More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Well, I've been on this planet LONGER than you have my friend and I have seen both the cooling scare, AND the warming scare....perpetrated by the SAME people mind you.

That looks like a flat-out lie on your part. Please name these specific people who predicted both cooling and warming.

The common denominator? Their desire to relieve you of your cash.

So, on the orders of your political cult, you undertook a quest to self-lobotomize, and succeeded. Now you get to pound the keyboard and rave along with the same half-dozen 'tards about your glorious victories. Well done. The Americans have been driven out of Iraq, and the denialists have proven global warming is a hoax.


What was that admiral? You say you are too ignorant and stupid to do a simple check on what I stated? Here you go silly person. read 'em and weep. After you have read those then look up their views on global warming:lol::lol:

"The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it. In England, farmers have seen their growing season decline by about two weeks since 1950, with a resultant overall loss in grain production estimated at up to 100,000 tons annually… Last April, in the most devastating outbreak of tornadoes ever recorded, 148 twisters killed more than 300 people and caused half a billion dollars’ worth of damage in 13 U.S. states. To scientists, these seemingly disparate incidents represent the advance signs of fundamental changes in the world’s weather. The central fact is that after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down. Meteorologists… are almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century. If the climatic change is as profound as some of the pessimists fear, the resulting famines could be catastrophic." -Paul Ehrlich

Rearview: Paul Ehrlich; Global Cooling | The SPPI Blog

"Predictions of future climate trends by Stephen Schneider and other leading climatologists, based on the prevailing knowledge of the atmosphere in the early 1970s, gave more weight to the potential problem of global cooling than it now appears to merit.”

- Paul and Anne Ehrlich, Betrayal of Science and Reason (Washington: Island Press, 1996), p. 34.

Recent attention has been paid to the coming Ice Age talk of John Holdren and Steven Schneider before they got global warming religion,

Here are some “global cooling” quotations and comments from an earlier era. While such concern was not a scientific ‘consensus,’ such as that created by the United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in favor of high-sensitivity anthropogenic global warming, the Ice Age scare was a very active hypothesis that should give pause to the Boiling Age purveyors of today.

“Certainly the threat of another ice age was the topic of much scientific and popular discussion in the 1970s. Books and articles entitled ‘The Cooling,’ ‘Blizzard,’ ‘Ice,’ and ‘A Mini Ice Age Could Begin in a Decade,’ abounded. The ‘snow blitz’ theory was popularized on the public television presentation of ‘The Weather Machine’ in 1975. And certainly the winters of the late 1970s were enough to send shivers through our imaginations.”

- Harold Bernard, Jr., The Greenhouse Effect (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, 1980), p. 20.

“The worriers about cooling included Science, the most influential scientific journal in the world, quoting an official of the World Meteorological Organization; the National Academy of Sciences worrying about the onset of a 10,000 year ice age; Newsweek warning that food production could be adversely affected within a decade; the New York Times quoting an official of the National Center for Atmospheric Research; and Science Digest, the science periodical with the largest circulation.”

- Julian Simon, “What Does the Future Hold? The Forecast in a Nutshell,” in Simon, ed., The State of Humanity (Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell, 1995), p. 646.

“In the early 1970s, the northern hemisphere appeared to have been cooling at an alarming rate. There was frequent talk of a new ice age. Books and documentaries appeared, hypothesizing a snowblitz or sporting titles such as The Cooling. Even the CIA got into the act, sponsoring several meetings and writing a controversial report warning of threats to American security from the potential collapse of Third World Governments in the wake of climate change.”

- Stephen Schneider, Global Warming: Are We Entering the Greenhouse Century? (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1989), p. 199.

“Some climatologists believe that the average temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, at least, may decline by two or three degrees by the end of the century. If that climate change occurs, there will be megadeaths and social upheaval because grain production in high latitudes (Canada, northern regions of China and the Soviet Union) will decrease.”

- George Will, “A Change in the Weather,” Washington Post, January 24, 1975, quoted in James Fleming, Historical Perspectives on Climate Change (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 132-33.

“The dramatic importance of climate changes to the world’s future has been dangerously underestimated by many, often because we have been lulled by modern technology into thinking we have conquered nature. This well-written book points out in clear language that the climatic threat could be as awesome as any we might face, and that massive world-wide actions to hedge against that threat deserve immediate consideration.”

- Stephen Schneider, Back cover endorsement, Lowell Ponte, The Cooling: Has The Next Ice Age Already Begun? Can We Survive It (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976).

