More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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The difference being is solar is industrial controlled and coal, oil and natural gas is pull straight out of the earth.

The coal, oil and natural gas is uncontrolled and is just stupid.

Well.....thankfully, just you and about 179 other people think they're stupid!!!

The rest of the world likes the things that 21st century energy brings to the human race. But hey......I get it......some people just insist on being hyper-nonconformist.
There is no energy supplier that runs 24/7/365/100 years, so they all need backup. That's why we have the grid.

Sources that are predictably intermittent are matched to peak demand when they are supplying or schedulable demand.

You don't really know much about this stuff, do you.

I don't know much? LOL!

You're the one who said they require no fuel and create no waste.
Did ya bump yer head?

Sources that are predictably intermittent are matched to peak demand

How are you matching solar production to peak demand?
How are you matching wind production to peak demand?

Name their waste products from generation.

Good example. Crescent Dunes near Las Vegas. their peak load is for HVAC in the daytime. With a little molten salt storage, Crescent Dunes, starting up soon, will match that peak for 12 hours a day. Using no fuel and creating no waste from generation. And take the load off of fuel using and waste producing
Plants the do the job today.

EVs can be charged in parking lots at work or at home. Give people some incentive and they'll charge when fuel and waste free energy is available. Then use the energy the rest of the day and night.

Las Vegas eh? THeir daytime peak is about 10 to 15% more of what they need BLOW AWAY every night on the Strip.. So --- good job PMZ.. Only 85% more of the problem to fix for us eh?

BTW --- Solar towers with molten salt storage are a toxic threat to the pristine desert it's located in. The tower is a literal DEATH RAY to any bird that flys into it. The molten salt is a enviro disaster should it be released. And the plant sucks up desert water supply..

Not to mention the roads in and the transmission lines out and all the maintenance traffic.
But let's just give praise to all that enviro sensitivity.. Even if a Nat Gas well in the same location with a much SMALLER enviro footprint --- would be OPPOSED by every enviro group on the planet..
Let's say climate has nothing to do with humans? There's many other reasons to go to renewables then co2.

-The pollution of coal, oil and natural gas kills millions before there time. Cancer, breathing problems, etc.
- This means tens of billions in health cost for our nation.
-fossil fuels go up and down in price. Economic slow downs and speed ups can happen because of this. Solar, wind and hydro when you think about it don't have this problem.
-The fact that we're 30 years away from the end of our supply
-LASTLY THE PRICE OF fossil fuels are growing.

all equal good reason.

Solar and Wind don't have ups and down in pricing because their market is ENTIRELY artificial.. In the REAL WORLD --- pricing for wind would SKYROCKET EVERY WEEK as wind fields fail to produce and SOLAR would become MUCH MORE expensive during bad weather.

C'mon Matthew.. Play with both hands..

They require no fuel and create no waste. Once the grid is built their delivery to market is, essentially, free. They require no operators. The output is very determinate over the long run.

They have an upfront capital cost and a small maintenance cost.

I'm having trouble seeing "SKYROCKET EVERY WEEK", especially in capital letters.

Of course PMZ, you're "having trouble seeing SKYROCKET EVERY WEEK".. Because you're a moron leftist troll that doesn't often bother to think about SUPPLY AND DEMAND, and market contracts falling SHORT of delivery with rising prices to fill the gap.

If you 10% of wind doesn't generate on a day that it's been CONTRACTED FOR --- the delivery price of electricity GOES UP... But you don't need to worry about market pricing and contracts because you don't have a PRODUCT.. You have a highly subsidized, MANDATED TO CARRY, gimmick.

If it's free --- why would the TRUE market price of these things be substantially HIGHER than coal?

As for your contention of "small maintenance costs" --- well you can continue to assert that if like to be mocked. But a wind turbine farm is (paraphrasing my sailing buddies) --- a hole in the ground into which you toss all your money.. Somethings ALWAYS broken at a wind farm. EXTRAORDINARILY HIGH maintenance.

Just ask Duke Energy who is now installing a Bird Detection Radar system per their settlement agreement with the government.. Maybe you could apply to be the bird detector switch puller..
I don't know much? LOL!

You're the one who said they require no fuel and create no waste.
Did ya bump yer head?

Sources that are predictably intermittent are matched to peak demand

How are you matching solar production to peak demand?
How are you matching wind production to peak demand?

