More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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That is your reality. Self inflicted by your choice of teachers.

If that was just "my reality" then Reuters must be in some sort of "conspiracy" with me eeyh?
And then so are also most of the investors, hedge and pension funds including the one where your pension and social security contributions are being invested...In Oil.
Well at least you changed your lame rhetoric from "conspiracy theory" to "conspiracy", but you still have a lot to learn yet.
However you are making some modest progress. It finally dawned on you that "conspiracy theory" is just the title of a Hollywood tale and not a real concept. Let`s see if you can grasp what a "conspiracy" is.
It is not when a bunch of people like you agree to do something totally stupid and expect people who are not as dumb to take your advice.
A "conspiracy" is when a group of people, even just 2 people enter an agreement to commit a criminal act.
None of us ever claimed that your collective liberal stupidity is "criminal"....although it should be, considering the damage it inflicts
So why do you keep accusing us that we (ever) accused your stupid lot of having committed a "conspiracy"...even in theory such as in the Hollywood "reality" you are (still) stuck in?
Shit every 2 bit hoodlem knows what a "conspiracy" charge is and how to avoid being convicted on that count. Could it be that they are more educated than you?...Sure seems that way.
Your lot is not nearly smart enough to actually pull off a real conspiracy and the rest of us know that. So quit patting your own shoulder an pretend we ever credited Liberals with the smarts to pull of a "conspiracy".
Just to name one example, if you Democrats were smart enough to pull off a conspiracy, then Benghazi and that idiotic video "explanation" would have not blown up in your egg faces...
Turns out that was a lie which team Obama agreed to tell...over and over again.....and was at the same dimwit IQ level as what you would expect from a child and nowhere near what qualifies as a "conspiracy". You should think that someone who supposedly qualified as a lawyer like Obama should be able to come up with a better "explanation". No wonder he had his school & university records sealed. There is no way a 2 bit criminal would settle for a lawyer like that.
Nor would any other client, sure as shit no corporate client. Yet there were enough stupid people to crown him as top CEO of their country.
I can`t help but notice all these red dots you collected. Ever wondered why you got them ?
Or are they the result of some sort of conspiracy that`s going on here in this forum?
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That is your reality. Self inflicted by your choice of teachers.

If that was just "my reality" then Reuters must be in some sort of "conspiracy" with me eeyh?
And then so are also most of the investors, hedge and pension funds including the one where your pension and social security contributions are being invested...In Oil.
Well at least you changed your lame rhetoric from "conspiracy theory" to "conspiracy", but you still have a lot to learn yet.
But You are making some progress. It finally dawned on you that "conspiracy theory" is just the title of a Hollywood tale and not a real concept. Let`s see if you can grasp what a "conspiracy" is.
It is not when a bunch of people like you agree to do something totally stupid and expect people who are not as dumb to take your advice.
A "conspiracy" is when a group of people, even just 2 people enter an agreement to commit a criminal act.
None of us ever claimed that your collective liberal stupidity is "criminal".
So why do you keep accusing us that we (ever) accused your stupid lot of having committed a "conspiracy"...even in theory such as in the Hollywood "reality" you are (still) stuck in?
Shit every 2 bit hoodlem knows what a "conspiracy" charge is and how to avoid being convicted on that count. Could it be that they are more educated than you?...Sure seems that way.
Your lot is not nearly smart enough to actually pull off a real conspiracy and the rest of us know that. So quit patting your own shoulder an pretend we ever credited Liberals with the smarts to pull of a "conspiracy".
Just to name one example, if you were smart enough to pull off a conspiracy, then Benghazi and that idiotic video "explanation" would have not blown up in your egg faces...
Turns out that was a lie which team Obama agreed to tell...over and over again.....and was at the same dimwit IQ level as what you would expect from a child and nowhere near what qualifies as a "conspiracy".
I can`t help but notice all these red dots you collected. Ever wondered why you got them ?
Or are they the result of some sort of conspiracy that`s going on here in this forum?

Like you, I'm against crime. We pay a lot in taxes to minimize it. I assume that we always will have to.