“Our climate has swung wildly from severe warming during the Dust Bowl era of the 1930s to severe cooling during the 1960s. . . . The cooling is a fact.”

- Lowell Ponte, The Cooling: Has The Next Ice Age Already Begun? Can We Survive It (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976), p. 31.

“Earth’s climate has been cooling. This fact seems to contradict theories that say it should be warming. But the prophets of warming are describing real forces that influence climate, and like other scientists they are still learning how these forces interact to produce a balance of heating and cooling on our planet. It may well turn out that the growing instability of Earth’s climate is caused by human influences adding both heating and cooling forces to the balance, thereby making it more and more ‘unnatural’ and precarious. The prophets of both warming and cooling agree on at least one thing: climatic changes can come quickly, within centuries or even decades, and can have devastating consequences for humankind. Climatology has ceased to be a drab science. Its findings have taken on an urgent importance for all of us.”

- Lowell Ponte, The Cooling: Has The Next Ice Age Already Begun? Can We Survive It (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976), p. 31.

“The continued rapid cooling of the earth since World War II is also in accord with the increased global air pollution associated with industrialization, mechanization, urbanization, and an exploding population, added to a renewal of volcanic activity.”

- Reid Bryson, “‘All Other Factors Being Constant . . .’ A Reconciliation of Several Theories of Climate Change,” in John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich, eds., Global Ecology: Readings Towards a Rational Strategy for Man (New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, 1971), p. 84.

“The generally cold period worldwide during the 1960s and early 1970s caused speculation that the world was heading for an ice age. A British television programme about climate change called ‘The ice age cometh’ was prepared early in the early 1970s and widely screened—but the cold trend soon came to an end. We must not be misled by our relatively short memories.”

- John Houghton, Global Warming: The Complete Briefing (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 7.

“Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin points out that the Earth’s average temperature during the great Ice Ages was only about seven degrees lower than during its warmest eras—and that the present decline has taken the planet about a sixth of the way toward the Ice Age average. Others regard the cooling as a reversion to the “little ice age” conditions that brought bitter winters to much of Europe and northern America between 1600 and 1900.

- Peter Gwynne, “The Cooling World,” Newsweek, April 28, 1975, p. 64.

“There are ominous signs that the Earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a drastic decline in food production—with serious political implications for just about every nation on Earth. The drop in food output could begin quite soon, perhaps only 10 years from now.”

- Peter Gwynne, “The Cooling World,” Newsweek, April 28, 1975, p. 64.

“Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. . . . The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality.”

- Peter Gwynne, “The Cooling World,” Newsweek, April 28, 1975, p. 64.

“Several schools of thought in climate science interpret existing data in different ways. One argues that, instead of growing warmer, the Earth may enter an Ice Age as a result of man-made fuels combustion. The combustion of fossil fuels releases large quantities of particulate matter into the atmosphere, which may reflect sunlight away from the Earth, thus cooling the planet.”

- Wilson Clark, Energy for Survival: The Alternative to Extinction (Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1974), p. 117.
- See more at: The Global Cooling Scare Revisited (?Ice Age' Holdren had plenty of company) ? MasterResource

2 days max before mammy makes the same claim.
Keep in mind that in 1941 temperature trends took a sharp turn. There was far more justification for predicting on oncoming ice age than now supports your contention that global warming has stopped. Temperatures had actually dropped significantly.

Let's look at this another way: if you want to make fun of scientists (who do not appear nearly as often as journalist, pundits and non-related scientists in your list) concerned about dropping temperatures, what does that say about the validity of the opinion you are now expressing about the last 15 years' hiatus in surface warming?

Aren't you shooting yourself in the foot here?
The thread is still about who is winning......not who thinks they are winning!! The idiotic temperature as it is........goes on in other gay threads. We are now almost 800 posts into this thread and still not a single post by a AGW alarmist climate crusader displaying any correlation between the supposed "consensus" science and anything more than a trivial impact on how the world, and particularly the US, produces energy!!! In other words.........

n o t w i n n i n g

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What was that admiral?

You made up a crazy claim about how the same people who predicted cooling now predicting warming. And you can't back it up, so you're trying to deflect with walls of text.

You say you are too ignorant and stupid to do a simple check on what I stated? Here you go silly person. read 'em and weep. After you have read those then look up their views on global warming

So with much text, Westwall managed to show one single person, Paul Ehrlich, who predicted both cooling and warming. Apparently "the same people" means "Paul Erhlich".