Name their waste products from generation.

Good example. Crescent Dunes near Las Vegas. their peak load is for HVAC in the daytime. With a little molten salt storage, Crescent Dunes, starting up soon, will match that peak for 12 hours a day. Using no fuel and creating no waste from generation. And take the load off of fuel using and waste producing
Plants the do the job today.

EVs can be charged in parking lots at work or at home. Give people some incentive and they'll charge when fuel and waste free energy is available. Then use the energy the rest of the day and night.

Las Vegas eh? THeir daytime peak is about 10 to 15% more of what they need BLOW AWAY every night on the Strip.. So --- good job PMZ.. Only 85% more of the problem to fix for us eh?

BTW --- Solar towers with molten salt storage are a toxic threat to the pristine desert it's located in. The tower is a literal DEATH RAY to any bird that flys into it. The molten salt is a enviro disaster should it be released. And the plant sucks up desert water supply..

Not to mention the roads in and the transmission lines out and all the maintenance traffic.
But let's just give praise to all that enviro sensitivity.. Even if a Nat Gas well in the same location with a much SMALLER enviro footprint --- would be OPPOSED by every enviro group on the planet..

Do some research. Las Vegas energy peaks at mid day.
Name their waste products from generation.

Good example. Crescent Dunes near Las Vegas. their peak load is for HVAC in the daytime. With a little molten salt storage, Crescent Dunes, starting up soon, will match that peak for 12 hours a day. Using no fuel and creating no waste from generation. And take the load off of fuel using and waste producing
Plants the do the job today.

EVs can be charged in parking lots at work or at home. Give people some incentive and they'll charge when fuel and waste free energy is available. Then use the energy the rest of the day and night.

Las Vegas eh? THeir daytime peak is about 10 to 15% more of what they need BLOW AWAY every night on the Strip.. So --- good job PMZ.. Only 85% more of the problem to fix for us eh?

BTW --- Solar towers with molten salt storage are a toxic threat to the pristine desert it's located in. The tower is a literal DEATH RAY to any bird that flys into it. The molten salt is a enviro disaster should it be released. And the plant sucks up desert water supply..

Not to mention the roads in and the transmission lines out and all the maintenance traffic.
But let's just give praise to all that enviro sensitivity.. Even if a Nat Gas well in the same location with a much SMALLER enviro footprint --- would be OPPOSED by every enviro group on the planet..

Do some research. Las Vegas energy peaks at mid day.

That's exactly what I said you moron...

Las Vegas eh? THeir daytime peak is about 10 to 15% more of what they need BLOW AWAY every night on the Strip..

You see those words "daytime peak"?? That the DAYTIME PEAK is about 10 to 15% MORE than what they blow away every night...

Actually a lot LESS of a daytime peak diff because of the MASSIVE SURGE in nighttime activity there as opposed to Topeka Kansas which goes to bed at 8PM...
There is no energy supplier that runs 24/7/365/100 years, so they all need backup. That's why we have the grid.

Sources that are predictably intermittent are matched to peak demand when they are supplying or schedulable demand.

You don't really know much about this stuff, do you.

I don't know much? LOL!

You're the one who said they require no fuel and create no waste.
Did ya bump yer head?

Sources that are predictably intermittent are matched to peak demand

How are you matching solar production to peak demand?
How are you matching wind production to peak demand?

Name their waste products from generation.

Good example. Crescent Dunes near Las Vegas. their peak load is for HVAC in the daytime. With a little molten salt storage, Crescent Dunes, starting up soon, will match that peak for 12 hours a day. Using no fuel and creating no waste from generation. And take the load off of fuel using and waste producing
Plants the do the job today.

EVs can be charged in parking lots at work or at home. Give people some incentive and they'll charge when fuel and waste free energy is available. Then use the energy the rest of the day and night.

Yes, I've flown over the eyesore a couple of times now. And looky here, only a 737 million dollar "loan" from the DOE.

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve
Man has adapted to live in the Arctic and the Qattara Depression... you seriously think man can't adapt to pithy one degree of warmth? You're fucking stupid.

"PMZ" could not have chosen a more suitable username because it highlights the mental characteristics of a person who`s job is being a Parking Metermaid Zealot....and so do all his posts in this forum.