''Conspiracy theory'' is a standard English colloquialism for paranoia.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

Great idea PMZ.. I'm starting a corporation to consolidate our Citizen Shares of that massive new spy palace that the NSA just constructed in Utah. It BELONGS to us right? So if I get 10Mill folks who want a large wing of that place to spy on FEDERAL EMPLOYEES instead of you and me and Mr Citizen.. That would be our "ownership right" correct?

Gee -- I didn't know how useful "socialism" could be........

If you pay taxes here (America) you are a co-owner of the American Federal Government means of producing goods and services.

Great idea PMZ.. I'm starting a corporation to consolidate our Citizen Shares of that massive new spy palace that the NSA just constructed in Utah. It BELONGS to us right? So if I get 10Mill folks who want a large wing of that place to spy on FEDERAL EMPLOYEES instead of you and me and Mr Citizen.. That would be our "ownership right" correct?

Should we start a USMB poll thread to see how many "shares" are in on that DEMAND???
Gee -- I didn't know how useful "socialism" could be........

Tried to tell ya dude. Noam Chomsky and Sol Alinsky aint great debate prep..

Federal Govt ought not to be in any business that already exists in the marketplace.. Nor should they be allowed to pick winners and losers. Nor should be they be subsidizing any products that already exist in the marketplace or are gonna be introduced shortly.
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You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

Great idea PMZ.. I'm starting a corporation to consolidate our Citizen Shares of that massive new spy palace that the NSA just constructed in Utah. It BELONGS to us right? So if I get 10Mill folks who want a large wing of that place to spy on FEDERAL EMPLOYEES instead of you and me and Mr Citizen.. That would be our "ownership right" correct?

Gee -- I didn't know how useful "socialism" could be........

If you pay taxes here (America) you are a co-owner of the American Federal Government means of producing goods and services.

Great idea PMZ.. I'm starting a corporation to consolidate our Citizen Shares of that massive new spy palace that the NSA just constructed in Utah. It BELONGS to us right? So if I get 10Mill folks who want a large wing of that place to spy on FEDERAL EMPLOYEES instead of you and me and Mr Citizen.. That would be our "ownership right" correct?

Should we start a USMB poll thread to see how many "shares" are in on that DEMAND???
Gee -- I didn't know how useful "socialism" could be........

Tried to tell ya dude. Noam Chomsky and Sol Alinsky aint great debate prep..

Federal Govt ought not to be in any business that already exists in the marketplace.. Nor should they be allowed to pick winners and losers. Nor should be they be subsidizing any products that already exist in the marketplace or are gonna be introduced shortly.

What can I tell you? Find a better country that will have you. As much as you hate this one, there must be lots.
Or he could simply vote his opinion. And agree to keep his protestations within legal bounds. Most of us do that. It's just this unrestrained anonymity and constant conflict that turn us all into radicals here.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

If you pay taxes here (America) you are a co-owner of the American Federal Government means of producing goods and services.

Just as the down-trodden inhabitants of that evil empire the USSR were told that they owned everything around them.
''Socialist conspiracy'' is the most fierce of the monsters in the conservative closet. The most effective boogeyman to other conservatives. Like a secret cult code word for evil.

What is socialism really? The practice applied by every government ever to supply any particular service by government, through means owned by all of us, rather than capitalism's means owned by some of us, typically because it's impractical to maintain competition.

That really doesn't sound conspiratorial does it?

You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

The only way to ''cure'' socialism is to eliminate government. Every government ever has employed it.

Proving that all conservative thought stems from a foundation of anarchy.

"Every government has employed socialism"? complete nonsense. I'll put that down as a contender for the "Historically Illiterate Post of the Year" award.

And btw a reading of Edmund Burke, for example, will teach you all conservative thought stems from a foundation of LIBERTY.
more k00k losing..........said many years ago all this shit was a fucking fad!!!:2up:

The age of climate alarmism is coming to an end

By Jim Lakely | OCTOBER 18, 2013 AT 4:24 PM

You can be forgiven for not noticing that the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a summary of its Fifth Assessment Report late last month.