To a normal person, the next question would be "Why should we care about Paul Ehrlich?". After all, he's not a climate scientist. He's a pop-science author.

Westwall, apparently, knows the true facts about this sinister Paul Ehrlich. Paul Ehrlich must work secretly with George Soros to control the planet and steal Westwall's money. Why else would Westwall bring him up as the sole example of the people who are robbing him? Let's all thank Westwall for warning us about this global criminal mastermind, Paul Ehrlich.

Oh, I especially like how Westwall quoted George Will backing cooling as some evidence of the global socialist conspiracy. I never realized what a dirty liberal scientist George Will was.
And in recent news, damn-near-biggest-damn-insurer-in-the-world Lloyd's of London is now mocking denialist kooks. Clearly, they're also part of the global socialist conspiracy. Apparently, Lloyd's of London is willing to lose billions on bad predictions, just because they love socialism so much.

Lloyd's insurers mock climate sceptics over 'global cooling'

It's pretty much the same with every insurer on the planet. Them who have to put their money where their mouth is are AGW realists.

(You know, the denialists could give us a much shorter list if they'd simply tell us who _isn't_ in on the great global socialist conspiracy.)
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Every day denialists hope that this will be the day that ignorance will triumph over science. That their decision to avoid education in favor of media will be justified.

Hope springs eternal, but then again so does science.
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And in recent news, damn-near-biggest-damn-insurer-in-the-world Lloyd's of London is now mocking denialist kooks. Clearly, they're also part of the global socialist conspiracy. Apparently, Lloyd's of London is willing to lose billions on bad predictions, just because they love socialism so much.

Lloyd's insurers mock climate sceptics over 'global cooling'

It's pretty much the same with every insurer on the planet. Them who have to put their money where their mouth is are AGW realists.

(You know, the denialists could give us a much shorter list if they'd simply tell us who _isn't_ in on the great global socialist conspiracy.)

No there is no "socialist conspiracy". It`s simple market pressure and Lloyds`s is grasping at any straw to justify raising their rates and improve their balance sheet. They took a few huge hits which had nothing to do with climate change:
Lloyds TSB Group - Latest news about Lloyds TSB bank, stocks and shares prices - Telegraph
Lloyds timeline: from financial crash to Government stake sale

The start of the return of the taxpayer-owned chunk of Lloyds Banking Group to private hands marks the end of a turbulent period that saw it dragged down by its rescue of HBOS. Here is a timeline of what happened to the bank:

Late July/early August Credit crunch begins in earnest as banks stop lending to each other over fears over exposure to potential losses on high-risk US mortgages.
• September A run on Northern Rock sees customers queuing outside branches to withdraw their savings.

• December Lloyds TSB says the crunch has cost it £200m so far as fall-out from the turmoil continues to weigh on the banking sector.


• February The transfer of Northern Rock to public ownership is completed after Chancellor Alistair Darling signs off on its privatisation.

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Yeah, so there argument against the physics of climate change in 2013 is that someone in 1970 said the world was getting colder.

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner writing his denialist blog. "It was coolling before when I opened my door. The proof is the cold morning fog."
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?
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''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

Oh, they are so confused that denial is the only way they can maintain a sense of coherance.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

Oh, they are so confused that denial is the only way they can maintain a sense of coherance.

They have been educated by Republican media to believe that the end of their world is near due to the Republican long streak of losing elections.

The end of their world is, in fact, near. By their own hand.

If they had instead educated themselves from news media they would know that their demise is a necessary, fully documented and we'll deserved course correction for American politics.
Back in the real world, the majority of scientists were predicting global warming even in the 1970s.


This has all been pointed out to the cultists before here. They've seen it, but they choose to pretend they haven't, so they can keep spreading BS for the glory of their cult.

Garbage, ive posted 20 MAJOR MEDIA reports just in the 70s reporting on cooling science.

according to ur pos chart ALL THAT MEDIA BUZZ came from less than one paper per year. BS

And Westwall just gave more sources than are accounted for in your chart.. can u add?
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''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?
What makes you the expert on "socialism"?
I`m certain you never read Marx or Engels. Furthermore "socialism" has many sub categories.
By far the worst was National in NSDAP, as in Adolf Hitler`s German Socialist Workers Party. National Socialism is confined by definition to one Nation. If you leave off the "National" that then defines International Socialism and their anthem is the "Internationale".
Their lyrics clearly state that it is their aim to spread (international) Socialism world wide.
[ame=""]NATIONAL ANTHEM OF Soviet Union (The Internationale) - YouTube[/ame]

