More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Takes a lot of energy to put them in orbit. Why not put combination windmill and solar concentrators on shallow ocean platforms around a molten salt tower.

Takes a lot of energy to put them in orbit.

But once they're there, they work 24/7.
We can build them on the Moon, plenty of aluminum and silicon there.

Of course we'd need to cut the idiotic welfare spending to afford it, the libs would never be on board.

It would take a long wire to reach the moon.

What a 'tard. Look up wireless energy transmission sometime nimrod.
Solar alone(23,000twh/endless) you could cover 1% of the surface of this planet could run our civilization. ;)

I'd put up around 500 gw of wind...This is sucking from 25-70twh.

We could use a mixture of wave, bio-mass, etc for the rest.

Seriously? You would cover 5 million square kilometers of the Earth in this silliness? You too are a fucking loon. You complain about the footprint of a strip mine and you want to do orders of magnitude more.

Wow, just wow.

Most of them would go on peoples roofs and buildings. We also could develop solar windows. ;)

A lot of the rest would either be offshore wind or geo-thermal, wave combo. I feel we should add 100-150 gw of nuclear energy on top of this.

Plus I would add as much hydro as possible.
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So, when fossil fuels are gone, or we can't adapt to the new climate, whichever comes first, what happens next?

Man has adapted to live in the Arctic and the Qattara Depression... you seriously think man can't adapt to pithy one degree of warmth? You're fucking stupid.

We can. What will it cost us?

It's always been envisioned that we could live on the moon or Mars, but nobody worried about the cost.

How much farmland would need to be relocated or how many coastal cities?

Nothing stupid. That's the point. Man has ALREADY adapted to every climactic condition known to man. Your hysteria is amusing, but only to a point. Eventually whining and screaming like you do turns people off. You've gotten there with me and you are doing it with others.
Man has adapted to live in the Arctic and the Qattara Depression... you seriously think man can't adapt to pithy one degree of warmth? You're fucking stupid.

We can. What will it cost us?

It's always been envisioned that we could live on the moon or Mars, but nobody worried about the cost.

How much farmland would need to be relocated or how many coastal cities?

Nothing stupid. That's the point. Man has ALREADY adapted to every climactic condition known to man. Your hysteria is amusing, but only to a point. Eventually whining and screaming like you do turns people off. You've gotten there with me and you are doing it with others.

You do realize that the current world population is much greater than ever before, right?
Solar alone(23,000twh/endless) you could cover 1% of the surface of this planet could run our civilization. ;)

I'd put up around 500 gw of wind...This is sucking from 25-70twh.

We could use a mixture of wave, bio-mass, etc for the rest.

Seriously? You would cover 5 million square kilometers of the Earth in this silliness? You too are a fucking loon. You complain about the footprint of a strip mine and you want to do orders of magnitude more.

Wow, just wow.

Most of them would go on peoples roofs and buildings. We also could develop solar windows. ;)

A lot of the rest would either be offshore wind or geo-thermal, wave combo. I feel we should add 100-150 gw of nuclear energy on top of this.

Plus I would add as much hydro as possible.'s 5 MILLION SQUARE KILOMETERS! Do you have any idea how big that is? It's almost the entire CONTINENT of Australia for fucks sake.
Seriously? You would cover 5 million square kilometers of the Earth in this silliness? You too are a fucking loon. You complain about the footprint of a strip mine and you want to do orders of magnitude more.

Wow, just wow.

Most of them would go on peoples roofs and buildings. We also could develop solar windows. ;)

A lot of the rest would either be offshore wind or geo-thermal, wave combo. I feel we should add 100-150 gw of nuclear energy on top of this.

Plus I would add as much hydro as possible.'s 5 MILLION SQUARE KILOMETERS! Do you have any idea how big that is? It's almost the entire CONTINENT of Australia for fucks sake.

The alternative being?
We can. What will it cost us?

It's always been envisioned that we could live on the moon or Mars, but nobody worried about the cost.

How much farmland would need to be relocated or how many coastal cities?

Nothing stupid. That's the point. Man has ALREADY adapted to every climactic condition known to man. Your hysteria is amusing, but only to a point. Eventually whining and screaming like you do turns people off. You've gotten there with me and you are doing it with others.

You do realize that the current world population is much greater than ever before, right?

Yeah? So? I understand you want to murder billions of people but truly it isn't necessary. The global growth rate in the 1960's was 2.6, now it's 1.7 and dropping. Even the third world countries are dropping their birth rates.

