CDZ More re: Behaviors - What percentage of people on USMB...

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I hate progressives, for many reasons, the lies, the hypocrisy, the corruption, etc., so being anonymous on this board I let them know it. In real life, I mostly ignore them. I couldn't begin to guess how many others do the same.
Maybe we can (try to) stay on topic.

perhaps we are simply discussing the sympthoms, vs the underlying disease?

The question Mac posed is "What percentage of people...?" F*n Dave is just one guy.
Yes he is.....
As an aside (if you'll indulge me) , everyone around him becomes desensitized to his constant potty mouth...

Sound familiar?

I would never speak to some one the way I speak to the opposite party here,,,,When speaking to one with my same political views I can go off a bit
Its just so easy to lie here, you can be richer, more educated, have a better job, you can dismiss half of the population that you have never even spoken to as bad, not give it a second thought of how ignorant that appears to those with an opposing view point. takes great effort to not get caught up in our own bias. Guess that about half are the same when out in the world, and the rest run the rest of the scale
Its just so easy to lie here, you can be richer, more educated, have a better job, you can dismiss half of the population that you have never even spoken to as bad, not give it a second thought of how ignorant that appears to those with an opposing view point. takes great effort to not get caught up in our own bias. Guess that about half are the same when out in the world, and the rest run the rest of the scale

We got whinners, we got boozers,
Chain spammers and flooziers.
An' we got libtards, fascist pikers,
An' we got , thirsty noob likers.

We even rate our posts like we’re movie stars.
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, I love this bar.

We got racists, and hot bruddas,
Broken hearted dems and rep muthas.
An' we got hustlers, we got fighters,
Early birds and all nighters.

And the mods talk about their battle scars:
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, I love this bar.

w/apologies to Mr Kieth....~S~
As we know, an internet message board provides both anonymity and, as a result, an opportunity to be more aggressive and anti-social for those who are not like that in "real life".

What percentage of people here, in your opinion, act like this in real life?

Of the people that I know IRL? 0%

Of the people who post here? 99%
What about in the culture in general, not just people you know personally?

I don't know. It would be an interesting psychological study.

I think people act online because of anonymity like they do in the privacy of their cars. They curse and swear at people whom they think are driving poorly in ways they would not do so in a public setting.

But this place attracts a certain type of people that probably isn't representative of the population at large.

Sadly I think you are mistaken. I think this country is full of morons and this board represents this country in that regard.

Perhaps all message boards do, this is the only one I've ever posted on outside of one that only allows active and retired military to join and they confirm this information and everyone posts under their real name.
As we know, an internet message board provides both anonymity and, as a result, an opportunity to be more aggressive and anti-social for those who are not like that in "real life".

What percentage of people here, in your opinion, act like this in real life?

Given the general decay in public behaviors over the last several years, I suspect that the percentage has increased. I'd say that around 30% to 40% of the behaviors we see here by our more aggressive posters are also seen in real life.

One significant caveat: I don't think those who are overtly racist against minorities say these things in public. I'd put that down at about 3% to 5%, for obvious reasons.

Your estimate, hopefully without insults, deflection or name-calling - as comically ironic as that would be?
Am I just as generally snarky IRL?...Yes.

Do I use "fuck" like a comma IRL?...Sometimes.

Do I tell off-color and un-PC jokes IRL?...In the right company.

Now a question for you:

XXXX--- Mod Edit -- No NAMING members in this thread. It's not in a Taunting Zone.

TBH, if someone did say such things in my presence, I'd be like "THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"...I would in fact say to their face that they're to stupid too have an intelligent conversation with and move on....But in this medium they don't go away, therefore opening themselves up to being scratching posts.
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As we know, an internet message board provides both anonymity and, as a result, an opportunity to be more aggressive and anti-social for those who are not like that in "real life".

What percentage of people here, in your opinion, act like this in real life?

Given the general decay in public behaviors over the last several years, I suspect that the percentage has increased. I'd say that around 30% to 40% of the behaviors we see here by our more aggressive posters are also seen in real life.

One significant caveat: I don't think those who are overtly racist against minorities say these things in public. I'd put that down at about 3% to 5%, for obvious reasons.

