More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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The past is fully over. What we are concerned about is the future that we can have some impact on. There's not the slightest doubt that the future is declining supply and rising demand for fossil fuels until enough sustainable energy starts reducing demand.

If the "past is fully over" why then was every one of your oil price posts about the past?
Now we got that debunked let`s deal with the future
There is no doubt that the likes of you have been trying to block resource development of any kind, oil & gas first and foremost.
So far that was under the pretense to curb "global warming".
That stopped and now it`s under the pretense to leave some sort of oil-nest egg for future generations.
"Sustainable energy" a phrase people with no technical background whatsoever use all the time yet none of you can define it.
As it stands fossil fuels are a so called "sustainable" energy source for at least 200 more years and that`s just with what we have drilled into so far.
In the meantime we improved the efficiency in every sector that uses fossil fuels. A lot can and is more likely to happen 200 years from now than this no more oil scenario you keep wishing for.
Like acute fresh water and food shortages + the conflicts and diseases that follow as a consequence.
That will happen long before the ever growing number of the world`s poor can afford to buy cars or build power plants and start competing & burning fossil fuels.
So far they`ld rather buy Kalashnikovs than windmills and that`s not going to change any time soon...

You are delusional and would like to that confirmed as reality. It's not.

Fossil fuel supply has peaked and will decline in supply from here. That truth is being obfuscated by the fact that what's left is expensive and low quality but not really gone. Just marginally available.

Doesn't matter. The future for fossil fuels is more and more expensive. Driven by less supply, more expensive supply and higher demand from more and more developing countries.

Simple reality.

The winners in the future will be those who have moved on away from fossil fuels. The losers will be those still battling for the scraps.

You would like us in the loser column as you won't live to see it and today it's the cheapest option. I want to see us in the winners column as I care more about my grandchildren that myself.

That puts you and I at odds. That means others not yet committed will have to live up either with me or you.

I'm not worried.

That truth is being obfuscated by the fact that what's left is expensive and low quality but not really gone. Just marginally available.

Right. That's why the US, with a tiny portion of the world's reserves, will soon be the top oil producer in the world.

The winners in the future will be those who have moved on away from fossil fuels.

Right. The winners will have moved from cheap, reliable, fossil fuels to expensive, unreliable "green energy".

The head of a United Nations committee on climate change said this week that global warming is "absolutely" linked to a recent spate of wildfires and heat waves, while calling upon international leaders to address the matter with more urgency.

Climate change is 'absolutely' linked to wildfires, says UN chief | The Verge

The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?
The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??


You disappoint me more and more each day.

The head of a United Nations committee on climate change said this week that global warming is "absolutely" linked to a recent spate of wildfires and heat waves, while calling upon international leaders to address the matter with more urgency.

Climate change is 'absolutely' linked to wildfires, says UN chief | The Verge

The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?


It is amazing that people are unable to grasp the connection between lack of rain and wildfires.

I suppose they figure that maybe it is temporary. Once all of the fuel is completely gone the fires will stop.
The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?


Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

The head of a United Nations committee on climate change said this week that global warming is "absolutely" linked to a recent spate of wildfires and heat waves, while calling upon international leaders to address the matter with more urgency.

Climate change is 'absolutely' linked to wildfires, says UN chief | The Verge

The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

NOT gay...
Did YOU write that diddy? Pretty cold parody !!!
The chicklet that made that pronouncement is a veteran political hack with a degree in social anthropology and a LONG LIST of service to the AGW cause..

Why don't you ask her to back that up??

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

NOT gay...
Did YOU write that diddy? Pretty cold parody !!!

That is the Christmas Carol, "Let it Snow", with my minor changes added.

This one is entirely original, and much colder.

Oh, Captain, why Captain?
If the trend is as you decry
The ice age has already begun
And we will all freeze and die

You foresee a frozen earth
And Of humanity there is a dearth
With cons and hearts bleeding red
Both fallen cold and dead

Even tho your theories might belie
A forcing agent, a greenhouse gassing
Would not it be worth a try
To forestall our frosty passing

To form a blanket, with warmth abound
To defeat the impending crisis
Before we all are found
Frozen stiff and lifeless

Can't you now see how some
Want to save the planet we cherish
Otherwise our home will become
A barren desert where all perish
Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?


Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

Did the NYTimes ever psychoanalyze the inherent bias of the Warmer beliefs? That they use man's use of CO2 to explain and embellish every aspect of Climate science? BECAUSE their agenda to is CURTAIL such use?

Would be only fair.. Like the old saying. If you're only tool is hammer -- every problem looks like a nail...

Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

Did the NYTimes ever psychoanalyze the inherent bias of the Warmer beliefs? That they use man's use of CO2 to explain and embellish every aspect of Climate science? BECAUSE their agenda to is CURTAIL such use?

Would be only fair.. Like the old saying. If you're only tool is hammer -- every problem looks like a nail...

Zero evidence. Typical.
Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

Did the NYTimes ever psychoanalyze the inherent bias of the Warmer beliefs? That they use man's use of CO2 to explain and embellish every aspect of Climate science? BECAUSE their agenda to is CURTAIL such use?

Would be only fair.. Like the old saying. If you're only tool is hammer -- every problem looks like a nail...

Zero evidence. Typical.

You ARE my evidence --- asstroll.... :evil:
Oh the weather outside is frightful
And the fires are so unrightful
And since we've no place we can go
Will it ever snow,? Ever snow? Ever snow ?

The heat doesn't show signs of stopping
The corn in the field is popping
The power output is way down low
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?

When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the warm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll pray for a storm!

The planet is slowly dying,
Yet, my dear, there are others still denying,
But even though we love it so,
Will it ever snow? Ever snow? Ever snow?


Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

CO2 does not nor has ever driven climate.

Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

CO2 does not nor has ever driven climate.

It is what's changed and what's changing climate.
Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

CO2 does not nor has ever driven climate.

It is what's changed and what's changing climate.

CO2 does not nor has ever driven climate.

It is what's changed and what's changing climate.


I won't ask you for evidence since you're claiming a negative. But there is an enormous amount of evidence supporting AGW that you'll need to refute before anyone's going to listen to your claim.

Just for starters, how do you deal with the solar energy absorbed by greenhouse gases?
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Humor is a very useful way of dealing with our problems.

Denial is not.

As the NY Times explained about a 2008 denial conference, “The one thing all the attendees seem to share is a deep dislike for mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gases.” If you can’t abide the cure, you’re much more likely to deny the disease.

CO2 does not nor has ever driven climate.

It is what's changed and what's changing climate.
It is what's driving the temperature But as it warms and melts Arctic permafrost, where enormous amounts of frozen methane are stored, and this methane being a more more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide...well, it's a pretty clear picture.

That would be a tipping point!

Odd that preppers are readying for a race war, or another financial meltdown, but not the likely meltdown caused by a methane saturated atmosphere!
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CO2 does not nor has ever driven climate.

It is what's changed and what's changing climate.
It is what's driving the temperature But as it warms and melts Arctic permafrost, where enormous amounts of frozen methane are stored, and this methane being a more more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide...well, it's a pretty clear picture.

That would be a tipping point!

Odd that preppers are readying for a race war, or another financial meltdown, but not the likely meltdown caused by a methane saturated atmosphere!

That's funny. There's zero evidence that that occurred during the Holocene Thermal Maximum which was MUCH warmer than the present day. Your little prognostications seem to be not too accurate based on events in the not too distant past.
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