Soon, the planet will top out at 9 billion or so and then begin dropping back to around 6 billion. Far, far short of the 40 billion carrying capacity of the planet.
Most of them would go on peoples roofs and buildings. We also could develop solar windows. ;)

A lot of the rest would either be offshore wind or geo-thermal, wave combo. I feel we should add 100-150 gw of nuclear energy on top of this.

Plus I would add as much hydro as possible.'s 5 MILLION SQUARE KILOMETERS! Do you have any idea how big that is? It's almost the entire CONTINENT of Australia for fucks sake.

The alternative being?

Not fucking up an entire continent you idiot.
Could a Lunar Solar Array Power the Entire Earth? >

Could a Lunar Solar Array Power the Entire Earth?
Kyle Maxey posted on December 03, 2013 | 2 Comments| 1424 views

Although it’s been decades since man has set foot on lunar soil, a Japanese firm hopes to build a massive solar array on the moon, beaming the power back to Earth.

Dubbed the Luna Ring, the project is “a large scale concept [looking] to create a new form of energy infrastructure”. As imagined by the Shimizu Corporation, the Luna Ring would be composed of thousands of solar panels arrayed along a 400km (250 mile) stretch on the Moon’s 11,000km (6,800 mile) equator.

Using microwaves and laser light, the Luna ring would beam power back to Earth in a continuous stream, creating an “almost inexhaustible amount of energy.”


"Luna Ring" is too close to "Nuva Ring".. (female contraceptive). Another translation faux pas..

Wow.. We had a battle in our community about installing a single CELL PHONE tower.. Imagine the riots that would break out when folks realized how powerful this death ray from the moon would be..

As for "converting peoples' window to solar panels" Matthew.. ANY solar material at right angles to the sun is virtually worthless as a serious power generator. That and a window on any side of a building except SOUTH facing would be a huge waste of money and material...
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this is one of the main stumbling blocks to communication between warmers and skeptics. you do not like the attitude or focus of people like McIntyre or Watts, so you automatically dismiss anything they say. its a catch-22.

where do you go to seek out possible criticisms of new papers and studies? no where, if it goes through peer review it is good enough for you, right? what about papers that make it through pal review with obvious (or even not so obvious) mistakes? climate science is a closed shop and private criticisms are kept behind closed doors, with the public no wiser, as climategate and the recent release of the SkS secret forum comments make blatantly clear.

I dont care if you dislike McIntyre, etc but their questions and criticisms must be answered. actually you do yourself a disservice by ignoring Climate Audit and the others because that is where the discussion with 'real' scientists happens, often with the climate scientists having to back down from their claims. Way, Marcott, Gergis, Steig, etc. I guarantee you will learn more about science and statistics at Climate Audit than anywhere else, especially in the grey areas.

Climate science has been created by the IPCC. Step by step. Those that are current in it wrote AR5. That's the definitive document for the current state of climate science. It's the foundation for what's to follow.

You keep addressing the politics. Don't confuse them with the science.

Are you just too stupid to be able to understand what is being discussed at Climate Audit? Do you have any knowledge about the data sets or methodologies being used? They talk about the nuts and bolts that build climate science, not the politics except when it affects how CS is being done.

You are foolishly accepting the Cliffs Notes version of climate Science when you could actually be learning what is being done.

Climate Audit has been dismantling Shi2013 (the latest proxy hockeystick) for the last little while. here is one graph of various sediment proxies.


I am always amazed at how so many people put their complete faith into the 'final graphic' of paleoreconstructions but have no idea what the actual proxies look like individually. the methodologies are even more incomprehensible to the layperson. typically the reconstructions are composed of a few hockeystick proxies which are then padded with other no signal proxies that only add noise, which is then run through a method that strips out noise leaving only the hockeystick. sometimes the methodology actually turns the proxy upsidedown so that it fits better! how useful are proxies that can be used inverted or not inverted?

anyways, there is a fair amount of information on how sediment cores are taken, measured and dated over at Climate Audit, for anyone who would like to learn about such things.
Could a Lunar Solar Array Power the Entire Earth? >

Could a Lunar Solar Array Power the Entire Earth?
Kyle Maxey posted on December 03, 2013 | 2 Comments| 1424 views

Although it’s been decades since man has set foot on lunar soil, a Japanese firm hopes to build a massive solar array on the moon, beaming the power back to Earth.