The report landed with a thud, criticized and even mocked by many leading climate scientists. The distinguished science journal Nature editorialized that this should be the last report issued by the UN body

This is just the latest signal that the age of climate alarmism is over. Given five tries to convince the world that human activity is causing catastrophic warming of the planet, runaway sea-level rise and various weather disasters, the public still doesn’t buy it.

We’re all skeptics now because the science simply does not back up the hypothesis. For starters, there’s been no rise in global temperatures for 15 years.

The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report concedes for the first time that global temperatures have not risen since 1998, despite a 7 percent rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

To put that into perspective, global human CO2 emissions in the last 15 years represent about one-third of all human CO2 emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution, and yet temperatures didn’t budge.

Nearly all of the UN-approved climate computer models were wrong. The IPCC finally admitted as much.

The IPCC also admits that the “hockey stick” it used to feature in past reports wasn’t accurate. Penn State professor Michael Mann has been dining out for years on his infamous "hockey stick,” a dread graph featured by Al Gore in his Oscar-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.”

The graph looked so dramatic — like a hockey stick — only because it ignored the Medieval Warm Period, a time about a thousand years ago when temperatures were warmer than today — when wine grapes grew in England and Greenland was green.

The “hockey stick” is missing from the Fifth Assessment Report, and the IPCC admits the Medieval Warm Period was warmer and more global than it claimed in the past.

A third major admission by the IPCC: No increases in droughts, hurricanes, typhoons and other extreme weather. Every time severe weather hits the United States, you could count on IPCC-related scientists, professional climate alarmists and the media to attribute it all to man-made global warming. No more.

The latest IPCC report admits to having “low confidence” in predictions of more frequent or more extreme droughts and tropical cyclones.

While the IPCC is taking its lumps for being wrong on these and other matters, a new kid on the block of climate science is taking a victory lap: The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change released its own report, Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science. Packed with 1,000 pages of peer-reviewed literature — and then peer-reviewed again by NIPCC’s team of some 50 scientists from around the world — Climate Change Reconsidered II comes to the conclusions the United Nations is only now and reluctantly admitting.

The NIPCC report concludes that human impact on climate is very modest, especially when compared to natural cycles. Future warming due to human greenhouse gases is likely to be only 1-2 degrees Celsius, and be a boon for flora and fauna alike.

Higher levels of carbon dioxide will not cause weather to become more extreme, seas level rise isn’t accelerating and polar ice caps aren’t melting at alarming rates.

Global warming isn’t the crisis many people said it was a few years ago. That’s bad news for the IPCC and the many environmental groups and politicians that hooked their wagon to it. But it’s good news for the rest of us.

The age of climate alarmism is coming to an end |

I crack myself up!!
Someone seems confused about what the IPCC has actually predicted. AR4 said,

"A synthesis of the model results to date indicates that, for a future warmer climate, coarse-resolution models show few consistent changes in tropical cyclones, with results dependent on the model, although those models do show a consistent increase in precipitation intensity in future storms. Higher-resolution models that more credibly simulate tropical cyclones project some consistent increase in peak wind intensities, but a more consistent projected increase in mean and peak precipitation intensities in future tropical cyclones. There is also a less certain possibility of a decrease in the number of relatively weak tropical cyclones, increased numbers of intense tropical cyclones and a global decrease in total numbers of tropical cyclones.

All in all, that certainly didn't say any high likelyhood an increase in hurricanes.
You mean by means owned by none of us. Whether socialism is a "conspiracy" or not is irrelevant. Socialism is destructive of society. Any step in that direction means a lower standard of living and less personal freedom. It means putting more power in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats, who are inherently evil.

The only way to ''cure'' socialism is to eliminate government. Every government ever has employed it.

Proving that all conservative thought stems from a foundation of anarchy.

"Every government has employed socialism"? complete nonsense. I'll put that down as a contender for the "Historically Illiterate Post of the Year" award.

And btw a reading of Edmund Burke, for example, will teach you all conservative thought stems from a foundation of LIBERTY.

Name a government you believe has never employed socialism.