No way would a person like that succeed in a competitive environment.
Not even on a boy scout level, never mind in engineering.
"Engineer" comes from the Latin word ingenium, (ingenious) and the engineer`s prime goal is to always make maximum use of all resources to design systems of maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness.
...and use the best AVAILABLE components to do so...and fossil fuels happen to be on the top of that list!
It`s also being called "RESCOURCEFULNESS"...and here is a picture that in my opinion illustrates the meaning of that word:

This guy may not be an engineer but he`s got the "right stuff" and made maximum use of his available resources....and will survive.
...while the "PMZ" `s who advocate barring access to our resources would drown like rats.

Engineers like I am understand all earthly resources are limited to the supply that we have, except for energy from the sun.

Fossil fuels are a fortunate gift from ancient sun. Those with our eyes open can see the end of them coming. Especially oil. You with your minds closed find that reality inconvenient and would like to ignore it until it's too late to do anything about it and hope that you're dead by then.

Someday even Alaskans will have to work rather than live off the pipeline.

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: Sure! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
I don't know much? LOL!

You're the one who said they require no fuel and create no waste.
Did ya bump yer head?

Sources that are predictably intermittent are matched to peak demand

How are you matching solar production to peak demand?
How are you matching wind production to peak demand?

Name their waste products from generation.

Good example. Crescent Dunes near Las Vegas. their peak load is for HVAC in the daytime. With a little molten salt storage, Crescent Dunes, starting up soon, will match that peak for 12 hours a day. Using no fuel and creating no waste from generation. And take the load off of fuel using and waste producing
Plants the do the job today.

EVs can be charged in parking lots at work or at home. Give people some incentive and they'll charge when fuel and waste free energy is available. Then use the energy the rest of the day and night.

Yes, I've flown over the eyesore a couple of times now. And looky here, only a 737 million dollar "loan" from the DOE.

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve

It's really hard to beat a coal generation plant as an eyesore. Or, an open pit mine. Or a tunnel mine if you're a coal miner going to work.
More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

OK, Who is winning what???? Winning, you all are losing just by being on one side or the other of this damn lame argument.

Bottom line... which of the hell of ya really know besides God. What???one of ya think yourself worthy to go for the position? heeeheee!
Engineers like I am
understand all earthly resources are limited to the supply that we have, except for energy from the sun.

Fossil fuels are a fortunate gift from ancient sun. Those with our eyes open can see the end of them coming. Especially oil. You with your minds closed find that reality inconvenient and would like to ignore it until it's too late to do anything about it and hope that you're dead by then.
Did you just finish smoking a joint when you wrote this "the end of times" and "ancient sun" crap?
You are no more an engineer than I am the Pope....and there are no "engineers" like you claim you are outside this cyber fantasy you dwell in 24/7.
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Engineers like I am
understand all earthly resources are limited to the supply that we have, except for energy from the sun.

Fossil fuels are a fortunate gift from ancient sun. Those with our eyes open can see the end of them coming. Especially oil. You with your minds closed find that reality inconvenient and would like to ignore it until it's too late to do anything about it and hope that you're dead by then.
Did you just finish smoking a joint when you wrote this "the end of times" and "ancient sun" crap?
You are no more an engineer than I am the Pope....and there are no "engineers" like you claim you are outside this cyber fantasy you dwell in 24/7.

I can't find a single bit of reality or truth in your post.
Engineers like I am
understand all earthly resources are limited to the supply that we have, except for energy from the sun.

Fossil fuels are a fortunate gift from ancient sun. Those with our eyes open can see the end of them coming. Especially oil. You with your minds closed find that reality inconvenient and would like to ignore it until it's too late to do anything about it and hope that you're dead by then.
Did you just finish smoking a joint when you wrote this "the end of times" and "ancient sun" crap?
You are no more an engineer than I am the Pope....and there are no "engineers" like you claim you are outside this cyber fantasy you dwell in 24/7.

I can't find a single bit of reality or truth in your post.

Probably because, in your reality, we invest $0 in fossil fuels.
Did you just finish smoking a joint when you wrote this "the end of times" and "ancient sun" crap?
You are no more an engineer than I am the Pope....and there are no "engineers" like you claim you are outside this cyber fantasy you dwell in 24/7.

I can't find a single bit of reality or truth in your post.

Probably because, in your reality, we invest $0 in fossil fuels.

What did you think that Bush's "holy" wars were about? Spreading Christianity?
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