Dubbed the Luna Ring, the project is “a large scale concept [looking] to create a new form of energy infrastructure”. As imagined by the Shimizu Corporation, the Luna Ring would be composed of thousands of solar panels arrayed along a 400km (250 mile) stretch on the Moon’s 11,000km (6,800 mile) equator.

Using microwaves and laser light, the Luna ring would beam power back to Earth in a continuous stream, creating an “almost inexhaustible amount of energy.”


"Luna Ring" is too close to "Nuva Ring".. (female contraceptive). Another translation faux pas..

Wow.. We had a battle in our community about installing a single CELL PHONE tower.. Imagine the riots that would break out when folks realized how powerful this death ray from the moon would be..

As for "converting peoples' window to solar panels" Matthew.. ANY solar material at right angles to the sun is virtually worthless as a serious power generator. That and a window on any side of a building except SOUTH facing would be a huge waste of money and material...

LOL.....yeah FlaCal, but costs don't matter to these meatheads. This thread will be 5,000 posts long and they still wont get it.

Thankfully, for us, the rest of the world does. ( as has been illustrated in this thread 50X over :eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )

The thinking of the regular person is so elementary, its hysterical to think about compared these people we have fun with every day in this forum. Those people in the upper midwest waking up to temperatures well below zero......try selling these people some kind of a grid solar system with the catch 22 being, "Oh.......but your electric bill is going to double because we need to combat global warming!!"

That these climate nutters think that this is even remotely possible to sell is fascinating to me!!

As Ive stated before with 100% certainty.........if we start seeing news reports of people water skiing on a lake in northern Alaska in mid-January for a period of three weeks, people MIGHT tune in. But not a moment sooner. Until then, nobody will care about the "consensus science" except the OCD climate nutters who thrive ONLY when there is something to get hysterical the next common storm system that brings snow!!!:2up:

Indeed.......we deal with a pronounced level of thinking fuckupedness in here......but shit, that's what makes this place such a hoot to visit everyday!!!

Hey FlaCalTenn.........did you see my new Abe, TMZ, Thunder alert yet????

Nothing stupid. That's the point. Man has ALREADY adapted to every climactic condition known to man. Your hysteria is amusing, but only to a point. Eventually whining and screaming like you do turns people off. You've gotten there with me and you are doing it with others.

You do realize that the current world population is much greater than ever before, right?

Yeah? So? I understand you want to murder billions of people but truly it isn't necessary. The global growth rate in the 1960's was 2.6, now it's 1.7 and dropping. Even the third world countries are dropping their birth rates.

Soon, the planet will top out at 9 billion or so and then begin dropping back to around 6 billion. Far, far short of the 40 billion carrying capacity of the planet.

What's the basis of " the 40 billion carrying capacity of the planet"?

I'll bet that it's not quality of life.
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I don't think that living without harnessed energy is possible.

Yes. It's clear beyond doubt that you don't think.

And you don't act. Doing nothing in support of doing nothing for the sake of doing nothing.

Why? What did future generations ever do for us? Screw 'em.

Morons like you demanded that MTBE be added to gasoline to clean the air. After 10 years the air was indeed cleaner but tens of thousands of fresh water wells had been polluted so badly they had to be shut down.

You assholes managed to do more environmental damage in 10 years then the oil companies had done in the previous 100. When you idiots "act" you fuck things up so bad that no one can live in your areas.

Great record there champ.
Yes. It's clear beyond doubt that you don't think.

And you don't act. Doing nothing in support of doing nothing for the sake of doing nothing.

Why? What did future generations ever do for us? Screw 'em.

Morons like you demanded that MTBE be added to gasoline to clean the air. After 10 years the air was indeed cleaner but tens of thousands of fresh water wells had been polluted so badly they had to be shut down.

You assholes managed to do more environmental damage in 10 years then the oil companies had done in the previous 100. When you idiots "act" you fuck things up so bad that no one can live in your areas.

Great record there champ.

How many millions of gal of gasoline were saved?

One of the main reasons that conservatives have perfected do nothing is that they are waiting for perfect solutions. And waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
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Let's say climate has nothing to do with humans? There's many other reasons to go to renewables then co2.

-The pollution of coal, oil and natural gas kills millions before there time. Cancer, breathing problems, etc.
- This means tens of billions in health cost for our nation.
-fossil fuels go up and down in price. Economic slow downs and speed ups can happen because of this. Solar, wind and hydro when you think about it don't have this problem.
-The fact that we're 30 years away from the end of our supply
-LASTLY THE PRICE OF fossil fuels are growing.

all equal good reason.
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