Your estimate, hopefully without insults, deflection or name-calling - as comically ironic as that would be?
Am I just as generally snarky IRL?...Yes.

Do I use "fuck" like a comma IRL?...Sometimes.

Do I tell off-color and un-PC jokes IRL?...In the right company.

Now a question for you:

Do you know anyone IRL who says, out loud and in public, the patently stupid shit that an rdean or danielpaulos says?...Do you know anyone who constantly tries to pass themselves off as something that they obviously aren't a-la ...TBH, if someone did say such things in my presence, I'd be like "THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"...I would in fact say to their face that they're to stupid to have an intelligent conversation with and move on....But in this medium they don't go away, therefore opening themselves up to being scratching posts.
Well, here's the problem, and this is why I start threads on this stuff.

Yes, I'm seeing more and more of this in real life. I'm a financial advisor by trade, and I often have to speak with clients about taxes and the economy, etc., and politics often (by default) ends up coming up. And - and this is just my personal anecdotal evidence - more and more people are more and more likely to go full drama queen on me and launch into this seemingly canned diatribe about all the same stuff we see here. Talking points-o-rama.

And look at how politics has infected and saturated our entire culture - sports, business, restaurants, television, entertainment, on and on. I could be wrong, but I really don't think this is my imagination.

So I wonder how much of the stuff we see here is seeping into real life. Personally, I'm seeing more and more of it.
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lost a dear friend whose best man I was because he bombarded me with RW political crap I responded in kind but eventually was worn out Haven't spoken in 2 years
As we know, an internet message board provides both anonymity and, as a result, an opportunity to be more aggressive and anti-social for those who are not like that in "real life".

What percentage of people here, in your opinion, act like this in real life?

Given the general decay in public behaviors over the last several years, I suspect that the percentage has increased. I'd say that around 30% to 40% of the behaviors we see here by our more aggressive posters are also seen in real life.

One significant caveat: I don't think those who are overtly racist against minorities say these things in public. I'd put that down at about 3% to 5%, for obvious reasons.

Your estimate, hopefully without insults, deflection or name-calling - as comically ironic as that would be?
Am I just as generally snarky IRL?...Yes.

Do I use "fuck" like a comma IRL?...Sometimes.

Do I tell off-color and un-PC jokes IRL?...In the right company.

Now a question for you:

Do you know anyone IRL who says, out loud and in public, the patently stupid shit that an rdean or danielpaulos says?...Do you know anyone who constantly tries to pass themselves off as something that they obviously aren't a-la Jake Starkey?....TBH, if someone did say such things in my presence, I'd be like "THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"...I would in fact say to their face that they're to stupid to have an intelligent conversation with and move on....But in this medium they don't go away, therefore opening themselves up to being scratching posts.
Well, here's the problem, and this is why I start threads on this stuff.

Yes, I'm seeing more and more of this in real life. I'm a financial advisor by trade, and I often have to speak with clients about taxes and the economy, etc., and politics often (by default) ends up coming up. And - and this is just my personal anecdotal evidence - more and more people are more and more likely to go full drama queen on me and launch into this seemingly canned diatribe about all the same stuff we see here. Talking points-o-rama.

And look at how politics has infected and saturated our entire culture - sports, business, restaurants, television, entertainment, on and on. I could be wrong, but I really don't think this is my imagination.

So I wonder how much of the stuff we see here is seeping into real life. Personally, I'm seeing more and more of it.
I encounter next to no drama queens like that IRL...Certainly not in any face-to-face conversations....In fact one of my close buddies was a Bernie Bro, and through our conversations he's rethought the whole thing...But he's also not anything like the aforementioned skulls full of tapioca.

Though to your point, I can say I do see a lot more passive-aggresive virtue signalling than I've ever seen in days gone by...The kind who kept their John Kerry stickers on their cars until 2008, the rainbow flag wavers who don't even know someone who is gay and so forth, but they're pretty easy to ignore.
And look at how politics has infected and saturated our entire culture - sports, business, restaurants, television, entertainment, on and on. I could be wrong, but I really don't think this is my imagination.