And, I'd have thought a reading of Burke would have taught you not to make such hyperbolic statements.
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The only way to ''cure'' socialism is to eliminate government. Every government ever has employed it.

Proving that all conservative thought stems from a foundation of anarchy.

"Every government has employed socialism"? complete nonsense. I'll put that down as a contender for the "Historically Illiterate Post of the Year" award.

And btw a reading of Edmund Burke, for example, will teach you all conservative thought stems from a foundation of LIBERTY.

Name a government you believe has never employed socialism.

And, I'd have thought a reading of Burke would have taught you not to make such hyperbolic statements.

Much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with PMS. Government is socialism and visa-versa. Socialism is simply government control. You can't have government without having socialism to some degree. That's one reason for keeping government as small as possible. It's a bad way to run society.
The only way to ''cure'' socialism is to eliminate government. Every government ever has employed it.

Proving that all conservative thought stems from a foundation of anarchy.

"Every government has employed socialism"? complete nonsense. I'll put that down as a contender for the "Historically Illiterate Post of the Year" award.

And btw a reading of Edmund Burke, for example, will teach you all conservative thought stems from a foundation of LIBERTY.

Name a government you believe has never employed socialism.

And, I'd have thought a reading of Burke would have taught you not to make such hyperbolic statements.

One of thousands of potential examples from history: the government of King Charles I in 17th cent England. But let me mention just three which I personally experienced. The government of the Shah of Iran in the 1960s. The government of Mobuto in 1970s Zaire. The government of Kuwait immediately following Gulf War I.

I leave it to American scholars to explain to you that your first several US administrations were formed before socialism had even been devised.
"Every government has employed socialism"? complete nonsense. I'll put that down as a contender for the "Historically Illiterate Post of the Year" award.

And btw a reading of Edmund Burke, for example, will teach you all conservative thought stems from a foundation of LIBERTY.

Name a government you believe has never employed socialism.

And, I'd have thought a reading of Burke would have taught you not to make such hyperbolic statements.

Much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with PMS. Government is socialism and visa-versa. Socialism is simply government control. You can't have government without having socialism to some degree. That's one reason for keeping government as small as possible. It's a bad way to run society.

No. It's necessary for markets wherein competition can't be maintained. Like military. Like air traffic control. Like law enforcement and public safety. Like the CSC. Like FDA. So many examples. Capitalism is good where it works but isn't practical otherwise.
"Every government has employed socialism"? complete nonsense. I'll put that down as a contender for the "Historically Illiterate Post of the Year" award.

And btw a reading of Edmund Burke, for example, will teach you all conservative thought stems from a foundation of LIBERTY.

Name a government you believe has never employed socialism.

And, I'd have thought a reading of Burke would have taught you not to make such hyperbolic statements.

One of thousands of potential examples from history: the government of King Charles I in 17th cent England. But let me mention just three which I personally experienced. The government of the Shah of Iran in the 1960s. The government of Mobuto in 1970s Zaire. The government of Kuwait immediately following Gulf War I.

I leave it to American scholars to explain to you that your first several US administrations were formed before socialism had even been devised.

Socialism began essentially with the Constitution. The Postal Service and the postal road system. The military. There has never been a government that didn't employ socialism.
Aaaaaaaaand.........more k00k losing. Germany's green revolution putting the middle class in the poor house!!!

Germany?s ?green energy revolution? costing billions ? RT Business

How stupid is this culture? Totally duped by nuclear hysteria and railroaded into mega-costly green energy which will increasingly crush their economy because they wont be able to compete. Because that's the way it works in the real world.:D
The images the k00ks don't want you to know about.......because it makes them look like complete jackasses!!! No explanation.......except the newest ruse!! We were ALL told just a few years ago "the scientists are certain the polar ice caps will be completely melted by 2014!". Now it's, "We expected the ebb and pauses of climate change but the overall pattern is warmer and the ice will melt!!".

Oooops......sounds like makey-uppey BS to me!!!:D:D:D:2up:

Havent thrown these gems up in a spell.......always laughing my balls off when I click on SUBMIT REPLY:happy-1:

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