"conspiracy" seems to be one of your favorite liberal buzzwords which the likes of you always resort to when you wind up at the loosing end of any argument. Especially when it can be shown that your lot is incapable of acting in any other way than a herd of sheep.
So is this another "conspiracy" the "oil conspiracy" which kept sacking the IPCC?...:
Analysis: Awash in oil, U.S. reshapes Mideast role 40 years after OPEC embargo | Reuters
Analysis: Awash in oil, U.S. reshapes Mideast role 40 years after OPEC embargo

By the end of the decade, the United States "could be freed from the shackles involved in sacrificing a values-driven policy focusing on human rights and democratic institutions in order to secure cooperation from resource-rich despotic regimes," Citigroup said.
The coming years could see an awkward - or even tense - geopolitical duet between the United States and China in the Middle East, testing Americans' willingness to share responsibility -- and influence.
China's imports are surging and it will overtake the United States as the world's No. 1 oil importer in 2017, according to Wood Mackenzie energy and mining consulting group.
The United States could end up ensuring that energy supplies transit safely to China thanks to U.S. Navy patrols of the Straits of Hormuz at the outlet to the oil-rich Gulf.
The reason: Washington has every interest in seeing energy-hungry China's needs met to avoid global disruption, but does not want to be displaced as the Middle East's dominant outside power, energy analysts said.

And that`s REALITY. Get used to it !
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

The only way to ''cure'' socialism is to eliminate government. Every government ever has employed it.

Proving that all conservative thought stems from a foundation of anarchy.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?
What makes you the expert on "socialism"?
I`m certain you never read Marx or Engels. Furthermore "socialism" has many sub categories.
By far the worst was National in NSDAP, as in Adolf Hitler`s German Socialist Workers Party. National Socialism is confined by definition to one Nation. If you leave off the "National" that then defines International Socialism and their anthem is the "Internationale".
Their lyrics clearly state that it is their aim to spread (international) Socialism world wide.
[ame=""]NATIONAL ANTHEM OF Soviet Union (The Internationale) - YouTube[/ame]

"conspiracy" seems to be one of your favorite liberal buzzwords which the likes of you always resort to when you wind up at the loosing end of any argument. Especially when it can be shown that your lot is incapable of acting in any other way than a herd of sheep.
So is this another "conspiracy" the "oil conspiracy" which kept sacking the IPCC?...:
Analysis: Awash in oil, U.S. reshapes Mideast role 40 years after OPEC embargo | Reuters
Analysis: Awash in oil, U.S. reshapes Mideast role 40 years after OPEC embargo

By the end of the decade, the United States "could be freed from the shackles involved in sacrificing a values-driven policy focusing on human rights and democratic institutions in order to secure cooperation from resource-rich despotic regimes," Citigroup said.
The coming years could see an awkward - or even tense - geopolitical duet between the United States and China in the Middle East, testing Americans' willingness to share responsibility -- and influence.
China's imports are surging and it will overtake the United States as the world's No. 1 oil importer in 2017, according to Wood Mackenzie energy and mining consulting group.
The United States could end up ensuring that energy supplies transit safely to China thanks to U.S. Navy patrols of the Straits of Hormuz at the outlet to the oil-rich Gulf.
The reason: Washington has every interest in seeing energy-hungry China's needs met to avoid global disruption, but does not want to be displaced as the Middle East's dominant outside power, energy analysts said.

And that`s REALITY. Get used to it !

That is your reality. Self inflicted by your choice of teachers.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

If you pay taxes here (America) you are a co-owner of the American Federal Government means of producing goods and services.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

If you pay taxes here (America) you are a co-owner of the American Federal Government means of producing goods and services.

You own nothing. You have no rights to any government property. Can you sell you stake in it? No. If you can't sell it, you don't won it.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

The only way to ''cure'' socialism is to eliminate government. Every government ever has employed it.

Proving that all conservative thought stems from a foundation of anarchy.

The fact that government is evil doesn't necessarily mean we can get rid of it. guns are dangerous, but we still need them for various purposes like hunting or self-protection. Small state libertarians believe government is a necessary evil However, I believe they are severely deluding themselves. The term "limited government" is an oxymoron. Once a government is created, it grows until it consumes all of society. That is especially true of democracies. So in a sense you are correct, the only way to cure socialism permanently is to eliminate government
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