Nope, i get the same thing on the job, so i avoid anything political ~S~
...sadly I've since discovered that yes the bullshit is allowed, the only difference is here in the CDZ one isn't permitted to tell the poster just how stupid they are.
Out of curiosity, what do you get out of telling people "just how stupid they are"?

It's not what I get out of it, it's what they need to hear.

If MORE people would call out these idiots maybe they would stop being idiots. Doubtful , but worth a try.
If someone attacks you for something you believe, is that attack more likely to change your opinion, or solidify it?
And to make matters worse, they are here in sheer numbers that are just astonishing. Reading some of the threads on this board I'm just astonished at stupid, gullible, dishonest , and just uneducated so many of my fellow Americans are. It's embarrassing.

i'll have you know I majored in detention hall !

...sadly I've since discovered that yes the bullshit is allowed, the only difference is here in the CDZ one isn't permitted to tell the poster just how stupid they are.
Out of curiosity, what do you get out of telling people "just how stupid they are"?

It's not what I get out of it, it's what they need to hear.

If MORE people would call out these idiots maybe they would stop being idiots. Doubtful , but worth a try.
If someone attacks you for something you believe, is that attack more likely to change your opinion, or solidify it?
depends on the potential epiphany.....
As we know, an internet message board provides both anonymity and, as a result, an opportunity to be more aggressive and anti-social for those who are not like that in "real life".

What percentage of people here, in your opinion, act like this in real life?

Given the general decay in public behaviors over the last several years, I suspect that the percentage has increased. I'd say that around 30% to 40% of the behaviors we see here by our more aggressive posters are also seen in real life.

One significant caveat: I don't think those who are overtly racist against minorities say these things in public. I'd put that down at about 3% to 5%, for obvious reasons.

Your estimate, hopefully without insults, deflection or name-calling - as comically ironic as that would be?
Had one poster (who happens to be a sock puppet and is allowed to continue posting as one) tell me I was next on the list of people he was going to kill. He is safe saying this because he knows there will be no real repercussions here and because he is not only anonymous but posting as a sock to boot.

Would he have said this in person? Probably not unless he received similar protection in real life as well.

I'm just glad that I run in the circles I do and so will never have to test whether or not he would .
One significant caveat: I don't think those who are overtly racist against minorities say these things in public. I'd put that down at about 3% to 5%, for obvious reasons.


This is false; Democrats are very open about their racism and racist policies, and most of them announce it daily. Just because they're using dog whistle words and the usual 'talking points' screens doesn't make it less obvious. We all know it, and they all know we know they know what they're saying.
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As we know, an internet message board provides both anonymity and, as a result, an opportunity to be more aggressive and anti-social for those who are not like that in "real life".

What percentage of people here, in your opinion, act like this in real life?

Given the general decay in public behaviors over the last several years, I suspect that the percentage has increased. I'd say that around 30% to 40% of the behaviors we see here by our more aggressive posters are also seen in real life.

One significant caveat: I don't think those who are overtly racist against minorities say these things in public. I'd put that down at about 3% to 5%, for obvious reasons.

Your estimate, hopefully without insults, deflection or name-calling - as comically ironic as that would be?
Had one poster (who happens to be a sock puppet and is allowed to continue posting as one) tell me I was next on the list of people he was going to kill. He is safe saying this because he knows there will be no real repercussions here and because he is not only anonymous but posting as a sock to boot.

Would he have said this in person? Probably not unless he received similar protection in real life as well.

I'm just glad that I run in the circles I do and so will never have to test whether or not he would .

Most of those gimps will never show up, and some will but will see whether or not you like an easy beat down before they run off. There is no percentage in meeting these vermin anyway, since they most likely will just whine like little girls and sue you if you kick their asses, while they will have nothing in the way of assets for you to get reimbursed for any expenses they generate; most all of them are deadbeats. Also if you have family these low life deviant scum will threaten them as well, as they do the Covington kids.
I would bet that the majority of posters who flame on here are totally opposite in the real world. In fact, most are probably afraid to voice their true beliefs to family, friends, and acquaintances.
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