it comes to AWG.

You spend an entire post calling another poster "stupid," and then you make one of the dumbest statements every posted in this forum. Just check on what German consumers are paying for electricity if you think "mitigation techniques" won't cost us anything.

You have to be stupid, stupid, stupid to believe something so obviously idiotic.

You had your ass handed to you in another thread when you made this claim, so apparently you thought you could sneak off and get away with it somewhere else.
People did use an organic-fueled propulsion mechanism before. It was called "a horse".

Anyways, good luck with the insect-cars.

In retrospect a horse beats being forced to drive a smartcar.....
Expect hitching posts tomake a big comebak....
Right next to all the ev charge stations with closed signs on them

Let us know how your horse works out for you. I think that's a better choice for you than a Smart car. The driver should always be the smarter one.
You're right, the number of suckers falling for the warmist scam is declining.

Todd, you are really living in La La land if you believe that. I have no doubt that, in the right-wing tea-party conservative Republican counties, this is so. And it may be the case among the under 100 IQ crowd.

But the under 100 IQ crowd and the right-wing tea-party wack jobs are irrelevant. (Isn't that the same group?)

The only ones with money that still don't get it are the Koch Bros who commissioned their own study and were told quite unequivocally that AWG is a fact.

If any of the political bias allegations are correct and fitting, it would be that he Koch brothers intentionally ignore science for the sake of monetary gain.

For someone that sees this kind of behavior as significant, I'd think you'd get this much.

Mitigation techniques will not cost you or I a single penny in purchasing power or standard of living. But, they will cost the Koch Bros. The difference is in that all prices are relative to the standard basket. (Unless you own an oil refinery, a coal power plant or something)

Costs spread out across every product, spread out across every individual, are no costs at all because they are nothing relative to everything.

On the other hand, if the Koch Bros source of income is predominately in the industry to be affected, then it will cost them because it is more relative to everything else.

I'm not one to focus on political motivations much. But it is pretty common knowledge who has something economically to lose and gain when it comes to AWG.

Todd, you are really living in La La land if you believe that.



Costs spread out across every product, spread out across every individual, are no costs at all because they are nothing relative to everything.

So if I can only buy 5 widgets, instead of 6, because every product is more expensive, that's no cost to me?

Wow, liberals are worse at economics than I thought.
Mark my word. Preparing for the future is smart. Worshipping the past dumb. Has been throughout history.

All those doomsday preppers building underground shelters and stocking them with 2 years of food are preparing for the future. Is that your idea of smart?

What on earth are you talking about?

You said it was "smart" to prepare for the future. Doesn't that mean doomsday preppers are smart? Don't you know what a doomsday prepper is?
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